10 février 2024 | International, Terrestre

Russia's military drone production ramping up, says defence minister

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  • Lebanon’s Air Force to arm newly refurbished AB 212 helicopters

    14 janvier 2020 | International, Aérospatial

    Lebanon’s Air Force to arm newly refurbished AB 212 helicopters

    By: Agnes Helou BEIRUT — The Lebanese Air Force has refurbished an Agusta-Bell AB 212 helicopter as part of a proof of concept, and will now begin a five-year project to revive the fleet with five operational helicopters. “The twin engine choppers have been out of service since 1990. We are bringing them back to service to perform [multiple] tasks, from military missions to firefighting missions and search and rescue,” Brig. Gen. Ziad Haykal, the commander of the Air Force, told Defense News. Due to the similarity between the AB 212 and the Huey II, which is currently operational with the fleet, the Air Force can use spare parts and technical expertise gained from the latter helicopter for local refurbishment, the general added. Indeed, local refurbishment will reduce the cost of the project by 60 percent because the service is not sending the helicopters back to the manufacturer. “The expected operational life span of the helicopters is 20 years, and it is worth noting that we obtained technical references for the project from Leonardo company, the manufacturer of this type of choppers,” Haykal said. “We are anticipating to operate these twin-engined helicopters in the missions to help secure oil and gas installations above Lebanese waters, particularly security preservation of the exclusive economic zone, by air or by sea.” The five helicopters are expected to be equipped with 70mm Hydra rockets, .50-caliber machine guns and 250-kilogram bombs, much like the Huey II during missions at the Nahr el-Bared refugee camp in 2007, a Lebanese official told Defense News on a condition of anonymity. Fatah al-Islam militant launched at attack on the Lebanese Army from the Palestinian refugee camp in North Lebanon in May 2007. The Army struck back with modified Huey helicopters that were able to deploy 250-kilogram bombs. The Hydra rockets and their integration on the helos are part of American military aid to Lebanon, the official said. The head of Lebanon's military, Gen. Joseph Aoun, oversaw the refurbishment project, which was launched at Beirut Air Base. https://www.defensenews.com/air/2020/01/13/lebanons-air-force-to-arm-newly-refurbished-ab-212-helicopters

  • Rafale International et Thales s'allient en Belgique

    13 juin 2018 | International, C4ISR

    Rafale International et Thales s'allient en Belgique

    La France poursuit activement sa campagne afin de convaincre la Belgique d'opter pour le Rafale et ainsi moderniser son aviation de combat, composée de F-16 américains vieillissants. Rafale International, le GIE qui regroupe Dassault Aviation*, le constructeur de l'avion de combat français, Thales, son électronicien, et Safran, son motoriste, a signé, mardi 12 juin, un accord de partenariat avec Thales Belgique. L'objectif est d'ouvrir un centre d'excellence industriel en cybersécurité outre-Quiévrain. http://www.lefigaro.fr/societes/2018/06/12/20005-20180612ARTFIG00301-rafale-international-et-thales-s-allient-en-belgique.php

  • Defense Innovation Unit issues contract for unmanned orbital outpost

    17 juillet 2020 | International, Aérospatial

    Defense Innovation Unit issues contract for unmanned orbital outpost

    Nathan Strout The Defense Innovation Unit has awarded Sierra Nevada Corporation a contract to build an orbital laboratory that would serve as a kind of unmanned space station, the company announced July 14. The unmanned orbital outpost will be placed in low Earth orbit to be used for experiments and demonstrations. The autonomous, free flying vehicle will be able to host payloads and support space assembly and manufacturing, microgravity experimentation, logistics, training, testing and evaluations. Under the contract, Sierra Nevada Corporation will repurpose their Shooting Star transport vehicle into a scalable, autonomous space station that can be used for experiments and demonstrations. The Shooting Star vehicle is a 16-foot attachment to the company's Dream Chaser space plane that was developed for NASA Commercial Resupply Services 2 missions. The vehicle was initially designed to provide extra payload storage and cargo disposal upon re-entry. “We're excited by the multi-mission nature of Shooting Star,” Fatih Ozmen, SNC's chief executive, said in a statement. “It was originally developed for NASA resupply missions to the International Space Station, and since then we keep identifying new capabilities and solutions it offers to a wide variety of customers.” The company's press release notes that while the initial orbital outpost will operate in LEO, future orbits could be placed in other orbits, including cislunar. “The current Shooting Star is already designed with significant capabilities for an orbital outpost and by adding only a few components we are able to meet Department of Defense needs.” added Steve Lindsey, senior vice president of strategy for SNC's space systems. “We are proud to offer our transport vehicle to DoD as a free-flying destination for experimentation and testing, expanding beyond its current payload service capabilities for Dream Chaser cargo missions.” According to the original DIU solicitation released June 2019, orbital outposts will need to be established in low Earth orbit within 24 months of the award. A DIU spokesperson told C4ISRNET at the time that the “the prototype will explore the military utility of exclusive DoD access to an unmanned orbital platform in order to perform experiments with no risk to human crew or other non-DOD payloads.” https://www.c4isrnet.com/battlefield-tech/space/2020/07/16/defense-innovation-unit-issues-contract-for-unmanned-orbital-outpost/

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