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June 3, 2020 | International, Security

Babcock Italy are first in the world to install ADS-B Out technology on Canadair

May 28, 2020 - Aviation's Design and Completions (D&C) team in Rome is the first in the world to install Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) technology on a Viking Air CL-415, also known as a Canadair.

The system transmits the aircraft's precise location, speed and direction to control towers and other enabled aircraft, allowing for safer operations and a more efficient flow of air traffic.

This important milestone was made official with the Supplemental Type Certificate being awarded by the European Aviation Safety Agency. The technology will become mandatory from 7 June 2020.

Babcock provides a national firefighting service in Italy using a fleet of 19 Canadair and over 100 experienced pilots to battle wildfires across Italy. The installation of the ADS-B technology on the largest fleet of Canadair in the world is a vital step to continuing this important service.

“We are proud that our team was the first to obtain this precious result, which represents a great achievement for Italy”, said Marco Scarpelli, Head of Design Organisation of Babcock Italia and head of D&C. “It represents a milestone in the technological development of the Canadairs, since this technology will ensure greater safety for the aircraft and air traffic.”

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