26 janvier 2023 | International, C4ISR

Pentagon’s AI chief says data labeling is key to win race with China

"If we're going to beat China, and we have to beat China in AI," CDAO Craig Martell said, "we have to find a way to label at scale."


Sur le même sujet

  • French warships to get new drone swarm-killing gun derived from land weapons

    29 octobre 2020 | International, Naval

    French warships to get new drone swarm-killing gun derived from land weapons

    Christina Mackenzie PARIS – France's future navy surface ships will be protected from swarm attacks by the RAPIDFire very short range weapon system developed by a Thales and Nexter consortium, the DGA French procurement agency has announced. Based on the medium-caliber, cased, 40mm gun developed by CTAI, the international subsidiary of Nexter Systems and BAE Systems, RAPIDFire was designed to respond to new threats, notably low, small, slow, stealthy, swarm attacks that can saturate conventional missile defenses. It has a range of 4 kilometers (2.5 miles). Integrated onto the unmanned turret, the gun has an optronic fire-control system which can be controlled by the operator. Threat analysis is shared with the ship's combat management system, and the gunner can validate or adjust the strategy proposed by the gun. There are five different types of ammunition that the gun can choose from automatically to best engage a given threat. In a joint statement Thales and Nexter specify that “the system is compatible with the full range of ammunitions developed for land forces programs and is predisposed to the use of future ammunition as the smart Anti Aerial Airburst (A3B) round” for use against UAVs for example. The surface-to-air and surface-to-surface gun has been designed to be used on a common turret for ground and naval systems. This means the RAPIDFire system will be able to be used on land vehicles in the future. Although the program is still in the development phase, the DGA French procurement agency has already undertaken firing tests with it and has chosen it to equip the French Navy's future surface vessels. First delivery is scheduled for 2022. https://www.defensenews.com/smr/euronaval/2020/10/27/french-warships-to-get-new-drone-swarm-killing-gun-derived-from-land-weapons/

  • Boeing's MQ-25 refueling drone moved to air base for flight testing

    1 mai 2019 | International, Aérospatial

    Boeing's MQ-25 refueling drone moved to air base for flight testing

    By Allen Cone April 30 (UPI) -- Boeing's prototype MQ-25 unmanned aerial refueling drone is so huge it needed help from government agencies in Missouri and Illinois to move 40 miles. With assistance from law enforcement in both states, a truck carried the aircraft -- which is the size of an F/A-18 Super Hornet fighter -- from Boeing's technical plant at St. Louis's Lambert International Airport across the Mississippi River to MidAmerica St. Louis Airport, a small regional airport next to Scott Air Force Base in rural Illinois. The semi traveled on side roads and at 5-10 mph for much of the trip Sunday night, KDSK-TV reported. Temporary road closures were in Edwardsville, Marine and Lebanon as the jet moved through. The plane arrived before 6 a.m. Monday, KMOV-TV reported. The regional airport is in less crowded airspace, which "gives us some flexibility in how we can fly," Dave Bujold, the Boeing program manager overseeing drone project, told The Drive. Boeing plans to test fly the MQ-25 Stingray, known as known as T-1 or "Tail 1," before the end of the year. But first it must pass ground taxiing tests and the Federal Aviation Administration must certify the aircraft and grant clear airspace for it to fly. Ground control stations are being installed at the airport. The Boeing test aircraft later will undergo testing on the East Coast. The Navy will also hoist it onto an aircraft carrier for deck handling testing. "By the time the Navy's assets are jumping in the air, we will already have had thousands of test hours on the ground and hundreds in the air," Bujold said. The first Navy aircraft is scheduled to fly in fiscal year 2021. Last August, Boeing was awarded a $805 million contract to build four aircraft for the U.S. Navy. The drones, which won't carry weapons, will be based on aircraft carriers to refuel other aircraft mid-flight, including the Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornet, Boeing EA-18G Growler and Lockheed Martin F-35C fighters. "The MQ-25 program is vital because it will help the U.S. Navy extend the range of the carrier air wing, and Boeing and our industry team is all-in on delivering this capability," Bujold said. Curtiss-Wright's Defense Solutions, which has been a Boeing contractor for 60 years, announced last week it has been awarded a contract by Boeing to supply data technology systems for the program. https://www.upi.com/Defense-News/2019/04/30/Boeings-MQ-25-refueling-drone-moved-to-air-base-for-flight-testing/5091556634478/

  • Les dépenses militaires dans le monde ont atteint un record en 2020

    3 mars 2021 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Les dépenses militaires dans le monde ont atteint un record en 2020

    L'édition 2021 du rapport annuel « Military Balance », publié par l'institut britannique IISS, évoque des dépenses militaires mondiales record en 2020, évaluées à 1 830 milliards de dollars, soit une progression annuelle de 3,9%, en termes réels, après une hausse de 4% en 2019 considérée comme la plus forte de toute la décennie. En proportion du PIB, ces dépenses mondiales passent ainsi, pour la première fois, tout juste au-dessus de la barre des 2%, la plupart des pays ayant maintenu leurs budgets militaires malgré la crise de la Covid-19. Le budget de la défense américain a ainsi bondi de 6,3% en 2020, celui de la Chine de 5,2%. Les deux Etats pèsent pour les deux tiers de la hausse des dépenses mondiales. De plus, désormais, l'Asie représente le quart des dépenses de défense mondiale, contre 17,8% en 2010, et dépense plus pour sa défense que tout le continent européen. Les Echos du 27 février 2021

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