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January 7, 2019 | International, Naval

Pentagon Approves Two-Carrier Buy As Fixes Continue to Navy’s Most Expensive Ship


Congress is evaluating the proposal to issue a $24 billion contract for the Navy's next two carriers, as the service looks at months of work to fix ongoing problems with the Ford-class's first ship.

WASHINGTON: The Navy's coming request for the 2020 fiscal year is still under wraps, but one important piece of the Navy's future plans appears increasingly certain: the service will commit billions to buy two new Ford-class aircraft carriers under the same contract. While most of that money won't be spent in '20, it's still a tremendous long-term commitment that, advocates say, should save 5 to 10 percentover buying each carrier separately.

The Navy says that the long-troubled Ford program has turned a corner, and it is pushing ahead with remaining fixes while planning to save up to $4 billion by buying the next two flattops on a single massive contract. That mega-deal would remove uncertainty for the builder, HII's Newport News Shipbuilding, and help keep production lines humming with no expensive stop-and-start in construction or ramping up and down of supply chains, which spreads across dozens of states.

Congress first has to review the plan over the next 30 days before Navy can award the contract.

News of the potential buy — which was expected by the end of the year — camefrom Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, who put out a statement on New Year's Eve saying he was “thrilled the Navy has decided to pursue a block buy for aircraft carriers, something I've been advocating to save billions in taxpayer dollars and offer more certainty to the Hampton Roads defense community.”

Kaine, a longtime proponent of the block buy, also represents the state where the work will be done. “This smart move will save taxpayer dollars and help ensure the shipyards can maintain a skilled workforce to get the job done,” he said.

Virginia Congressman Rob Wittman, outgoing chairman of the Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee, said he's “thrilled” about the notification which will allow the Navy “to build to a fleet of 12 aircraft carriers and 355 ships.” Wittman attached an amendment to the FY 2019 DoD appropriations bill calling for the dual buy, which he says “will not only save the taxpayers $4 billion, it provides important certainty to our defense industrial base that build and maintain these ships.”

Wittman was the author of the “Securing the Homeland by Increasing our Power on the Seas Act,” which transformed the Navy's goal of 355 ships into official government policy. President Trump signed the bill into law in 2017.

Both senators said the contract will keep the ships at or under the construction cap set by Congress of $12.9 billion each.

Last May, however, the first ship of the class, USS Gerald R. Ford, blew past that cap by $120 million thanks to a litany of fixes identified by shipbuilder Huntington Ingalls Industries., including replacing propulsion components damaged in a previous failure, extending the repair schedule to 12 months from the original eight, and correcting problems with the ship's eleven Advanced Weapons Elevators.

The elevators, used to bring munitions from below deck up top for installation on aircraft, are powered by magnets as opposed to cables, and were supposed to be installed by the ship's delivery date in May 2017, but issues have delayed their completion.

Navy spokesman Capt. Danny Hernandez told me that the eleven elevators remain “in varying levels of construction, testing and operations,” and the first one was turned over to the crew in December. The plan is to complete installation and testing of the elevators before the ship's scheduled “sail away date” in July.

Hernandez added that “there will be some remaining certification documentation that will be performed for 5 of the 11 elevators after” July, and “a dedicated team is engaged on these efforts and will accelerate this certification work and schedule where feasible.”

James Geurts, assistant secretary of the Navy for research, development and acquisition, promised a Congressional panel in November that the Ford would leave HII's Newport News shipyard with all systems in working order.

“I would say of all of the technologies on the CVN 78, of which there were many we proved out on this lead ship, the weapons elevator is the last one that we need to get tied up and work our way through,” Geurts said. “We are making progress,” he said.

The second ship of the class, CVN 79, USS John F. Kennedy, is currently under construction.

Huntington spokesperson Beci Brenton said in a statement the company is “pleased to have come to an agreement with the Navy regarding a two-ship acquisition approach for CVN 80 and 81, a significant step toward building these ships more affordably. Although there is more work to be done it is important to note that the multi-ship purchase of aircraft carriers helps stabilize the Newport News Shipbuilding workforce, enables the purchase of material in quantity, and permits a fragile supplier base of more than 2,000 in 46 states to phase work more efficiently.”

