8 juillet 2019 | Local, Aérospatial

Canada’s first CC-295 makes maiden flight

Airbus Press Release

The first Airbus C295, purchased by the Government of Canada for the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) fixed-wing search and rescue (FWSAR) aircraft replacement program, has completed its maiden flight, marking a key milestone towards delivery by the end of 2019 to begin operational testing by the RCAF. The aircraft, designated CC-295 for the Canadian customer, took off from Seville, Spain, on July 4 at 8:20 p.m. local time and landed back on site one hour and 27 minutes later.

“On these types of flights, pilots and flight engineers test the aircraft's flight controls, hydraulics and electrical systems,” an Airbus spokesperson told Skies. “All systems performed effectively, as expected.”

FWSAR program facts and figures

The contract, awarded in December 2016, includes 16 CC-295 aircraft and all in-service support elements including, training and engineering services, the construction of a new training centre in Comox, B.C., and maintenance and support services.

The aircraft will be based where search and rescue squadrons are currently located: Comox, B.C.; Winnipeg, Man.; Trenton, Ont.; and Greenwood, N.S.

Considerable progress has been made since the FWSAR program was announced two-and-a-half years ago: the first aircraft will now begin flight testing; another five aircraft are in various stages of assembly; and seven simulator and training devices are in various testing stages.

In addition, the first RCAF crews will begin training in late summer 2019 at Airbus's International Training Centre in Seville.

The FWSAR program is supporting some $2.5 billion in Industrial and Technological Benefits (ITB) to Canada through high-value, long-term partnerships with Canadian industry.

As of January 2019, 86 per cent of key Canadian In-Service Support (ISS) tasks have been performed in-country by Canadian companies in relation to establishing the FWSAR ISS system. Airbus is thus on track in providing high value work to Canadian industry and has demonstrated a successful start to the development and transfer of capability to Canadian enterprises for the support of the FWSAR aircraft.

Beyond direct program participation, Airbus is generating indirect business across Canadian military, aeronautical and space industry including small and medium businesses in support of the ITB program.


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    3 décembre 2019 | Local, Aérospatial, Autre défense

    CAE launches new virtual reality trainer

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