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December 7, 2018 | International, Aerospace

Top départ pour le futur avion de combat franco-allemand

Le futur chasseur franco-allemand devra remplacer, à l'horizon 2035-2040, le Rafale français et l'Eurofighter déployé dans les armées allemandes. Découvrez les noms des industriels qui s'envoleront avec lui.

Le coup d'envoi industriel du futur avion de combat franco-allemand est donné. La ministre des Armées Florence Parly et son homologue allemande Ursula von der Leyen se sont accordées pour attribuer l'an prochain aux industriels européens les premiers contrats d'études pour affiner le concept de système aérien de combat du futur (Scaf).

Le futur chasseur franco-allemand devra remplacer, à l'horizon 2035-2040, le Rafale français et l'Eurofighter déployé dans les armées allemandes. Dassault Aviation a été confirmé comme le chef de file industriel du programme. Il travaillera avec Airbus pour l'étude de l'architecture du Scaf et sur un démonstrateur d'appareil. Safrandirigera celle sur le démonstrateur du moteur en partenariat avec le motoriste allemand MTU.

Thales, qui fournit l'électronique et les systèmes de combat du Rafale, n'a pas été pas mentionné en premier rang dans l'attribution des contrats d'études et fait figure de grand perdant de ce premier round industriel.

La France et l'Allemagne ont déjà rappelé qu'ils comptaient ouvrir leur collaboration à d'autres pays européens, notamment à l'Espagne.

On the same subject

  • F-15E becomes first aircraft compatible with new nuclear bomb design

    June 9, 2020 | International, Aerospace

    F-15E becomes first aircraft compatible with new nuclear bomb design

    By: Aaron Mehta WASHINGTON — America's newest nuclear bomb design has been successfully tested on the F-15E, making the Strike Eagle the first fighter jet to be officially compaiable with the B61-12 design. Two test flights were flown twice in March at the Tonopah Test Range in Nevada, according to a release by Sandia Labs. The mock weapon was released on one test at about 1,000 feet and at nearly the speed of sound, while a higher-altitude test occurred at around 25,000 feet; both tests hit the target as designed. “It's representative of the environment for the weapon,” Steven Samuels, a manager with Sandia's B61-12 system's team, said in a news release. “The flight test is really everything coming together to say we're good.” The B61-12 program will replace the B61-3, -4, -7 and -10 nuclear gravity bomb variants with a new warhead design. The warhead is being developed and produced by the National Nuclear Security Administration, a semi-independent agency located within the Department of Energy, while the Pentagon is developing new tailkit assemblies for the design. An NNSA estimate puts the likely cost of the program between $8 billion to $9 billion. The upgraded variant will be certified on America's F-15, F-16 and B-2 aircraft, as well as on aircraft for NATO member nations. The F-35 is expected to go through certification on the weapon at some point in the next decade. The weapon passed its final design review in October 2018. Notably, the NNSA release states that the first production unit is scheduled for completion in fiscal 2022, when previous agency statements had set that target at March 2020. The source of the delay is likely an issue with an off-the-shelf part, which did not meet NNSA's standards for parts on the weapon, that was discovered last summer and will result in time delays and cot hundreds of millions of dollars to replace. “The success of these tests is a major milestone on the path to full rate production and the B61-12's initial operation capability on the F-15E in the coming years,” Brig. Gen. Ty Neuman, NNSA's principal assistant deputy administrator for military application, said in a statement. “Once delivered, this capability will underpin our nation's deterrent and strengthen our NATO partnerships.”

