22 novembre 2021 | International, Aérospatial

Europe-Based U.S. Air Force Squadron Readies For F-35 Arrival

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  • Is China already inside America’s hypersonic industrial base?

    10 juin 2020 | International, Aérospatial

    Is China already inside America’s hypersonic industrial base?

    By: Aaron Mehta WASHINGTON — As the Pentagon focuses on developing new technologies such as artificial intelligence and directed energy, department officials have declared the need to ensure foreign nations are not buying their way into the defense-industrial base. But a new report warns China may already have ownership over a key focus: hypersonic weapons. Hypersonic missiles, which are capable of going faster than five times the speed of sound, are expected to become a backbone of the U.S. military in the coming decades. As part of its annual Federal Scorecard, data and analytics firm Govini found that tier one suppliers in the hypersonic supply chain — seven major companies that are working most closely with the Department of Defense on the technology development — has done a good job of keeping Chinese-owned companies out of the process. But at the tier three level, where companies provide smaller but still critical components, the exposure to Chinese suppliers jumps to nearly 10 percent. And that exposure grows slightly by the time it reaches tier five suppliers, with Govini seeing signs of overlap among companies at those lower levels. “This does not necessarily mean that Chinese parts are ending up in DoD'a hypersonics,” explained Jim Mitre, Govini's senior vice president for strategy and analysis. “However, China may have opportunities to jeopardize the development [of] hypersonics through engagement in the supply chain, and it's critically important for DoD and industry to ensure that's not the case.” That is “an area that we're regularly working with the department on exploring and unpacking” to understand the challenges in the supply chain, Mitre added. A series of Pentagon reports in the last two years have raised concerns about the defense-industrial base, particularly when it comes to high-end materials and design knowledge for missiles. In some cases, the only supplier for critical materials come from China, the exact country the U.S. is looking to counter by investing in hypersonic weapons. In March, the Pentagon announced it was launching a deep dive into the hypersonic industrial base specifically to understand the vulnerabilities at the lower-tier suppliers. That study is ongoing. Meanwhile, officials have acknowledged that smaller suppliers have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Govini also found that the U.S. is under investing compared to China in the realm of quantum technologies, with the Pentagon's fiscal 2021 research, development, testing and evaluation budget for quantum-related programs decreasing by nearly 10 percent from the previous year. The department has requested $3.2 billion for RDT&E funds related to hypersonic weapons in FY21. https://www.defensenews.com/pentagon/2020/06/09/is-china-already-inside-americas-hypersonic-industrial-base/

  • BAE, Boeing, Lockheed respond to new Japanese F-X RFI

    9 novembre 2020 | International, Aérospatial

    BAE, Boeing, Lockheed respond to new Japanese F-X RFI

    By Greg Waldron5 November 2020 BAE Systems, Boeing, and Lockheed Martin have replied to a request for information (RFI) related to work on Tokyo's F-X future fighter programme. Japan's Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency (ATLA) confirms that the RFI was issued on 16 September, with seven companies showing initial interest. Only BAE, Boeing and Lockheed replied prior to the RFI's deadline – the Lockheed bid also involves Northrop Grumman. “MHI (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries) will conduct conceptual design to look for the best fighter configuration to meet the requirement,” says ATLA. “Receiving the answers of the RFI from 3 companies, [the ministry of defence] will assess them and choose a candidate company by the end of the year.” News of the RFI responses follows the 30 October confirmation that the ministry had signed a contract with MHI to develop the F-X, which will succeed the Mitsubishi-produced F-2 in the 2030s. BAE, which is leading the international Tempest programme in Europe, says that its response to the RFI discusses the company's technical capabilities across a range of areas where BAE can support F-X development. “We are delighted to have submitted our response to the Japanese Ministry of Defence and we firmly believe that we can add significant value to the F-X programme,” says Andy Latham, campaign delivery director – Japan, for BAE Systems' Air business. “We have decades of experience of partnering with nations around the world to deliver sovereign capability. Our track record of collaborating on complex combat aircraft programmes has provided us with insight and understanding of the likely challenges and the range of capabilities, technologies and relationships required to successfully deliver the next generation of such programmes.” Boeing has extensive combat aircraft experience in Japan, including involvement in upgrading Tokyo's fleet of F-15J fighters to a new “Japanese Super Interceptor” standard. “We are honoured to have been invited to submit a proposal to support the design and production of Japan's next generation fighter,” says Boeing. “Our proposal is for a Japan-led, next-generation fighter with cutting-edge technology based on the best of Japanese industry and Boeing. We have a strong and rich history of partnering with Japan, and a proven track record in advanced fighters, which will ensure a low-cost, low-risk approach for the Government of Japan and Japanese industry, along with key Japan-US interoperability.” Lockheed also has a long history in Japan. The F-2 is a derivative of the F-16, and Tokyo is in the process of obtaining up to 147 F-35s, which would make it the second largest operator of the type. MHI operates a final assembly line for the F-35. “Lockheed Martin has responded to Japan's F-X request for information (RFI) with Northrop Grumman,” says the company. “Our comprehensive RFI response outlines potential areas of development support and participation that could significantly reduce F-X development costs and schedule by leveraging close industry cooperation with Japan's F-X integrator, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and ensuring indigenous design and sovereignty.” The company points to its experience with stealth aircraft, and also touches on the importance of interoperability with assets such as the F-35. “We firmly believe that we are well positioned to partner with MHI to cost-effectively develop Japan's next fighter and continue supporting the evolution of Japan's technological capabilities.” https://www.flightglobal.com/defence/bae-boeing-lockheed-respond-to-new-japanese-f-x-rfi/140995.article?adredir=1

