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  • 'Shields Up': Defence Department looks for new ways to protect Canada's satellites, with a nod to Star Trek

    September 24, 2019 | Local, Aerospace

    'Shields Up': Defence Department looks for new ways to protect Canada's satellites, with a nod to Star Trek

    Enemy action against satellites could include cyber-attacks, jamming, lasers or missiles, while natural threats could be solar flares or space weather The Defence Department wants to take a page out of Star Trek and has asked researchers to develop ways to protect Canadian satellites from such threats as laser attacks and missiles. Dubbed the “Shields Up” project, the plan would see the development of innovative capabilities that could be incorporated into the design and operation of Canada's space-based systems. The Shields Up terminology is a nod to the sci-fi TV and movie series Star Trek in which the USS Enterprise starship is protected by deflector shields that can be instantly activated in response to a threat. “Satellites are vulnerable to natural and artificial threats as well as, increasingly, threats from adversaries who seek to disrupt or destroy allied space systems,” said Dan Le Bouthillier, a spokesman for the Department of National Defence. Enemy action against satellites could include cyber-attacks, jamming, lasers or missiles, while natural threats could be solar flares, space weather or collisions with debris in space. The Defence Department and the Canadian Forces are the only Canadian entities with the mandate of protecting and defending the country's space capabilities, Le Bouthillier noted. The call for proposals is part of a DND science innovation program. Ideas that are accepted will receive $200,000 to further the proposal over a six-month period. The most promising solutions could receive another $1 million for additional development, Le Bouthillier said. Most satellite services are commercial in nature and defensive measures have not been a primary criteria in their design. But the DND wants that to change. The concepts or designs have to provide a reasonable method to deal with the threat. They also have to take into account Canada's international relations and obligations and the fact that various satellites operate in different orbits, which could influence the type of threats they face. There are 1,950 operational satellites in Earth orbits. Le Bouthillier said militaries are increasingly dependent on space-based systems for communication, surveillance, environmental monitoring and navigation. The DND has a growing interest in keeping Canadian space systems safe. In August the department put out a request to Canadian scientists to try to come up with a way to rid the Earth's orbit of the millions of pieces of space junk that pose a threat to satellites and other spacecraft. But the task is daunting; no other researcher has figured out how to collect the debris, which can be as small as one millimetre. The DND noted that the request at this point is not about funding a system but investigating new ideas to eliminate the space junk. The total number of “debris objects” in orbit is estimated to be about 129 million. That includes 34,000 objects greater than 10 centimetres in size, 900,000 objects one cm to 10 cm, and 128 million objects one mm to one cm, according to the DND. The debris has been created by decades of space travel and operations. In 2007, for instance, China conducted a military test using a missile to destroy one of its satellites. The warhead obliterated the spacecraft, creating an estimated 300,000 pieces of debris. The U.S., Russia and India have conducted similar military experiments. “There are no operational debris removal capabilities in use, globally, and existing prototypes lack important capabilities and have proven ineffective,” the DND noted in its request to researchers. DND is also interested in ways to track some of the smaller pieces of space junk as well as methods to remove multiple pieces of debris of any size. Space surveillance networks regularly track about 22,300 objects in Earth orbits.

  • Bombardier livre le premier de trois avions d’affaires Global 6000 pour la flotte de la Luftwaffe

    September 19, 2019 | Local, Aerospace

    Bombardier livre le premier de trois avions d’affaires Global 6000 pour la flotte de la Luftwaffe

