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October 21, 2022 | Local, Naval

Canada's multibillion-dollar combat ship plan nears key decision

Officials in Ottawa have taken their time in reviewing the Canadian Surface Combatant design because the one ship class must do it all.

On the same subject

  • Trade tribunal rejects rival's bid to block warship contract

    February 4, 2019 | Local, Naval

    Trade tribunal rejects rival's bid to block warship contract

    Murray Brewster · CBC News The Canadian International Trade Tribunal has dismissed a complaint by one of the companies that was competing for the job of designing and helping to build the navy's next generation of warships. Alion Science and Technology Corp. and its subsidiary, Alion Canada, filed the complaint in November and asked that the signing of the contract with the preferred bidder be postponed until the matter could be heard. The trade tribunal, in a decision rendered late Thursday, said the company did not "have standing to file a complaint" before the agency. Last fall, the Liberal government announced plans to award the design contract to a group of companies led by Lockheed Martin Canada and opened negotiations with the intention of completing a full contract this winter. Alion, Lockheed Martin Canada and the Spanish company Navantia were all in the running for the Canadian Surface Combatant project, which will be built at Irving Shipbuilding in Halifax. The federal government issued a statement Friday and indicated progress towards a final contract was ongoing. "Public Services and Procurement Canada is pleased with the CITT's ruling," said department spokesman Pierre-Alain Bujold. "We have full confidence in our process, and continue to work toward awarding a contract for the design and design team for the future Canadian Surface Combatants." Alion had pitched its De Zeven Provinciën Air Defence and Command (LCF) frigate, a Dutch-designed warship, for the Canadian competition and has pointed out that the warship is already in service in other countries. The company had asked the CITT to investigate the procurement deal, saying the preferred warship design — the British-built Type 26 — would need substantial changes and and further claimed it doesn't meet the navy's requirements as outlined in the government tender. Alion also had filed a Federal Court challenge of the project last fall. The design competition went on for almost two years as Public Services officials and executives at Irving worked with bidders to ensure a fair competition and to avoid post-decision court fights. The first of the new warships, intended to replace the navy's frigates, are not expected to be in the water until the mid-2020s, at the earliest.

  • SkyAlyne expands team for Future Aircrew Training bid

    August 24, 2020 | Local, Aerospace

    SkyAlyne expands team for Future Aircrew Training bid

    By Wings Staff SkyAlyne Canada LP, a partnership between CAE and KF Aerospace, introduced an expanded team of subcontractors to pursue the Royal Canadian Air Force's contract for the Future Aircrew Training (FAcT) program, the military pilot and aircrew training program under the Government of Canada's ongoing, generational Strong, Secure Engaged investment plan. SkyAlyne is one of four qualified suppliers bidding for the FAcT contract, along with Babcock Canada Inc., Leonardo Canada, and Lockheed Martin Canada Inc. With a contract award date expected to come in 2023, FAcT combines all Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) pilot training with aircrew support training. Canadian-based companies ATCO Frontec, Bluedrop Training and Simulation, Canadian Base Operators, Canadian Helicopters, SERCO Canada and PAL Aerospace are joining SkyAlyne's FAcT bid. SkyAlyne describes PAL Aerospace as a notable new addition to the team given its experience in airborne surveillance and intelligence operations, sensor operator training, mission systems development and aircraft modification capabilities. The newly expanded SkyAlyne team collectively employs more than 14,000 Canadians and operates in every region of Canada. “Our goal is to work with the Royal Canadian Air Force to continue providing a world-class aircrew training program built by Canadians for Canadians,” said Tracy Medve, board chair of SkyAlyne. “These partnerships will strengthen SkyAlyne's position and help us move towards our objective to retain this crucial military capability in Canada.” SkyAlyne states it is the only Canadian-founded and Canadian-based qualified supplier competing for the FAcT program. Its parent companies, CAE and KF Aerospace, currently deliver all phases of pilot training for the RCAF through the NATO Flying Training in Canada (NFTC) program based in Moose Jaw, SK, and Cold Lake, AB, as well as the Contracted Flying Training and Support (CFTS) program based in Southport, MB. The new subcontractors added to the SkyAlyne team also hold extensive experience working with the RCAF, with most also currently supporting the NFTC and CFTS programs. “This agreement further ensures that the FAcT program benefits from the very latest Canadian expertise and innovation in aircrew training,” says France Hébert, president, SkyAlyne. “If selected, SkyAlyne will train the next generation of Royal Canadian Air Force airwomen and airmen while helping grow Canadian small- and medium-sized businesses, as well as local and Indigenous communities. The selection of the SkyAlyne team would be a win-win for the Royal Canadian Air Force and for the Canadian aerospace industry.”

  • RCMP issue warning after green laser pointed at plane northwest of Edmonton

    December 8, 2017 | Local, Aerospace, Security

    RCMP issue warning after green laser pointed at plane northwest of Edmonton

    'The laser can temporarily blind the pilot ... putting all people aboard the aircraft at serious risk' CBC News Posted: Dec 07, 2017 7:15 AM MT Last Updated: Dec 07, 2017 7:15 AM MT A pilot bound for the Villeneuve Airport northwest of Edmonton was able to navigate a safe landing after a green laser was pointed at the plane Wednesday night. The aircraft was flying somewhere over Sturgeon County when the pilot realized someone was pointing a green laser at the plane, Morinville RCMP said in a statement. RCMP said it's extremely fortunate that no one was hurt. Laser strikes on an aircraft are extremely dangerous, police said. "The laser can temporarily blind the pilot, create intense glare that affects the pilot's vision and distract the pilot, putting all people aboard the aircraft at serious risk." RCMP were notified of the incident by Nav Canada, the private operator of Canada's civil air navigation service. Police did not provide any details on the plane, how many passengers were on board, or if the pilot required medical attention. 'It's a disturbing statistic' Last year, the federal government launched a social media campaign focused on the issue of people pointing lasers at planes. The number of laser incidents reported to Transport Canada has increased in the last few years: In 2014, there were 502 so-called laser strike incidents on planes, a 43-per-cent increase since 2012. According to Transport Canada, there were more than 500 reported laser strikes in 2016. "It's a disturbing statistic," RCMP said. "It means the safety of pilots, crew and passengers were put at risk 500 times that year. Pointing a laser at an aircraft is illegal and a criminal offence." The punishment for anyone caught shining a laser at an aircraft is a fine of up to $100,000, five years in prison, or both. RCMP are asking anyone with information on the incident to contact the Morinville detachment or Crime Stoppers.

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