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July 24, 2020 | International, Aerospace

Leonardo’s M-346 Fighter Attack embarks on maiden flight equipped with Grifo radar

Rome July 23, 2020 - On the 13th July, the operational version of the M-346 Fighter Attack, equipped with an optimised variant of Leonardo's Grifo radar, successfully completed its maiden flight. The M-346FA is the new light attack variant from the Company's M-346 Light Fighter Family of Aircraft (LFFA). It offers multirole capabilities with a single platform, cost-effectively delivering both training and combat roles.

Lucio Valerio Cioffi, Managing Director of Leonardo Aircraft, said: “I am extremely pleased with the work we have done to achieve this important milestone and the pace at which we have reached it. With this latest achievement, the most advanced training aircraft available on the market will soon be joined by the more versatile M-346 Fighter Attack. The M-346FA offers all of the advanced training capabilities of the core M-346 while also integrating latest generation sensors and equipment, allowing it to operate as an effective light attack aircraft. We will now continue development as we prepare to deliver the first aircraft to its international launch customer in 2021.”

The aircraft's primary sensor is Leonardo's mechanically-scanning, multi-mode Grifo-M-346 radar, a specially-optimised variant developed by Leonardo for the M-346FA. The Grifo-M-346 is a reliable, high performance solution delivering great accuracy. The M-346FA is also protected by a complete Defensive Aids Sub-System (DASS), while its high-end, network-centric communications suite which incorporates a Secure Communications system and Tactical Data Link ensures interoperability. The platform can also employ LINK-16 in order to interoperate with NATO forces.

The M-346FA can employ an extensive range of air-to-air and air-to-ground weaponry (including IR guided, radar and/or laser/GPS) and can be fitted with a gun pod, reconnaissance sensors and target designation pods and electronic warfare, all integrated with a Helmet Mounted Display (HMD) system for both pilots.

In the training domain, the M-346FA benefits from all the advanced features of the M-346 trainer, including the ability to integrate into live-virtual-constructive (LVC) environments. This involves linking the real training aircraft in the sky with simulators on the ground and incorporating virtual friendly and opposing forces, allowing trainee pilots to challenge a wide range of tactical scenarios.

The trainer version of the M-346 is currently in service with the air forces of Italy, Singapore, Israel and Poland.

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On the same subject

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    January 21, 2021 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    Le président Macron promet de maintenir l'effort budgétaire pour les armées

    Tout en confirmant l'ouverture d'un débat avec les parlementaires pour revoir à mi-parcours la loi de programmation militaire, le président a promis lors de ses voeux aux armées à maintenir l'effort budgétaire en faveur de la modernisation des armées. Par Anne Bauer Publié le 19 janv. 2021 à 19:31 « Les engagements que j'ai pris seront tenus », a déclaré Emmanuel Macron lors de ses voeux aux armées à la Préfecture Maritime de l'Atlantique à Brest, après avoir discuté avec des élèves du Centre d'Instruction Naval. Et de rappeler que depuis trois ans, la loi de programmation militaire (LPM) a été tenue « à l'euro près ». « Les équipements sont livrés, les hébergements sont construits, les programmes avancent, les innovations sont stimulées, nos capacités se modernisent [...], a-t-il souligné en estimant que malgré la pandémie et la période difficile qui s'annonce, il faut maintenir l'effort jusqu'en 2023 comme prévu par la LPM. Point d'étapes pour la LPM « Un point d'étape approfondi devra être effectué dans les prochains mois avec les parlementaires, pour que nos armées restent pleinement efficaces sur les thé'tres d'opérations, quels qu'ils soient », a-t-il aussi confirmé. De fait, lors du vote de la LPM , les parlementaires avaient fixé à 2021 une discussion sur la nécessité ou non de revoir la trajectoire budgétaire annoncée. Après trois ans de hausse budgétaire, ce qui a porté le budget défense de 35,8 milliards d'euros en 2019 à 39,2 milliards cette année, la LPM (qui couvre la période 2019-2025) suggère une nouvelle hausse à 41 milliards en 2022 et à 44 milliards en 2023, soit un effort de 198 milliards d'euros sur la période 2019-2023. Reste à réévaluer les capacités nécessaires, les réussites et les attentes, le président évoquant l'exigence toujours réaffirmée d'agilité et d'efficacité. Dans ses voeux, Emmanuel Macron a aussi répété son souhait de consolider la nouvelle politique en faveur de l'autonomie stratégique européenne. « Notre engagement au sein de l'Otan n'empêche pas une autonomie européenne. Nous avons besoin d'une Europe forte plus unie, plus conquérante et qui assume les choix faits depuis trois ans. Il faudra continuer avec les Etats-Unis qui se réengagent dans le multilatéralisme et il nous faudra convaincre de la pertinence de nos choix dans la durée ». Ajustement de l'opération Barkhane au Sahel A propos de l'opération Barkhane au Sahel , qui mobilise actuellement quelque 5.100 soldats français, le président n'a parlé ni de retrait, ni de renforcement, mais simplement d'un ajustement. « Les résultats obtenus par nos forces au Sahel, conjugués à l'intervention plus importante de nos partenaires européens, vont nous permettre d'ajuster notre effort militaire dans la région », a déclaré le chef de l'Etat, sans précision de volume ou de calendrier. Il y a un an, au sommet de Pau, le président français et ses homologues du G5 Sahel (Mauritanie, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Tchad) avaient décidé d'intensifier la lutte antidjihadiste pour enrayer une spirale de violences, notamment avec l'envoi de 600 hommes en renfort. « Les renforts temporaires que j'ai décidé de déployer ont permis à la force Barkhane de mettre en grande difficulté des groupes terroristes qui se retrouvent acculés, réduits à des procédés l'ches, qui ont atteint nos forces », endeuillées par la récente mort de 5 soldats français au Mali, « mais qui, je le rappelle, frappent d'abord et surtout les civils, sans discrimination », a commenté le président français. Garder le sens du temps long Nombre d'observateurs estiment que la France devrait annoncer qu'elle réduit la voilure lors du prochain sommet avec les pays du G5 Sahel, en février à N'Djamena. Pour le moment, le président parle d'un « cap qui reste inchangé ». Alors que l'opération Barkhane entre dans sa neuvième année et a coûté la vie à 50 militaires, le président a terminé son discours en rappelant la nécessité du temps long, avant de remercier les femmes et les hommes engagés. « La tendance est grande de ne s'occuper que du quotidien. La force de nos armées, c'est de savoir embrasser le temps long... Ne cédons pas au court terme et gardons la capacité à regarder le grand large, gardons le sens du temps long ».

