16 avril 2024 | International, Naval

Anduril pairs with Korean shipbuilder to design new unmanned platforms

Anduril and HD Hyundai will collaborate to pair American software and autonomy with South Korean mass manufacturing in shipbuilding.


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  • La France veut consacrer près de 300 milliards d'euros à sa défense en sept ans

    8 février 2018 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR

    La France veut consacrer près de 300 milliards d'euros à sa défense en sept ans

    Par Challenges le 08.02.2018 à 08h45 Régénérer les hommes et moderniser les équipements, durement sollicités, tout en préparant l'avenir : c'est l'ambition du nouveau projet de loi de programmation militaire (LPM) français, qui prévoit de consacrer 295 milliards d'euros à la défense de 2019 à 2025. Régénérer les hommes et moderniser les équipements, durement sollicités, tout en préparant l'avenir : c'est l'ambition du nouveau projet de loi de programmation militaire (LPM) français, qui prévoit de consacrer 295 milliards d'euros à la défense de 2019 à 2025. Objectif de cet "effort budgétaire inédit", selon les propos du président Emmanuel Macron : porter les dépenses de défense de la France à 2% du PIB en 2025, conformément à ce que réclame l'Otan de la part de ses membres, selon cette LPM présentée jeudi matin en conseil des ministres dont l'AFP a obtenu les détails. Le budget des armées, de 34,2 milliards d'euros en 2018, va bénéficier d'une hausse de 1,7 milliard d'euros par an jusqu'en 2022, avant des "marches" de 3 milliards par an à partir de 2023. Soit après la prochaine élection présidentielle. Cette trajectoire budgétaire ascendante contraste avec les réductions d'effectifs et les tensions financières endurées pendant plus d'une décennie par l'institution militaire, avant un redressement amorcé après les attentats de 2015. Reste une incertitude quant à la forte hausse des moyens programmée en 2024 et 2025, au-delà du quinquennat Macron. Pour l'heure, ce sont 198 milliards d'euros de besoins, de 2019 à 2023, qui sont "couverts de manière ferme", souligne-t-on au ministère. Les montants des années suivantes seront "précisés" lors d'une actualisation de la LPM en 2021. L'ancien chef d'Etat-major des armées Pierre de Villiers a appelé à la vigilance mercredi soir sur France 3, en soulignant que la mise en oeuvre de ces projections budgétaires était rarement fidèle aux engagements initiaux. "Nous sommes sur une pente à 1,7 milliard jusqu'en 2022 et ensuite la pente est à 3 milliards à partir de 2023 (...) Evidemment, nous avons l'expérience, il faudra être vigilant" sur l'exécution de ces engagements, a lancé le général, qui a démissionné en juillet 2017 après un conflit avec le chef de l'Etat en raison de coupes budgétaires. Le projet de LPM érige en priorités l'amélioration du quotidien du soldat et à la modernisation d'équipements à bout de souffle, alors que la France est engagée tous azimuts, au Sahel (opération Barkhane), au Levant (Chammal) et sur le territoire national (Sentinelle). Livraisons accélérées et augmentées Après quelque 60.000 suppressions d'effectifs entre 2005 et 2015, le ministère des Armées ambitionne de créer quelque 6.000 postes d'ici à 2025, en particulier dans la cyberdéfense (1.500) et le renseignement (1.500). Pour améliorer la condition des quelque 200.000 militaires français et les fidéliser, la LPM augmente nettement les crédits consacrés aux petits équipements (+34% sur 2019-23) -- gilets pare-balles, treillis... --, à l'entretien du matériel (+30%) et aux infrastructures (+71%), longtemps négligés. Deuxième grand axe : la modernisation accélérée des matériels existants, nombreux à aligner plusieurs décennies de service, a été privilégiée, et l'accent mis sur les capacités de renseignement (avions, drones, satellites...) susceptibles d'accroître l'autonomie stratégique française et européenne. L'armée de Terre va voir le renouvellement accéléré de ses véhicules blindés médians (programme Scorpion), dont 50% des nouveaux modèles seront livrés d'ici à 2025. Les fameux VAB, 40 ans au compteur, seront remplacés par les blindés Griffon, dont 150 exemplaires supplémentaires seront commandés. La Marine obtient quatre pétroliers ravitailleurs nouvelle génération, dont deux d'ici à 2025, un b'timent spécialisé dans le recueil de renseignement, et 19 patrouilleurs au lieu des 17 prévus pour surveiller les zones économiques exclusives françaises outre-mer. L'armée de l'Air se voit allouer 8 avions légers de surveillance, et le renouvellement accéléré de sa flotte quinquagénaire d'avions ravitailleurs Boeing KC-135 par 15 A330 MRTT, dont 12 auront été livrés en 2023. Pour préparer l'avenir, la France va lancer des études sur le remplacement de son unique porte-avions, qui sera retiré du service vers 2040. Seront également financées des études sur le système de combat aérien du futur et sur le char de combat du futur. Sur le plan de la dissuasion nucléaire, clé de voûte de la défense française, les travaux de renouvellement des deux composantes (navale et aérienne) seront engagés au cours du quinquennat. Budget estimé : 37 milliards d'euros entre 2019 et 2025. (Avec AFP) https://www.challenges.fr/entreprise/defense/la-france-veut-consacrer-pres-de-300-milliards-d-euros-a-sa-defense-en-sept-ans_566000

