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April 28, 2024 | International, Aerospace

Army heads into competitive flight demos for future tactical drone

The Army has awarded contracts to two companies to continue on in a competition to provide a Future Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System.

On the same subject

  • Japan reveals record high budget request eyeing hypersonic tech, F-35s and more

    October 2, 2020 | International, Aerospace, Naval, C4ISR

    Japan reveals record high budget request eyeing hypersonic tech, F-35s and more

    Mike Yeo MELBOURNE, Australia — Japan is set to continue its recent trend of setting new records for its annual defense budgets, with the country continuing to cast a wary eye on China's military modernization and nuclear-armed North Korea's missile program. The latest budget request issued by Japan's Ministry of Defense is seeking $55 billion for fiscal 2021, which begins in April 2021. The amount is an 8 percent increase from the previous year, and makes it the eighth consecutive year the defense budget request to the Ministry of Finance has set a new record high. This is the first defense budget for the government of Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, who looks set to continue his predecessor Shinzo Abe's push for Japan to bolster its international involvement in security matters. Unsurprisingly, the latest budget request includes potential funding for more Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighters. The ministry is seeking $308.5 million for four more F-35A conventional-takeoff-and-landing variants, and $249.8 million for two F-35B short-takeoff-and-vertical-landing versions. Japan has an eventual requirement for 105 F-35As and 42 F-35Bs, which makes it potentially the biggest operator of the F-35 outside of the United States. The F-35Bs will be operated onboard Japan's helicopter destroyer Izumo, which is being retrofitted domestically to operate the stealthy fifth-generation fighter jets. The budget request is seeking $218.6 million this fiscal year for the project, which will include thermally protecting the Izumo's flight deck from the jets' exhaust gases and reshaping of the ship's forward flight deck for operating the jets. As usual, the budget request also includes items related to Japan's air and ballistic missile defense capability. The country is seeking $370 million to acquire more Patriot Advanced Capability-3 Missile Segment Enhancement missiles. Japan recently backtracked on plans to acquire the ground-based Aegis Ashore system following technical difficulties with the development of the SM-3 Block IIA interceptors, and is currently looking at alternatives. Japan's local defense industry will also get funding for various defense acquisition and research projects under the budget request, with the MoD seeking $643.7 million for three more Kawasaki P-1 anti-submarine aircraft and $487.5 million for two more C-2 airlifters from the same manufacturer. Japan's land forces are seeking $180.7 million for 25 more Type 16 wheeled maneuver combat vehicles, while the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force has asked for $937.2 million and $654.1 million respectively to acquire two more frigates and the first boat of a new class of attack submarine. Research funding for Japan's next-generation stealth fighter to replace the approximately 90 Mitsubishi F-2s currently in service is also being stepped up, with $555.8 million requested and an additional $113.6 million sought for research and development of fighter subsystems such as radars and mission systems integration. A further $218.6 million will go toward the research and development of Japan's hypersonic weapons program, while the development of a standoff long-range electronic warfare aircraft based on the C-2 airlifter will require $144.9 million and a further $67.2 million requested for the acquisition of onboard systems to equip it. The budget request also includes funding for less traditional defense, such as the research and operation of space and cyber units, as well as for new electromagnetic warfare units. The electromagnetic unit would be based at the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force's Asaka base, north of Tokyo, and an unspecified number of staff would be deployed at several army bases across the country by March 2022, mostly in southern Japanese islands including Okinawa — areas of increased Chinese maritime and air activity. The mission of such a unit would be to block electromagnetic attacks that could disrupt thing such as radio and GPS functions. The ministry is requesting $66 million to purchase RC-2 reconnaissance aircraft, and about $218 million for research into surveillance systems to counter electromagnetic attacks by drones and other weapons. Japan in May launched the Space Operations Squadron as part of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force, with 20 initial members. It is expected to grow to about 100 members once the unit is fully operational in 2023. The unit is tasked with monitoring and protecting Japanese satellites from enemy attacks or space debris. It will also conduct satellite-based navigation and communications for other troops in the field. The ministry will launch a commanding unit in western Tokyo and staff size will be increased to 70 next year. It is seeking more than $680 million to design and launch a surveillance satellite, and develop and purchase equipment compatible with its ally the United States. The budget request will now be reviewed by Japan's Finance Ministry, which will then decide on the funding allocation for the various ministries and announce Japan's next budget, which is expected later this year.