    Bombardier livre le premier de trois avions d'affaires Global 6000 pour la flotte de la Luftwaffe L'avion long-courrier Global 6000 répondra aux besoins de transport diplomatiques et parlementaires allemands Offrant une fiabilité de premier ordre, une technologie de pointe et le vol en douceur emblématique de Bombardier, l'avion Global 6000 est idéal pour les missions gouvernementales et le transport de personnalités Bombardier doit livrer deux autres avions au gouvernement allemand en 2019 MONTRÉAL, 17 sept. 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bombardier a fièrement livré le premier de trois avions d'affaires Global 6000 destinés à être utilisés par la Luftwaffe, les forces aériennes de l'Allemagne. La Luftwaffe, exploitant de longue date d'avions Bombardier, utilisera les biréacteurs d'affaires Global 6000 pour répondre aux besoins de transport des secteurs politiques et parlementaires. « Bombardier est ravie que la Luftwaffe ajoute l'avion Global 6000 à sa flotte », a déclaré David Coleal, président de Bombardier Aviation. « Notre équipe des Avions spécialisés a b'ti des relations de longue date avec des gouvernements du monde entier qui ont confiance en la sécurité et en la performance de nos produits. » La division des Avions spécialisés de Bombardier offre des solutions sur mesure aux exploitants, avec un portefeuille diversifié d'avions qui peuvent assurer les missions de transport aérien les plus exigeantes et les plus critiques en diverses configurations. Les avions Global de Bombardier sont particulièrement intéressants en raison de leur ponctualité de départ, de leur vitesse, de leur agilité et de leur endurance excellentes, ainsi que de leurs coûts d'exploitation optimisés. Propulsés par des moteurs BR710 de Rolls-Royce, développés et construits par Rolls-Royce Deutschland à Dahlewitz, en Allemagne, l'avion Global 6000 a suffisamment d'autonomie pour des vols sans escale intercontinentaux, ce qui est idéal pour les besoins de transport des secteurs politiques et parlementaires. L'avion Global 6000 assure également un vol en douceur qui réduit la fatigue des grands voyages, tant pour les passagers que pour l'équipage, tandis que son poste de pilotage évolué Bombardier Vision est doté d'un affichage tête haute avec la vision améliorée et la vision synthétique, ce qui permet une meilleure expérience de pilotage. La livraison de l'avion resserre les importants liens entre Bombardier et l'Allemagne, où l'avionneur est le principal fournisseur d'avions d'affaires. Bombardier Transport, chef de file mondial de l'industrie ferroviaire, a son siège social à Berlin.

  • Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation announces plans to open SpaceJet Montreal centre

    September 19, 2019 | Local, Aerospace

    Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation announces plans to open SpaceJet Montreal centre

    Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation announced plans to establish their footprint in the Montreal region of Quebec. Having launched the Mitsubishi SpaceJet family of aircraft earlier this year, and opening a U.S. headquarters in Renton, Wash., the company seeks to prepare for the next phase of its global growth. “As a Japanese company with a global market, we are building a strong global presence in order to position the Mitsubishi SpaceJet family for success,” said Hisakazu Mizutani, president, Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation. “We have great respect for the achievements and capabilities in Quebec and are excited to be here.” The birthplace of commercial aviation in Canada, Quebec has a long history of innovation and contribution in the regional category of aircraft. As a result, it is a world-renowned aerospace hub and home to leading air and space companies, including some of Mitsubishi Aircraft's existing partners. “Our Montreal presence adds to our footprint in major global aerospace hubs, including Nagoya and Washington State,” said Alex Bellamy, chief development officer. “Since introducing our product family in June, we have had an overwhelmingly positive response, and we are intent on building the team that allows us to fully support our airline partners and customers. Quebec is an obvious choice for us.” In its first year in the Montreal area, Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation intends to create around 100 jobs focused on certification and entry into service of the Mitsubishi SpaceJet products. The company plans to increase that number in the following years. The office will be located in the Boisbriand area. “This is an exciting moment for the company,” said Jean-David Scott, vice-president, SpaceJet Montreal Center, “I am proud to be a part of the team that is focused on the future of regional aviation and bringing opportunities to the region.” The company will hold a recruitment fair on Saturday, Sept. 21st at Montreal Grandé (1862 Rue le Ber). The company invites experienced aerospace professionals with a focus on product development to attend.

  • Sensors For Future Fighter Take To The Air

    September 13, 2019 | Local, Aerospace

    Sensors For Future Fighter Take To The Air

    Bradley Perrett Japan has flight-tested an integrated suite of sensors for its next fighter, creating a single system from a gallium-nitride (GaN) radar, a passive radio-frequency (RF) sensor and an infrared camera. So far, results look good, the defense ministry says. The developmental system is the product of a 10-year effort aimed at overcoming the difficulty of detecting stealthy targets. More details on :

  • Marinvent delivers 4.0-enabled Synthesis compliance tool to Government of Canada

