28 novembre 2018 | Local, Naval

Ottawa’s legal bill nearly $12 million for warship work

Andrea Gunn (agunn@herald.ca)

The federal government has spent $11.8 million on legal fees relating to the Canadian Surface Combatant project over the past two years, some of that owing to a large number of amendments to the project's request for proposals.

In an answer to a written question posed last month by a Calgary Conservative MP, Public Services and Procurement Canada confirmed that 88 amendments had been made between July 1, 2016, and Oct. 2, 2018 to the request for proposals for the massive, multibillion-dollar project that aims to replace the Royal Canadian Navy's fleet of frigates.

The request for proposals — the document that interested consortiums would have crafted their bids around — was released to 12 companies that had been pre-qualified to participate in the procurement by Irving Shipbuilding in October 2016. Irving is the prime contractor for the combat portion of the National Shipbuilding Strategy, which includes the Arctic Offshore Patrol Ships and the Canadian Surface Combatant, and is tasked with building the 15 warships at its Halifax shipyard. At a projected cost of between $56 and $60 billion, it's the largest and most complex procurement in Canadian history.

There were a number of delays in the closing date for the request for proposals. Originally set for April 2017, the first bids weren't received until last November. In its many technical briefings and media releases from that period, PSPC said the delays were partially as a result of the back-and-forth between industry, government and Irving — feedback which resulted in a number of amendments to the RFP.

“A total of 88 amendments were issued by Irving Shipbuilding between November 1, 2016 and August 13 2018,” the order paper question response reads.

“These amendments were developed and issued to address inquiries from the 12 pre-qualified bidders, and to incorporate process improvements to the competitive RFP so as to maximize the opportunities for bidders to demonstrate the value of their solutions to Canada.”

The response goes on to say the $11.8 million was spent by the government of Canada on project legal fees during the amendment period, but that PSPC is not able to provide a breakdown on how much was spent on the amendments themselves.

PSPC also noted that because Irving issued the RFP, they would have also incurred legal fees.

In the end, three firms submitted bids for the Canadian Surface Combatant and last month the federal government chose a consortium of Lockheed Martin Canada and BAE Systems offering the UK navy's Type 26 global combat ship as the preferred bidder.

Full article: https://www.thechronicleherald.ca/news/local/feds-legal-bill-nearly-12m-for-warship-work-261231/

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Ces projets appuient une grappe économique clé au Manitoba et dans l'Ouest canadien, grappe qui continuera de créer de bons emplois pour la classe moyenne de demain. » - L'honorable Navdeep Bains, ministre de l'Innovation, des Sciences et du Développement économique et ministre responsable de Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada « Le secteur de l'aérospatiale du Manitoba est compétitif à l'échelle mondiale et constitue un élément important de notre économie provinciale. Nous continuons d'appuyer le développement, dans le secteur, d'une main-d'œuvre de pointe, et nous sommes heureux d'avoir fait de ces projets des priorités dans l'établissement de la prochaine génération d'expertise en fabrication de pointe ici au Manitoba. » - Scott Johnston, membre de l'Assemblée législative du Manitoba pour St. James, au nom de Blaine Pedersen, ministre de la Croissance, de l'Entreprise et du Commerce du Manitoba « Nous sommes heureux de bénéficier de l'aide de Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada dans le cadre du lancement d'un projet de développement technologique collaboratif qui rassemble nos partenaires de l'industrie, de la recherche et du milieu universitaire. Nous sommes fiers aussi de soutenir l'objectif du Manitoba Aerospace Fund consistant à accroître la compétitivité industrielle ainsi que notre empreinte économique sur le secteur de l'aérospatiale. 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Des occasions d'emplois de grande qualité sont créées et maintenues directement gr'ce aux essais de mise au point, tandis que d'autres occasions sont générées indirectement par la recherche-développement de pointe nécessaire pour concevoir, entretenir et exploiter de nouvelles générations d'aéronefs encore plus efficaces, sécuritaires et respectueux de l'environnement. Cet investissement dans l'avenir braque les projecteurs sur le Manitoba, soulignant ainsi la vigueur économique de son secteur de l'aérospatiale, et il constitue un brillant exemple de la collaboration entre le gouvernement et l'industrie visant à assurer la santé et le mieux-être économiques à long terme du Canada et du Manitoba." - Bob Hastings, directeur général, WestCaRD SOURCE Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest du Canada https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/les-gouvernements-du-canada-et-du-manitoba-renforcent-lindustrie-de-laerospatiale-696617531.html

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