9 mai 2024 | International, Aérospatial

Capella Space automates vessel classification in satellite imagery

“There might be a lot of different locations you’d be monitoring that you’re not really interested in — until a warship shows up.”


Sur le même sujet

  • Lockheed Takes Another Shot at Multi Domain War

    17 août 2018 | International, C4ISR

    Lockheed Takes Another Shot at Multi Domain War

    By COLIN CLARK SUFFOLK, VA: Multi-domain command and control, one of the most important efforts the Pentagon is pursuing, is getting plumbed again by Lockheed Martin at its fourth wargame this week where the company will be testing four systems it believes can fuse data from sensors around the world and allow rapid communications to troops. “Integrated teams” of air, space, and cyber experts representing the transparently named country of “Pacifica” will be planning missions and creating kinetic and non-kinetic effects. That's a major shift from the war game I attend a year ago, when separate groups of space, cyber and air tried to work together through a command and control unit. As Breaking D readers may remember, it didn't work quite as planned. During the war game, the organizers separated the air, cyber and space teams, forcing them to communicate directly with the MDC2 leaders. While central coordination was necessary, so was close consultation between those managing both the conventional attacks and the silent strikes using cyber, electronic warfare and satellites as weapons. Hence the change. Here'a a quick summary of the systems Lockheed will be putting through their paces. Common Mission Software Baseline (CMSB): An open systems architecture, CMSB is a cluster of automated decision aids that link operational planning to tactical execution — in a multi-domain context. Most interestingly, it reaches all the way down to the tactical level and includes tactical decision aides and tools. Cyber Attack Network Simulator (CANS): This is an internal Lockheed system that simulates cyber-attacks over a network. After all, you don't want Lockheed networks crashing when the teams launch a simulated attack. Full article: https://breakingdefense.com/2018/08/lockheed-takes-another-shot-at-multi-domain-war

  • Lockheed dives into next-generation missile defense interceptor competition

    4 août 2020 | International, Aérospatial

    Lockheed dives into next-generation missile defense interceptor competition

    By: Jen Judson WASHINGTON — Lockheed Martin said it will compete to build the Missile Defense Agency's Next-Generation Interceptor designed to protect the homeland against intercontinental ballistic missile threats from North Korea and Iran. The company is “excited to confirm that we are putting in a bid for the Next-Generation Interceptor,” Sarah Reeves, Lockheed's vice president of missile defense programs, told reporters Aug. 3. Bids were due July 31. Boeing and a Raytheon-Northrop Grumman team have already announced their intentions to compete to develop and field the agency's new interceptor following the cancellation of the Redesigned Kill Vehicle meant to replace the warhead on the current Ground-Based Interceptors. Those missiles are part of the Ground-based Midcourse Defense System, which is operational at Fort Greely, Alaska, and Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. The RKV program was paused in May 2019 and then abruptly terminated in August 2019 due to insurmountable technical issues resulting in delayed schedules and cost increases. The Defense Department announced at the time that it would embark on an entirely new program to field a future interceptor. MDA now plans to downselect to two companies, which will then compete for the right to build the interceptor. While MDA struggled with RKV, Lockheed invested the last two decades on multi-kill vehicle technology,” Reeves said. Lockheed had one of three small contracts to design a kill vehicle that could take out multiple warheads several years ago that would lead to a program that would replace the RKV called the Multi-Object Kill Vehicle (MOKV) program. Raytheon and Boeing had won the remaining two contracts. Reeves stressed the need for the new interceptor to be able to go after threats that disperse multiple objects including decoys. “We are looking carefully at the lessons learned from RKV including parts survivability testing which, in that program, was done too late and caused a major system redesign, as well as ensuring early-and-often testing and fly-before-you-buy mentality,” Reeves said. Lockheed plans to conduct two successful flight tests before going into production, Reeves said, which as an MDA program requirement. “The time is right now,” Reeves said. “We have significant investments and the technology a couple of decades ago, when this was initially a vision of MDA, wasn't quite there, but now it is ready to go.” The company plans to take elements from its existing capabilities such as the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system, which Reeves said has had a 100 percent mission success rate, and the Aegis missile defense system. Lockheed also will garner experience from its partnership with the U.S. Navy on its Trident II submarine-launched ballistic missile system, which “has to survive these more hostile environments,” she said. And Lockheed's experience with space is another asset that will contribute to understanding technology needed for an NGI, which will need to travel through space, according to Reeves. Lockheed is also optimistic, Reeves said, that it can meet a faster schedule for NGI than currently planned. Some Defense Department officials said NGI could not be fielded until the 2030s but the MDA director and U.S. Northern Command's commander believe it is possible to move that timeline to at least 2028 or earlier. The company plans to use tools such as artificial intelligence, machine-to-machine learning, big data analytics and 3-D printing to “accelerate the schedule and to deliver products faster than we have had in the past,” Reeves said. https://www.defensenews.com/industry/2020/08/03/lockheed-dives-into-next-generation-missile-defense-interceptor-competition

  • Budget office says amphibious ship could cost triple Navy’s estimate

    11 avril 2024 | International, Terrestre

    Budget office says amphibious ship could cost triple Navy’s estimate

    The cost estimate is based on a hybrid military-commercial ship design, as Navy and Marine Corps leaders have indicated they’ll pursue.

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