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April 11, 2024 | International, Aerospace

Lower military secrecy thresholds coming this year, Plumb says

The classification policy rewrite, announced in January, is focused on eliminating out-of-date rules around what can be shared about certain programs.

On the same subject

  • Dassault Aviation : résultats semestriels 2020

    July 24, 2020 | International, Aerospace

    Dassault Aviation : résultats semestriels 2020

    DEFENSE Dassault Aviation : résultats semestriels 2020 Le 23 juillet, Éric Trappier, PDG de Dassault Aviation, a tenu une conférence de presse à l'occasion de l'annonce des résultats semestriels 2020. Le groupe a réalisé un chiffre d'affaires de 2,6 Mds€, (contre 3 Mds€ au premier semestre 2019). Le résultat net s'élève à 87 M€ (contre 286 M€ en 2019). En termes de livraisons, Dassault Aviation a remis 16 Falcon au premier semestre 2020, soit un de moins que sur la même période de 2019. Sur le terrain commercial, 5 commandes de Falcon ont été signées, contre 7 un an plus tôt. Concernant le Rafale, 7 appareils ont été livrés à l'export. M. Trappier a souligné la volonté du groupe de maintenir ses investissements d'avenir. «Nous allons maintenir notre effort de R&D autofinancé en faveur de notre future gamme d'avions d'affaires Falcon : le 6X qui est notre priorité absolue, et le NX, le nouveau Falcon. Car en sortie de crise, nous serons au rendez-vous avec des avions nouveaux. Cela va nous coûter en marge mais ce n'est pas le moment de baisser la garde», a-t-il notamment déclaré. Le Figaro du 24 juillet

  • 3 trends in the future of cyber conflict

    August 23, 2018 | International, C4ISR

    3 trends in the future of cyber conflict

    By: Mark Pomerleau There is a lot of hype about cyber or digital war, especially considering how cyber has become a vector allowing nations and organizations to achieve objectives below thresholds of conflict. In this new cyber and digital conflict domain, traditional conceptions are being flipped on their heads. Here are three potential trends that could factor into this increasingly dynamic environment. For one, data is becoming a natural resource, Col. Steve Rehn, the cyber capability manager for the Army Cyber Center of Excellence, said Aug. 22 during a presentation at TechNet Augusta. Rehn predicts that at some point there will be a conflict based purely on data based on the harvesting of data and the protection of data. The desire for data will be so great and so critical that nation states are going to want to defend and go after it. China is largely believed to be behind the breach of millions of personnel files from the Office of Personnel Management in 2015, which experts believe. Experts believe the purloining of this data, which includes the most sensitive personal information for federal employees with security clearance, was done solely for espionage and counterintelligence, not for economic gain as none of the information such as social security numbers have appeared on the dark web for sale. Full article:

  • KAI unveils electric basic trainer

    October 29, 2021 | International, Aerospace

    KAI unveils electric basic trainer

    Korea Aerospace Industries, or KAI, showcased this week a concept model of an electrically powered basic trainer aircraft during the Seoul International Aerospace and Defense Exhibition 2021 at an airbase in Seongnam, just south of Seoul.

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