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  • L'A400M monte en puissance

    June 3, 2020 | International, Aerospace

    L'A400M monte en puissance

    Le ministère des Armées a annoncé que l'avion de transport A400M est désormais apte à larguer des parachutistes par une porte latérale. Afin de valider cette capacité, un entraînement opérationnel a eu lieu, «avec un A400M de l'armée de l'Air et des parachutistes de l'armée de Terre», rapporte le ministère. «L'Airbus A400M de nouvelle génération a obtenu la certification de la capacité de déploiement simultané de parachutistes et a achevé le développement industriel complet de la capacité de déploiement de parachutistes, avec un maximum de 116 parachutistes répartis sur les deux portes latérales», déclare Airbus Defence and Space dans un communiqué. «Cette réalisation renforce la valeur stratégique que l'A400M offre déjà aux opérateurs de l'armée de l'Air et à la société, comme cela a été démontré à l'occasion du Covid-19», a souligné Dirk Hoke, CEO d'Airbus Defence and Space. Air & Cosmos, Aerobuzz et Aeromorning du 3 juin

  • La France réoriente ses exportations d'armes vers l'Europe

    June 3, 2020 | International, Land

    La France réoriente ses exportations d'armes vers l'Europe

    En 2019, 45 % des commandes d'exportations françaises d'armement, soit 3,47 milliards d'euros, ont été réalisées avec des partenaires européens (42% avec un pays membre de l'Union) contre 25% en 2018 et de 10% à 15% les années précédentes. «Nous avons fait le choix de l'Europe», écrit la ministre des Armées, Florence Parly, dans le rapport au Parlement sur les exportations d'armement rendu public mardi. «Il s'agit de créer des partenariats, de favoriser les coopérations et l'interopérabilité de nos armées avec en ligne de mire la volonté d'agir ensemble. C'est cela l'Europe de la défense». Les Echos, Le Figaro et Le Monde du 3 juin

  • Pentagon taps $688 million in coronavirus aid for defense industry

    June 3, 2020 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    Pentagon taps $688 million in coronavirus aid for defense industry