  • DARPA: Training AI to Win a Dogfight

    May 9, 2019 | International, Aerospace, Other Defence

    DARPA: Training AI to Win a Dogfight

    Artificial intelligence has defeated chess grandmasters, Go champions, professional poker players, and, now, world-class human experts in the online strategy games Dota 2 and StarCraft II. No AI currently exists, however, that can outduel a human strapped into a fighter jet in a high-speed, high-G dogfight. As modern warfare evolves to incorporate more human-machine teaming, DARPA seeks to automate air-to-air combat, enabling reaction times at machine speeds and freeing pilots to concentrate on the larger air battle. Turning aerial dogfighting over to AI is less about dogfighting, which should be rare in the future, and more about giving pilots the confidence that AI and automation can handle a high-end fight. As soon as new human fighter pilots learn to take-off, navigate, and land, they are taught aerial combat maneuvers. Contrary to popular belief, new fighter pilots learn to dogfight because it represents a crucible where pilot performance and trust can be refined. To accelerate the transformation of pilots from aircraft operators to mission battle commanders — who can entrust dynamic air combat tasks to unmanned, semi-autonomous airborne assets from the cockpit — the AI must first prove it can handle the basics. To pursue this vision, DARPA created the Air Combat Evolution (ACE) program. ACE aims to increase warfighter trust in autonomous combat technology by using human-machine collaborative dogfighting as its initial challenge scenario. DARPA will hold a Proposers Day for interested researchers on May 17, 2019, in Arlington, Virginia. “Being able to trust autonomy is critical as we move toward a future of warfare involving manned platforms fighting alongside unmanned systems,” said Air Force Lt. Col. Dan Javorsek (Ph.D.), ACE program manager in DARPA's Strategic Technology Office (STO). “We envision a future in which AI handles the split-second maneuvering during within-visual-range dogfights, keeping pilots safer and more effective as they orchestrate large numbers of unmanned systems into a web of overwhelming combat effects.” ACE is one of several STO programs designed to enable DARPA's “mosaic warfare” vision. Mosaic warfare shifts warfighting concepts away from a primary emphasis on highly capable manned systems — with their high costs and lengthy development timelines — to a mix of manned and less-expensive unmanned systems that can be rapidly developed, fielded, and upgraded with the latest technology to address changing threats. Linking together manned aircraft with significantly cheaper unmanned systems creates a “mosaic” where the individual “pieces” can easily be recomposed to create different effects or quickly replaced if destroyed, resulting in a more resilient warfighting capability. The ACE program will train AI in the rules of aerial dogfighting similar to how new fighter pilots are taught, starting with basic fighter maneuvers in simple, one-on-one scenarios. While highly nonlinear in behavior, dogfights have a clearly defined objective, measureable outcome, and the inherent physical limitations of aircraft dynamics, making them a good test case for advanced tactical automation. Like human pilot combat training, the AI performance expansion will be closely monitored by fighter instructor pilots in the autonomous aircraft, which will help co-evolve tactics with the technology. These subject matter experts will play a key role throughout the program. “Only after human pilots are confident that the AI algorithms are trustworthy in handling bounded, transparent and predictable behaviors will the aerial engagement scenarios increase in difficulty and realism,” Javorsek said. “Following virtual testing, we plan to demonstrate the dogfighting algorithms on sub-scale aircraft leading ultimately to live, full-scale manned-unmanned team dogfighting with operationally representative aircraft.” DARPA seeks a broad spectrum of potential proposers for each area of study, including small companies and academics with little previous experience with the Defense Department. To that end, before Phase 1 of the program begins, DARPA will sponsor a stand-alone, limited-scope effort focused on the first technical area: automating individual tactical behavior for one-on-one dogfights. Called the “AlphaDogfight Trials,” this initial solicitation will be issued by AFWERX, an Air Force innovation catalyst with the mission of finding novel solutions to Air Force challenges at startup speed. The AFWERX trials will pit AI dogfighting algorithms against each other in a tournament-style competition. “Through the AFWERX trials, we intend to tap the top algorithm developers in the air combat simulation and gaming communities,” Javorsek said. “We want them to help lay the foundational AI elements for dogfights, on which we can build as the program progresses.” AFWERX will announce the trials in the near future on its website: For ACE Proposers Day registration details, please visit:

  • Rafale: Vers un nouveau contrat en Inde ?

    October 7, 2020 | International, Aerospace, Security

    Rafale: Vers un nouveau contrat en Inde ?

    Yannick Genty-Boudry L'Indian Air Force étudie la possibilité d'acquérir deux escadrons de Dassault Rafale supplémentaires. Inde: 36 Rafale de plus ? Lors de sa conférence de presse annuelle du lundi 4 octobre, l'Air Chief Marshal Bhadauria a déclaré que l'Indian Air Force étudiait la possibilité de commander 2 escadrons supplémentaires d'avions de combat Dassault Rafale. Même si pour le moment la priorité serait consacrée à l'acquisition des 83 LCA MK1A nationaux, Bhadauria a indiqué que dans un second temps l'Indian Air Force devra se prononcer soit vers la poursuite du programme MRFA (Multi-Role Fighter Aircraft) qui oppose plusieurs compétiteurs pour la livraison de 114 avions de combat, soit vers l'acquisition en gré à gré de 36 Rafale supplémentaires. Choix politique Mais même dans l'hypothèse de la poursuite de MRFA, le Rafale resterait le grand favori. Non seulement pour des raisons opérationnelles, puisqu'en en 2023 les 36 Rafale acquis par Delhi en 2016 seront totalement déployés au sein de l'IAF, mais surtout financières. Les prochains appareils proposés seront en effet moins coûteux que lors de la première acquisition dans la mesure où en 2016 l'IAF avait exigé des modifications lourdes de l'appareil, nécessitant une enveloppe de 1,7 Geur pour mener à bien les travaux de R&D, d'intégration, et de certification associés. Aussi, il est fortement probable que les aviateurs indiens cherchent à capitaliser sur cet investissement. Menace nucléaire En outre, en cas d'urgence opérationnelle le gouvernement indien recourt fréquemment aux acquisitions en gré à gré, et surtout lorsqu'il s'agit d'appareils déjà déployés dans les forces et construits localement. Un scénario qui s'est encore reproduit l'été dernier avec l'acquisition auprès des russes de 12 SU-30 MKI et de 21 Mig-29 d'occasion. Or une nouvelle menace inquiète particulièrement le gouvernement indien depuis quelques semaines. En raison des tensions dans l'Himalaya, Pékin a récemment déployé sur la base de Kachgar située à 625 km de Leh, la capitale du Ladakh indien, 6 bombardiers lourds H-6 de nouvelle génération capables de délivrer à distance de sécurité des missiles de croisière KD-20, mais aussi prochainement des missiles balistiques à charge nucléaire. Cette capacité qui menace déjà une grande partie des centres stratégiques indiens, n'en est pourtant qu'à ses prémisses puisque la Chine est en train de reconstituer, précisément au travers de ces bombardiers, une triade nucléaire. Une triade sans commune mesure avec ce dont elle disposait lors de la guerre froide. Or de tous les avions en compétition sur le marché indien, seul le Rafale a depuis son origine été spécifié pour répondre à un tel défi. Nous reviendrons longuement sur les nouvelles capacités nucléaires de l'armée de l'air chinoise dans le numéro d'Air&Cosmos qui sera publié le 15 octobre prochain.

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