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May 6, 2020 | International, Aerospace

Le GIFAS plaide pour un plan de relance européen pour soutenir la filière aéronautique

Eric Trappier, président du GIFAS et PDG de Dassault Aviation, a lancé mardi 5 mai, lors d'une visioconférence, un appel à mettre en place un soutien dédié à la filière aéronautique. L'aéronautique française, après avoir marqué un léger temps d'arrêt pour organiser les mesures sanitaires, entre désormais dans une phase de remontée en puissance, a indiqué M. Trappier : «A ce jour, 30% des effectifs sont sur site, 25 à 30% des salariés sont en télétravail, 30 à 35% au chômage partiel. Les salariés reviennent petit à petit sur les sites de production». Le GIFAS a créé une task-force associant grands donneurs d'ordre, PME et équipementiers afin d'identifier les acteurs menacés et de mettre en œuvre des solutions de sauvetage, en liaison avec le ministère de l'Economie et des Finances et Bpifrance, qui «aura un rôle à jouer pour recapitaliser les entreprises en difficultés», souligne Eric Trappier. Le GIFAS, qui regroupe 400 acteurs et leurs 200 000 salariés, soutient l'idée évoquée par Bruno Le Maire de dédier «un ou plusieurs fonds à l'aéronautique» dans le cadre des plans de relance discutés en France et au niveau européen afin de «tenir et passer le cap». «Ces fonds doivent être suffisamment dimensionnés pour répondre aux besoins. L'unité de mesure, c'est le milliard», a insisté Éric Trappier. «Nous demandons à l'État de nous accompagner dans cette passe difficile, en particulier les plus faibles d'entre nous», a-t-il déclaré. M. Trappier plaide pour un plan de relance européen, notamment pour maintenir les efforts de recherche pour l'aviation «verte» de demain.

On the same subject

  • Lockheed Martin Receives Award From Northrop Grumman To Produce More APY-9 Radars For The United States Navy’s E-2D Program

    July 26, 2019 | International, Aerospace

    Lockheed Martin Receives Award From Northrop Grumman To Produce More APY-9 Radars For The United States Navy’s E-2D Program

    SYRACUSE, N.Y., July 25, 2019 – Lockheed Martin's Radar Sensor Systems market segment has been awarded a contract from Northrop Grumman worth over $600 million for multi-year production (MYP) of 24 additional APY-9 radars for the U.S. Navy's E-2D aircraft program. It's also known as the Advanced Hawkeye program. The APY-9 radar program is nearing completion of a current five-year production contract in 2020, and this new award calls for another five years of production – with deliveries spanning from 2021 to 2025. The latest radar order will include Lockheed Martin's new Advanced Radar Processor. “We're excited to have the opportunity to continue producing APY-9 radars for the Navy's use on its Advanced Hawkeye aircraft and to continue supporting our customers with performance upgrades on a regular basis,” Ken Kaminski, Airborne & National Surveillance Radar program director, said. The APY-9 radar is an Ultra High Frequency (UHF) surveillance system that provides both mechanical and electronic scanning capabilities designed to “see” smaller targets – and more of them – at a greater range, particularly in coastal regions and over land. “The team has performed extremely well to date in terms of delivering all of our APY-9 systems on or ahead of schedule,” Kaminski said. Production work is performed at Lockheed Martin sites in Syracuse and Owego, New York, and Clearwater, Florida.

  • Germany to equip new coastal patrol vessels with BAE Systems’ 57mm guns

    September 4, 2019 | International, Naval

    Germany to equip new coastal patrol vessels with BAE Systems’ 57mm guns

    BAE Systems has been selected by the vessel contractor to provide the German federal police force, Bundespolizei, with three 57mm naval guns for its three new 86m Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPVs) built by Fassmer shipyard. BAE Systems has been selected by the vessel contractor to provide the German federal police force, Bundespolizei, with three 57mm naval guns for its three new 86m Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPVs) built by Fassmer shipyard. The gun systems, known as the Bofors 57 Mk3, will support the maritime arm of the Bundespolizei that monitors the country's North Sea and Baltic coastlines. The 57 Mk3 is a flexible, highly versatile gun system designed to react quickly for close-to-shore operations. “The Bofors 57 Mk3 is a versatile naval gun with firepower and range that exceeds expectations when compared with similar, medium calibre naval gun systems. That's how our 57 millimeter system has earned its reputation as the deck gun of choice for ships operating in coastal environments,” said Ulf Einefors, director of marketing and sales for BAE Systems' weapons business in Sweden. “This contract expands the number of European nations deploying the 57 Mk3 and reflects the growing interest we're seeing in the region, where we look forward to supporting new opportunities in the near future.” The 57 Mk3 naval gun is also in use with the allied navies and coast guards of eight nations, including Canada, Finland, Mexico, and Sweden, as well as the United States, where it is known as the Mk110 naval gun. This contract also includes accompanying fire control systems as well as systems integration support. Work is expected to begin immediately and will be performed at the BAE Systems facility in Karlskoga, Sweden. The first unit is scheduled for delivery in 2020.

  • Germany unveils its first national security strategy

    June 14, 2023 | International, Other Defence

    Germany unveils its first national security strategy

    Find out what the government thinks of Russia and China.

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