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January 21, 2024 | Local, Aerospace

Royal Canadian Air Force: Contested airlift - Skies Mag

In a degraded environment, Exercise Mobility Guardian gave AN RCAF airlift detachment the opportunity to test concepts of operations and Strengthen interoperability in a region CC-130Js and CC-150s rarely train.

On the same subject

  • SkyAlyne announces pan-Canadian team of experts for FAcT program

    August 20, 2020 | Local, Aerospace

    SkyAlyne announces pan-Canadian team of experts for FAcT program

    SkyAlyne, a partnership between Canadian aviation and defence companies CAE and KF Aerospace, has officially unveiled its expanded team of strategic subcontractors to pursue the Royal Canadian Air Force's (RCAF) Future Aircrew Training (FAcT) program. SkyAlyne is a qualified supplier for the FAcT program. Canadian-based companies ATCO Frontec, Bluedrop Training and Simulation, Canadian Base Operators, Canadian Helicopters, and SERCO Canada will add considerable expertise, experience and Canadian content to SkyAlyne's bid. PAL Aerospace is a notable new addition to the SkyAlyne team, bringing unparalleled Canadian experience in airborne surveillance and intelligence operations, sensor operator training, mission systems development and aircraft modification capabilities. The SkyAlyne team collectively employs more than 14,000 Canadians and operates in every region of Canada — from coast to coast to coast. “We are pleased to officially announce our pan-Canadian team of experienced partners,” said SkyAlyne board chair Tracy Medve. “Our goal is to work with the Royal Canadian Air Force to continue providing a world-class aircrew training program built by Canadians for Canadians. These partnerships will strengthen SkyAlyne's position and help us move towards our objective to retain this crucial military capability in Canada.” As the only Canadian-founded and Canadian-based qualified supplier competing for the FAcT program, SkyAlyne has unique experience and expertise in military pilot and aircrew training specifically for the RCAF. SkyAlyne's parent companies – CAE and KF Aerospace – currently deliver all phases of pilot training for the Royal Canadian Air Force through the NATO Flying Training in Canada (NFTC) program based in Moose Jaw, Sask./Cold Lake, Alta., and the Contracted Flying Training and Support (CFTS) program based in Southport, Man., respectively. The subcontractors announced as part of the SkyAlyne team have extensive experience working with the RCAF. Most also currently support the existing training programs managed by CAE and KF Aerospace. “This agreement further ensures that the FAcT program benefits from the very latest Canadian expertise and innovation in aircrew training,” said SkyAlyne president France Hébert. “If selected, SkyAlyne will train the next generation of Royal Canadian Air Force airwomen and airmen while helping grow Canadian small- and medium-sized businesses as well as local and Indigenous communities. The selection of the SkyAlyne team would be a win-win for the Royal Canadian Air Force and for the Canadian aerospace industry.”

  • Annex B: Overview of long-term funding commitment to Canadian Armed Forces capabilities

    July 14, 2020 | Local, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    Annex B: Overview of long-term funding commitment to Canadian Armed Forces capabilities