    By: Joe Gould WASHINGTON ― The Pentagon plans to spend hundreds of millions of dollars in coronavirus relief funding to support vulnerable manufacturers of submarine torpedo tubes, aircraft engine parts and hardened microelectronics that were hit by closures or other effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The $688 million defense-industrial base fund is just one category within the $10.5 billion the Department of Defense received from Congress' $2.1 trillion CARES Act package. The department submitted its 54-page spending plan to Congress on Friday amid pressure from lawmakers after DoD had spent only 23 percent of that money weeks after it was signed into law in late March. The Pentagon has thus far obligated $167 million of the $1 billion Congress granted under the Defense Production Act, a Korean War-era law that the president recently invoked, to have industry produce key items such as N95 respirator masks and swabs needed for coronavirus testing, ventilators and other items. Under the same law, the Pentagon's spending plan says it would use $688 million to address impacts to the defense-industrial base caused by COVID-19, "by directly offsetting financial distress in the DIB and providing investments to regions most severely impacted to sustain essential domestic industrial base capabilities and spur local job creation.” The plan calls for $171 million for the aircraft propulsion industrial base; $150 million for shipbuilding and submarine launch tubes; $150 million for the space launch industrial base; $80 million for the microelectronics base; $62 million for body armor suppliers; and $40 million for high-temperature materials used in hypersonic weapons. The priorities likely overlap with vulnerable industrial base areas previously identified by the Pentagon's assessment last year, said Wesley Hallman, the National Defense Industrial Association's senior vice president of strategy and policy . “It makes sense given what's going on now economically to ― under the [coronavirus aid] legislation ― reinforce some of the critical vulnerabilities that were identified in that report,” Hallman said. The Pentagon plans $171 million to sustain and preserve the aircraft propulsion industrial base, as many military aviation suppliers have been hard hit from the commercial side by coronavirus travel restrictions. Some would preserve an "essential workforce through support to sustained operations at key repair facility and stabilizing sub-vendors essential to a healthy propulsion industrial base,” according to the department. What that means is the DoD may have to absorb some of suppliers' overhead costs to keep vital suppliers in business, said Teal Group aviation analyst Richard Aboulafia. “Commercial aviation is in the worst crisis it's ever faced, and aviation propulsion aftermarket is the single part of the industry most hit by COVID-19,” Aboulafia said. “It could be [that] if there's a part like a combustor, DoD could be saying: ‘What do you need by way of guaranteed orders to keep that line open?' ” The department, which relies on a vulnerable network of suppliers for parts for the venerable TF33 engine, hopes to “support initiatives to certify and approve new parts sources for” the engine and “catalyze the sub-tier vendor base and mitigate risk of sub-tier vendors exiting the propulsion business.” Pratt & Whitney hasn't made the TF33 in more than 40 years, but it's still used by the B-52 bomber, and no replacement is due for years. The DoD also planned $150 million for the shipbuilding industrial base in areas such as castings, forgings and submarine launch equipment, as well as to support continuous production of essential components such as missile tubes. (Shipbuilding overall has contracted over the last decade, and there were only four suppliers with the capability to manufacture large, complex, single-pour aluminum and magnesium sand castings, according to the DoD's 2019 industrial capabilities report to Congress.) The CEO of Virginia-based military contractor BWXT, Rex Geveden, said on an earnings call last year that the company ― which makes missile tubes for the Columbia-class submarine ― was mulling an exit from the missile tube business. The Navy and its Naval Sea Systems Command, he said, were seeking more than one supplier, adding: “We're not interested in the future orders unless we do have a way to make money on these orders.” The DoD planned another $150 million to maintain a competitive space launch industrial base. DoD relies on a small pool of companies to launch satellites into orbit, but there are numerous companies of all sizes that support those launches, and the DoD has sought to reintroduce more competition over the enterprise in recent years. The department would also spend $80 million to support several critical suppliers of radiation-hardened microelectronics ― products vital to DoD but with limited commercial applications. The funding would “protect the domestic capacity to ensure radiation hardened microelectronics testing capability, and key subcompacts such as substrates and wafer, are available for DoD weapon systems," according to the spending plan. The $40 million would protect suppliers of high-temperature materials used in potentially game-changing hypersonic weapons. “An expanded, sustainable domestic production capability for hypersonic systems is essential to the Department achieving its modernization priorities,” the plan states.

  • Pandemic Hits Navy’s New Nuke Submarine Program

    June 2, 2020 | International, Naval

    Pandemic Hits Navy’s New Nuke Submarine Program

    Work on the missile tubes for the Navy's part of the nation's nuclear triad is months behind schedule after Babcock was smacked hard by the pandemic. By PAUL MCLEARYon June 01, 2020 at 5:23 PM WASHINGTON: The Navy's top priority — its new nuclear-powered Columbia-class submarine — has been struck by the COVID-19 virus. Workers' absences at a critical supplier have delayed construction and welding of the boat's missile tubes by several months a senior Navy official said today, and the service is scrambling to make that time up. While the service and its contractors are looking for ways to reclaim that time, the situation is something that Navy and Pentagon officials have most feared. Large-scale work on the first of the twelve planned Columbia submarines is slated to kick off in 2021, with deliveries starting in 2030 — just in time to begin replacing the Cold War-era Ohio-class subs as the Navy's leg of the nation's nuclear triad. The subs will carry 70 percent of the warheads allowed by the New Start treaty with Russia. Head of the Columbia program, Rear Adm. Scott Pappano, said during a video conference sponsored by the Advanced Nuclear Weapons Alliance today that the work experienced “a hiccup” earlier this year when less than 30 percent of workers at UK-based Babcock Marine showed up for work during the height of the COVID outbreak, leading to setbacks in the work schedule. “There was an interruption in our ability to do work,” Pappano said, calling the delay of several months a “worst case” scenario that would stick if no actions were taken to speed up work going forward. “We're analyzing the plan right now,” he added. “Prioritizing what tubes go where and then coming up with mid-term and long-term recovery plans to go deal with that.” Pappano said the Navy and industry may hire more workers and bring in more vendors to buy that time back. The missile tubes have already caused the service some pain. In 2018, contractor BWX, contracted to deliver three tubes to Electric Boat, discovered problems before the tubes were delivered, eventually paying $27 million to fix the problems. The company later said it is considering getting out of the missile tube business with the Navy, leaving BAE Systems as the only US-based company capable of doing the work. The Navy is walking a tightrope on its Virginia and Columbia programs, and any slip on one program will affect the other. The two share the same missile tube design, which will also be fitted onto the UK's forthcoming Dreadnaught class of submarines. “One of the biggest risks to Columbia is if Virginia gets out of its cadence,” James Geurts, the Navy's acquisition chief, told reporters late last year. Once the Columbia subs begin rolling out of Electric Boat's shipyard, the Navy will have to produce one Columbia and two Virginias per year, a pace of submarine building the service has not seen in decades. But Columbia will remain the Navy's top focus. Geurts said he's structured both programs in a way that the shared supplier base is aware of what's needed well in advance, but “if not, we can back off a little to make sure Columbia is successful.” Despite the setback, Babcock's workforce has recovered in recent weeks, “and essentially they're above 90% capacity” on the production line, Pappano said. “So my assessment is they're essentially back up — or close to it — not where they were before” the virus struck.