    September 13, 2019 | Local, Aerospace

    Marinvent delivers 4.0-enabled Synthesis compliance tool to Government of Canada

    Marinvent has announced the successful delivery of its Synthesis compliance tools to the Government of Canada for testing under Innovative Solutions Canada (formerly the Build in Canada Innovation Program (BCIP)). Marinvent's “Synthesis” is a powerful, purpose-built, simple-to-use, Oracle web-based software tool for planning, optimization and management of complex programs that require the definition, collection and documentation of compliance artefacts against rigorous, externally-governed, processes and standards. Synthesis saves customers enormous amounts of time and money on certification programs, provides a real framework for re-use and provides management with an ideal tool to help integrate the supply chain and manage program risk. Synthesis ensures the completeness of compliance programs and provides real time visibility into the current status of such efforts, to minimize risk and add management oversight. Synthesis removes inconsistencies in certification documentation and forges unbreakable links between test standards and test results to ensure complete traceability, including on all modifications made to its database, without adding to the user's workload. “The BCIP program is fundamental to Marinvent's launch of Synthesis”, said Alistair Chapman, director, Marketing at Marinvent. “The Aerospace Engineering Test Establishment (AETE) is an ideal launch customer for Synthesis, and BCIP is one of the most relevant and important government programs out there for us.” Synthesis also links the governing requirements and corresponding test results at every level and does not allow test results to be detached from the governing requirements that they are linked to, nor does it allow the creation of unattached items. This means that every requirement has an unbreakable connection to all applicable supporting documents, corresponding test results, and, finally, to the acceptance records required by certification/airworthiness authorities. “We believe the benefits that we will demonstrate to AETE will have equal applicability to other parts of the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF),” said Dr. John Maris, president at Marinvent.

  • DND funds new technology at Carleton University that could protect military equipment

    September 12, 2019 | Local, Land

    DND funds new technology at Carleton University that could protect military equipment

    DAVID PUGLIESE, OTTAWA CITIZEN A Carleton University research team led by Shulabh Gupta, a professor in the Department of Electronics, has received $1.5 million in funding from the Department of National Defence's Innovation for Defence, Excellence and Security program to create the next generation technology for electronic camouflaging. The project will develop an artificial electromagnetic veil to protect military equipment from enemy detection based on cutting-edge Metamaterial technology, according to a news release from Carleton University. The veil would cover the surface of the military asset and hide it from a range of detection methods operating is various spectral bands, including radio frequencies, infrared and optical. The project, officially known as the Artificially Intelligent Biomimetic Metasurfaces for Electromagnetic Camouflage, is a collaboration with the University of Ottawa and Polytechnique Montreal, Carleton University noted. “In much the same way an octopus dynamically senses and adapts to its background, changing its colour as it moves, these smart electromagnetic veils would be able to sense their backgrounds, even while moving, and in real time adapt to blend into their surroundings while protecting the important targets,” Gupta said in the news release. “While an octopus is only capable of hiding from the optical detection of predators, assets utilizing the new veil would be hidden from a broad range of detection.” For example, radar can detect and distinguish a vehicle driving through a forest because the vehicle reflects a different signal back compared to its background, the university noted. To prevent this, the veil on the vehicle would predict the signal being reflected back by the surrounding trees and mimic it, making the vehicle indistinguishable from the trees as it drove through the forest.

  • Canadian government quietly signs $2 billion defence contract with General Dynamics

    September 12, 2019 | Local, Land

    Canadian government quietly signs $2 billion defence contract with General Dynamics

    By DAVID PUGLIESE, OTTAWA CITIZEN A $2 billion dollar contract for new armoured vehicles was quietly signed with General Dynamics Land Systems earlier this month. The Liberal government originally announced Aug. 18 that negotiations were underway for the sole source deal to purchase 360 combat support Light Armoured Vehicles from General Dynamics Land Systems-Canada in London, ON. A notice on the federal government's procurement website noted that Public Services and Procurement Canada, on behalf of National Defence, awarded the contract to General Dynamics valued at $2 billion on Sept. 5. That cost includes initial spare parts, technical manuals and training. Public Services and Procurement Canada did not issue a news release about the major award. The department did not respond to a request for comment. The overall project is estimated to cost $3 billion but that includes in-service support, construction of new facilities and other support to the program. The combat support Light Armoured Vehicles was originally announced by the Liberal government with an estimated cost between $500 million and $1.5 billion. The plan was to award the contract in 2023 after a competition between defence firms. But with the federal election looming the deal was fast-tracked by the Liberals, joining a series of recent defence-related funding announcements. A competition was jettisoned, replaced with a sole-source deal with General Dynamics. The deal includes a $650 million repayable loan to General Dynamics. Details have not been released. General Dynamics will provide the new vehicles in eight variants. They will be used as ambulances and in other roles such as vehicle recovery, engineering, mobile repair, electronic warfare and as command posts. The current fleet of armoured support vehicles is comprised of the LAV II Bison and the M113 tracked vehicle. The DND stated the contract was sole-sourced to General Dynamics as the firm builds most other armoured vehicles for the Canadian Forces and having a vehicle based on the same chassis allows for savings in maintenance and training.

