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October 26, 2018 | Local, Naval

Coast guard ship breakdown ends 48-year science survey streak

Paul Withers · CBC News

North Atlantic Fisheries Organization meeting highlighted unreliability of Canada's research vessels

For the first time in 48 years, Canadian fisheries scientists failed to complete an annual summer survey off Nova Scotia because of a mechanical breakdown on their coast guard research ship, adding to concerns over the reliability of Canada's research vessel fleet.

"There have been instances in the past where we have been unable to do sections of a survey, but we've been usually able to cover most of the area in question," said Kent Smedbol, regional manager of population ecology at DFO Science Maritimes.

"This is the first time that a substantial portion of the survey we were not able to complete."

The 36-year-old coast guard ship Alfred Needler was scheduled to carry out the summer survey, which involves bottom trawling for multiple species and environment data collection, on the Scotian Shelf from Cape Breton to Georges Bank.

The information would have been used to predict commercial fish stocks that support fisheries worth tens of millions of dollars.

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans has been conducting the survey since 1970 from its base at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography in Halifax.

Salt water knocks out motor, generator

But even before the survey started in July, salt water in rough seas got into — and burned out — the Needler's trawl motor and generator, rendering the vessel unusable, said deputy coast guard commissioner Mario Pelletier.

"That's critical equipment in order to conduct the survey, so they needed to come back to repair it," Pelletier told CBC News.

"And given what just happened we wanted to make sure to prevent it so it doesn't happen in the future. So we put some extra work to make sure it would be protected from future salt water exposure should the ship be in rough seas again."

'We do what we can with the resources'

DFO tried, but was unable, to charter a commercial fishing trawler.

Another coast guard research vessel, the Teleost, was pressed into service for an abbreviated mission.

The southern Scotian Shelf from Yarmouth to Halifax was sampled but two-thirds was missed entirely.

"It is difficult. This is what we are asked to do by the department. So we do what we can with the resources we have at hand," said Smedbol.

Stock assessment for species north of Halifax will not be updated this year.

The Teleost broke off the survey at the end of July to carry out a scheduled ecosystem survey in Quebec.

"Given our survey was already delayed, we didn't want to impact the survey in another region by trying maintain the use of the Teleost. It was best to have a full survey uninterrupted in the other region," said Smedbol.

Same ship missed another survey in 2018

This was the second time in 2018 the Needler was sidelined and unavailable for a scheduled science survey. It also missed the annual winter survey on Georges Bank because it was stuck in an extended refit. Wasted steel decking had been discovered.

The Teleost was expected to fill in on the Georges Bank mission. However, it was also unavailable because its scheduled refit had to be extended.

In that case, DFO was able to charter the Mersey Venture at cost of $300,000 for an abbreviated 11-day mission.

International criticism of Canadian 'deficiencies'

The unreliability of Canadian government research vessels, including the Needler, was highlighted at a science council meeting of the North Atlantic Fisheries Organization this past June.

Canada provides scientific survey data in areas off its coast to the international fisheries management agency.

The NAFO science council report said "substantive mechanical issues with the Canadian research vessels resulted in very poor coverage of [Division 3L]" off southern Newfoundland in 2017.

"This marks the second time in three years that the spring survey coverage of Division 3L has been very poor."

The council report said that in 2017, for the third time in four years, a deepwater survey off Labrador was not covered, and for the fifth time in six years, a deepwater survey was not covered in southern Newfoundland.

The scientists said the data holes make it harder to evaluate trends in biomass and abundance for a number of species.

"Deficiencies in survey coverage also add uncertainty to the results of research on environmental trends and ecosystem status, functioning and productivity," the science council said.