  • The Air Force's Goal: Turn Cargo Planes into Makeshift Bombers

    June 2, 2020 | International, Aerospace

    The Air Force's Goal: Turn Cargo Planes into Makeshift Bombers

    The Air Force is proposing turning unarmed military cargo jets into temporary bombers. Cargo jets, with their large internal volume, could launch missiles from safe distances, far away from enemy forces. The Air Force has already successfully tested dropping simulated munitions from the back of airplanes. The U.S. Air Force is looking at arming otherwise unarmed cargo planes, pressing them into service as makeshift bombers. The service believes future wars with adversaries like Russia or China will require plenty of aerial firepower and transport planes, loaded with pallets of cruise missiles, could provide an inexpensive solution. According to Defense News, the Air Force thinks aircraft such as the C-130J Super Hercules and C-17 Globemaster III could become part-time missile trucks. The unarmed aircraft typically shuttle troops and equipment, but in a pinch, would be equipped with “smart pallets” carrying long-range cruise missiles and other munitions. The pallets would be capable of feeding position, navigation, and targeting data to their onboard missiles. Once dropped from the rear of the aircraft, the pallets would quickly release their missile cargoes, sending them downrange to their targets. The larger the aircraft, the more missiles it could carry.

  • Bell 360 Invictus Attack and Reconnaissance Aircraft

    June 2, 2020 | International, Aerospace

    Bell 360 Invictus Attack and Reconnaissance Aircraft

    Bell 360 Invictus is a new attack and reconnaissance helicopter being developed by Bell Textron to deliver improved lethality, survivability, and extended range for army aviation. The advanced helicopter is being offered for the US Army's Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft (FARA) programme, which mainly aims to replace the army's AH-65 Apache and OH-58D Kiowa Warrior helicopters. The rotorcraft will offer security and situational awareness in the battlefield upon completion of its government flight test evaluation in 2023. It will serve as an affordable, lethal and sustainable solution, while delivering next generation performance. Bell 360 Invictus development Bell was contracted under other transaction authority for prototype (OTAP) agreement to design a vertical lift aircraft with advanced performance capabilities to face asymmetric threats in multi-domain operations, in April 2019. In September 2019, Bell Textron entered a partnership agreement with Collins Aerospace Systems for avionics hardware and software incorporating cyber-hardened and enhanced digital solutions. Collins Aerospace will also offer model-based systems engineering (MBSE) tools and processes to integrate mission avionics into the Bell 360 Invictus aircraft. The attack and reconnaissance helicopter was unveiled at the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) National Conference held in Washington DC in October 2019. In March 2020, Bell Textron was selected to continue its work on US Army's FARA programme, after almost a 12-month design and risk-reduction work. Bell Textron preferred Triumph Systems & Support for the supply of hydraulic components for the Bell 360 Invictus aircraft in May 2020. Design and features of Bell 360 Invictus The rotorcraft's design will be based on Bell 525 Relentless aircraft, which will feature hydraulic pump and reservoir assemblies. The robust, articulated rotor, lift-sharing wing and optimised tail rotor ensure effective attack and reconnaissance operations in both urban and rural areas. The helicopter will accommodate a pilot and a gunner. The lift-sharing wing of the aircraft will mainly reduce rotor lift demand during forward flight and will offer high-speed manoeuvrability without a complex propulsion and drive system. A digital toolkit aboard will help in reducing hundreds of man hours and downstream costs. The advanced digital flight control system will further offer an enhanced flight operations. The helicopter will be fitted with state-of-the-art sensors and air-launched effects to improve situational awareness and lethality across all domains. The modular open systems approach (MOSA) digital backbone will allow plug and play capability, while the platform will be compliant with future airborne capability environment (FACE). The digital fly-by-wire flight control system of the rotorcraft will be upgradeable throughout its life cycle. 