    To ensure that the women and men of the Canadian Armed Forces have the capabilities required for Canada to be Strong at home, Secure in North America and Engaged in the world, this policy commits to significant long-term investment. This includes $33.8 billion for 52 critical new capital projects. In addition, the policy provides $74.2 billion for existing assets and previously planned equipment, infrastructure and information technology projects. As part of Strong, Secure, Engaged, these projects underwent a thorough costing review, which resulted in the provision of an additional $5.9 billion over 20 years on top of what had previously been budgeted for these projects, to better reflect their true costs. In total, this new vision for defence provides $108 billion for the development and acquisition of capital equipment over the next 20 years. All of these projects have been costed and the costing methodologies used were independently verified by five external accounting firms. Throughout the process, Defence also worked with costing experts from Deloitte who brought expertise gained from its involvement in recent defence reviews of close Canadian allies. This rigorous and unprecedented process ensures that the vision laid out in this policy is credible and realistic. Table 1 reflects the planned use of the accrual budget over the 20-year horizon of this policy. It is important to note that this table does not represent the total cost of all planned equipment acquisitions. For example, the first new Canadian Surface Combatant is not scheduled to be delivered until 2026, followed by the remaining 14 ships. As these ships have an expected service life of 30 years, much of the accrual costs will be incurred outside the 20 years reflected in the table. Furthermore, as these are 20-year estimates, there needs to be flexibility to adjust the accrual budget to reflect changes in major capital projects. The process to adjust or re-profile these estimates over time is through the investment planning process. Defence will publish the next Defence Investment Plan in 2018. The Defence Investment Plan will include all approved capital projects under the policy and will be updated every three years. This will help ensure that Parliament and Canadians can clearly understand future changes to the budget, and deliver on the Government's commitment to transparency, results, and accountability. Table 1: 20-year accrual and cash view of planned projects and new investments ($ billions) 20-year - Accrual basis 20-Year - Cash basis Capability Investments to fully fund and complete planned projects table 1 note1 New investment Strong, Secure, Engaged table 1 note2 Total planned projects and new investments Total planned projects and new investments Royal Canadian Navy 14.6 2.9 17.5 53.5 Canadian Army 10.1 8.8 18.9 23.2 Royal Canadian Air Force 26.4 20.1 46.4 64.4 Special Operations Forces 1.2 0.4 1.5 1.2 Joint/Emerging Domains 3.4 1.2 4.6 9.7 Infrastructure 4.5 0.4 4.9 12.0 Total Capabilities 60.1 33.8 93.9 164.0 Accrual Expenditure for Existing Equipment and Infrastructure table 1 note3 14.1 - 14.1 - 20 Year Total table 1 note4 74.2 33.8 108.0 164.0 Table 1 Note 1 Strong, Secure, Engaged commits $74.2 billion over 20 years to fully fund 281 projects that were planned, but for which Defence had insufficient funding to acquire. Adequate funding has now been allocated to deliver these core equipment projects. Return to table 1 note1referrer Table 1 Note 2 Strong, Secure, Engaged commits $33.8 billion over the next 20 years to 52 new equipment, infrastructure, and information technology projects for the Canadian Armed Forces. Return to table 1 note2referrer Table 1 Note 3 This amount ($14.1 billion), on an accrual basis, represents previously acquired equipment and infrastructure. As they are already in service, there is no future cash requirement to purchase these assets. Return to table 1 note3referrer Table 1 Note 4 Totals may not add up due to rounding. Return to table 1 note4referrer Below is an overview of capital funding commitments in Strong, Secure, Engaged, described in terms of investments in the Royal Canadian Navy, Canadian Army, Royal Canadian Air Force, Special Operations Forces, Joint Capabilities and Infrastructure. Investment in the Royal Canadian Navy The Government will provide $17.5 billion to fund equipment projects for the Royal Canadian Navy over the next 20 years. This includes: $2.9 billion over the next 20 years for two new equipment investments in the Royal Canadian Navy to replace obsolete components of current systems and improve the Royal Canadian Navy's ability to meet evolving underwater threats. $14.6 billion over the next 20 years to fully fund planned equipment projects. For example, this policy includes sufficient funding to acquire the full complement of 15 Canadian Surface Combatants. It is important to note that Table 1 only captures a 20-year view of the equipment investments committed to in this policy. As the first ship is not scheduled to be delivered until 2026 and the fleet is expected to be in service for 30 years, there will be significant expenditures outside this timeframe. Investment in the Canadian Army The Government will provide $18.9 billion for Canadian Army equipment projects over the next 20 years. This includes: $8.8 billion over the next 20 years for 20 new equipment projects. As examples, this investment will replace existing light and heavy trucks for use in domestic and expeditionary operations. We will also improve the Canadian Army's ability to operate in Canada's North with a new family of Arctic-capable land vehicles, as well as close critical capability gaps such as the Canadian Army's lack of ground-based air defence equipment, which will allow it to defeat threats posed by airborne weapons such as remotely piloted vehicles and aircraft used by potential adversaries. $10.1 billion over the next 20 years to fully fund planned equipment projects. For example, the upgrade of the Light Armoured Vehicle fleet will improve mobility and survivability. Investment in the Royal Canadian Air Force The Government will provide $46.4 billion to fund equipment projects for the Royal Canadian Air Force over the next 20 years. This includes: $20.1 billion over the next 20 years for 17 new equipment projects for the Royal Canadian Air Force. For example, this will deliver a Canadian Multi-Mission Aircraft to replace the CP-140 Aurora Long Range Patrol Aircraft, allowing us to maintain our technological advantage over potential adversaries. Under the Royal Canadian Air Force's responsibility for space capabilities, portions of new investment will expand the Canadian Armed Forces' ability to use space-based assets in support of operations. This includes projects for enhanced communications in the North. $26.4 billion to fully fund planned equipment projects. The new fighter program has been enhanced to ensure the Royal Canadian Air Force can acquire 88 new advanced fighters, which will allow us to deliver on NORAD and NATO commitments without compromise. Investment in Special Operations Forces The Government will provide $1.5 billion to fund equipment projects for Canada's Special Operations Forces over the next 20 years. This includes: $366 million over the next 20 years for four new projects. For example, integrated soldier system equipment will be modernized to enhance interoperability and maintain technological advantage against potential adversaries. $1.2 billion over the next 20 years to fully fund planned equipment projects. As an example, we will acquire an airborne intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance platform that will enhance the ability of our Special Operations Forces to improve their understanding of the operational environment. Investment in joint capabilities The Government will provide $4.6 billion for joint capability projects in domains such as cyber, intelligence as well as joint command and control over the next 20 years. This includes: $1.2 billion over the next 20 years for five new equipment projects and one information technology project. For example, the Combined Joint Intelligence Modernization project will provide a modern deployable intelligence centre for land-based operations, building on the lessons learned in recent operations. Additionally, the Secure Radio Modernization project will upgrade encryption capability of radios to maintain security and interoperability with our Five-Eyes partners. $3.4 billion over the next 20 years to fully fund planned equipment projects. For example, we will improve the capabilities of the Joint Deployable Headquarters and Signals Regiment. This will include the acquisition of portable structures to house the deployed headquarters and the equipment employed by its staff for command, control and communications. Investment in infrastructure The Government will provide $4.9 billion over the next 20 years to infrastructure projects across Canada in order to maintain the necessary portfolio of real property holdings. This includes: $446 million over the next 20 years for three new infrastructure projects. For example, this funding will enable the construction of new buildings to house the expanded and enhanced Canadian Armed Forces Joint Incident Response Unit. This will ensure that the unit is able to provide chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear defence support to the Canadian Special Operations Forces Command. $4.5 billion to fully fund planned projects over the next 20 years.