  • Ottawa firm to support Royal Canadian Navy, local robotics company joins Rheinmetall

    September 11, 2019 | Local, Naval

    Ottawa firm to support Royal Canadian Navy, local robotics company joins Rheinmetall

    DAVID PUGLIESE, OTTAWA CITIZEN BMT Canada Ltd. was recently awarded a $77.8 million contract to provide engineering, logistics, management, and support services to the Royal Canadian Navy's fleet. The contract initially runs for five years but there are options to extend that, according to the latest industry roundup in this month's Esprit de Corps defence magazine. The Ottawa-based company will provide a wide variety of work such as standards development and logistics services for equipment sustainment, according to the Department of National Defence. This contract will support the RCN's current and future fleet in instances where DND does not have the capacity to perform all of this work in-house, the department noted. The contract is known as Engineering, Logistics, and Management Support 2 (ELMS2) and the company's services will directly support the Director General Maritime Equipment Program Management (DGMEPM) and the Director General Major Project Delivery (DGMPD) (Sea) at the DND. Darcy Byrtus, President of BMT Canada, noted that the firm has been handling the ELMS contract since 2009. “Our experience in supporting complex programs positions us uniquely to assist Canada and the Royal Canadian Navy in successful delivery of its acquisition and support mandates,” he added in a news release. Under ELMS, BMT and their Tier 1 subcontractor Fleetway Inc., will provide a highly diverse range of services including the review of deliverables DND receives from capital acquisition projects, such as the Canadian Surface Combatant. The work also entails engineering expertise, technical investigations and program support. Rheinmetall Canada has taken over Provectus, an Ottawa-based firm specializing in the development of advanced robotics systems and software. Though now owned by Rheinmetall Canada, Provectus will continue to operate under its previous managing director, Paul Rocco. In recent product presentations, Rheinmetall has generated great interest with its Mission Master unmanned multi-mission vehicle, which is based on Provectus technology, modified for military use by Rheinmetall Canada. The firm sees unmanned ground vehicles playing an increasingly important role in future military operations on land, much like unmanned air vehicles do in an aviation context. Some will serve in an unarmed logistic or reconnaissance role; others will function as mobile weapon platforms. “We have already been working closely with Provectus in our unmanned ground vehicle project,” Stéphane Oehrli, president and CEO of Rheinmetall Canada, noted in a statement. “This vertical integration gives us a decisive advantage in the field of autonomous mobility technology.” Rheinmetall says it wants to apply expertise from Provectus Robotics Solutions in implementing the Canadian military's ISTAR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance) project. Maerospace Corporation has signed of a global license agreement with Raytheon Canada Limited to support the Defence Research and Development Canada by assuming responsibility for the maintenance, design, engineering, manufacturing and international promotion, sales and deployment of the third generation High Frequency Surface Wave Radar (HFSWR) systems. This Canadian system is one of the few operationally deployed HFSWR land-based radars capable of 200-mile, persistent coverage of a country's Exclusive Economic Zone. HFSWR systems have been successfully deployed in Asia and Europe with the most advanced, 3rd Generation system installed in Canada. Maerospace plans to extend the HFSWR system's functionality by integrating its TimeCaster proprietary technology that would add target identification, anomaly detection, and other capabilities, allowing coast guards, navies and maritime authorities to improve their ability to interdict vessels and plan traffic throughout their EEZ. The Canadian government will launch a new satellite in 2022 to demonstrate the use of quantum technology for protecting commercial and national communication networks. Honeywell has received a $30 million contract from the Canadian Space Agency for the design and implementation phases of agency's Quantum EncrYption and Science Satellite or QEYSSat. Under the contract, Honeywell will build, test, deliver, provide training for and commission the QEYSSat satellite, which will create a link between ground and space to transmit encryption keys. The microsatellite is expected to be completed in early 2022. QEYSSat's mission is to test quantum technology with an aim to develop a system to protect both commercial and national communications infrastructure. Longview Aviation Capital and its subsidiary Viking Air Limited announced a seven aircraft sales contract for six new-production CL-515 aircraft and one CL-415EAF. The CL-515 is a newly developed, technically advanced multi-mission aerial firefighting aircraft – the next generation of the CANADAIR CL-415, an amphibious aircraft and used extensively around the world in firefighting missions. The Republic of Indonesia's Ministry of Defense has agreed to purchase six all-new CL-515 aircraft, four of which will be delivered in “First Responder” multi-mission configuration, and two delivered in optimized aerial firefighter configuration, according to Viking. The purchase agreement also includes one CANADAIR CL-415EAF “Enhanced Aerial Firefighter” aircraft. The CL-515 is capable of up to 15 per cent better aerial firefighting productivity, including increased tank capacity and ability to refill in 14 seconds. It has a state-of-the-art Collins Pro Line Fusion digital avionics suite for advanced situational awareness.

