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October 21, 2020 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security, Other Defence

Armement : la bombe incendiaire de la filière défense (GICAT) contre les banques françaises

Michel Cabirol

Sous la pression d'éventuelles sanctions américaines et des ONG, les banques françaises, dont BNP Paribas et Société Générale, appliquent désormais des règles de conformité (compliance) excessives pour les entreprises de défense considérées comme des entreprises à risque pour un financement. Cette tendance est en train d'étrangler progressivement une industrie de souveraineté.

"Même si vos solutions semblent d'avenir et votre stratégie business cohérente, vous accompagner est trop risqué pour nous compte-tenu de la part de la défense dans vos contrats à venir".

"Le critère de souveraineté n'est pas notre sujet quand nous évaluons un financement".

"Ce n'est pas parce que la BPI vous soutient, que vous avez des contrats déjà signés, que nous devons vous suivre aveuglément"...

Les refus de financement des banques françaises se multiplient, les témoignages désespérés, notamment des PME ou start-up de la filière défense, aussi. Clairement les banques, dont BNP Paribas et Société Générale, jouent de moins en moins le jeu pour financer et/ou accompagner une industrie souveraine, la défense, qui reste pourtant soutenue par l'État français, selon une note du GICAT (Groupement des industries françaises de défense et de sécurité terrestres et aéroterrestres) envoyée aux ministères des Armées et de l'Économie et que La Tribune a pu se procurer. Consciente du danger mortel que cette situation représente pour le secteur, la commission de la défense de l'Assemblée nationale souhaite s'emparer de ce sujet en lançant d'ici à la fin de la semaine une mission flash sur ce dossier extrêmement sensible.

"Depuis maintenant deux ans, notre industrie de défense est confrontée à un problème croissant : le système bancaire et financier français est de plus en plus réticent à accompagner nos entreprises du secteur de la défense tant pour leur développement qu'en soutien à l'exportation", constate cette note du GICAT.

Les directions juridiques ont pris le pouvoir

Les refus de financement se décident principalement dans les bureaux discrets des équipes de juristes et d'avocats (compliance et éthique) devenues très puissantes (trop ?) au sein des directions des banques françaises. Ces dernières refusent des financements dans le développement, voire l'ouverture de compte auprès de jeunes entreprises "pure player" de la défense ou duales, assure le GICAT. "Les organismes bancaires décident de manière discrétionnaire de critères de compliance très poussés, se basant sur les analyses et recommandations de prestataires privés dont il n'est pas précisé le nom ou la nationalité", regrette l'organisation professionnelle. C'est le cas entre autre de la Société Générale, citée dans le document du GICAT : "l'industrie de la défense fait l'objet d'une attention particulière compte tenu du détournement potentiel d'usage de ses produits".

"Au-delà des réglementations applicables, le groupe Société Générale définit dans la présente politique des critères additionnels d'exclusion et d'évaluation, qui...

On the same subject

  • Pentagon AI team sets sights on information warfare

    July 24, 2020 | International, C4ISR, Security

    Pentagon AI team sets sights on information warfare

    Mark Pomerleau About two years after it was created, the Pentagon's artificial intelligence center is setting its sights on new projects, including one on joint information warfare. This initiative seeks to deliver an information advantage to the Department of Defense in two ways. The first is improving the DoD's ability to integrate commercial and government AI solutions. The second is improving the standardization of foundational DoD data needed to field high-performing AI-enabled capabilities to support operations in the information environment, said Lt. Cmdr. Arlo Abrahamson, a spokesman for the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center. Nand Mulchandani, the JAIC's acting director, told reporters in early July that this initiative also includes cyber operations — both broad defensive and offensive measures for use by U.S. Cyber Command. The DoD is discovering that it needs ways to process, analyze and act upon the vast amounts of data it receives. “As we look at the ability to influence and shape in this environment, we're going to have to have artificial intelligence and machine-learning tools, specifically for information ops that hit a very broad portfolio,” Gen. Richard Clarke, commander of Special Operations Command, said at the Special Operations Forces Industry Conference in May. “We're going to have to understand how the adversary is thinking, how the population is thinking, and work in these spaces in time of relevance. If you're not at speed, you won't be relevant. “To make sure the U.S. message and our allies' and partner message is being heard and it's resonating. What we need is adapting data tech that will actually work in this space and we can use it for our organization.” A program in support of network incident detection, called MADHAT — or Multidimensional Anomaly Detection fusing HPC, Analytics, and Tensors — is helping the JAIC develop an information warfare capability. The program allows for the exploration of network data as a way of enabling more effective detection of nuanced adversarial threats, Abrahamson said. MADHAT has already been deployed, he added, and analysts working on the High Performance Computing Modernization Program are being trained on the tool for operational use. This program accelerates technology development and transitions it into defense capabilities through the application of high-performance computing. Mulchandani also told reporters that other information warfare-related efforts include using natural language processing, which involve processing and analyzing text. “NLP and speech-to-text is actually a fairly mature AI technology that can be deployed in production. And that actually is going to be used in reducing information overload,” he said. “So being able to scan vast quantities of open-source information and bring the sort of nuggets and important stuff on the NLPs.”

