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April 13, 2021 | International, Aerospace, Naval

Baltic countries benefit from EMSA’s regional RPAS service for enhanced maritime surveillance

EMSA’s regional RPAS service for enhanced maritime surveillance in the Baltic Sea began this week under the coordination of the Estonian Police and Border Guar ...

On the same subject

  • US Air Force’s top acquisitions exec joins Pallas Advisors

    February 18, 2021 | International, Aerospace

    US Air Force’s top acquisitions exec joins Pallas Advisors

    Will Roper has joined strategic advisory firm Pallas Advisors.

  • Un nouveau missile MBDA pour le Tigre MkIII d’Airbus Helicopters

    March 7, 2022 | International, Aerospace

    Un nouveau missile MBDA pour le Tigre MkIII d’Airbus Helicopters

    A l'issue du rétrofit, le Tigre MkIII sera équipé d'une version modernisée du missile Mistral et, pour la version française, du nouveau missile MHT (Missile Haut de Trame / Missile Longue Portée) de MBDA qui a une portée supérieure poussée à 10 km. L'équipage bénéficie des images haute résolution renvoyées depuis l'autodirecteur optronique à infrarouge du missile via une transmission de données bidirectionnelle, permettant de choisir le point d'impact du missile ou de sélectionner un nouvel objectif en vol. Jusqu'à 12 missiles MHT pourront être emportés en configuration de combat. Air & Cosmos du 3 mars

  • Here are the new areas of interest for the Army Rapid Capabilities Office

    August 28, 2018 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR

    Here are the new areas of interest for the Army Rapid Capabilities Office

    By: Mark Pomerleau The Army's Rapid Capabilities Office is beginning to expand to new areas of interest. Initially stood up in 2016, the RCO was designed to address the Army's biggest capability gaps by delivering solutions in one to five years. The original focus areas for the office included electronic warfare, position navigation and timing and cyber. While in the past few years it has moved out a bit into areas such as countering unmanned aerial systems, officials presenting Aug. 22 at TechNet Augusta explained the organization is now officially looking into much broader areas. The first is in future communications and narrowband communications. Rob Monto, Emerging Technologies Office lead at the RCO, explained these new areas of interest for the RCO could allow for fall-back or redundancy in denied environments. They could also allow paths for certain specific messages, such as medevac, to be transmitted. Monto then outlined an interest in robotics for employing logistics and maintenance for heavy platforms. Robots can help replace parts faster during war or even augment humans in the way Special Operations Command has conducted experiments with exoskeletons. The next area is in conformal antennas, which Monto said were of interest in order to reduce the profile of vehicles. Monto described a keen interest for the RCO in electric drives and drivetrains, noting that commercial industry and heavy machinery have started to take this route. Lastly, Monto noted that the RCO is interested in high-energy lasers and directed energy technology. Anything in these areas are starting to become a broader portfolio for the RCO, Monto said, adding they are looking to bring new technologies in that might not be specifically leveraged today.

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