24 janvier 2023 | International, Aérospatial

Greece builds first locally made combat drone

The Grypas will serve as a multipurpose system equipped for combat assignments.


Sur le même sujet

  • Sweden to Propose Development of a New Fighter Aircraft

    19 juin 2020 | International, Aérospatial

    Sweden to Propose Development of a New Fighter Aircraft

    The Swedish government on Tuesday revealed its plans to improve its military capabilities including development of a new fighter jet to replace the JAS 39 Grippen. “The development of the next generation fighter aircraft will commence,” Swedish Carl Anders Peter Hultqvist said in a statement June 16, without divulging any more details. Swedish Air Force JAS 39/D combat aircraft will be maintained, as the new fighter JAS 39 E is integrated into the squadrons and becomes operational. This will allow the service to keep six fighter squadrons. The Army will be reorganized and consist of three mechanized brigades, one smaller motorized brigade and, on the island of Gotland, one mechanized battalion with support elements. Additional ranger, intelligence, security, artillery, engineer, logistics and air defence units will be added. When it comes to the Navy the existing corvettes will be upgraded with new air-defence missiles. Two new corvettes will be acquired in order to replace two older ones after 2025. One existing submarine will get a mid-life upgrade and therefore the number of submarines will increase from four to five. A new amphibious battalion will be established on the west coast of Sweden. In 2020, the government will also establish a national cyber security centre. This centre will strengthen Sweden's ability to prevent, detect and handle antagonistic cyber threats and reduce cyber related vulnerabilities. It will also provide support to private and public actors on how to improve their cyber security and protection against cyber attacks. In July 2019, Governments of Sweden and the United Kingdom (UK) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to develop future combat aircraft capabilities and combat aircraft systems. The collaboration offers the opportunity to further insert advanced technologies into JAS 39 Gripen. https://www.defenseworld.net/news/27229#.Xuz9ymhKiUk

  • Garantir l’indépendance de la BITD, enjeu essentiel pour la souveraineté

    26 novembre 2020 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Garantir l’indépendance de la BITD, enjeu essentiel pour la souveraineté

    DEFENSE Garantir l'indépendance de la BITD, enjeu essentiel pour la souveraineté A l'occasion du Paris Air Forum, Françoise Dumas, Présidente de la commission de Défense nationale et des forces armées de l'Assemblée Nationale, Antoine Bouvier, Directeur de la stratégie, des fusions acquisitions et des affaires publiques chez Airbus, Thomas Courbe, Directeur général des entreprises, et François Mestre, chef du Service des Affaires industrielles et de l'Intelligence économique à la DGA, ont participé à une table-ronde consacrée aux enjeux de la préservation de la Base Industrielle et Technologique de Défense (BITD) française. L'importance de l'autonomie industrielle a été soulignée : la BITD française est la seule en Europe à être capable de répondre à tous les besoins des armées. L'État doit garantir les moyens d'assurer la course technologique et éviter la captation des entreprises ou des données par d'autres puissances. Il est également fondamental de préserver dans le pays les compétences : très longues à acquérir, elles disparaissent très rapidement, et ne peuvent plus être retrouvées, explique Françoise Dumas. Le soutien à l'apprentissage est également essentiel, et les investissements consentis par l'État, autant en R&D que par la commande publique, sont des leviers très importants, sans oublier les fonds mis à la disposition, notamment, des PME. Antoine Bouvier a souligné la grande cohérence de la filière en France, qui va des donneurs d'ordre aux PME capables de produire des composants. La Tribune du 25 novembre

  • Exercise to unite four combatant commands to test homeland defenses for the first time

    1 juin 2020 | International, Naval

    Exercise to unite four combatant commands to test homeland defenses for the first time

    Geoff Ziezulewicz For the first time, four U.S. combatant commands are coming together this week for an exercise that simulates how the military would respond to an attack on its home turf. Headed by U.S. Northern Command, the four-day exercise began this week off the East Coast and also involves U.S. Space, Transportation and Strategic commands, according to NORTHCOM. The aircraft carrier Harry S. Truman strike group and its air wing will join Canadian fighter jets and Air Force F-15s in conducting intercepts against adversary aircraft during the exercise, which began Thursday and will wrap up Sunday. This week's exercise continues a long stint at sea for the Truman's crew. The ship left Norfolk in November for its third overseas cruise in the past four years. While the strike group's deployment began to wrap up this spring, it spent its time as a rapid-response force at sea instead of pierside in order to protect the crew from exposure to COVID-19. An Air Force B-1B bomber will be used as the enemy aiming to infiltrate U.S. airspace as well. Along the way, brass hope the exercise can strengthen the military's ability to communicate and share real-time information in such a scenario, according to NORTHCOM. U.S. Transportation Command is providing refueling tankers along the coast to support defending forces during the exercise, and Space Command is providing satellite communications and GPS. “Leading complex multi-combatant command operations across multiple domains demonstrates our readiness to defend our homeland regardless of COVID-19,” Air Force Gen. Terrence O'Shaughnessy, the head of NORTHCOM, said in a statement. Correction: this article incorrectly stated when the Truman deployed last year. The carrier deployed in November. https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2020/05/29/exercise-to-unite-four-combatant-commands-to-test-homeland-defenses-for-the-first-time/

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