  • FAcT to Deliver Relevant, Flexible and Effective Aircrew Training Solution

    November 14, 2019 | International, Aerospace

    FAcT to Deliver Relevant, Flexible and Effective Aircrew Training Solution

    Marcello Sukhdeo An interview with Colonel Pete Saunders, Director of Air Simulation and Training, Royal Canadian Air Force In February 2016, the Future Aircrew Training program was granted a broader scope to include current Air Combat Systems Officers (ACSO) and Airborne Electronic Sensor Operators, otherwise known as AES Ops. As a result, the “Future Pilot Training Project” was renamed Future Aircrew Training, or FAcT. Pilots, ACSOs and AES Ops share core skills and knowledge for which a common training system may be employed. The design of the new training system will seek to incorporate the latest and best concepts and technologies for aircrew training available from industry and in use by other militaries around the world. Through the FAcT program, the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) will ensure that the three aircrew occupations move on to their Operational Training Units with sufficient immersion in live flying and simulation to provide them with appropriate skill sets in their respective fields. Recently, Vanguard had the opportunity to interview Colonel Pete Saunders Director of Air Simulation and Training with the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) about the FAcT program. Col Saunders enrolled in the Canadian Forces in March 1990. Since that time, he has enjoyed operational postings flying and instructing on his beloved Sea King Helicopters at 443 (MH) Sqn in Pat Bay, British Columbia; 423 (MH) Sqn, and 12 Wing Operations in Shearwater, Nova Scotia; culminating in Command of 406 (M) OTS. He has served onboard HMCS Annapolis, HMCS Iroquois, HMCS Fredericton and HMCS Toronto and has deployed throughout the Middle East. Col Saunders, we know that there is a shortage of pilots in Canada. Of course, this problem is not just limited to Canada, but is a global issue as well. What is the current level of pilot/aircrew production in Canada, and how many more will FAcT produce once that program is in place? While the RCAF does not have a shortage of applicants for a career as a pilot, low levels of experienced personnel pose a risk to the RCAF's operational output, which impacts the RCAF's ability to train, absorb, and employ its personnel in certain capabilities. The RCAF, in conjunction with CAF senior leadership, is putting in place targeted short-term objectives and holistic long-term activities that will stabilize and grow the RCAF pilot experience levels across all training and operational aircraft fleets. One of these initiatives is the augmentation of pilot training capacity. This will serve to increase the timeliness, absorption, and production of New Wing Graduates (NWG) and pilot Operational Training Unit Graduates (OTU), while being postured to rapidly absorb these pilots at the tactical squadrons. The FAcT program will deliver a relevant, flexible and effective aircrew training solution that modernizes the initial phases of pilot training currently provided via the NFTC and CFTS contracts as well as initial training ACSOs and AES Ops. 2 Canadian Air Division produced 100 New Winged Grads (NWG) during the 2018-2019 fiscal year. Broken down into the subsequent streams for pilots, this number represents 21 Phase III Harvard, 49 helicopter, and 33 multi-engine pilots. Additionally, 38 ACSOs and 17 AES Ops were produced in the same timeframe. The new program will produce an increased number of graduates to a newly defined standard. Specifically, FAcT seeks to generate 120 Pilots, 40 ACSOs and 36 AES Ops each year. Pilot training can be quite costly. What is the current cost of training a basic pilot, and how much will it cost under the new contract? The current training program for pilots is conducted under the auspices of two service contracts: A $3.8 billion, 25-year contract with CAE Military Aviation Training, ending in 2023 (as last amended), for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Flying Training in Canada (NFTC) program, which operates out of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan; A $1.8 billion, 22-year contract with Allied Wings, ending in 2027, for the Contracted Flying Training and Support (CFTS) program, which operates out of Southport Aerospace Centre near Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School (3 CFFTS) conducts flying training on the Multi-Engine and the Helicopter training programs while the contractor, Allied Wings, provides all other aspects of training and support services for primary, basic and advanced training programs. The invitation to qualify for the FAcT program identified five qualified suppliers (Airbus Defence and Space, Babcock Canada Inc., Leonardo Canada, Lockheed Martin Canada Inc., SkyAlyne Canada Limited Partnership). Canada is currently in an engagement phase which involves in-depth consultation with the five qualified suppliers. Phase 3 of the solicitation process will be a competitive Request for Proposal (RFP) process open to the Qualified Suppliers. The potential value of the future contract has yet to be determined. How do you plan to maintain output during the transition between the current contracts (NFTC and CFTS) and FAcT, considering the limited number of instructors on the market and overlap of facilities? One of the tenets of the FAcT transition strategy is that the FAcT contractor will be expected to ramp up with minimal interference and interdependencies with the legacy contractors, including the use of instructors. The FAcT contractor will not have access to infrastructure being used to deliver NFTC and CFTS during transition as it will be in use by the incumbent contractors to deliver legacy training. All FAcT Qualified Suppliers must prepare their bids accordingly. The FAcT transition strategy will continue to evolve as the program moves forward throughout the current and future phases. As other major capital projects have done in the past, the implementation of FAcT will leverage the creation of a program governance structure and the FAcT Training Implementation Working Group (TIWG). All FAcT stakeholders will have a voice at the TIWG to ensure a smooth implementation while the legacy programs continue to operate. What kind of aircraft are we likely to see in Portage and Moose Jaw? The aircraft utilized in training will depend on the training solution proposed by the successful bidder. FAcT is not an aircraft acquisition program; rather, it is a training program. Aircraft – as much as ground-based training systems, courseware, and buildings – are all training aids whose role is to enable the production of winged aircrew. Are any of the current units or wings likely to close or move due to FAcT? RCAF has determined that the basing solution for the FAcT program will remain status quo at contract award in 2021. Ab-initio pilot training will be delivered in Moose Jaw and Southport. Ab-initio training for Air Combat Systems Officers and Airborne Electronic Sensor Operators will be delivered in Winnipeg. Are we going to see more simulation and less actual flying? And what are some of the key capabilities Canada is looking for with FAcT? The FAcT program will increase the overall amount of live flying and simulation for ab-initio Pilot, ACSO and AES Op training as increased output of personnel will of necessity drive an increase in the flying rate. Additionally, fundamental to FAcT is the intent to incorporate training from the operational training units where it makes sense to do so. This will likewise increase both simulated and live-fly training leading to Wings-standard. A comparison between the ratio of the current NFTC/CFTS programs and the FAcT program is not yet possible because the proposed training solutions from the Qualified Suppliers will differ in their approach to live flying and simulation. The FAcT program will ensure that Pilots, ACSOs and AES Ops move on to their Operational Training Units with sufficient immersion in live flying and simulation to provide them with appropriate skill sets in their respective fields. The importance of a solid foundation in the air environment for ab-initio military aircrew is imperative to ensure that our future Aircraft Captains, Mission Commanders and AES Op leads are appropriately equipped with the right practical skills for operational service. To learn more about the FAcT program and the next steps, visit

