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April 8, 2021 | International, C4ISR

DoD SBIR/STTR Component BAA Pre-Release: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) HR001121S0007-07

The DoD Small Business and Technology Partnerships Office announces the pre-release of the following Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) topic:
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), HR001121S0007
• SBIR Topic HR001121S0007-07: "Multi-Wavelength Laser Sources,” published at:
• April 22, 2021: BAA opens, begin submitting proposals in DSIP
• May 25, 2021: BAA closes, full proposals must be submitted in DSIP no later than 12:00 p.m. ET
Full topic information and instructions are available at the link provided above.

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• Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. ET
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On the same subject

  • The Marines want to get rid of their tanks. Here’s why.

    April 9, 2020 | International, Naval, Land

    The Marines want to get rid of their tanks. Here’s why.

    Shawn Snow A series of wargames conducted between 2018 and 2019 helped inform the Corps' decision to divest of tanks and outmoded units and equipment that will have trouble surviving in fight with peer adversaries like China, according to a Marine Corps force redesign report. From those wargames the Corps learned that the unit that shoots first has a “decisive advantage” on the battlefield and forces that can operate inside the range of enemy long-range precision fires “are more operationally relevant than forces which must rapidly maneuver to positions outside the ”weapons engagement zone, the report reads. The Corps' decision to divest of tanks, cut ground cannon artillery and light attack air platforms has stoked some criticism. Tanks historically have had success in high-end and urban warfare for decades boasting devastating firepower highly lethal to ground forces. But tanks and armored vehicles have had trouble surviving against the threat of precision strike and the plethora of drone and reconnaissance systems flooding conflict zones across the Middle East. For recent evidence, a Turkish launched operation targeting Syrian regime army troops in late February decimated more than a hundred tanks and armored vehicles, dozens of artillery pieces and hundreds of Syrian forces, according to the Turkish National Ministry of Defense. Turkey posted videos highlighting a mixed role of drones, Paladin artillery systems and aircraft pounding Syrian armor from the skies over the course of several days. The Syrian army appeared helpless to defend from the onslaught of long range systems. Even tanks camouflaged by buildings and bushes were no match for sensors and thermal imaging watching from the skies. The problem is exacerbated by the number of sophisticated anti-tank systems flooding counterinsurgency conflicts across the globe and access to long range drones once only in control by state actors are now being operated by militia groups. In Libya, the Libyan National Army has the upper hand in its drone war with the UN-backed Tripoli government. It's equipped with an alleged UAE-supplied Chinese drone known as the Wing Long II that boasts a 2,000 km range through a satellite link and is reportedly armed with Chinese manufactured Blue Arrow 7 precision strike air-to-surface missiles. “Mobility inside the WEZ [ weapons engagement zone] is a competitive advantage and an operational imperative,” the Marine Corps report reads. The Corps instead is looking for mobile systems and units that can survive within the reach of precision fires to “attrit adversary forces," create dilemmas for the enemy and “consume adversary ISR resources,” according to the report. “The hider-versus finder competition is real. Losing this competition has enormous and potentially catastrophic consequences,” the report reads. Reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance capabilities will be key on the modern battlefield. “We have sufficient evidence to conclude that this capability [tanks], despite its long and honorable history in the wars of the past, is operationally unsuitable for our highest-priority challenges in the future,” the report said about the divestment of Marine tanks. But tanks aren't disappearing from the fight. The Corps says heavy ground armor will still be provided by the Army. The Corps says it plans to develop heavily into unmanned ground and air systems and rocket artillery and long range fires. According to the report, the Corps is increasing its rocket artillery batteries by 14 to 21 over a 10-year period. Wargaming that inferred the Corps' force redesign efforts were carried out by the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, among others.


    August 31, 2018 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR


    RÉDIGÉ PAR JACQUES MAROUANI L'Agence pour l'innovation de défense sera officiellement créée le 1er septembre. L'Université d'été du Mouvement des Entreprises de France [MEDEF] a été une l'occasion pour la ministre des Armées, Florence Parly, a annoncé le lancement officiel de l'Agence de l'innovation de défense, sorte de « Darpa à la française ». La Darpa est l'agence américaine dédiée à l'innovation dans le secteur de la défense. « Rattachée à la DGA, elle sera chargée de fédérer tous les acteurs de l'innovation de défense, piloter la politique de recherche, technologie et innovation du ministère et l'ensemble des dispositifs d'innovation. Elle générera à terme le budget de la recherche et de l'innovation du ministère des armées, qui passera de 730 millions d'euros par an actuellement à un milliard d'euros d'ici à 2022 », avait expliqué Mme Parly, lors de l'annonce de sa création en mars dernier. Devant le Medef, la ministre a précisé la feuille de route de cette agence pour l'innovation de défense. Elle aura à « rassembler tous les acteurs du ministère et tous les programmes de soutien à l'innovation, tout en étant ouverte sur l'extérieur et « tournée vers l'Europe, a-t-elle dit. Emmanuel Chiva a été nommé à la tête de cette Agence pour l'innovation de défense. Normalien, docteur en bio-informatique, entrepreneur à succès (notamment dans la simulation numérique), ancien auditeur de l'Institut des hautes études de défense nationale (IHEDN) et capitaine de frégate de réserve, M. Chiva est un passionné des nouvelles technologies appliquées au monde militaire. En outre, il était jusqu'à présent le président de la commission chargée de la prospective et de la préparation de l'avenir au sein du Gicat et membre du conseil de surveillance de Def'Invest, un fonds d'investissement du ministère des Armées dédié aux PME stratégiques. Par ailleurs, le ministère des Armées va lancer, à l'automne, un « grand forum de l'innovation de défense » qui rassemblera « industriels PME, start-up, chercheurs, investisseurs, acteurs public.

  • Opinion: What’s In A Defense Budget Cut?

    September 24, 2020 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security, Other Defence

    Opinion: What’s In A Defense Budget Cut?

    Former Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden commented in a Sept. 10 Stars and Stripes interview that he does “not see major reductions in the U.S. defense budget” if he is...

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