After decades of dominance however, the Ford-class carriers might be the last of the line for US nuclear-powered supercarriers, given the increasing threat being presented by land-based “ship-killer” standoff weapons being fielded by China and Russia.

Speaking at a Heritage Foundation event last month, Bryan Clark, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, said that optimistically, a carrier strike group could likely knock down 450 incoming missiles, but “that is not enough. You are looking at a threat that is at least 600, and maybe more weapons” that the Chinese can launch from their coast on short notice.

Jerry Hendrix, vice president of the Telemus Group, added that the threat could be somewhat mitigated by keeping ships father from shore and putting more drones in the air both as scouts and attack aircraft. The “carrier air wing must increase its range by investing in an unmanned, air combat strike platform,” Hendrix said.

Any moves to increase range must first fight for primacy with the navy's other massive investment in hulls, from new aircraft carriers to Columbia-class submarinesto a new frigate. When the 2020 budget comes out next month, we'll likely have a better idea of what the Navy is planning.

On the same subject

  • When you should expect the Air Force to announce its next trainer aircraft

    August 29, 2018 | International, Aerospace

    When you should expect the Air Force to announce its next trainer aircraft

    By: Aaron Mehta WASHINGTON – With the U.S. Air Force having received final bids from industry, the service is now poised to award a contract for its 350-plane next-generation trainer fleet in just a few weeks. An Air Force official, speaking on background, said the service expects to award the contract by the end of the fiscal year — in other words, before Sept. 30. Many have speculated that the days before the Air Force Association's annual conference, being held Sept. 17-19 outside of Washington, would be a potential time for an announcement to come. However, a source with knowledge of the situation said the current plan is to make the announcement after AFA concludes, likely the week of Sept. 24. If true, it could create an awkward environment at the event, where senior leaders will have to duck commenting on the soon-to-come T-X winner. Three industry teams have submitted bids for the T-X competition, with an estimated price tag of $16 billion over the life of the program. Boeing and Swedish aerospace firm Saab have developed a new, clean-sheet design; Lockheed Martin and Korea Aerospace Industries are offering the T-50A, a take on KAI's T-50 jet trainer; and Leonardo DRS is offering the T-100, a modified version of the Italian aerospace company's M-346. The contract represents more than just 350 jets, although that alone would make it one of the biggest U.S. Air Force programs in years. Whichever contractor captures the USAF market may have the inside track on a number of future trainer competitions around the globe, particularly among countries looking to buy the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. In addition, if the U.S. Air Force decides to purchase aggressor aircraft for live-flying training, something that has been discussed on and off in recent years, simply buying more T-X trainers would be a logical solution. The contact has been a long time coming, and the contest has been filled with twists and turns. The service has for years sought to replace its aged T-38 jet, which ended production in the early 1970s and has served as the primary training plane for fighter pilots for decades. However, other priorities and sequestration-related budget caps saw the T-X campaign pushed to the right; while companies began announcing their entries for the competition as early as 2010, it wasn't until 2015 that the service revealed its actual criteria. At this point last year, the Air Force was still pledging to announce a winner by the end of calendar 2017. That projected award was pushed to March, and then to the end of the fiscal year. The expected winners have shifted over time as well. Around 2013, the conventional wisdom was that either Leonardo or the BAE Hawk, teamed with Northrop Grumman, would be the winner, as the service was looking for an off-the-shelf solution that has already been proven in service elsewhere. Boeing's idea of a clean-sheet design was seen as a longshot, due to the associated costs and timeline. However, that view shifted to the point that in 2015, Northrop and BAE scrapped plans to offer the Hawk and instead developed a new clean-sheet design of their own; the companies ultimately dropped out of the competition entirely in February of 2017. Meanwhile, the T-100 team struggled, with original partner General Dynamics dropping off the project in March 2015. GD was replaced by Raytheon in February 2016, but quit less than a year later. Other competitors, including Textron AirLand's Scorpion jet and a team-up between Turkish Aerospace Industries and Sierra Nevada, have come and gone, leaving only the three remaining competitors. Of those, industry analysts largely agree the winner will be either the Lockheed/KAI team or the Boeing offering.