  • Le drone tactique Patroller très proche de sa première livraison

    8 novembre 2019 | International, Aérospatial

    Le drone tactique Patroller très proche de sa première livraison

    Par Michel Cabirol Le drone tactique Patroller, qui doit être livré très prochainement à l'armée de Terre, devrait être armé d'une roquette guidée laser de 68 mm. Safran a reçu de la DGA une étude de levée de risques pour armer le Patroller. Tic-tac, tic-tac, tic-tac... La livraison du drone tactique Patroller est désormais une question de semaines. Prévue initialement le 22 novembre, elle a été très légèrement reportée à début décembre en raison de l'encombrement du trafic aérien à Istres, où le premier système (5 avions et deux stations sol) doit être remis à l'armée de Terre à l'issue d'une série de vols. Une fois le système testé à Istres, il sera rapatrié dare-dare à Chaumont où les créneaux de vol sont beaucoup plus simples à gérer pour l'armée de Terre, qui va devoir s'approprier ce nouveau système d'arme. Le Patroller est attendu sur les thé'tres d'opération mi-2021, et notamment sur la bande sahélo-saharienne (BSS). Le Patroller sera la "rolls" de l'armée de Terre. Équipé d'une boule optronique gyrostabilisée dernier cri, ce drone tactique vise à répondre aux missions de renseignement au profit des unités tactiques de l'armée de Terre en leur offrant une capacité de surveillance, d'acquisition, de reconnaissance et de renseignement (SA2R). Ce système d'observation est capable de détecter, d'identifier et de localiser, de jour comme de nuit, dans un champ atteignant presque 360°, tous les éléments observés sur une portée de 150 km (14 heures d'autonomie). "Il permet ainsi, presque immédiatement, de décrire une éventuelle unité ennemie, avait confirmé en juin dernier le général Jean-Pierre Bosser, qui était encore chef d'état-major de l'armée de Terre. Voilà un progrès essentiel apporté par la troisième dimension à l'armée de terre". Le Patroller armé d'une roquette guidée laser Une bonne nouvelle peut en cacher une autre. Safran a récemment obtenu la notification d'un contrat d'une durée de 18 mois pour une étude de levée de risques pour l'armement du Patroller, selon des sources concordantes. L'armée de Terre avait fortement plaidé pour armer le Patroller. "Pour les militaires l'armement des drones était depuis longtemps considéré comme une nécessité. (...) Nous avons clairement affirmé le besoin d'armer le Patroller", avait indiqué en mai 2018 lors d'une audition à l'Assemblée nationale le général Charles Beaudouin, sous-chef d'état-major chargé des plans et des programmes de l'état-major de l'armée de Terre. Le choix s'est porté sur la roquette guidée laser de 68mm de Thales, qui équipe déjà l'hélicoptère Tigre. Elle a été préférée à la version sol-air du missile MMP, le MHT de MBDA. Pourquoi ? La roquette guidée laser est dimensionnée aux besoins de l'armée de Terre en étant parfaitement adaptée à des objectifs rencontrés par le Patroller lors de ses missions de surveillance pour réaliser des tirs sur des cibles d'opportunité (pick-up, sniper...). La roquette est également beaucoup moins chère et plus légère que le MMP et son poste de tir. Ce dernier point permet d'optimiser l'autonomie du Patroller, qui un outil de gestion de crise. Enfin, la solution MMP, qui traite des cibles plus importantes (char, bunker...), aurait été plus compliquée techniquement à mettre au point en raison de son guidage (fibre optique). Bloqué par la direction générale de l'armement (DGA) en rétorsion aux retards du Patroller, cette étude de levée de risque était attendue depuis deux ans environ. C'était il y a deux ans déjà en septembre 2017 que la ministre des Armées Florence Parly avait annoncé dans un discours devenu fameux sa décision d'armer les drones Reaper français. "Deux ans de perdu", soupire une source interrogée par La Tribune. Aujourd'hui le Patroller armé est attendu au sein de l'armée de Terre en 2023 https://www.latribune.fr/entreprises-finance/industrie/aeronautique-defense/le-drone-tactique-patroller-tres-proche-de-sa-premiere-livraison-832585.html

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