18 octobre 2022 | International, Naval

Industry cluster forms around European patrol corvette program

Touted as a poster child for European defense industry integration, the effort is picking up steam with support from European Union coffers.


Sur le même sujet

  • Raytheon Unveils Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile Project

    16 septembre 2019 | International, Aérospatial

    Raytheon Unveils Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile Project

    Steve Trimble Raytheon has unveiled an internally funded program to develop a new air-to-air missile called Peregrine that combines the reach of the medium-range AIM-120 and the maneuverability of the short-range AIM-9X, but in a smaller form factor to increase the magazine depth of tactical aircraft. The unveiling of a Peregrine mockup on Sept. 16 at the Air Force Association's annual National Convention in Washington comes just three months after U.S. Air Force officials confirmed the ongoing development of the Lockheed Martin AIM-260, which is intended to replace the AIM-120 with a longer-range missile of the same length. The Peregrine missile is being pitched to U.S. and international customers that want AIM-120 performance in a smaller package to double missile loads in the internal weapon bays of stealth fighters or triple the magazine depth on the external weapon stations of nonstealth aircraft, says Mark Noyes, vice president of business development and strategy for Raytheon Missile Systems. “What we see it as is a complement to our [AIM-120] Amraam and AIM-9X,” Noyes says Raytheon's internal development project follows the introduction of multiple weapons boasting longer range than the nearly three-decade-old AIM-120 design. In addition to the MBDA Meteor, the PL-15 is being developed by China and the Vympel K-77M has been ordered by the Russian government. The Peregrine also fits into a new category typified by the 2013 unveiling of Lockheed Martin's Cuda concept, which offered the Air Force a missile with AIM-120-like range—or slightly better—in a package half the size and weight. The Cuda received support from an Air Force Research Laboratory project called Small Advanced Capabilities Missile. Raytheon lists the Peregrine with a length of 6 ft. (1.8 m) and a total weight of about 150 lb. (68 kg), or roughly half the length and mass of the 12-ft., 335-lb. AIM-120. Although Peregrine shares a common stature with Lockheed's Cuda concept, there are distinct differences. Lockheed designed the Cuda as a hit-to-kill weapon, but the Peregrine destroys the target with a blast-fragmentation warhead. The missile is guided to the target with a “multimode autonomous seeker,” says Noyes, but he declined to elaborate. A multimode guidance system places the Peregrine in a different category than the radar-guided AIM-120 and infrared homing AIM-9X. It could more closely reflect the multimode guidance system installed in the Raytheon/Rafael Stunner surface-to-air missile, which combines radar and infrared sensors into a dolphin nose-shaped radome. A “new, high-performance propulsion section” will accelerate the Peregrine to supersonic speed to achieve potentially slightly better range than the AIM-120, but Noyes declined to describe the specific type of propulsion technology selected for the new missile. Several options are available to modern missile designers. The Stunner uses a multipulse rocket motor, while the MBDA powers the Meteor missile with a ramjet-augmented rocket. Missile developers also have been experimenting with new propellant technologies, including exotic gels. Even at a range equivalent to that of the AIM-120, the Peregrine should provide similar endgame maneuverability as the super agile AIM-9X, Noyes says. “It will go supersonic and that's attributable to that new lightweight airframe and high-performance modular control system,” he says. “That permits it [to] go and do incredible maneuvers, especially at the endgame where it's needed most.” How long Raytheon has been developing the Peregrine is not clear. In a blow to Raytheon's hopes to deliver the successor of the AIM-120, the Air Force awarded the AIM-160 development contract to Lockheed in 2017. Raytheon filed a trademark application for a new guided missile called Peregrine on Aug. 14, 2018. The company is testing components and is “seeing tremendous progress,” Noyes adds. “We are making a commitment to mature this so our service customers will resonate with its capabilities and demonstrated performance,” he says. https://aviationweek.com/defense/raytheon-unveils-medium-range-air-air-missile-project

  • Turkey to make its own maritime missile-launching system after sanctions interrupt Lockheed plans

    6 juillet 2021 | International, Naval

    Turkey to make its own maritime missile-launching system after sanctions interrupt Lockheed plans

    Turkish defense company Roketsan is to develop a vertical launching system for the country’s first locally made frigate, after American sanctions disrupted original procurement plans, said naval platforms acquisition official Alper Kose.

  • La disponibilité des aéronefs en 2018

    4 juillet 2019 | International, Aérospatial

    La disponibilité des aéronefs en 2018

    Helen Chachaty En réponse à une question du député François Cornut-Gentille, le ministère des Armées a publié les chiffres actualisés du taux de disponibilité des différentes flottes exploitées par l'armée de l'air, la marine nationale et l'armée de terre. Si certaines font figure de « bonnes élèves » et enregistrent une hausse constante ces trois dernières années, d'autres en revanche, continuent de plonger. Du côté des voilures fixes, la flotte de transport gouvernemental affiche une disponibilité au beau fixe, relativement constante depuis trois ans : Les A310/330/340 culminent respectivement à 73%, 81,5% et 88,7% de disponibilité, quand les Falcon 7X sont à 71,4% et les Falcon 2000 à 77,8%. Le dernier-né de la flotte, l'A330 MRTT, dont l'affichage du taux risque de disparaître avec son entrée dans le contingent dédié à la dissuasion nucléaire, il enregistre une disponibilité de 66,2% depuis son entrée dans les forces en octobre 2018. Toujours côté transport, les deux C-130J, réceptionnés fin 2017 et en 2018, affichent un score très respectable de 75,6%. La situation de l'A400M est certes loin d'être florissante, mais le taux de disponibilité est en hausse constante depuis 2016, passant ainsi de 13% à 25,6%, atteignant en 2018 un taux de 27,5%. Les CN235 restent constants sur les trois dernières années, autour de 50%, avec un léger rebond en 2018, pour atteindre les 53,7%. Quant aux C-130H, leur taux de disponibilité continue de baisser (19,4% en 2018), en attendant les effets bénéfiques du changement de prestataire de MCO. Côté aviation de chasse, les Rafale (air et marine) affichent un taux respectable de 53,6 et 53,7%, soit quasiment 20 points de plus que les Mirage 2000D, dont le taux de disponibilité est passé de 36,3% en 2017 à 33,8% en 2018. La flotte de MQ-9 Reaper, après avoir enregistré une baisse entre 2016 et 2017 en ayant chuté de près de 10 points (de 71,4% à 62,6%), est remontée en 2018 à 73,7% de disponibilité. Pour les voilures tournantes, ce sont la Gazelle et... la vénérable Alouette III qui tiennent le haut du pavé, affichant respectivement des taux de disponibilité de 46,2 et 44,7%. Ces flottes sont suivies de peu par les Dauphin (43,5%), le Caracal (40%), le Panther (39,9%) et le Fennec (38,65%). En bas de classement, le Lynx, qui atteint à peine les 15,5%. Quant au Tigre HAD (30,2%), il est légèrement devant la version HAD (28,1%). La version marine du NH90 se situe quant à elle cinq points en dessous (30,4%) de la version terrestre (35,5%). https://www.journal-aviation.com/actualites/42753-la-disponibilite-des-aeronefs-en-2018

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