3D digital twin will serve as a common data source as it helps in monitoring survivability and supporting test scenarios for evolving battlefield technology. Bell 360 Invictus weapon systems The payload capacity of the aircraft will be approximately 635kg (1,400lb) and the helicopter can carry internal and external weapons payloads. The aircraft will be armed with an integrated munitions launcher and a 20mm cannon and will have the capability to support air-launched effects. It can also accommodate future weapons and current inventory of munitions. Engine and performance Bell 360 Invictus will be powered by General Electric's T901 turbo-shaft engine, which will serve as the main power unit. The Pratt & Whitney Canada PW207D1 engine aboard the rotorcraft will act as a supplemental power unit delivering power for ground maintenance and system checks. It will also enhance cruise airspeed, dash speed, hover payload and autorotative performance. The helicopter will be able to fly at a maximum cruise speed of 180k and offer a range of approximately 135nm with more than 90 minutes of time on station. The main rotor will have high flapping capability ensuring high-speed flight. It will achieve hover out of ground effect (HOGE) of 4k/95F.

  • Sikorsky HH-60W: The US Air Force's new combat rescue helicopter

    June 2, 2020 | International, Aerospace, Security

    Sikorsky HH-60W: The US Air Force's new combat rescue helicopter

    A new generation of Combat Rescue Helicopter AirMed&Rescue's special correspondent Joetey Attariwala was one of a select few journalists invited to Sikorsky's Development Flight Center in West Palm Beach, Florida, to cover the roll-out ceremony of the US Air Force (USAF) new Combat Rescue Helicopter – the Sikorsky HH-60W, affectionately known as the ‘Whiskey'. It was there that he had the opportunity to see the aircraft firsthand and interview program executives from Sikorsky and the USAF. The USAF describes the mission of the Combat Rescue Helicopter (CRH) system as ‘one which provides Personnel Recovery (PR) forces with a vertical takeoff and landing aircraft that is quickly deployable and capable of main base and austere location operations for worldwide PR missions'. The CRH system activities may be required during any phase of a service / joint / coalition operation, across the full range of military operations, in any land or sea location, within the areas covered by the relevant defence planning scenarios. The aircraft will be self-supporting to the maximum extent practical; and an in-flight air refueling capability extends the combat mission range. The CRH system may conduct combat search and rescue (CSAR) airborne mission commander duties; and may also conduct other collateral missions inherent in their capabilities to conduct PR, such as non-conventional assisted recovery, national emergency operations, civil SAR, international aid, emergency aeromedical evacuation, disaster and humanitarian relief, counter drug activities, support for National Aeronautics and Space Administration flight operations, and insertion / extraction of combat forces. The CSAR and PR mission is currently being conducted by the HH-60G Pave Hawk, which over the past 30 years has seen extensive use around the world, most notably in the Central Command Area of Responsibility. The Pave Hawk platform has seen modernization over its lifetime; however, system add-ons have increased maintenance and support requirements over the years. Speaking to this point was General James Holmes, Commander of Air Combat Command, who said: “Over 90 per cent of our legacy airplanes – the HH-60G fleet – have sustained combat damage or structural fatigue over the 30-plus years they have been in service, and the current availability rate is well below the requirement.” With statistics like that, it is no wonder the HH-60W is a highly anticipated platform for the USAF. Introducing the Jolly Green II The HH-60W is a highly modified variant of the battle-proven UH-60M Black Hawk, with the ‘Whiskey' variant providing significant capability and reliability advancements over the HH-60G to better support the full range of combat rescue and other special missions. The HH-60W specification drives more capable defensive systems, vulnerability reduction, weapons, cyber security, environmental, expanded adverse weather sensor capabilities, and more comprehensive net-centric requirements. The CRH contract consists of the original Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) award, which was issued on 26 June 2014, and five additional System Demonstration and Test Article (SDTA) aircraft options, which were awarded in January 2017. In all, the CRH program of record calls for 113 helicopters, of which nine are EMD / SDTA aircraft and 104 will be production aircraft. In addition to purchasing the aircraft, the contract includes development and fielding of the aircrew and maintenance training systems along with product support.

