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September 12, 2018 | Local, Naval


On September 10th, Thales Canada celebrated the official opening of its eighth Canadian location in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The office will be home to up to 20 new Thales employees dedicated to the Royal Canadian Navy, the Canadian Coast Guard and our maritime partners and suppliers.

Today, the Halifax office will support the Royal Canadian Navy's AJISS Program; the comprehensive, long-term, in-service support contract for the Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ships (AOPS) and the Joint Support Ships (JSS) awarded in 2017.

Thales, as the prime contractor for the AJISS program, will oversee the refit, repair and maintenance for these fleets over their operational lifetime; working together with the Royal Canadian Navy and the Fleet Maintenance Facilities to ensure ships are mission-ready, where and when they are needed from coast to coast to coast.

Today our team is focused on readiness – ready to support the first ship under the AJISS program. Our newest location in the Maritimes marks an important milestone of our in-service support program which will create jobs for the maritime industry across Canada,” said Mark Halinaty, President & CEO of Thales Canada. “As we move forward, we will continue to work closely with the Royal Canadian Navy, our customers and partners, helping them master every decisive moment along the way.

Thales Canada's Halifax office will leverage Thales' deep expertise in project management, systems engineering and integrated logistics support; the foundation of the development of a new Canadian supply chain that will offer comprehensive in-service support for all systems and equipment of the AOPV and JSS fleets over their operational lifetime.

The new Halifax location will also support the integration of key digital capabilities in big data and artificial intelligence to support modern in-service support practices. Thales' naval in-service support program solution will create jobs, contribute to important skills development, and invest in important research and development across Canada.


Cara Salci, Thales Canada Media Relations

+1-613 894 4592

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