8 avril 2024 | Local, Terrestre

Our North, Strong and Free: A Renewed Vision for Canada’s Defence

Today, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Defence Minister Bill Blair released Our North, Strong and Free – a defence policy update that responds to the significant global shifts we have witnessed since Canada’s comprehensive defence policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged, was announced in 2017.


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  • CyberSecure certification to help protect businesses from cyber attacks

    5 octobre 2020 | Local, C4ISR, Sécurité

    CyberSecure certification to help protect businesses from cyber attacks

    NEWS PROVIDED BY Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada New Government of Canada program will help small and medium-sized organizations improve competitiveness OTTAWA, ON, Oct. 2, 2020 /CNW/ - By investing in cyber security, Canadian businesses are giving themselves a competitive advantage. Effective cyber security limits the direct and indirect impact of cyber attacks on a business, such as financial loss, litigation, and damage to its reputation and critical infrastructure. It not only protects a business but also inspires customer confidence and Canadians' trust. Today, at the start of Cyber Security Awareness Month, CyberSecure Canada is officially launching a web portal to help organizations obtain cyber certification. Canada's cyber security certification program helps small and medium-sized organizations assess, plan and implement cyber security practices to guard against cyber attacks, protecting their business, their clients and their partners. By obtaining CyberSecure certification, Canadian organizations will: protect their data and cyber activities; increase supply chain trust and confidence among suppliers, customers and investors; establish valued relationships with their partners and consumers, who will know steps have been taken to mitigate risks; and increase their competitive advantage. Cyber Security Awareness Month is an internationally recognized campaign held each October to inform the public of the importance of cyber security. Led by the Communications Security Establishment (CSE), it is focused on helping all Canadians be more secure online by being informed and knowing the simple steps to take to protect themselves, their families, their workplace and their devices. Cyber security is a challenge for all of Canada, and we need all Canadians to do their part to keep Canada cyber-safe! Quote "With the current COVID-19 crisis, Canadian businesses are relying on technology more than ever. Many businesses had to quickly pivot to remote work and online operations while dealing with a spike in the number of cyber attacks, phishing scams and other security-related issues during the pandemic. The new CyberSecure Canada certification program will help businesses protect themselves from these threats, give Canadians confidence in continuing to work and grow in the digital economy, and reduce the costs of cybercrime." – The Honorable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science, and Industry Quick facts CSE's Cyber Centre continues to deliver world-class dynamic defence of Canadian government networks, routinely protecting federal systems from almost 2 billion malicious actions every day. The CyberSecure Canada program, announced in Budget 2018, launched the pilot phase in August 2019. The aim of the program is to encourage small and medium-sized organizations to improve their cyber security by implementing a baseline set of security requirements and completing a certification process through a third party accredited certification body. The Cyber Security Review called for the Government of Canada to back a standard for cyber security, as outlined in the National Cyber Security Strategy. Canada's Digital Charter, launched in spring 2019, is a result of the National Digital and Data Consultations with Canadians. The CyberSecure Canada program supports the Charter's "Safety and Security" principle: Canadians will be able to rely on the integrity, authenticity and security of the services they use and should feel safe online. https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/cybersecure-certification-to-help-protect-businesses-from-cyber-attacks-890953890.html

  • Opinion: How To Assess Defense Prospects For The Future

    10 octobre 2019 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Opinion: How To Assess Defense Prospects For The Future