  • Navy Seeks New Multi-Engine Trainer Aircraft

    June 2, 2020 | International, Aerospace, Naval

    Navy Seeks New Multi-Engine Trainer Aircraft

    The Navy issued a sources sought notice on May 26 as part of its market research to gather industry responses for a future Multi-Engine Training System (METS) aircraft procurement. The METS effort aims to replace the Chief of Naval Air Training's (CNATRA)

  • Aéronautique et spatial : dans un contexte d’incertitude, le militaire s’en sort mieux

    June 2, 2020 | International, Aerospace

    Aéronautique et spatial : dans un contexte d’incertitude, le militaire s’en sort mieux

    Par Hélène Lerivrain Alors que la filière aéronautique et spatiale est fortement impactée par la crise, l'activité militaire semble avoir été moins touchée par une annulation ou un report des commandes. En témoignent plusieurs acteurs régionaux. Des commandes ont d'ailleurs été honorées en plein confinement. Un Rafale, assemblé à Mérignac (Gironde), a été livré aux Indiens en avril. Ce qui fait très mal au secteur aéronautique et spatial aujourd'hui, c'est l'érosion du carnet de commandes. Safran Helicopter Engines, dont le siège est situé à Bordes dans les Pyrénées-Atlantiques, a ainsi dû faire face à la baisse brutale de l'activité de ses clients et de ses fournisseurs, avec plus de 10 % d'annulations de commandes sur l'année 2020. Il s'agit d'un exemple parmi d'autres. De très nombreuses entreprises de la filière sont touchées, même si certaines s'en sortent mieux que d'autres. "Arianegroup est dans une situation difficile mais moins que ses actionnaires Airbus et Safran. Il faut qu'Ariane 6 soit livrée, donc le travail continue, mais notre chance, c'est surtout que 40 % du chiffre d'affaires du groupe dépend de la stratégie militaire, précisément du missile M51 dont l'activité a été maintenue. La direction générale de l'armement (DGA) continue à nous solliciter pour qu'il n'y ait pas de retard dans les livraisons", explique Philippe Géry, délégué syndical central CFE- CGC d'ArianeGroup. Même discours du côté de chez Potez Aéronautique, spécialiste de la fabrication d'éléments d'aérostructures dans les Landes : "Si l'activité composites a été touchée par la crise, nous n'avons pas vécu d'érosion sur la partie militaire qui représente entre 40 et 45 % de notre chiffre d'affaires", précise Antoine Potez, directeur général de Potez Aéronautique qui livre notamment les empennages de l'E-2D, un avion de surveillance aérienne et de commandement aéroporté. En revanche, pas de commentaire sur l'activité réalisée pour Dassault Aviation. Le groupe lui-même ne communique pas à ce stade : "Concernant le plan de charge, il est encore trop tôt", précisait fin mai le groupe implanté à Mérignac où travaillent 1.700 personnes. En attendant, quoiqu'il arrive, la production a repris sur le site de la métropole bordelaise en particulier pour pouvoir livrer les trois Rafales commandés par les Indiens et ainsi éviter toute pénalité de retard. Quinze appareils doivent, en tout, être livrés cette année. La production s'est également poursuivie sur les Falcon 2000, 7X et 8X pour donner de la charge au site de Little Rock dans l'Arkansas aux Etats-Unis, spécialisé dans la finition, la peinture et l'intérieur. +20 % de temps de production

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