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October 2, 2023 | International, Aerospace

Air Force’s JSTARS flies last intel mission after 3 decades in service

The jets have amassed more than 141,000 hours in combat since Operation Desert Storm in 1991.

On the same subject

  • Lockheed, aiming to double Javelin production, seeks supply chain 'crank up'

    May 13, 2022 | International, Land

    Lockheed, aiming to double Javelin production, seeks supply chain 'crank up'

    Lockheed Martin aims to nearly double production for Javelin anti-tank missiles from 2,100 to 4,000 per year, but it needs the supply chain to '€œcrank up,'€ said its chief executive, Jim Taiclet.

  • Bell’s V-280 Valor hits 200 hours of flight time 3 years after first flight

    December 17, 2020 | International, Aerospace, Land

    Bell’s V-280 Valor hits 200 hours of flight time 3 years after first flight

    By: Jen Judson WASHINGTON — Bell's technology demonstrator designed to show the Army the realm of the possible in Future Vertical Lift capability has flown 200 hours since its first flight three years ago, according to Keith Flail, the company's executive vice president for advanced vertical lift systems. The V-280 Valor tiltrotor parted ways with the tarmac for the first time on Dec. 18, 2017, at 1:59 p.m. CDT at a Bell facility in Amarillo, Texas. Defense News reported the flight as the aircraft was still in the air, but the aircraft logged roughly 15 to 20 minutes before returning to solid ground. Since then Bell's clean-sheet-designed aircraft has flown more than 150 sorties, Flail told Defense News in a recent interview, and the extensive effort has driven down risk for the Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft program for the U.S. Army. Valor hit the 200 flight hour mark on Dec. 4, Flail said. The Army wants to field FLRAA — an aircraft expected to fly twice as fast and twice as far as a conventional helicopter — by 2030. Bell is gearing up to compete head-to-head with a Lockheed Martin's Sikorsky and Boeing team, which built the only other flying technology demonstrator in the effort leading up to a program of record. The SB-1 Defiant coaxial helicopter flew for the first time in March 2019 after struggling with rotor blade manufacturing problems and working through other more minor kinks. Both companies have entered a competitive development and risk reduction phase awarded in March 2020 ahead of the FLRAA program. The Army announced this month that it intends to proceed into a competition between just Sikorsky-Boeing and Bell to produce FLRAA. Valor has been put through its paces, completing key performance parameters and continuing to prove out possible threshold and objective requirements for FLRAA. The aircraft had its first public flight in June 2018 where it reached cruising speeds of 195 knots and was put through its paces in hover mode. In May 2019, the aircraft completed low-speed agility maneuver testing — which made up the final key performance parameters left to prove out with the system as part of the technology demonstration phase. Valor flew autonomously for the first time a year ago. The aircraft performed an autonomous takeoff, conversion into cruise mode, precision navigation to various waypoints, loiter maneuvers, conversion into vertical-takeoff-and-landing mode, and landed autonomously. Other achievements include demonstrating an integrated system from Lockheed Martin that provides the pilots and aircrew a 360-degree view through the skin of the aircraft in the spring of 2019. And in early 2020, Bell also integrated the Tactical Common Data Link and transmitted information between Valor and the ground station to include basic flight data and showed it would be able to provide targeting information to help long-range precision fires weapons hit targets more accurately, according to a Dec. 17 company statement. In the same flight, Bell demonstrated sling-load capability, Flail said. “During a single sortie, the team performed multiple cargo lifts to demonstrate the procedure and coordination of ground crew, aircraft, crew chief, pilots and the behavior of the loads for the V-280,” the statement notes. Over the course of the technology demonstration period, Flail added, the aircraft was also able to show its reliability and availability. “This configuration of tiltrotor really shows how robust it is in terms of reliability and availability because one of the tricks with proving that is you have to accumulate enough data to show that you do have a reliable system,” he said. “A lot of your critical items, your gearboxes and your blades ... those are typical cost drivers downstream and today, we still have the original six blades and gearboxes on this aircraft.”


    August 31, 2018 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR


    RÉDIGÉ PAR JACQUES MAROUANI L'Agence pour l'innovation de défense sera officiellement créée le 1er septembre. L'Université d'été du Mouvement des Entreprises de France [MEDEF] a été une l'occasion pour la ministre des Armées, Florence Parly, a annoncé le lancement officiel de l'Agence de l'innovation de défense, sorte de « Darpa à la française ». La Darpa est l'agence américaine dédiée à l'innovation dans le secteur de la défense. « Rattachée à la DGA, elle sera chargée de fédérer tous les acteurs de l'innovation de défense, piloter la politique de recherche, technologie et innovation du ministère et l'ensemble des dispositifs d'innovation. Elle générera à terme le budget de la recherche et de l'innovation du ministère des armées, qui passera de 730 millions d'euros par an actuellement à un milliard d'euros d'ici à 2022 », avait expliqué Mme Parly, lors de l'annonce de sa création en mars dernier. Devant le Medef, la ministre a précisé la feuille de route de cette agence pour l'innovation de défense. Elle aura à « rassembler tous les acteurs du ministère et tous les programmes de soutien à l'innovation, tout en étant ouverte sur l'extérieur et « tournée vers l'Europe, a-t-elle dit. Emmanuel Chiva a été nommé à la tête de cette Agence pour l'innovation de défense. Normalien, docteur en bio-informatique, entrepreneur à succès (notamment dans la simulation numérique), ancien auditeur de l'Institut des hautes études de défense nationale (IHEDN) et capitaine de frégate de réserve, M. Chiva est un passionné des nouvelles technologies appliquées au monde militaire. En outre, il était jusqu'à présent le président de la commission chargée de la prospective et de la préparation de l'avenir au sein du Gicat et membre du conseil de surveillance de Def'Invest, un fonds d'investissement du ministère des Armées dédié aux PME stratégiques. Par ailleurs, le ministère des Armées va lancer, à l'automne, un « grand forum de l'innovation de défense » qui rassemblera « industriels PME, start-up, chercheurs, investisseurs, acteurs public.

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