    Byron Callan During upcoming earnings conference calls, expect some defense contractors to again state that they are well-positioned in high-priority programs and markets that fully align with customer priorities. In addition, planners and analysts are going to be asking a lot more questions about contractor positioning and the outcome of the 2020 U.S. election. Who will be best positioned if President Donald Trump is reelected or if there is a Democrat in the White House in 2021? On the first assertion of “well-positioned,” to a degree it is axiomatic. Defense requirements are validated, so by that very process, they take priority over emerging and yet-to-be-funded requirements. However, if one accepts the premises that Defense Department budgets may be flat for a multi-year period and that demand signals for security are going to rise, the sector will be entering a far more dynamic period in the 2020s than the past 4-5 years. Instead of being “well-positioned,” a broader set of filters may need to be applied. Posture may be a better way to assess contractor outlooks. There are five attributes on which this may be assessed. 1. The priority and relative safety of programs matters both in U.S. and international markets. But that needs to be assessed and reassessed against changed defense needs. Today's major programs of record are likely to change. If there is doubt on that issue, a reading of the U.S. Marine Corps Commandant's Planning Guidance released last July may dispel notions that the next 10 years are going to be stable and predictable. 2. One contractor can disrupt others through new product and service offerings or even a new business model. Examples of the former include Boeing's T-X/T-7 aircraft, which, if evolved into a fighter/attack aircraft, may be good enough for some missions. Kratos' Valkyrie is another example, which could affect demand for manned combat aircraft. On the latter, the Pentagon now intends to purchase launch services instead of expendable launch vehicles. Where else might these sorts of “as a service” models be applied? 3. The pipeline of bid opportunities: There are some large programs that are in competition and for which decisions are pending. The Ground-Based Strategic Deterrent, Long-Range Standoff, Army aviation and ground-vehicle modernization and Navy FFG(X) programs are some of the larger ones that could be decided, but there also are classified ones and swaths of opportunity in unmanned systems, hypersonics, software for data and artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity. International opportunity also clearly matters in assessing how a contractor is postured. 4. The ability to execute within cost and schedule is essential. Human capital, technology application and risk, contracting and supply chain management are critical attributes. This also will tie into the bid pipeline and the degree to which a contractor is postured to pursue new opportunities or if the contractor will have challenges managing its current portfolio of products and services. From the outside looking in at contractors, this attribute may be difficult to measure. Open job position data can be sketchy, but it is one metric to consider. Performance on current programs is another. 5. Contractor culture will be critical in the 2020s. One aspect of culture is how well a contractor anticipates potential changes in defense and security needs. Another is how receptive company leaders are to positioning or repositioning to capitalize on those changes. There will not be solid metrics here, although there are plenty of good questions to ask. In order to anticipate change, contractors are going to have to be wired to understand when and where change is occurring. This has to allow perspectives that may differ from the consensus view to reach leaders so they can assess whether ideas are worth pursuing or if there is a threat to be addressed. Part of this posture entails a willingness to create top cover and breathing space for conflicting views. There will be a natural tendency of company leaders to continue to exploit current business models and protect major products and services. There will likely be very strong pressure from shareholders to sustain or increase operational margins and cash flow and stay within current business lanes. Posture, however, may also include a willingness to take some short-term or even intermediate-term pain and risk in order to better position for the future. Innovation is an overused term these days, and it may be like former Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart's assertion on obscenity: “I know it when I see it.” Be that as it may, contractors must dedicate time to innovation every week in order to achieve it. https://aviationweek.com/defense/opinion-how-assess-defense-prospects-future

  • Feds OK early start to construction of navy's new supply ships

    18 mai 2018 | Local, Naval

    Feds OK early start to construction of navy's new supply ships

    OTTAWA — The federal government has approved plans to start some work on the navy's new support ships in the coming months in a bid to keep delivery of the much-needed vessels from slipping farther behind schedule. Seaspan Shipyards is expected to begin cutting steel on some parts of the two vessels in Vancouver this summer during a lull in the construction of two science vessels for the Canadian Coast Guard, several sources told The Canadian Press. The science vessels will still be delivered first, but officials are hoping that the head start will result in the first Protecteur-class joint support ship, as the naval vessels are officially known, being delivered 2022. That would be a year earlier than the Department of National Defence's current estimate for the ship's completion, which was recently revealed in an annual report tabled in Parliament. Construction on the first vessel was supposed to start in 2016, with delivery slated for 2019, but the project has been plagued by delays and the government says its $2.3-billion budget is under review. The navy has been without a permanent support ship since 2015, when it was forced to retire its existing vessels due to an unexpected fire and corrosion issues, though it is leasing a temporary replacement, the MV Asterix. The Asterix is at the heart of the criminal case against Vice-Admiral Mark Norman, who has been charged with breach of trust for alleging leaking government secrets about the project to a Quebec shipyard in 2015. Norman has denied any wrongdoing and vowed to fight the charges in court. An official announcement about the plan to start work on the support ships, which are considered essential for supporting a modern navy on international operations, was expected this week but has been delayed. Seaspan, which is responsible for building the two support vessels as well as four science ships and a polar icebreaker for the coast guard, initially pitched the plan in a bid to prevent layoffs between construction of the science ships. National Defence publicly backed the proposal last month as a way to save time and it was touted in the department's annual report to Parliament, which was written before the federal government signed off on the plan. “Current discussions underway between Canada and the shipyard could also result in schedule compression opportunities being exploited,” the report reads, “including the potential to commence the early construction of some JSS components.” Yet the report also confirmed what many have feared: The project continues to experience delays. The department predicted last year that the first ship would be delivered in 2021; the new report says it will be delivered in 2023, though officials hope that the advance work will cut that time to 2022. The cause of the delays has been sharply contested by the government, National Defence, Seaspan and other industry players, with fingers pointed in all directions. Defence analyst David Perry of the Canadian Global Affairs Institute said while starting work soon on the support ships has merit, the ongoing delays point to much wider issues with regards to how the entire national shipbuilding plan is unfolding. “These mitigations keep talking about making something less late than it otherwise would be, not delivering them earlier than planned,” he said. “It's not really clear, but at a minimum, the Crown hasn't really demonstrated that they've reached any kind of stability in terms of the schedule.” http://thestarphoenix.com/pmn/news-pmn/canada-news-pmn/feds-ok-early-start-to-construction-of-navys-new-supply-ships-sources/wcm/cdc8e162-7d54-4493-90c2-6d883a7b03dd

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