  • Navy buys two used MQ-9A Reaper drones

    June 25, 2020 | International, Naval

    Navy buys two used MQ-9A Reaper drones

    Nathan Strout The Navy has purchased its first two MQ-9A Reaper drones, awarding General Atomics Aeronautical Systems nearly $27 million on June 22 for the unmanned air systems and associated ground control equipment. The MQ-9A Reaper is a multimission, medium-altitude, long-endurance aircraft that is remotely piloted. According to the June 22 contract announcement, the Reapers will be used for intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance missions as well as persistent strike efforts. The contract procures two MQ-9A Reapers, one dual-control mobile ground control station, one modular data center and one mobile ground control station. This is the first time the Navy has purchased Reapers, but it's already been using the unmanned aircraft overseas. According to fiscal 2020 fiscal 2021 budget documents, the two MQ-9A aircraft the Navy is purchasing have been used by the Marine Corps in a contractor-operated, contractor-owned arrangement since September 2018 to provide intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance support to Task Force Southwest in Afghanistan. Because they are used, the Reapers will cost less than brand-new systems. The FY21 budget request estimates the cost of each system as being just under $12 million. Work is expected to be completed by December 2020.

  • Contract Awards by US Department of Defense - August 27, 2019

    August 28, 2019 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security, Other Defence

