6 janvier 2024 | International, Terrestre
The DoD is getting its innovation act together, but more can be done
Opinion: The DoD is awake. It has realized new and escalating threats require rapid change, or we may not prevail in the next conflict.
2 mai 2019 | International, Aérospatial
Mike Rees
GE Aviation has announced the introduction of a new advanced avionics computer specifically built for military and commercial unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). This new computer provides an open architecture design that integrates vehicle management and advanced mission processing into a compact, lightweight design.
“Our customers have told us that they require an integrated vehicle and mission processing solution that is secure, rugged, low size, weight and power and capable of meeting the needs of demanding autonomous platforms,” said Alan Caslavka, president of Avionics for GE Aviation. “This new system hits it out of the park in this regard and then builds from there in terms of bringing new capabilities to the next generation of unmanned systems.”
This new system incorporates the processing power required for mission functions such as sensor processing at the edge and hosting autonomy enabling algorithms and then also embeds an inertial/GPS package, software defined radio, datalink and an optional solid-state storage device.
Caslavka added, “The new system incorporates diverse processing that's capable of performing safety critical and non-critical functions while bringing a new level of security to legacy and future platforms.”
The system integrates the functionality traditionally provided by up to six separate electronic units into a single package which drives out weight, power, and cost while meeting the security, exportability, ruggedness and processing needs of customers.
GE's advanced avionics computer has undergone flight testing and is in use by a number of military and civil customers. The computer incorporates a hardware and software open architecture approach that offers flexibility and scalability. This design also provides the capability to host GE, customer and third-party software applications to maximize its versatility.
6 janvier 2024 | International, Terrestre
Opinion: The DoD is awake. It has realized new and escalating threats require rapid change, or we may not prevail in the next conflict.
23 septembre 2024 | International, Terrestre
28 novembre 2023 | International, Aérospatial
Iran has finalised arrangements for the delivery of Russian made Sukhoi su-35 fighter jets and helicopters, Iran's deputy defence minister told Iran's Tasnim news agency on Tuesday, as Tehran and Moscow forge closer military relations.