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May 9, 2019 | International, Aerospace, C4ISR

Démocratisation de l’accès des développeurs aux images satellites : Airbus lance une plateforme dédiée

(CIO Mag) – L'avionneur français affiche plus que jamais sa détermination à ouvrir davantage les données géospatiales, les images satellites et les algorithmes aux start-up et développeurs. Objectif : les aider à développer leurs propres services et de les vendre. Pour ce faire, Airbus a officialisé cette semaine le lancement à Berlin d'une plateforme dédiée et dénommée UP42.

Selon le site des « Echos » qui donne l'information, le groupe français a mobilisé une trentaine de personnes au sein de cette filiale. Laquelle doit permettre à la société de surfer sur un marché de l'imagerie satellitaire en pleine expansion à l'heure actuelle et évalué à plusieurs dizaines de milliards d'Euros.

On the same subject

  • BAE Systems Signs agreement with Emirati repair and overhaul center for F-16 tech transfer

    February 19, 2019 | International, Aerospace

    BAE Systems Signs agreement with Emirati repair and overhaul center for F-16 tech transfer

    By: Agnes Helou ABU DHABI — BAE Systems signed a memorandum of agreement with the United Arab Emirates repair and overhaul center to transfer technology of some F-16 initiatives to the UAE. The memorandum between BAE and the Advanced Military Maintenance Repair and Overhaul Center, or AMMROC, was signed on the second day of IDEX 2019. BAE Systems will open a facility at Al Ain, along the eastern border, “formalizing the relationship” with AMMROC, which also supports Lockheed Martin and Sikorsky with Black Hawk and C-130 maintenance, and repair and overhaul of ever fixed wing aircraft that the UAE Air Force counts among its fleet. “Our agreement with AMMROC allows us to work with an established leader in MRO and benefit from the skill and experience of their local workforce in the UAE,” said Paul Markwardt, vice president of survivability, targeting and sensing solutions at BAE Systems' Electronic Systems business. Under the MOU, the two organizations will work closely together on multiple projects, ranging from testing and repair services to manufacturing, support, and product installation. Potential projects include BAE Systems' avionics, communication, display, sensor, and survivability products. Among other things, “the MOU provides the testing of the equipment BAE Systems has on the F-16 platform," with BAE transfering technology for the testing of some products and building of some others, another BAE Systems official added. Other potential products BAE Systems could bring to the UAE, are the eye goggle tester, EMI/EMC lightening test equipment, F-16 ground support equipment, and IFF (identification friend or foe) license production. AMMROC CEO Abdul Hakeem Ahmed Saif Al Muflahi noted that the MOU doesn't include buying systems but transferring technology. “This MOU enhances AMMROC's position in delivering a fully integrated, world class MRO solution in accordance with industry best practices," he said. "The potential projects represent an exciting opportunity for both companies to work together in the field of MRO. AMMROC is proud to partner with BAE Systems, one of the world's leading defense companies, and we look forward to working with their team to develop and execute on the MOU.”

  • Deadline Extended: Canadian Safety and Security Program Challenges

    April 14, 2021 | International, Security

    Deadline Extended: Canadian Safety and Security Program Challenges

    Deadline Extended: Canadian Safety and Security Program Challenges There's still time! The deadline to apply to the Canadian Safety and Security Program's (CSSP's) 6th call for proposals has been extended to May 11, 2021. The program is looking for your ideas to mitigate the effects of future high-impact, low-frequency events such as pandemics, natural disasters, or other disruptive forces caused by natural events or human activity. The challenges are aimed at reducing societal and economic disruptions, bolster the security of critical supply chains, and develop confidence in automation and virtual operations to enhance domestic resiliency. View the Call for Proposals here: Thank you, The IDEaS Team Date limite prolongée pour le 6e appel de propositions du PCSS Il vous reste encore du temps! La date limite pour présenter une proposition au 6e appel de propositions du Programme canadien pour la sûreté et la sécurité (PCSS) a été reportée au 11 mai 2021. Le programme est à la recherche de vos idées pour atténuer les effets de futurs événements à fort impact et à faible fréquence tels que pandémies, catastrophes naturelles ou autres forces perturbatrices causées par des événements naturels ou des activités humaines. Les défis visent à réduire les perturbations sociétales et économiques, à renforcer la sécurité des chaînes d'approvisionnement critiques et à développer la confiance dans l'automatisation et les opérations virtuelles pour améliorer la résilience nationale. Consultez l'appel de propositions ici: Merci, L'équipe IDEeS