  • From shelters to vehicles to rucks, here’s how the Army is changing its command posts

    27 juillet 2018 | International, Terrestre

    From shelters to vehicles to rucks, here’s how the Army is changing its command posts

    By: Todd South ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. — As the Army looks to shrink its battlefield footprint, its researchers and engineers are finding ways to make the nerve center of the battle — command posts — lighter, more capable and easier to set up and tear down. A recently concluded three-year program aimed to do just that, with everything from the shelter devices used to house a command post's gear, to refitting old and new vehicles, to moving an entirely vehicle-mounted communications system off the truck and into the ruck, cutting its weight by two-thirds in the process. These are some of the ways that experts with the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command's Communications–Electronics Center are finding to make command posts more mobile, resilient and effective against enemies that can quickly target and destroy massed formations. Some of the advancements include the Expeditionary Command Post shelter, a 20-foot box with integrated power outlets, air conditioning, network cabling and video distribution system. It's containerized so that it can be hauled on a truck or sling loaded under a helicopter. A four-soldier team can set up the structure within 30 minutes as the remaining command personnel hook up the computers, radios and other devices inside of the structure. Jim Bell, operations expert with RDECOM, told Army Times that soldiers with the 1st Armored Division's 2nd Brigade Combat Team set up the shelter in those time frames during field exercises. And during an experiment at Fort Hood, Texas, soldiers moved the shelter with a CH-47 Chinook helicopter. An even more mobile option that researchers have put together is the Light-Mobile Command Post, a pull-out table and tent combination that is installed in the back of a Humvee. It includes fixed TV monitors, built-in radio networks, cabling and computers. The system was designed primarily for light infantry units, but a similar configuration has also been installed on tracked command vehicles for armor units. This post can be voice comm and position location tracking operational within 15 minutes and fully operational in 30 minutes. Another Humvee-based answer to mobile command is a reconfigured command and control vehicle dubbed the Command Post Platform–Improved. It has a built-in power and cooling system and spots for two cases containing the capacity for six computer servers, enough to run a brigade's worth of data. The setup includes seven radio nets, HF, UHF, VHF and SATCOM, and links for fiber optic, standard and secret lines of communication. A small but important feature allows the user to power the systems from either vehicle or external power. The system also has a 15-minute power backup so that the servers can continue to run as power is switched. Beyond a structure or tent solution, researchers have also outfitted small and mid-size all-terrain vehicles, specifically the Polaris MRZR. The focus of these is to provide airborne or air assault operations with a full-fledged command post in a smaller package. The smaller MRZR uses a modular system that can be pulled and reinstalled quickly into another vehicle, should the ATV be disabled. And it has an extra-powerful alternator that can produce 120 amps, double the amperage of a Humvee alternator. It also includes a first-ever all-around handset that can plug in and communicate whether the speaker is using radio, Voice over Internet Protocol or VOIP, and other computer-based voice applications. On top of all these advancements, the Army also is working on reducing what was 60 pounds worth of gear that previously was only used during mounted operations into a much lighter, man-portable package. “They were ripping stuff off of vehicles and coming up with a power source,” said Brad McNeilly-Anta, command post consultant for RDECOM. “That wound up with a 60-pound item, and they were jumping with it at the 82nd Airborne.” Not the most convenient package to haul to the ground. The expeditionary Joint Battle Command Platform is a line of sight, two-way transmission that includes a tablet, battery, peripherals and a new fueled power source that allows it to run for more than 24 hours of continuous operations. Adjustments and replacements to the ruggedized computer, power source, transceiver and encryption device have trimmed the weight down to 23 pounds. Experimenters adapted a 1 L methanol power source to run the system but have also successfully experimented with windshield wiper fluid to run the system, McNeilly-Anta said. https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2018/07/26/from-shelters-to-vehicles-to-rucks-heres-how-the-army-is-changing-its-command-posts