  • Military Technology Could Bolster Bell’s Commercial Helicopters

    November 3, 2020 | International, Aerospace

    Military Technology Could Bolster Bell’s Commercial Helicopters

    Tony Osborne October 30, 2020 Bell is pondering how to incorporate advanced technologies developed for its future military platforms into its commercial rotorcraft. Since its rebranding as more of a technology company than a helicopter OEM, CEO Mitch Snyder has been pushing the company on a course of innovation, investing in autonomous flight and electric propulsion as well as advancing defense capabilities. But there appears to be little obvious gain for Bell's line of civil rotorcraft. In the last couple of years, its commercial helicopters have received only fairly minor upgrades. The Model 407GXi light single-engine platform had its avionics upgraded so that it can fly under instrument flight rules, while the Model 412 medium twin received new avionics and uprated power. Yet both upgrades were essentially spun off from modifications for military programs. The 407 update was developed for the U.S. Navy's rotary-wing trainer requirement, which Bell lost to Leonardo, and the 412EPi was born from the type's selection by Japan for its UH-X military utility requirement. Bell's restraint in further developing commercial rotorcraft likely is due to its prolonged effort to bring the new Model 525 to market. Nor is it a great time to bring a new aircraft to market. Sales remain stubbornly slow in the aftermath of a fall in energy prices that dramatically reduced orders from the lucrative oil-and-gas support market. Progress in bringing the fly-by-wire, 9.3-metric-ton 525 super-medium to market—it was launched in 2012 and flown for the first time in 2015—has been painfully slow, in part due to the fatal loss of one prototype but also due to the need to convince certification authorities of fly-by-wire technology benefits. “The hurdle is higher now to try and get [the 525] certified,” Snyder told Aviation Week during a virtual roundtable on Oct. 19. “This technology brings all these benefits and makes the aircraft safer. . . . You have to walk them through and give them time to understand it,” he said. Snyder believes things are on track. “We feel very good about getting certified in 2021,” he added, noting that the company is finishing up testing and preparing for the submission of certification documentation to the FAA. He said Bell is continuing to evaluate new commercial platforms, although the cost of development and certification is prohibitive. “We're always looking to see if there's a clean-sheet out there that we may want to do,” he said. “But I can tell you, at least right now, our focus has been around derivatives to our military products and more about adapting upgrades to our existing models.” The approach appears to be in line with his views at last year's Paris Air Show, where he suggested Bell may not develop a new clean-sheet commercial conventional rotorcraft beyond the 525. One area of opportunity could be development of a single-engine medium helicopter, he hinted, building on Bell's Model 360 Invictus prototype for the U.S. Army's Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft (FARA) requirement. “Bell's got a lot of single-mediums out there,” said Snyder, noting that hundreds of Model 204/205 Iroquois helicopters remain in service with militaries, civilian operators and government agencies. Operators have become reliant on twin-engine helicopters, particularly because in some parts of the world, notably Europe, single-engine rotorcraft are banned from flying over urban areas. But Snyder said the 360 Invictus also features a supplemental power unit that can act as an auxiliary power unit as well as provide additional performance or auto-rotation power, and could be an enabler for a single-engine medium. It is possible that Bell is looking at a military utility variant of the 360 Invictus, pairing the aircraft with the attack version in the same way that its UH-1Y Venom and AH-1Z Viper platforms have built on the Huey and Cobra. Such a platform could receive interest from the U.S. special operations community, which is looking to replace the Boeing AH-6/MH-6 Little Bird family. Officials have noted that they would like to be able to adapt a FARA platform to carry troops. Sikorsky's Raider X can do so, but the Bell FARA cannot, until a more utilitarian version emerges (AW&ST June 1-14, p. 28). The Army's selection of Bell's V-280 tiltrotor as the larger Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft could enable a commercial spinoff of the platform, Snyder suggests. Bell is also looking to make commercial use of its Electrically Distributed Anti-Torque (EDAT) technology, a ducted electric tailrotor system tested on a Bell 429 light-twin. Flight tests for it were only revealed in February, despite the aircraft's flights in plain sight from its Mirabel, Quebec, facility since May 2019. Testing showed that the EDAT reduced noise levels, but there were also benefits in terms of safety, enabling the option of switching off the anti-torque system while the engines and main rotor are still turning. The EDAT eliminates complex tailrotor gearboxes and shafts and requires less costly inspections and maintenance as well. “We pulled in off-the-shelf technologies to make the demo occur within one year,” said Snyder. “Now we're evaluating what the real technology needs to be as far as repackaging it in the weight and size that we require.” Snyder said the EDAT technology will be aimed at a commercial rotorcraft, but for which product line or when it might be commercially available has yet to be decided.

