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June 23, 2021 | International, C4ISR, Security

Unsupervised Machine Learning in the Military Domain

The STO is a NATO subsidiary body having the same legal status than the NATO itself, and created within the framework of the North Atlantic Treaty signed in Washington in 1949. It has been established with a view to meeting to the best advantage the collective needs of NATO, NATO Nations and partner Nations in the fields of Science and Technology. The STO is operated under the authority of the North Atlantic Council which has delegated the operations of the STO to a Board of Directors (the Science & Technology Board – STB) comprising the NATO Nations S&T managers. The STB is chaired by the NATO Chief Scientist who is a high level recognized S&T leader of a NATO Nation, being permanently assigned to the NATO headquarters in Brussels and also serving as the senior scientific advisor to the NATO leadership.

On the same subject

  • The Missile Defense Agency’s $8.9B budget request focuses on next-gen defense

    June 1, 2021 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    The Missile Defense Agency’s $8.9B budget request focuses on next-gen defense

    The Missile Defense Agency's budget request set to tackle major next-generation defensive capabilities against emerging threats from intercontinental ballistic missiles to cruise missiles to hypersonic weapons.

  • [EMSA] New call for tender launched

    November 10, 2021 | International, Aerospace, Naval, C4ISR, Security

    [EMSA] New call for tender launched

    EMSA/OP/24/2021 Study for Identification of Competences for MASS Operators in Remote Control Centres (CMORCC) deadline 07.12.2021 EMSA/NEG/19/2021 Assistance for the definition of business and functional needs, and overview of technical specifications for the development of a database of inspections of Recognised Organisations deadline 08.11.2021 EMSA/OP/13/2021 Development and Maintenance Services for the Earth Observation Data Centre (EODC) deadline 23.11.2021

  • Here’s how many bombs the US plans to buy in the next year

    February 11, 2020 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land

    Here’s how many bombs the US plans to buy in the next year

    By: Aaron Mehta WASHINGTON — The Pentagon's fiscal 2021 budget request seeks to buy fewer munitions needed for the fights in Afghanistan and Iraq as it attempts to pivot towards investments in the kind of weapons that will be used in a high-end fight against China or Russia. The DoD has requested $21.3 billion in munitions, including $6 billion for conventional ammunition, $4 billion for strategic missiles and $11.3 billion for tactical missiles. Munitions and missiles make up 8.8 percent of overall procurement in the budget request. The department is pursuing a two-pronged approach, according to a budget summary provided by the Pentagon. The first is to make sure “U.S. worldwide munition inventories are sufficiently stocked” for ongoing needs. The second is to ensure “sufficient procurement of more advanced high-end weapon systems, which provide increases standoff, enhanced lethality and autonomous targeting for employment against near-peer threats in more contested environment.” Examples of that kind of high-end munition includes the Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM) and the Long-Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM), both of which have enhanced procurement in the budget request. Major munitions buys in the budget include: 20,338 Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM) - $533 million. That is down 8,050 units from the FY20 enacted. 7,360 Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) - $1.2 billion. That is down 1,163 units from FY20 enacted. 2,462 Small Diameter Bomb 1 (SDB 1) – $95.9 million. That is down 4,616 units from FY20 enacted. 1,490 Small Diameter Bomb II (SDB II) - $432 million. That is down 197 units from FY20 enacted. 8,150 Hellfire missiles - $517 million. That is down 640 units from FY20 enacted. 601 AIM-9X sidewinders - $316.6 million. That is down 119 units from FY20 enacted. 125 Standard Missile-6 - $816 million. That is the same amount as purchased in FY20 enacted. 400 Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM) - $577 million. That is up 10 units from FY20 enacted. 53 Long Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM) - $224 million. That is up 36 units from FY20 enacted. The slowdown of procurement for munitions comes as the U.S. dropped 7,423 munitions onto Afghanistan in 2019 —the highest number of bombs released in nearly a decade. “For munitions, we continue to carefully manage production and stockpiles," Pentagon comptroller Elaine McCusker said Monday. "The JADM stockpile is healthier due to our last four years of increased procurements. The SM-6 is being procured at the maximum rate of production, continuing a five-year, multi-year procurement contract.” Keeping the munitions industrial base humming is important for the Pentagon. A May 2018 report identified major gaps in the munitions industrial base, warning that key components for America's weapons could disappear entirely if a small handful of suppliers were to close up shop.

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