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August 14, 2020 | International, Aerospace

Boeing Delivers Next Generation Interceptor Proposal to the U.S. Missile Defense Agency

Huntsville, Ala., August 12, 2020 - Today, Boeing [NYSE: BA] submitted its offer to the U.S. Missile Defense Agency for the Next Generation Interceptor (NGI) competition, proposing a design that leverages the company's more than 60-year track record and expertise in strategic missile and weapon systems.

“Boeing's NGI proposal delivers unmatched performance, affordability and reliability for the nation and the warfighter,” said Norm Tew, Missile and Weapon Systems vice president and general manager, and Huntsville site senior executive. “Building upon our prior investments and proven technologies, our innovative proposal offers a creative, compelling and game-changing technical approach to outpace, out-innovate, deter and defeat rapidly evolving advanced threats.”

If selected, Boeing will utilize its proven capabilities along with a best-of-industry team to ensure its unique offering is delivered to the warfighter on time.

“Boeing is well-positioned to deliver innovative solutions that greatly expand this key missile defense capability, ever focused on supporting the warfighter,” said Tew. “We are leveraging our unparalleled mission knowledge to design, develop and deliver a low-risk, highly-effective solution for the MDA.”

The NGI will be used to maintain ready deterrence and ensure the continued protection of the U.S. homeland from intercontinental ballistic missiles. A contract award is expected later this year.

For more information on Boeing's NGI offering, visit Follow us on Twitter: @BoeingDefense and @BoeingSpace.

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Megan Gessner
Defense, Space & Security
Mobile: +1 256-640-3036

Jerry Drelling
Defense, Space & Security
Mobile: +1 714-318-7594

The views expressed are those of The Boeing Company and do not constitute an endorsement by the Missile Defense Agency (MDA).

View source version on Boeing Newsroom:

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