  • Eurosatory 2020 : le COGES organisera des rendez-vous B2B en visio-conférences en septembre

    June 3, 2020 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    Eurosatory 2020 : le COGES organisera des rendez-vous B2B en visio-conférences en septembre

    Pour compenser l'annulation d'Eurosatory 2020, la COGES, filiale du GICAT, va organiser des rendez-vous B2B sous forme de visio-conférences les 14 et 15 septembre prochains. Une première pour Eurosatory Contrainte d'annuler le salon Eurosatory 2020 pour cause de coronavirus, la Coges, filiale du Gicat, va organiser, les 14 et 15 septembre prochains, des rendez-vous B2B sous la forme de visio-conférences organisées par Proximum, un prestataire que Coges connaît déjà bien pour avoir organisé de tels rendez-vous dans ses propres salons, à Eurosatory notamment. A ce niveau, et dans l'armement, où la confidentialité incite à des rencontres directes plutôt qu'à des visios sans garantie totale d'interception, cette initiative est une première que forcément les organisateurs de salon vont regarder de près. Les PME et ETI, qui sont représentées dans les salons (qui représentent une énorme effort rapporté à leurs moyens) vont aussi devoir se positionner. Le Gicat à l'initiative Autre difficulté, des problèmes de compatibilité entre créneaux horaires risquent de se produire d'un continent à l'autre. Mais manifestement, le GICAT veut montrer à ses adhérents et à ses clients du salon qu'il est conscient de son rôle d'animation du secteur. D'ores et déjà, la campagne de remboursement d'Eurosatory 2020 est aussi engagée. L'annulation d'Eurosatory a forcément un gros impact pour les rentrées de la Coges, mais aussi pour un écosystème de fournisseurs qui travaillent autour (fabricants de stands, restauration, limousines, etc). Au cabinet de la ministre des Armées, Florence Parly, on mesure amplement l'impact sur les industriels de la filière terrestre. Au GICAT, on rappelle que 50 % du chiffre d'affaires des adhérents proviennent de l'exportation. Et qu'évidemment Eurosatory y concourt à son échelle. Des formules de salons à revoir ? Cette dématéralisation des salons professionnels est une tendance encore faible, mais réelle. Le coronavirus ou covid-19, et son caractère potentiellement récurrent oblige à se poser les bonnes questions pour les salons. D'autres organismes français vont forcément devoir se poser de telles questions, rassembler les rendez-vous, digitaliser. Ceci alors que les dépenses de communications connaissaient déjà de très fortes baisses tendancielles et/ou conjoncturelles avant-même le covid-19, comme chez Thales et Dassault Aviation. La multiplication des salons régionaux et thématiques fragilise aussi les gros salons, et assèche les trésoreries des exposants. Report de trois autres salons Le covid-19 impacte aussi clairement les trois autres salons professionnels détenus par la COGES : le salon Platinum à Monaco (sécurité privée et intérieure) prévu en mai et repoussé aux 2 et 3 février, Shield Africa à Abidjan est décalé de fin janvier aux 7-10 juin (également pour prendre en compte les élections). Enfin, ExpoDefensa à Bogota se tiendra du 29 novembre au 2 décembre. A ce stade, Euronaval 2020 est maintenu et le Sofins reste programmé pour 2021.

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