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    January 24, 2019 | Local, Naval

    Davie souhaite une «grappe maritime»

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Davie lance comme idée la création d'une grappe maritime, comme on retrouve en Finlande, en Norvège, aux Pays-Bas, en France et en Italie. «L'avantage concurrentiel d'une grappe maritime réside dans son intégralité et ses connexions, dans ses connaissances et compétences avancées ainsi que dans sa spécialisation régionale», notent des responsables du chantier maritime. «Les fournisseurs qui font affaire avec l'industrie maritime, même s'ils ne sont pas traditionnellement liés à celle-ci, augmentent considérablement leurs opportunités d'exportation», ajoutent-ils. Ces derniers estiment que le Québec possède actuellement tous les ingrédients pour créer une grappe maritime prospère. «Davie a construit le premier traversier au GNL en Amérique du Nord, Chantier Forillon a construit le premier traversier à piles en Amérique du Nord et Terragon de Montréal est le leader mondial des technologies de déchets marins écologiques». 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Quant aux travaux annoncés pour l'entretien des 12 frégates de la classe Halifax de la Marine royale canadienne, des contrats de 7 milliards $, Davie rappelle que ces chantiers ne commenceront que vers la fin 2020 et que le travail sera réparti entre les trois grands joueurs au pays, Davie, Irving Shipyards (Halifax) et Seaspan Shipyards (Victoria). «Les intervalles entre les travaux pour chacun de ces trois navires peuvent atteindre jusqu'à 9 mois. Cette charge de travail sporadique n'est pas suffisante pour maintenir le plus grand chantier naval canadien ni pour assurer des emplois stables et de valeur aux travailleurs de près de 900 entreprises locales», prévient Davie.

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"I guess we should remind them that we still live in a free and democratic society where people have privacy rights, which means that they should be in control of their personal information," she said. "If you're a law abiding citizen, you get to decide how your information is used and to whom it's disclosed. The police have no right to access your personal information online, unless of course they have a warrant." Lucki was specifically warned about criminal suspects "going dark," a term used to describe the gap between the lawful ability of police forces to obtain online evidence and changing technology. She also was advised the RCMP's court-authorized arsenal (things like court orders and "computer network exploitation techniques," which cover hacking) are "rapidly declining." "Get more efficient," said Cavoukian. Parliamentary committee promises to study issue A spokesperson for Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale said that "encryption is critical to safeguarding our cybersecurity, privacy and the digital economy." "However, it has also created gaps for law enforcement and national security agencies," wrote Scott Bardsley in an email. Earlier this year, the House of Commons' public safety and national security committee released a 76-page report that recommended "no changes to the lawful access regime for subscriber information and encrypted information be made." But the committee didn't shelve the issue, promising instead to study the evolving challenges. "The government will support the standing committee on national security and public safety in its continued work to study these and other emerging technological issues related to cybersecurity," wrote Bardsley. "It will also continue to examine options to ensure agencies have the resources necessary to gain access to decrypted data required to address criminal activity." Cavoukian predicts "a real fight" over the issue. Bardsley says the government has pledged $116 million over five years, and $23.2 million per year after that, to help create the national cybercrime coordination unit, which would help "provide digital investigative advice and guidance to Canadian law enforcement." The RCMP didn't meet CBC's deadline for a comment. Attrition issues The briefing binder also flags the RCMP's persistent problem with replenishing its ranks when officers retire or otherwise leave the force. "The RCMP has a growing vacancy rate that exceeds its present ability to produce regular members at a rate that keeps pace with projected future demands," it warns. As of April 2018, there were 1,122 funded vacant regular member positions —a vacancy rate of 5.6 per cent. That's down slightly from the previous year, when the vacancy rate was 6.6 per cent. The briefing note says that in the last five years, there has been a "dramatic" increase in the number of new recruits needed to fill operational vacancies and evolving program requirements. About 1,280 cadets were expected to be enrolled in 2018-2019, up from 1,152 the previous year. In 2016, CBC News reported that the RCMP was dropping its requirement that applicants be Canadian citizens, and that it would accept applications from permanent residents. The RCMP also loosened entrance requirements to deal with a wave of retirements, low pay and the need to expand its pool of potential new officers. Starting this month, the RCMP is dropping its requirement that applicants must be Canadian citizens. It will now accept permanent residents. Post-secondary graduates no longer will have to write an entrance exam that measures aptitude for police work and the force will no longer require a physical abilities evaluation before people submit an application. With files from the CBC's Kathleen Harris.

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