  • MDA Selected to Design, Manufacture Advanced Navigation Antennas for Airbus Defence and Space

    September 11, 2019 | Local, Aerospace

    MDA Selected to Design, Manufacture Advanced Navigation Antennas for Airbus Defence and Space

    September 11, 2019 12:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time MONTREAL--(BUSINESS WIRE)--MDA, a Maxar company (NYSE:MAXR) (TSX:MAXR), today announced that it will design and manufacture advanced space-based L-band navigation antennas as part of a hosted payload on the MEASAT-3d satellite, which is currently being built by Airbus. The MDA-built navigation antennas will be integrated on a hosted payload for South Korean KTSAT that will support the Korea Augmentation Satellite System (KASS). Scheduled for launch in 2021, the KASS navigation payload will deliver L-band regional civil navigation services over South Korea to enhance aviation safety and airplane navigation capability through improved accuracy, reliability and availability of GPS positioning signals. MDA and its parent company Maxar have successfully hosted more than 10 payloads on the company's highly flexible 1300-class satellite platform since 2001, covering a wide variety of essential customer missions. In 2012, the company delivered a powerful multi-mission satellite for SES, which included an L-band payload for the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS). “We appreciate the confidence that Airbus has in MDA's innovative satellite technologies, having worked on over 30 programs,” said Mike Greenley, group president of MDA. “We look forward to continuing our close, collaborative relationship with Airbus on this contract.” About Maxar Technologies As a global leader of advanced space technology solutions, Maxar is at the nexus of the new space economy, developing and sustaining the infrastructure and delivering the information, services, systems that unlock the promise of space for commercial and government markets. The operations of DigitalGlobe, SSL and Radiant Solutions were unified under the Maxar brand in February; MDA continues to operate as an independent business unit within the Maxar organization. As a trusted partner with 5,900 employees in over 30 global locations, Maxar provides vertically integrated capabilities and expertise including satellites, Earth imagery, robotics, geospatial data and analytics to help customers anticipate and address their most complex mission-critical challenges with confidence. Every day, billions of people rely on Maxar to communicate, share information and data, and deliver insights that Build a Better World. Maxar trades on the New York Stock Exchange and Toronto Stock Exchange as MAXR. For more information, visit About MDA MDA is an internationally recognized leader in space robotics, space sensors, satellite payloads, antennas and subsystems, surveillance and intelligence systems, defense and maritime systems, and geospatial radar imagery. MDA's extensive space expertise and heritage translates into mission-critical defence and commercial applications that include multi-platform command, control and surveillance systems, aeronautical information systems, land administration systems and terrestrial robotics. MDA is also a leading supplier of actionable mission-critical information and insights derived from multiple data sources. Founded in 1969, MDA is recognized as one of Canada's most successful technology ventures with locations in Richmond, Ottawa, Brampton, Montreal, Halifax and the United Kingdom. For more information, visit Forward-Looking Statements Certain statements and other information included in this release constitute "forward-looking information" or "forward-looking statements" (collectively, "forward-looking statements") under applicable securities laws. Statements including words such as "may," "will," "could," "should," "would," "plan," "potential," "intend," "anticipate," "believe," "estimate" or "expect" and other words, terms and phrases of similar meaning are often intended to identify forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Forward-looking statements involve estimates, expectations, projections, goals, forecasts, assumptions, risks and uncertainties, as well as other statements referring to or including forward-looking information included in this presentation. Forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from the anticipated results or expectations expressed in this presentation. As a result, although management of the Company believes that the expectations and assumptions on which such forward-looking statements are based are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward-looking statements because the Company can give no assurance that they will prove to be correct. The risks that could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations include, but are not limited to, the risk factors and other disclosures about the Company and its business included in the Company's continuous disclosure materials filed from time to time with U.S. securities and Canadian regulatory authorities, which are available online under the Company's EDGAR profile at, under the Company's SEDAR profile at or on the Company's website at The forward-looking statements contained in this release are expressly qualified in their entirety by the foregoing cautionary statements. All such forward-looking statements are based upon data available as of the date of this presentation or other specified date and speak only as of such date. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements in this presentation as a result of new information or future events, except as may be required under applicable securities legislation. Contacts MDA Media Contact Leslie Swartman, 1-613-736-6917 Maxar Investor Relations Jason Gursky, 1-303-684-2207

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