13 mai 2022 | International, Autre défense

Le Royaume-Uni signe des accords de défense mutuelle avec la Suède et la Finlande

Alors que la Suède et la Finlande devraient officialiser leur demande d'adhésion à l'OTAN dans les prochains jours, le premier ministre britannique, Boris Johnson, s'est déplacé à Harpsund (résidence de loisir officielle de la première ministre suédoise), près de Stockholm, et à Helsinki, mercredi 11 mai, pour y signer un accord de défense et de protection mutuelle avec les deux pays. « Si l'un ou l'autre des pays est frappé par une catastrophe ou victime d'une attaque, nous serons là et nous nous aiderons, y compris avec une assistance militaire », a-t-il déclaré à Helsinki. Un peu plus tôt, en Suède, il avait précisé que l'accord allait permettre de « partager des renseignements, mener encore plus d'exercices militaires conjoints et approfondir nos développements communs de technologie ». Le premier ministre britannique n'a pas exclu l'envoi de troupes britanniques, ni l'assistance de la dissuasion nucléaire. « Nous avons pour habitude de ne pas commenter ce sujet [de la dissuasion nucléaire], mais c'est à chacun des deux partenaires de formuler sa demande [d'aide] et nous prenons [cet engagement d'aide] très au sérieux », a-t-il souligné lors de la conférence de presse avec la première ministre suédoise, Magdalena Andersson. Le Royaume-Uni a également proposé de déployer du personnel de la Royal Air Force, de la Royal Navy et de l'armée de Terre britannique au Nord de l'Europe.

Le Monde du 12 mai

Sur le même sujet

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    7 janvier 2022 | International, Aérospatial

    Lockheed to Produce 105 Additional F-35 Fighters for US Military

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  • Rafale jets won’t save India’s air force

    13 août 2020 | International, Aérospatial

    Rafale jets won’t save India’s air force

    The first five of India's new Rafale fighter aircraft touched down in country on July 29. According to the terms of a 2016 contract with the French manufacturer Dassault, 31 more will follow. They will go some way toward filling India's larger requirement of 126 such jets. The Indian Air Force has long needed refurbishing, but it has been perennially delayed both by New Delhi's infamous bureaucratic red tape and by budgetary issues. Now, the arrival of the new fighters—the first in over 20 years—in the middle of an unprecedented border face-off against China, will be a boost for Indian military capability as well as morale. But it won't do much to change the hard reality that, as an air power, India is falling far behind, foreign media report. The Indian Air Force has historically been one of the best-equipped air forces in the region, but it has seen its advantage, both qualitative and quantitative, against China and Pakistan narrow dramatically over the past two decades. Even worse, it now faces the challenge of mustering enough aircraft to tackle any possible collusion between the Pakistani and Chinese air forces. Related to tensions in Ladakh, China seems to be activating air platforms in its Tibetan airfields. And along the border with Pakistan, the Pakistan Air Force recently conducted an air exercise out of the Skardu base in Gilgit-Baltistan. Taken together, those are tough challenges for an underequipped air force to take on. The Rafale may help somewhat. After decades of fielding upgraded legacy fighters and struggling to develop contemporary jets, the Rafale finally provides the Indian Air Force with a comprehensive combat craft that requires very little further tinkering. Unlike any previous procurements, the Rafale fighters' capabilities are already up to par, and small enhancements will be relatively easy and cheap via the so-called India-specific enhancements. These India-specific changes are being carried out under a concurrent design, modification, testing, and certification program carried out by Dassault. The modifications involve a mix of hardware and software changes, including an improved infrared search-and-track capability, the addition of an Israeli helmet-mounted display and sight system, changes to the electronically scanned radar, a new device for jamming low-band radio frequencies, integration of an Israeli-created decoy system, an upgraded radar altimeter, expanded navigation aids, and a more robust cold start system for the engines to make them suitable for winter operations from the Air Force's Himalayan bases. Once all changes are tested and certified in 2021, the entire Indian Rafale fleet will be updated. This allows Dassault to keep producing fighters at an economical rate and the Air Force to induct jets and train personnel in an organized manner, while still ensuring that the final aircraft does not compromise on the original capability requirements. https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/699521-rafale-jets-won-t-save-india-s-air-force

  • General Atomics Selected for the Army’s Digital Guided Missile Program

    22 juillet 2020 | International, Terrestre, C4ISR

    General Atomics Selected for the Army’s Digital Guided Missile Program

    San Diego, CA, (July 20, 2020) - General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems (GA-EMS) announced today that it has been selected as a prime contractor for the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC) Aviation and Missile Center's (AvMC) Digital Guided Missile (DGM) prototype program under the Aviation and Missile Technology Consortium (AMTC). GA-EMS will develop advanced missile conceptual designs in direct support of the Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) for the Army Modernization Campaign. “We are excited to be chosen to help frame the next generation of weapon systems for the U.S. Army,” stated Scott Forney, president of GA-EMS. “GA-EMS has more than a decade's worth of experience developing and advancing hypersonic weapons technologies for the joint service. We develop missile designs that have a digital model grounded with vetted modeling and simulation infrastructures. We are eager to leverage that expertise to develop competitive new ideas that better equip our men and women across a multi-domain battlespace.” GA-EMS will conduct required analysis and design to develop new missile system prototype concepts for the Long Range Precision Fires (LRPF), Next Generation Combat Vehicle (NGCV), Future Vertical Lift (FVL), and Air and Missile Defense (AMD) Cross Functional Teams (CFTs) and their high priority missions. The DGM prototype program intends to augment critical warfighter capabilities that have potential to provide increased lethality and overmatch by 2028. “GA-EMS has organic capabilities for the development of missile systems,” stated Nick Bucci, vice president of Missile Defense and Space Systems at GA-EMS. “Our key technical personnel with decades of experience in weapons design and manufacturing, along with our flight technologies and space and air systems engineering groups located in Huntsville, AL, bring the missile development knowledge and capability needed to support the U.S. Army's critical MDOs in the 2028 timeline.” The Aviation and Missile Technology Consortium (AMTC), Other Transactional Agreement (OTA) effort, will be executed for AvMC through Advanced Technology Incorporated (ATI). About General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems (GA-EMS) Group is a global leader in the research, design, and manufacture of first-of-a-kind electromagnetic and electric power generation systems. GA-EMS' history of research, development, and technology innovation has led to an expanding portfolio of specialized products and integrated system solutions supporting aviation, space systems and satellites, missile defense, power and energy, and processing and monitoring applications for critical defense, industrial, and commercial customers worldwide. For further information contact: EMS-MediaRelations@ga.com Effort sponsored by the U.S. Government under Other Transaction number W9124P-19-9-0001 between AMTC and the Government. The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Governmental purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation thereon. The views and conclusions contained herein are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied, of the U.S. Government. View source version on General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems: https://www.ga.com/general-atomics-selected-for-the-army-s-digital-guided-missile-program

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