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November 16, 2023 | International, Naval

US Navy upgrading torpedoes, leveraging cloud computing for submarines

Apart from defeating torpedoes with torpedoes (yes, you read that right), the Navy is also improving its safety gear.

On the same subject

  • Marines cyber forces to grow

    April 6, 2018 | International, C4ISR

    Marines cyber forces to grow

    By: Mark Pomerleau The Marine Corps' main cyber war-fighting organization will soon be growing. Maj. Gen. Lori Reynolds, commander of Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command, said her force doesn't have the depth to do what the Army is doing in experimenting with integrated offensive and defensive cyber effects at the tactical edge with full brigades. This is one of the reasons the commandant approved expansion at MARFORCYBER, Reynolds told Fifth Domain following her appearance on an AFCEA-hosted panel in early April. “We've got to do that,” she said, referring to what the Army is doing. “We've got to get the rest of the service, Training and Education Command, we've got to give them the skills and the talent, if you will, to think about how do we prepare the rest of the Marine Corps to integrate cyber effectively. Moreover, the Marine Corps created a cyber career field earlier this year and requested 1,000 billets related to cyber/electronic warfare/information operations in the most recent budget to be better postured to fight and win in an increasingly modern battlefield. MARFORCYBER will get around 40 percent of new career field designees to work on the defensive side with just a couple going to the offensive teams, Reynolds said. The Marines have recognized that cyber is going to be a foundational capability in the future with some ingrained organizational structure behind it. “We just really have to get more return on investment ... and what we want to be able to do is continue to increase our proficiency and skills,” Reynolds said. “When you're constantly moving people out of the cyber workforce, you're starting over again all the time. That doesn't work.” Currently, the Marines deployed on the cyber mission force — a joint force that makes up U.S. Cyber Command's cyber warrior cadre — are lateral moves, Reynolds said, or they're working as signals intelligence Marines and they're just in and out of cyber. While the total number of forces on the CMF will stay the same, the types of Marines filling those roles will change, a MARFORCYBER spokeswoman told Fifth Domain. When a communication officer currently working on a team rotates, that billet will be coded as a cyberspace officer and will be filled only by someone in the new cyber career field, they added. The model going forward should be building a “foundation from the ground up of defensive cyber and then maybe start building some of our offensive capability from the defense while we're still flowing SIGINT through the offensive teams,” Reynolds said. This move comes as the Marines, as well as the other services, are going through a bit of a culture shock when it comes to introducing these nontraditional skill sets into the ranks. “I think the commandant is willing to challenge every assumption we've ever made about how we treat these MOS,” Reynolds said. In fact, during recent congressional testimony, Reynolds noted that the commandant often points out “we may end up with a platoon of warrant officers, and that's got to be okay with us.”


    June 17, 2019 | International, Aerospace


    La suite avionique FlytX a été sélectionnée par Airbus Helicopters et la Direction générale de l'armement (DGA) pour équiper les futurs Hélicoptères Interarmées Légers (HIL) H160M. En parallèle, Airbus Helicopters et Thales poursuivent des études pour la potentielle intégration de FlytX sur le futur Tigre MKIII. Conçu à Bordeaux, ce cockpit facilite le pilotage gr'ce aux technologies les plus récentes en matière d'affichage. FlytX s'appuie sur des interfaces homme-machines tactiles, directes et naturelles. La charge de travail est ainsi réduite permettant aux pilotes de se concentrer sur leurs missions avec un niveau de sécurité optimal. Les hélicoptères militaires ont à assurer des missions de reconnaissance, d'appui feu, de surveillance ou de sauvetage dans un environnement de plus en plus saturé. Les pilotes doivent pouvoir observer leurs ennemis, esquiver les obstacles et réussir leurs missions tout en assurant le pilotage et en vérifiant les informations transmises par le système de bord. Entièrement tourné vers la mission, FlytX a été développé afin d'offrir une efficacité maximale. La technologie mise en œuvre dans la solution FlytX permet de réduire la charge de travail des pilotes afin qu'à chaque moment décisif, ils puissent se concentrer sur la réussite de leurs missions. Gr'ce à l'expertise de Thales dans le domaine de l'avionique, la solution offre une efficacité maximale en termes d'interaction hommes-machine. Ce cockpit permet un accès plus rapide aux informations associé à une représentation synthétique de l'environnement extérieur. Dotée d'une large zone d'affichage, cette avionique facilite l'interaction des équipages, englobant tous les systèmes avions, fusionnant les informations et rend ainsi les prises de décisions plus instinctives. Personnalisable et évolutif, ce cockpit du futur peut parfaitement s'adapter aux besoins spécifiques des équipages et de leurs missions. Entièrement connecté, FlytX est interfaçable, en vol et au sol, avec des applications du monde ouvert dans un environnement cybersécurisé. Les exploitants pourront ainsi accéder, dans un cadre entièrement sécurisé, à leurs propres systèmes et les faire évoluer librement. Conçu sur le Campus de Bordeaux, où Thales développe et produit des systèmes avioniques et aéroportés à la pointe de l'innovation mondiale, il regroupe sur plus de 60 000 m² 2 800 collaborateurs dont 80% d'ingénieurs et cadres.

  • Defense Technology Highlights Of 2020

    December 11, 2020 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    Defense Technology Highlights Of 2020

    Graham Warwick

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