12 décembre 2022 | International, C4ISR

US Army ponders ‘radio as a service’ to keep communications up to date

“It is ironic to me that we would actually come up with any IT program where we think we’re going to be fielding the same capability for decades.”


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    25 avril 2024 | International, C4ISR

    Analysis: what’s behind the global reach of the NASAMS?

  • Les États-Unis développent les "Gremlins", de nouveaux drones déployables directement en vol

    6 février 2020 | International, Aérospatial

    Les États-Unis développent les "Gremlins", de nouveaux drones déployables directement en vol

    Via leur agence chargée du développement de technologies militaires, les États-Unis mettent au point un nouveau type de drone. Les X-61A, ou "Gremlins" pour les intimes, sont de petits engins déployés en groupes et directement en vol à l'aide d'avions C-130. L'agence américaine chargée du développement de nouvelles technologies militaires (Darpa) a annoncé à la mi-janvier avoir effectué avec succès les premiers essais d'un nouveau type de drone, capable d'être largué et récupéré par un avion en plein vol. Le test initial se serait déroulé en novembre dernier. Après avoir été l'ché par un C-130A, l'engin X-61A aurait volé durant un peu plus d'une heure et demie. Ce test constitue la troisième phase d'un programme baptisé Gremlins, dont l'objectif est le développement d'une nouvelle gamme de drones sans pilote, déployés en nuées, réutilisables et peu coûteux à produire. Les flottes pourraient être déployées depuis des avions éloignés des thé'tres d'opération, afin de garantir une meilleure sécurité pour les opérateurs. Une fois leurs missions terminées, les "Gremlins" seraient récupérés directement dans les airs, avant de passer une journée de réparation et de repartir. Un drone perdu lors des essais L'essai de novembre a permis aux équipes de collecter suffisamment de données sur les performances, le fonctionnement et les systèmes de commandes et de contrôles aériens et terrestres des drones. Une anomalie de parachute a entraîné la perte de l'un des cinq appareils. Les quatre autres restent cependant opérationnels et disponibles pour d'autres séries de tests, prévus pour cette année. La prochaine étape du programme comprendra une évaluation complète des données récoltées, ainsi que l'analyse de l'échec du déploiement du parachute du cinquième drone. S'ensuivra un nouveau vol d'essai durant le printemps au Dugway Proving Ground, un site de tests de l'armée américaine situé dans l'Utah. D'autres avions pourraient servir pour le transport des engins Les X-61A "Gremlins" sont développés par la société californienne Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, en collaboration avec, l'entreprise Dynectics, située dans l'Alabama et spécialisée dans les systèmes informatiques. Conçu par Lockheed Martin, le C-130 est, pour le moment, l'unique appareil servant aux essais des Gremlins. Mais les services en charge du programme envisagent d'adapter d'autres avions pour le transport des drones. Les X-61A peuvent emporter jusqu'à 70 kg de capteurs chacun, ce qui leur permet d'effectuer un grand nombre de missions différentes. https://www.usinenouvelle.com/article/les-etats-unis-developpent-les-gremlins-de-nouveaux-drones-deployables-directement-en-vol.N926169

  • Special Operations Command is reorganizing to focus on software and AI

    8 juin 2020 | International, C4ISR

    Special Operations Command is reorganizing to focus on software and AI

    Andrew Eversden and Nathan Strout Special Operations Command has formally created a new program executive office that is dedicated to software June 1. The command's head of acquisitions said the organization is reorganizing as it shifts its focus to software-defined systems and artificial intelligence. “I have made the decision to reorganize SOF (Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics) slightly in respect to the National Defense Strategy,” said James Smith, the command's acquisition executive. “The first thing we did was decide to stand up a PEO for SOF Digital Applications.” Smith acknowledged the decision was made in response to shortcomings when it comes to developing artificial intelligence and machine learning for Special Forces applications. “The idea that the SOF acquisition force sucks when it comes to artificial intelligence and machine learning--okay, guilty ... this is our major effort to get better, to build competency,” said Smith. “I am looking to this PEO to start to lead us and lead the Department of Defense in excellence in acquisition of software to include artificial intelligence and machine learning.” The new PEO represents a shift for the command as it looks to embrace a more software-forward approach. “Everything I've asked you for over the last decade has been hardware defined and then software enabled,” Smith told members of industry. “We really need to move to a relationship where I'm asking you for things that are software defined and hardware enabled.” Army Col. Paul Weizer, who was originally brought in to lead PEO Rotary Wing, was tapped to lead the new office, and he said he's looking for all the help from industry he can get. “Right now, my structure is in Jell-O,” Weizer said at the virtual Special Operations Forces Industry Conference. “If you've always had some burning issue or nagging concern about how the organization is structured and how you're able to interact, what you're able to do to interact and there's always been something you wanted, this is the time. Contact me and my office. I have an opportunity to change and shape and form this organization." The new office aspires to become the “one-stop shop” for software intensive digital applications for special operations forces and industry to share what capabilities they can provide. To achieve that, SOF offices that are “software intensive” will be folded into the new approach, Weizer said. These programs include the Distributed Common Ground System-SOF; Mission Command/Current Operating Picture; Tactical Assault Kit-Core; Special Operations Mission Planning and Execution; SOF Planning, Rehearsal, and Execution Preparation; and the SOF Digital Ecosystem. Weizer said he expects SDA to reach initial operating capability in 60 to 90 days. Following that milestone, SDA will hold industry days. The office will continue to operate in Tampa, Fla., with satellite offices in Fort Belvoir, Va. and Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Va. Weizer also said that he does not expect the technical workforce to be made up primarily of active-duty military. Instead, he said that SDA will serve as program managers and contract out development to industry. In the meantime, his biggest challenge will be finding talent well-versed in software procurement to join the ranks of SDA. In his senior ranks, he's looking for people who want to help out. “I'm looking for the individual who's already made too much money and has been successful in software and really wants to help out the SOF community," Weizer said. “If you're that individual that's ready to take one for the team, come give me a call.” He is also keen to meet with contractors that do not typically work in the defense industry but might have innovative ideas for the new office. “[If] you have some ... great banking algorithm and now you also think it might help find terrorists, I'd like to know that. I'd like to see that,” Weizer said. https://www.c4isrnet.com/it-networks/2020/06/05/special-operations-command-is-reorganizing-to-focus-on-software-and-ai/

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