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December 4, 2023 | International, Naval

UK, Finland, Estonia practise subsea infrastructure protection in Baltic Sea | Reuters

The navies of Britain, Finland and Estonia were practising subsea infrastructure protection in the Baltic Sea region on Monday together with the Finnish Border Guard, Finland's Defence Forces said in a statement.

On the same subject

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    November 16, 2021 | International, Aerospace

    Al Tariq boosts Mk 83 bomb's range and precision

    Al Tariq has integrated a long-range precision-guided munitions kit onto a 1,000-pound high-speed, low-drag Mk 83 bomb, giving it the lonest range of its kind worldwide at 120 kilometers, the Emirate company told Defense News.

  • SAIC Strikes Out On Mobile Protected Firepower, Plans To Remain In Combat Vehicle Market

    January 2, 2019 | International, Land

    SAIC Strikes Out On Mobile Protected Firepower, Plans To Remain In Combat Vehicle Market

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    August 22, 2024 | International, Land

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