  • Opinion: Defense Budget’s Resilience Rests On Shaky Foundation

    February 21, 2020 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    Opinion: Defense Budget’s Resilience Rests On Shaky Foundation

    Byron Callan Some of the main talking points on the fiscal 2021 defense budget request and the plan that accompanies it through 2025 are that it aligns resources with the National Defense Strategy and that this year's budget theme is about all-domain operations. The Pentagon called out priorities to sustain readiness and prepare for future challenges with investment in hypersonics, autonomous systems and artificial intelligence. Given a flat top line, the Defense Department had to make tough choices by making program cuts that have been well-documented and are well-covered by this publication. The outlines of structural changes in how the Pentagon is preparing for the future are indeed visible in the budget request and plan, but it is unrealistic to expect this budget to have completely framed out all that will be done. Increases in research, development, test and evaluation (RDT&E) spending both in absolute terms and compared to last year's plan for 2021-24 underscore shifts that are underway. It may take at least 2-3 more years to see how some of these RDT&E efforts translate into new programs and will inform how the U.S. will fight in future conflicts. Much as defense contractor management, analysts and planners will focus on the details in the defense budget, it is important also to factor in some of the assumptions that underpin the budget—the foundation upon which it rests. Here there are questions worth considering. The first is the real GDP forecast for 2021-29. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) forecast depends on stable 3% annual real growth every year, which is well above consensus estimates. The U.S. is now in its longest economic expansion ever. Can this be extended into 2021 or beyond? Possibly. Has the U.S. somehow eliminated the risk of recession from a rapid increase in interest rates, another energy shock, a pandemic or a severe economic crisis in other parts of the world? Very likely not. Another questionable factor is the new budget and plan's interest-rate assumptions, as there was a big change from prior projections. The OMB and Congressional Budget Office (CBO) do not disclose how they expect the composition of federal debt by debt maturity to change over forecast periods. They usually provide projections only on three-month Treasury bill interest rates and on the 10-year Treasury note. The U.S. Treasury shows that as of Jan. 31, of the $17.2 trillion in federal debt held by the public, 14% was in Treasury bills with an average interest rate of 1.7%, and 58% was in notes with maturities of 2-10 years at an average rate of 2.1%. Net interest outlays are a mix of the interest the federal government pays to public holders of that debt and the interest it pays to itself on debt held in federal trust funds. One way to think about the debt burden and the interest expense associated with it is to take the net interest outlay projections and divide them by the total debt the OMB or CBO estimates. One of the changes the OMB made in its budget projections was to lower interest rate estimates. In recent years, these projections were too high compared to prevailing market levels, as the OMB and CBO both projected rates would return to “normal” levels. In the OMB's mid-session review from this past summer, the implied interest rate (net interest outlays divided by total debt) was 2.3% in 2019 and rose to 3.0% by 2022 and 3.3% by 2025. In the latest budget and plan, the implied rate is flat—at 2.1% in 2020, creeping up to 2.3% by 2025. This is another questionable factor that could weigh on the foundation of the defense spending plans. If rates do move to higher levels, then outlays will compete with other forms of federal spending. If rates fall further than projected, it may be due to a far weaker economy, which in turn weighs on federal deficits. A final questionable factor is the deficit projections themselves. The Trump administration again plans reductions in non-defense discretionary spending, which Congress has not supported in the last three budget requests. The share of non-defense discretionary outlays as a percent of total outlays drops to 12% in 2024 from 15% in 2019. For defense contractor management, planners, analysts and investors, foundations on which the budget plans are based imply that the structural and programmatic changes in the 2021 budget could be accelerated if deficits and interest rates are higher than the plan presumes. Like a high-rise building built to code in an earthquake zone, the Pentagon's structural and spending changes may make defense better able to withstand future macroeconomic tremors and shifts.

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