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March 15, 2021 | International, C4ISR, Security

Florence Parly : « Nous avons besoin de cybercombattants »

La ministre des Armées, Florence Parly, était l'invitée du Club de l'économie du Monde, jeudi 11 mars. Elle est revenue notamment sur la situation de la filière industrielle française et sur l'extension des nouvelles menaces, particulièrement dans le domaine du cyber. « La loi de programmation militaire prévoit non seulement des investissements massifs pour ce qui concerne le spatial, avec le renouvellement de la totalité de nos capacités spatiales, mais aussi pour ce qui concerne le cyber. Nous avons besoin de cybercombattants. L'objectif est d'accroître de 1 000 cybercombattants notre force et d'avoir, en 2025, 4 000 cybercombattants », précise-t-elle. La ministre a également évoqué le programme européen sur l'avion de combat du futur, ainsi que l'Eurodrone : « nous avons besoin de ces programmes de très grande ampleur, dont je ne suis pas certaine que nous pourrions les financer seuls, et qui constituent une base industrielle et technologique de défense européenne. Plus les Européens seront forts, plus ils investiront dans leur propre défense et plus l'Alliance atlantique, à laquelle ces pays appartiennent et sont naturellement très attachés, sera elle-même forte et efficace ».

Le Monde du 13 mars

On the same subject

  • Interview de la directrice de la DMAé dans Air & Cosmos

    September 21, 2020 | International, Aerospace

    Interview de la directrice de la DMAé dans Air & Cosmos

    Dans le cadre d'un long dossier spécial consacré au MCO (maintien en condition opérationnelle), Air & Cosmos a interviewé Monique Legrand-Larroche, ingénieure générale hors classe de l'armement, à la tête de la Direction de la maintenance aéronautique (DMAé) pour faire un point d'étape sur les contrats de verticalisation et évoquer les enjeux liés aux conséquences de la pandémie. « Les premiers retours du programme Ravel (Rafale verticalisé) sont bon, déclare-t-elle. Nous partions d'une situation qui était saine. Sur le Rafale, nous avions déjà une bonne disponibilité et Ravel vise à nous faire gagner une dizaine d'avions disponibles, mais aussi à garantir une disponibilité de haut niveau, alors même que le Rafale va vieillir. Nous avons mis en place une sorte d'assurance avec Ravel ». Air & Cosmos du 18 septembre 2020

  • US Army, Lockheed find faster path to field air and missile defense radar

    October 12, 2021 | International, Aerospace, Land

    US Army, Lockheed find faster path to field air and missile defense radar

    Lockheed has found a way to accelerate the Army's critical Sentinel A4 program that will provide radar coverage for major air and missile defense systems coming online.

  • A-10 Enhanced Wing Assembly Replacement Program Comes To An End

    August 16, 2019 | International, Aerospace

    A-10 Enhanced Wing Assembly Replacement Program Comes To An End

    A-10s Get New Wings Workers at the Ogden Air Logistics Complex at Hill Air Force Base have installed the last of 173 new wings on A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft, finalizing a project that started in 2011 with aircraft 80-0173. The ALC's 571st Aircraft Maintenance Squadron swapped wings on 162 A-10s as part of the A-10 Enhanced Wing Assembly replacement program. The remaining 11 were installed at Osan Air Base in the Republic of Korea. The new wings are expected to last for up to 10,000 equivalent flight hours without a depot inspection. In addition, a better wire harness design was created for easier wing removal and to lessen the chance of damaging the wing during the process. “From a warfighter point of view, bringing this program to a successful conclusion was a significant accomplishment for the entire enterprise team,” said Stephen Zaiser, 571st AXMS director. Working on an aircraft that has been flying for nearly 40 years wasn't without challenges. The modifications included having to make new parts for the fuselage and having to bring other A-10 parts up from the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona. “At the end of the program, making sure we had all the pieces and parts that we needed to make that happen required a really significant team effort,” Zaiser said. “I think the fact that we produced the aircraft so successfully is a testament to the whole team, the special program office, Boeing and others that were a part of making it all work.” Lt. Col. Ryan Richardson, 514th Flight Test Squadron commander and A-10 test pilot, flew the functional check flight on the last A-10 to receive the new wings to deem the aircraft airworthy. “It flew great and passed all the FCF checks,” Richardson said. “It's unusual to have an airplane in production for as long as this one was and have it come out and fly as well as this one did.” Introduced into the U.S. Air Force aircraft inventory in 1976, the venerable A-10 is the only production-built aircraft for close air support. The aircraft was made to fly close to the ground in support of friendly ground troops, drop heavy loads of weapons, attacks armored vehicles and tanks, and can be called in to attack enemy ground forces. With heavy stresses put on the wings over the weapon system's lifetime and with its full-service life still unknown, the Air Force decided to replace some of the fleet's wings in order for the weapon system to remain airworthy. In 2007, Boeing was awarded a $1.1 billion contract to build replacement wings at its Macon, Georgia, plant that will allow the aircraft to continue flying into the late 2030s. “The A-10 Special Program Office, in partnership with the Ogden ALC, is poised to keep the aircraft flying for the foreseeable future,” said Michael Hackett, A-10 SPO chief engineer.

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