5 mars 2024 | International, Terrestre

Thales posts higher profit, tackles weak telecom satellite market

Sur le même sujet

  • US Space Force wants new commercial imagery tool to boost resiliency

    9 juillet 2022 | International, Aérospatial

    US Space Force wants new commercial imagery tool to boost resiliency

    The Air Force Research Laboratory and the Space Force are working to transition a lab-developed interface called the Global Unified Environment that would allow combatant commands to buy satellite imagery from commercial providers and allied partners.

  • L’alliance entre SDTS et SECAERO donne naissance à ARES (Advanced Redair European Squadron), un nouveau leader européen des services aériens de plastronnage et de simulation

    22 avril 2021 | International, Aérospatial, C4ISR

    L’alliance entre SDTS et SECAERO donne naissance à ARES (Advanced Redair European Squadron), un nouveau leader européen des services aériens de plastronnage et de simulation

    Implantée sur l'aéroport de Nîmes-Garons, SDTS est spécialisée dans l'entraînement opérationnel et les missions de type « REDAIR – Aggressor Squadron ». Entreprise partenaire notamment de la Marine nationale, elle dispose d'une flotte de 9 avions MB-339 (Aermacchi) auxquels s'ajoutent un Cessna et un ULM. Quant à SECAERO, l'entreprise est domiciliée sur l'aérodrome de Valence-Chabeuil, et spécialisée dans la maintenance, la modernisation d'avions et d'hélicoptères, et la formation des mécaniciens. Sa flotte est composée de neuf MB-339 (Aermacchi), Cessna 337, un CTSW (ULM), deux hélicoptères Merlin (Agusta Westland Leonardo) en location. La nouvelle entreprise sera spécialisée dans l'entraînement aérien opérationnel de type REDAIR ou ADAIR pour Adversary Air Services, la maintenance aéronautique de type MRO/MCO, le développement et la fabrication d'équipements optroniques. ARES affiche ses ambitions dans son communiqué de presse « ARES projette d'investir, en liaison avec le constructeur Dassault-Aviation, le motoriste Safran et l'équipementier Thales, dans la modernisation de sa flotte avec des Mirage 2000, avions de 4e génération, supersoniques équipés de radar, pour répondre et s'adapter avec le plus haut niveau de réalisme aux besoins d'entrainement opérationnel grandissants des Forces armées françaises et européennes ». Lignes de défense, 22 avril

  • Report: Army’s new modernization command risks cost overruns and delays

    24 janvier 2019 | International, Terrestre

    Report: Army’s new modernization command risks cost overruns and delays

    By: Meghann Myers When the Army first announced its intention to stand up a new four-star Futures Command, senior leadership said the days of years-long, expensive modernization programs and murky requirements were over. While failing early and often can prevent some of those issues before an idea becomes a program of record, there are still some risks that, by trying to be a more nimble and innovative enterprise, AFC could still run into cost increases and drawn-out timelines if it jumps too hard on emerging technologies, according to a Government Accountability Office report released Wednesday. “There are a variety of ways to fail when it comes to developing these technologies,” Jon Ludwigson, the GAO's acting director of contracting and national security acquisitions, told Army Times in a Wednesday phone interview. “I guess the way that I would look at it is, you can make sure that you have it right, or hope that you'll get it right.” The study was mandated by the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act, to take the temperature of Futures Command as it stood up. The Army officially activated the command in August, headquartered at the University of Texas in Austin. In general, the report found, the Army has applied best practices that GAO has previously touted, including close collaboration with senior leadership. On the other hand, the report found, there were a couple things that could be improved. AFC's plans to develop weapons systems with emerging technology could come back to hurt it, the report said. “GAO has raised concerns about this type of practice for almost two decades for other Army acquisitions, because proceeding into weapon systems development at earlier stages of technology maturity raises the risk that the resulting systems could experience cost increases, delivery delays, or failure to deliver desired capabilities,” according to the report. The GAO, Lugwigson said, is wary of creating programs around emerging technologies, before having a chance to test them in an operational environment. “As the Army identifies the capability, there are technologies that are used to achieve that capability,” he said. “What GAO has found is, there's an advantage to maturing those technologies before you begin what's called a program of record.” https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2019/01/23/report-armys-new-modernization-command-risks-cost-overruns-and-delays

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