6 juillet 2020 | International, C4ISR
Norway selects Kongsberg’s NATO Brand IV Tactical Radio Link
July 2, 2020 - Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace AS (KONGSBERG) has signed a contract with the Norwegian Defence Material Agency for a new Flexible High Capacity Radio Link (FHCL) for the Norwegian Armed Forces. Deliveries will start in May 2021. The contract is valued at 128 MNOK and requires the delivery of a complete communications solution with KONGSBERG's RL542A as the core component. The radio platform itself was developed by KONGSBERG and will be the centerpiece of the system that also includes antennas, cables, portable equipment and other accessories adapted to the Norwegian Armed Forces' need for use under demanding conditions. The radio is a NATO Band IV radio link with supreme ECCM capabilities and high data rates providing multiple waveforms for both point-to-point as well as point-to-multi-point operations. KONGSBERG has delivered more than 3,800 radio links to 21 countries worldwide and is considered a leading provider of tactical radio communications. KONGSBERG's radio link systems are a key component of NASAMS and Patriot air defence systems, among others. The deliveries under this contract will contribute to a significant capacity boost for the Norwegian Armed Forces, as well as increase the export opportunities for the product. “KONGSBERG is proud to be selected by the Norwegian Armed Forces for the FHCL program. KONGSBERG is currently providing the NATO Band III radio link to Norway as well as the complete communications network for the KONGSBERG/Raytheon NASAMS ground based air defence system in Norway and numerous international customers. The Band IV radio link provides a highly capable and flexible supplementary communication capability“, says Pål Bratlie, Executive Vice President Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace AS. For more information: Jan Erik Hoff, Group Vice President Investor Relations, Kongsberg Gruppen ASA, tel: (+47) 991 11 916. Ronny Lie, Group Vice President Communications, Kongsberg Gruppen ASA, tel.: (+47) 916 10 798. KONGSBERG (OSE-ticker: KOG) is an international, knowledge-based group that supplies high-tech systems and solutions to customers in the merchant navy and oil & gas, defence and aerospace industries. KONGSBERG has almost 11,000 employees in 40 countries. Follow us on Twitter: @kongsbergasa View source version on Kongsberg: https://www.kongsberg.com/newsandmedia/news-archive/20202/norway-selects-kongsbergs-nato-band-iv-tactical-radio-link/