  • AETE testing upgraded Australian F-18 software compatibility

    May 31, 2019 | Local, Aerospace

    AETE testing upgraded Australian F-18 software compatibility

    by Chris Thatcher With modifications now complete on the first two operational Australian F/A-18A Hornets, the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) has begun conducting testing and evaluation of their upgraded systems at 4 Wing Cold Lake, Alta. The two fighter jets, which were accepted in February as part of the federal government's plan to address an interim gap in the Air Force's ability to concurrently meet both NORAD and NATO commitments, underwent a number of changes at L-3 MAS in Mirabel, Que., to bring them up to the same operational configuration as the Canadian CF-188 Hornets. The modifications included Canadian operational software, a revised cockpit configuration, installation of the naval aircrew common ejection seat, new night vision imaging system external lighting on the tail, a sniper targeting pod support, changes to the landing gear, and the RCAF paint scheme. The government intends to acquire 18 operational Australian jets and possibly up to seven more for spare parts. The Aerospace Engineering Test Establishment (AETE) is now conducting a range of tests, “primarily to verify that the Canadian software is fully compatible with remaining Australian-unique hardware and systems, before being declared operational and integrated with the rest of the fleet,” a spokesperson for the Department of National Defence told Skies. “This is the normal practice for changes that occur on any aircraft fleet.” AETE has also conducted test and evaluation of CF-188 Hornet systems and gear as the RCAF finalizes an upgrade package for its fleet of 76 fighter jets. Both the RCAF Hornets and the Australian jets could also see an upgrade to their combat capability. A review by the Air Force is currently underway to assess any necessary improvements to the combat capability of the fleet after an Auditor General's report in November flagged a shortage of pilots and the declining combat capability of the aircraft as the two “biggest obstacles to meeting the new operational requirement.” The review is expected to be completed this spring. Deliveries of the remaining Australian Hornets will continue at regular intervals for the next three years, with the final aircraft expected by the end of 2021. The jets will be distributed among the tactical fighter squadrons and operational training squadron at 3 Wing Bagotville, Que., and 4 Wing Cold Lake.

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