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January 18, 2024 | International, Aerospace

New Typhoon radar embodied for first flight

The European Common Radar System (ECRS) Mark 2 radar is being developed by Leonardo and integrated onto Typhoon by BAE Systems.

On the same subject

  • Fifth missile warning satellite ready for launch, Lockheed Martin announces

    December 3, 2020 | International, Aerospace

    Fifth missile warning satellite ready for launch, Lockheed Martin announces

    By Ed Adamczyk Dec. 2 (UPI) -- The fifth missile warning satellite of the U.S. Space Force has been constructed and is ready for launch, manufacturer Lockheed Martin announced on Wednesday. The Space Based Infrared System Geosynchronous Earth Orbit, or SBIRS GEO-5, is scheduled to be launched in 2021 aboard a United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket. ULA is a Boeing and Lockheed Martin consortium. The first satellite in the series was launched in 2011, but the newest version features the LM 2100 military combat bus. The bus, the space vehicle that carries the satellite's sensors and electronics, is designed to "provide greater resiliency and cyber-hardening," Lockheed said in a statement. The new satellite also includes "enhanced spacecraft power, propulsion and electronics; common components and procedures to streamline manufacturing, and a flexible design that reduces the cost to incorporate future, modernized sensor suites," according to the company. The next satellite in the series, GEO-6, and future Next Gen OPIR [Overhead Persistent Infrared missile warning] satellites, will also include the upgrade. GEO-6 is expected to launch by 2022, with the OPIR satellites expected to launch beginning in 2025. The constellation of U.S. Space Force missile warning satellites are equipped with powerful scanning and staring infrared surveillance sensors. The sensors collect data useable in discovering missile launches It also supports ballistic missile defense, expands technical intelligence gathering and improves battlefield situational awareness. "SBIRS' role as an ever-present, on-orbit guardian against global ballistic missile threats has never been more critical," Tom McCormick, Lockheed Martin's vice in a statement on Wednesday. "In 2019 alone, SBIRS detected nearly 1,000 missile launches, which is about a two-fold increase in two years."

  • Suisse: Dans la com de l'armée et lobbyiste pour le Gripen

    January 30, 2019 | International, Aerospace

    Suisse: Dans la com de l'armée et lobbyiste pour le Gripen

    Christian Trottmann est un passionné d'avions de combat. Il est non seulement commentateur officiel de la Patrouille Suisse, mais aussi rédacteur pour l'équivalent alémanique de la «Revue militaire suisse». Mais tout ça appartient désormais au passé, a révélé dimanche la «SonntagsZeitung». Viola Amherd, nouvelle ministre de la Défense, a décidé de l'exclure de la Patrouille Suisse. Il ne pourra plus non plus écrire pour le magazine. Depuis décembre dernier, Christian Trottmann travaille en effet en tant que lobbyiste pour Saab. Sa mission est de convaincre la Suisse d'acheter les Gripen du constructeur suédois. Raison pour laquelle le Département de la défense (DDPS) craint que sa double casquette n'engendre un conflit d'intérêts. Or, selon le journal dominical, Viola Amherd n'a réglé que la moitié du problème. Car le premier-lieutenant continuera à remplir ses obligations militaires en tant qu'officier de milice au sein du service de communication des Forces aériennes. Renato Kalbermatten, chef de la communication du DDPS, n'a pas précisé pourquoi cette fonction pose moins de problème que celle à la Patrouille Suisse. En attendant, la situation est vivement critiquée par des membres du DDPS et des politiciens de tous bords. Le conseiller national Thomas Hurter (UDC/SH) a qualifié la décision du DDPS d'«incohérente». L'élue Priska Seiler Graf (PS/ZH) dénonce pour sa part une situation «malheureuse et délicate».

  • Army, Air Force try brain stimulation devices to improve troop brain function | Miltech

    January 20, 2022 | International, Land, C4ISR

    Army, Air Force try brain stimulation devices to improve troop brain function | Miltech

    Throw away those caffeine pills and that DFAC coffee - better brain stimulation may be on the way from the Army and Air Force.

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