    Contract Awards by US Department of Defense - August 27, 2019

    NAVY Southwest Construction & Property Management,* San Bruno, California (N62473-19-D-1231); Bishop Inc.,* Orange, California (N62473-19-D-1232); J. Davis Construction Management Inc.,* Oxnard, California (N62473-19-D-1233); Trumble Construction Inc., doing business as RBT Construction,* Texarkana, Texas (N62473-19-D-1234); B.C. Schmidt Construction Inc.,* Williams, California (N62473-19-D-1235); and Heffler Contracting Group,* El Cajon, California (N62473-19-D-1236), are each awarded an indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity multiple award construction contract. The maximum dollar value including the base period and one option period for all six contracts combined is $240,000,000. The contract covers new construction, renovation and repair, primarily by design-build or secondarily by design-bid-build of roofing systems at various government installations located in California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Colorado and New Mexico. Types of roofing projects may include, but are not limited to, roof condition assessment, emergency leak response and testing for hazardous material on various roofing systems. It also covers all roofing related work such as, but not limited to, demolition and disposal of roofing materials that may contain asbestos and lead paint, removal and reinstallation of equipment, piping and heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) ductwork, painting and installation of gutters, downspouts, fascia, sheet metal flashing, sealants, caulking, insulation, vents, and drainage assemblies. No task orders are being issued at this time. All work on these contracts will be performed at various government installations located in California (80%); Arizona (16%); Nevada (1%); Utah (1%); Colorado (1%); and New Mexico (1%). The terms of the contracts are not to exceed 60 months, with an expected completion date of August 2024. Fiscal 2019 operation and maintenance (O&M) (Navy) contract funds in the amount of $30,000 are obligated on this award and will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. Future task orders will be primarily funded by military construction (Navy); O&M (Navy and Marine Corps); and Navy working capital funds. This contract was competitively procured via the Navy Electronic Commerce Online website with 11 proposals received. These six contractors may compete for task orders under the terms and conditions of the awarded contract. Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Southwest, San Diego, California, is the contracting activity. CDM Federal Programs Corp., Fairfax, Virginia, is awarded a not-to-exceed $49,000,000 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for services to support the Navy's public works business line. The work to be performed includes, but is not limited to, the following type of services: evaluate, analyze, development of plans, standard operating and maintenance procedures, and recommend improvements for utility management; utility operation and maintenance; electric and steam production; electric and steam distribution; natural gas distribution; water and wastewater treatment; water distribution; wastewater collection; utility privatization and out-sourcing; cybersecurity and control systems; advanced metering; energy management; energy security; energy and water conservation; project financing; utility regulation; utility rate making and analysis; commodity and service pricing and procurement; supply and demand practices; market design; and fuel sourcing. No task orders are being issued at this time. Work will be performed primarily within the Naval Facilities Engineering Command Atlantic area of responsibility, and the term of the contract is not to exceed 60 months with an expected completion date of August 2024. Fiscal 2019 operation and maintenance (Navy) contract funds in the amount of $10,000 are obligated on this award and expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured via the Navy Electronic Commerce Online website, with four proposals received. Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia, is the contracting activity (N62470-19-D-2012). Lockheed Martin Corp. Rotary and Mission Systems, Littleton, Colorado, is awarded an estimated $44,308,222 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity hybrid contract with cost-plus-fixed-fee and firm-fixed-price contract line item numbers. The contract is in support of Navy and other agencies' Radiant Mercury (RADMERC) operations to securely transfer data across different security domains. The contract provides for installation, program management, maintenance, modernization and sustainment of RADMERC systems. The contract will also provide system security authorization support, and logistics and training services. This contract includes a five-year ordering period and a five-year option period. The option period, if exercised, would bring the cumulative value of this contract to an estimated $92,213,609. Work will be performed in various U.S. locations (80%), with work in locations outside the U.S. (20%) based on the requirement for each delivery order placed. Work is expected to be completed by August 2024. If the option is exercised, work could continue until August 2029. No funding is obligated on the contract at time of award. Contract funds will be obligated on individual delivery orders. Fiscal 2019 operations and maintenance (Navy) funds in the amount of $5,000 will be obligated on the first delivery order. Contract funds will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was not competitively procured because it is a sole-source acquisition pursuant to the authority of 10 U.S. Code 2304(c)(1) - only one responsible source (Federal Acquisition Regulation subpart 6.302-1). The Naval Information Warfare Systems Command, San Diego, California, is the contracting activity (N00039-19-D-0006). Phoenix International Holdings Inc., Largo, Maryland, is awarded a $37,775,336 cost-plus-fixed fee bridge contract for Submarine Rescue Operations Maintenance contractor. The contractor is responsible for providing appropriate and sufficient personnel and services necessary for the mobilization, operation, storage, logistic support, repair and maintenance of the submarine rescue systems. The contractor will provide appropriate and sufficient personnel and services necessary to mobilize and operate the submarine rescue systems that support the response requirements. The contractor is responsible to ensure the Navy's submarine rescue systems are maintained in a high state of readiness to support a rapid worldwide deployment on a 24-hour-per-day, 7-day-a week basis. This contract includes one option, which, if exercised, would bring the cumulative value of this contract to $40,828,728. Work will be performed in San Diego, California, and is expected to be complete by June 2020. If the option is exercised, work will continue through August 2020. Fiscal 2019 operation and maintenance (Navy) funding in the amount of $2,100,000 will be obligated at the time of award, and will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was not competitively procured in accordance with 10 U.S. Code 2304(c)(1) - only one responsible source and no other supplies or services will satisfy agency requirements. The Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, District of Columbia, is the contracting activity (N00024-19-C-4307). DynCorp International LLC, McLean, Virginia, is awarded a $27,079,693 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for base operations support (BOS) services at Naval and Defense Intelligence Agency Facilities in Washington, District of Columbia; Maryland; and Virginia. The BOS services to be performed include: general information, management and administration, supply services, facility management, facility investment, custodial, pest control, integrated solid waste management, grounds maintenance and landscaping, pavement clearance, and utility management, chiller plant, and transportation services. The maximum dollar value including the base period and six option periods is $173,819,122. Work will be performed in Washington, District of Columbia (54%); Maryland (32%); and Virginia (14%), and is expected to be completed by May 2026. No funds will be obligated at time of award. Fiscal 2020 operation and maintenance (Navy) contract funds in the amount of $23,355,530 for recurring work will be obligated on individual task orders issued during the base period. This contract was competitively procured via the Navy Electronic Commerce Online website, with six proposals received. Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia, is the contracting activity (N62470-19-D-2013). Lockheed Martin Corp., Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co., Fort Worth, Texas, is awarded $25,252,703 for modification P00052 to previously awarded cost-plus-incentive-fee, fixed-price-incentive-firm, cost-plus-fixed-fee contract N00019-16-C-0004. This modification is for an F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter regional maintenance repair and upgrade facility for the Government of Japan under the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program. Work will be performed in Nagoya, Japan (65%); Ft Worth, Texas (26%); Greenville, South Carolina (7%); Orlando, Florida (2%); and El Segundo, California (1%), and is expected to be completed no later than September 2022. FMS funds in the amount of $25,252,703 will be obligated at time of award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity. ARMY Northrop Grumman Systems Corp., Herndon, Virginia, was awarded a $50,871,700 hybrid (cost-no-fee, cost-plus-fixed-fee and firm-fixed-price) contract for production, integration, fielding, and training of the Huntsman secure network radio. One bid was solicited with one bid received. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of Sept. 30, 2022. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Redstone, Arsenal, Alabama, is the contracting activity (W31P4Q-19-D-0041). Lockheed Martin Rotary Mission Systems, Owego, New York, was awarded a $42,734,799 hybrid (firm-fixed-price and fixed-price-incentive) domestic and Foreign Military Sales (United Kingdom) contract to procure Modernized Radar Frequency Interferometer kits and spares. One bid was solicited with one bid received. Work will be performed in Owego, New York, with an estimated completion date of July 31, 2022. Fiscal 2017, 2018 and 2019 aircraft procurement, Army and foreign military sales funds in the combined amount of $42,734,199 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois, is the contracting activity (W52P1J-19-F-0634). DLT Solutions, Herndon, Virginia, was awarded a $15,928,239 firm-fixed-price contract for the procurement of multiple Red Hat software items. Work will be performed in Herndon, Virginia, with an estimated completion date of Aug, 23, 2021. Fiscal 2019 operations and maintenance, Army funds in the amount of $15,928,239 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, is the contracting activity (W56JSR-19-F-0117). General Dynamics Land Systems Inc., Sterling Heights, Michigan, was awarded a $14,678,125 modification (P00070) to contract W56HZV-13-C-0319 for facilities modifications at the Joint Systems Manufacturing Center in Lima, Ohio. Work will be performed in Lima, Ohio, with an estimated completion date of Jan. 31, 2023. Fiscal 2019 other procurement, Army funds in the amount of $14,678,125 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Warren, Michigan, is the contracting activity. Triumph Engine Control Systems LLC, West Hartford, Connecticut, was awarded a $7,473,340 firm-fixed-price contract for the overhaul of a minimum of the fuel control main for the CH-47 Chinook helicopter. Bids were solicited via the internet with one received. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of Aug. 26, 2024. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, is the contracting activity (W58RGZ-19-F-0640). Trident Technologies LLC,* Huntsville, Alabama, was awarded a $7,450,142 modification (0001 35) to contract W31P4Q-16-A-0018 to provide Non-Standard Rotary Wing Aircraft Project Office programmatic support services. Bids were solicited via the internet with four received. Work will be performed in Huntsville, Alabama, with an estimated completion date of Aug. 25, 2020. Fiscal 2019 Foreign Military Sales funds in the combined amount of $7,450,142 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, is the contracting activity. DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY BAE Systems, Nashua, New Hampshire, has been awarded a maximum $83,934,598 firm-fixed-price, cost-plus-fixed-fee, and cost-no-fee contract for the AN/AAR-57A(V) Common Missile Warning System. This was a sole-source acquisition using justification 10 U.S. Code 2304(c)(1), as stated in Federal Acquisition Regulation 6.302-1. This is a five-year contract with no option periods. Location of performance is New Hampshire, with an Aug. 26, 2024, performance completion date. Using military service is Army. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2019 Army working capital funds; and Army operations and maintenance funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime, Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland (SPRBL1-19-D-0075). General Electric Co., Lynn, Massachusetts, has been awarded a $42,846,000 firm-fixed-price delivery order (SPRPA1-19-F-QH07) against a five-year basic ordering agreement (FA8122-19-G-0001) for combustion chambers. This is a 42-month contract with no option periods. This was a sole-source acquisition using justification 10 U.S .Code 2304(c)(1), as stated in Federal Acquisition Regulation 6.302-1. Location of performance is Massachusetts, with a Feb. 28, 2023, performance completion date. Using military service is Navy. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2019 Navy working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Aviation, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. DEFENSE ADVANCED RESEARCH PROJECTS AGENCY Packet Forensics LLC, Virginia Beach, Virginia, was awarded a $10,000,000 modification (P00004) to previously awarded HR0011-18-C-0056 for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Harnessing Autonomy for Countering Cyberadversary Systems (HACCS) research project. The modification brings the total cumulative face value of the contract to $21,200,000 from $11,200,000. Work will be performed at Virginia Beach, Virginia, with an expected completion date of August 2020. Fiscal 2019 research and development funds in the amount of $10,000,000 are being obligated at time of award. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Arlington, Virginia, is the contracting activity. *Small Business

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