    July 5, 2018 | International, C4ISR


    Lily Hay Newman EVERY DAY, COMPANIES like Google and Apple wage a constant battle to keep malicious apps out of their marketplaces and off people's phones. And while they do catch a lot of malware before it does any damage, there are always a few nasty infiltrators that manage to sneak by and end up getting downloaded by thousands of consumers. No one wants these mistakes to happen, but when you're a crucial app store for the Department of Defense, these mistakes can't happen. That was the problem facing the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency as it set about creating a flexible yet ultrasecure app store in 2012. NGA is a combat support organization that primarily assesses and distributes geospatial intelligence. The agency wanted to provide sensitive and mission-critical apps to groups across the DOD through a platform that had the security and resilience of a government defense product, while also offering a streamlined, up-to-date user experience similar to ubiquitous commercial app stores. "We recognized that we did not know everything when it came to apps, and we wanted to be using the innovation that was happening in the commercial sector," says Joedy Saffel, division chief and source director of NGA who has worked on the GEOINT App Store from the beginning. "But how do we do that in a safe, secure manner? How do we do that from a contractual perspective? And how do we do that in a way that nontraditional vendors will trust doing business with the government? It was a great challenge." The key, Saffel says, is getting developers to agree to hand over the source code of their apps for in-depth analysis and review. Whether an app is a simple time/speed/distance calculator for a pilot or a hyper-specialized classified tool, sharing source code is a big risk for developers, because it means trusting third parties with the core intellectual property they have built their businesses on. But NGA soon realized that full access was the only way its project could work. So NGA's GEOINT App Store runs its security protections and screening processes in a way a commercial platform never could. Need To Know You can browse through the GEOINT App Store yourself today and see many of the mapping, aeronautical, weather-forecasting, location-sharing, and travel-alert services that it hosts for Android, iOS, desktop, and web. But that's just the public unclassified section—one crucial aspect of designing the platform was building segmentation controls so DOD employees with different levels of clearance, or simply different needs, could have gated access to different apps. "We built the App Store to be a completely unclassified environment that's open to the public," says Ben Foster, a technical director at NGA who is the product manager for the app store. "But it also has identity management that uses a federated approach to authentication. It's even flexible enough to integrate with other identity-management platforms across DOD. If a user is a helicopter pilot, they might see and get different apps then someone who is a tactical operator in the Army." This system also works with the platform's pricing variations: Some apps are free to everyone, some downloads come with a fee that needs to be taken out of a particular department's budget, and some apps are licensed by NGA or another agency. The most radical part of the GEOINT App Store from a government perspective is the speed with which NGA can process apps and get them live in the store. In general, government acquisition processes take many months or years, a clear problem when it comes to constantly evolving software. So NGA worked with its chief information officer, IT Directorate, legal team, international affairs division, and contracting office to establish a streamlined app-vetting process that would be acceptable under federal acquisition regulations. The agency also contracted with a private firm called Engility to directly manage the outreach, acquisition, and development environment for customizing prospective apps to NGA's requirements. The process, known as the Innovative GEOINT Application Provider Program, or IGAPP, minimizes bureaucratic hurdles and guides developers who want to submit an app through a pipeline that vets, modifies, and generally grooms apps for NGA's store. "What we focused on early on was providing tools so developers can bring their app and do a lot of the pre-testing and development with Engility," NGA's Saffel says. "We're able to be flexible with that because it's being done outside of the government footprint in a brokered environment. And then NGA has a governance board that meets every week, and the whole process has matured enough that by the time an app comes to NGA, we can review it and get that application into the app store and exposed within two weeks' time." Though the process might be even faster if NGA only did the minimum vetting required, Saffel says that the GEOINT team worked to find a balance where the apps go live quickly, but there's still time for the automated code analyses and human audits that commercial app stores can't do. Check It Out After a developer submits their app, Engility does extensive source code analysis and vulnerability scanning and produces an initial findings report. John Holcomb, the IGAPP program manager from Engility, notes that an initial vulnerability report can have as many as 1,000 items on it that a developer needs to address. "It's a little intimidating at first," Holcomb says. "But we walk them through it, and they go back and modify their code—it's their code, we don't modify it for them. We might go through four runs of that on a brand-new app, but by the time we're done, they will have remediated their code down to the level that the government needs. There are still going to be bureaucratic hurdles, but it's our job to break through those." In addition to digging deep into source code, IGAPP also tests how apps function in practice, to make sure that there aren't benign-looking aspects of the code that actually underlie a shady function. "We take the compiled application and we watch what it does," Holcomb says. "Who does it phone home to? Is it sending private information unencrypted?" After an app gets approved for inclusion in the GEOINT App Store, developers continue to work with IGAPP on developing and vetting software updates so that patches and improvements can be pushed out quickly. The brokered vetting process means that the government never holds developers' source code directly. The inspection is always mediated by Engility, which signs nondisclosure agreements with developers and isn't a software maker itself. Holcomb says that the company carefully guards app data while storing it, and once a project is done, Engility doesn't just do a soft data deletion; it hard-purges the information from its cloud servers within 30 days. NGA's Saffel and Holcomb both note that developers were apprehensive about the unusual workflow at first, but over the years the app store has gained credibility. Developers say they benefit from the IGAPP process both by securing lucrative government contracts and by integrating the improvements from the IGAPP development into their commercial products. The code audits and security vetting IGAPP offers are expensive, so developers generally don't do such extensive assessment on their own. "Everyone's dream is to sell to the government, but it normally takes years of effort to get to a position where you can. In our case, I was able to sell to the government in less than a month," says Bill DeWeese, CEO of the firm Aviation Mobile Apps, which has had six apps accepted into the GEOINT App Store. "You do feel a little anxiety about sharing source code, you worry about your IP leaking and someone getting ahold of it. But I haven't had any issues, and the benefit is the increased quality of your products at no cost—you get the analysis for free and you can put it in your commercial offerings." NGA's Saffel says the governance board that evaluates the apps at the end of the process is careful to stay vigilant so nothing goes into the store by accident. The board will still push back on apps or turn them away when warranted, but Saffel says the process has matured such that most of what the board sees these days is ready or very near ready to go live. And IGAPP prioritizes its patching process and infrastructure, to make it easy for developers to push bug fixes and improvements throughout the life of an app. All of this means a consumer-grade turnaround time for critical Department of Defense tools without the consumer-grade security concerns. "NGA is kind of a unique combat-support agency," Saffel says. "With the GEOINT App Store we chose to go into a very risky new frontier for DOD and the government in general, but I think we've demonstrated that we can do things differently and still be secure and still control access. We're supporting a lot of different mission sets, and I expect that the app store will keep growing."

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