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August 3, 2021 | International, Aerospace

F-35A Jet Price To Rise, But It's Sustainment Costs That Could Bleed Air Force Budget Dry

A moderate increase in F-35 unit price arguably isn't the main issue, because procurement accounts for less than a quarter of projected lifetime cost. Instead, a report published by the Government Accountability Office warns that high sustainment costs threaten to break the Pentagon's budget.

On the same subject

  • Comment l'armée française tisse des liens avec les startups de cybersécurité

    June 10, 2022 | International, C4ISR, Security

    Comment l'armée française tisse des liens avec les startups de cybersécurité

    DÉFENSE Comment l'armée française tisse des liens avec les startups de cybersécurité Face à l'évolution de la conflictualité qui se joue désormais dans le champ cyber aussi bien que dans les milieux traditionnels (Terre, Mer, Air, Espace), l'armée multiplie les initiatives pour travailler avec les sociétés qui peuvent l'aider à riposter aux menaces. La France a ainsi créé le commandement de la cyberdéfense (COMCYBER), placé sous l'autorité directe du chef d'Etat-major des Armées et qui doit assurer la protection des systèmes d'information des armées, ainsi que la conception, la planification et la conduite des opérations militaires dans le cyberespace. Outre la collaboration avec les grands groupes, tels que Thales ou Atos, l'armée cherche également à se rapprocher des startups de la cybersécurité les plus innovantes. En témoigne la création à Rennes de la Cyber Défense Factory, un incubateur piloté par la Direction générale de l'Armement (DGA), ou la création, en 2018, de l'Agence de l'innovation de défense (AID). Enfin, le ministère des Armées a signé une convention avec ACE Capital Partners, filiale de Tikehau Capital, qui est le fonds privé le plus actif dans la cybersécurité en France. ACE Capital Partners a investi dans onze jeunes pousses dans la cybersécurité, dont Glimps, Thetris, et plus récemment Vade. Les Echos du 9 juin

  • Britain to equip ships with lasers to take down drones from 2027

    April 11, 2024 | International, Naval, C4ISR

    Britain to equip ships with lasers to take down drones from 2027

  • Watchdog: 75 percent of sub and aircraft carrier maintenance ended late in recent years

    August 24, 2020 | International, Naval

    Watchdog: 75 percent of sub and aircraft carrier maintenance ended late in recent years

    Geoff Ziezulewicz While the U.S. Navy has spent nearly $3 billion to improve shipyard maintenance performance in recent years, “the shipyards continue to face persistent and substantial maintenance delays that hinder the readiness of aircraft carriers and submarines,” according to a government watchdog report released this week. Three-quarters of the 51 aircraft carrier and submarine maintenance periods from fiscal 2015 to 2019 were completed late, resulting in 7,425 days of delays, according to the report by the Government Accountability Office. The Navy's four shipyards — in Portsmouth, Virginia; Kittery, Maine; Honolulu, Hawaii; and Bremerton, Washington — provide vital maintenance that includes ship overhauls, nuclear refueling, alterations and refits, among other duties. The aircraft carrier maintenance periods that ended late exceeded their deadlines by an average of 113 days, the GAO reports, while submarine maintenance periods ending late missed the mark by an average of 225 days. Such availabilities last anywhere from six months to three years, and when they don't end on time, it gums up the entire system, delaying other maintenance periods, deployments and other needs. The main factors leading to the tardiness had to do with shipyard workforce performance and having enough people to perform the vital work, the GAO found. Unplanned work, or tasks identified after finalizing maintenance plans, was also cited as a significant factor resulting in the delays. While the Navy has taken steps to address such delays, the sea service has yet to fully address the unplanned work and workforce factors causing the majority of delays, according to the GAO.

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