  • Littoral Combat Ship 19 (St. Louis) Completes Acceptance Trials

    16 décembre 2019 | International, Naval

    Littoral Combat Ship 19 (St. Louis) Completes Acceptance Trials

    MARINETTE, Wis., Dec. 16, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) 19, the future USS St. Louis, completed Acceptance Trials in Lake Michigan. Now that trials are complete, the ship will undergo final outfitting and fine-tuning before delivery. LCS 19 is the tenth Freedom-variant LCS designed and built by the Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT)-led industry team and is slated for delivery to the Navy early next year. "The LCS fleet is growing in numbers and capability, and LCS 19's completion of acceptance trials means the Navy will shortly have 10 Freedom-variant fast, focused-mission ships in the fleet," said Joe DePietro, Lockheed Martin vice president and general manager, Small Combatants and Ship Systems. "As each Freedom-variant hull deploys, we seek out and incorporate fleet feedback and lessons learned to roll in capabilities for new hulls. As a result, LCS 19 includes a solid-state radar, upgraded communications suite, increased self-defense capabilities and topside optimization, among other updates." In total, there are more than 500,000 nautical miles under the keel of Freedom-variant LCS. The Freedom-variant LCS has completed three successful deployments with a fourth ongoing. In October, LCS 7 (USS Detroit) deployed to the U.S. Southern Command supporting the Martillo campaign – a multinational effort targeting illicit trafficking routes in Central American coastal waters. LCS is designed to deliver speed to capability and to grow as the missions it serves evolve. Today, the Freedom-variant LCS delivers advanced capability in anti-submarine, surface and mine countermeasure missions. The Freedom-variant LCS is targeted for warfighting upgrades to enhance situational awareness and evolve the ship's self-defense capabilities. These upgrades are already underway – LCS computing infrastructures are receiving cyber upgrades and over-the-horizon missiles are being installed in support of upcoming deployments. Unique among combat ships, the focused-mission LCS is designed to support mine countermeasures, anti-submarine and surface warfare missions and is easily adapted to serve future and evolving missions. The Freedom-variant LCS is: Flexible — Forty percent of the hull is easily reconfigurable, able to integrate Longbow Hellfire Missiles, 30 mm guns, and manned and unmanned vehicles designed to meet today's and tomorrow's missions. Lethal — LCS is standard equipped with Rolling Airframe Missiles (RAM) and a Mark 110 gun, capable of firing 220 rounds per minute. Fast — LCS is capable of speeds in excess of 40 knots. Automated — LCS has the most efficient staffing of any combat ship. "Progress on the Freedom-variant program and LCS 19's achievement would not be possible without the expertise and effort of our shipbuilders at Fincantieri Marinette Marine, and our strong partnership with Lockheed Martin and the U.S. Navy," said Jan Allman, Fincantieri Marinette Marine president and CEO. "We are dedicated to delivering an effective, capable product to our armed forces." https://news.lockheedmartin.com/2019-12-16-Littoral-Combat-Ship-19-St-Louis-Completes-Acceptance-Trials

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