  • Réfléchir à l’Europe de la défense de demain

    May 22, 2019 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security, Other Defence

    Réfléchir à l’Europe de la défense de demain

    (B2) L'Europe doit-elle s'occuper de défense et de diplomatie ? Comment peut-elle le faire ? Observateur patenté des institutions européennes, B2 vous propose quelques pistes de réflexion... On ne peut pas se réjouir simplement que la coopération structurée permanente ait été mise en place ou qu'un Fonds européen de défense soit en train de naitre. L'Europe ne fait ainsi que rattraper un retard à l'allumage. Tous ces projets ont été conçus il y a dix ou vingt ans. Ce qui à l'échelle de l'évolution du monde est quasiment un siècle. Les mettre en place maintenant est indispensable. Mais la donne stratégique évolue. Il importe de continuer à avancer vite, pour rattraper le retard et combler toutes les lacunes. Se reposer sur les 'lauriers' serait une erreur tragique. La doctrine européenne : sans illusion, La réalité inscrite dans les Traités européens actuels est la politique (européenne) de sécurité et de défense commune (PeSDC), alias l'Europe de la défense. Elle n'est pas comparable à ce qui se définit au plan national comme une politique de défense. Il est primordial d'avoir une vue ‘honnête' et ‘objective' de la situation actuelle. Ce qu'est l'Europe de la défense. Ce qu'elle n'est pas Mini QG militaire, Fonds européen de la défense, coopération structurée permanente... Ce n'est pas le grand soir annoncé par certains. Mais c'est une étape intéressante permettant à différents projets mis sur la table depuis un ou deux ans de progresser. Union européenne de défense : ce qui avance, ce qui bloque B'tir des structures institutionnelles Les dernières options travaillées au sein de la Commission européenne semblent favoriser une nouvelle direction générale au mandat élargi regroupant la Défense et la Sécurité, selon nos informations. Une DG défense et sécurité d'ici la fin de l'année ?* L'idée d'avoir une commission de plein exercice consacrée aux questions de défense dans le futur Parlement européen est sur la table. Sera-t-elle acceptée ? En route vers une commission Défense au Parlement européen ?* A force de parler d'armée européenne, il faudrait examiner ce que cela imposerait. Ne tentons pas de dire que cette idée est bonne ou mauvaise. Essayons de voir ce que cela supposerait. Imaginons un moment un consensus politique pour créer cette armée. Imaginons des moyens pragmatiques pour la mettre en œuvre. Et si l'armée européenne était un projet d'avenir ? Dynamiser la diplomatie européenne Pour avoir une diplomatie européenne plus réactive, pourquoi ne pas désigner un envoyé ou un représentant spécial pour une zone de crise, ou confier à une troïka ou un duo de pays membres le soin de mener les négociations. Deux outils oubliés de la diplomatie européenne de gestion de crises à ressusciter Berlin insiste régulièrement sur un point souvent oublié dans la rhétorique sur l'armée européenne : la mise en place d'un « Conseil de sécurité de l'UE ». Un point qui mérite un peu d'attention. Mettre en place un Conseil de sécurité européen ? Une idée à travailler. L'Union européenne dispose de représentants spéciaux en Asie centrale, au Moyen-Orient au Sahel, etc. Leur présence est-elle nécessaire aujourd'hui ? Huit représentants spéciaux de l'UE enkystés dans le paysage. Efficacité ? Refonder la gestion de crises Malgré de grands effets de manche, l'Union européenne a perdu en fait son ambition de maintien de la paix qui sur laquelle reposait sa politique de sécurité et de défense. Et cependant, il ne manque pas de raisons et de possibilités d'agir. Que pourrait-elle faire ? Les missions et opérations de sécurité et de défense communes sont aujourd'hui un peu les enfants délaissés de la politique extérieure de l'Union européenne (PESC). Elles ne suscitent que très peu d'attention des responsables européens. Certaines missions et opérations n'ont plus d'efficacité ou sont arrivées à leur terme. Il est temps d'en tirer la leçon ! Opération Sophia, EUBAM Rafah et Libya... l'UE doit apprendre à fermer des missions devenues inutiles Le concept des battlegroups est bon mais il est dépassé aujourd'hui. Cela reste un joujou d'exercice, impossible à mettre en pratique. Pour le rendre déployable trois éléments essentiels peuvent être travaillés : une autorisation politique préalable, des financements préalables, des éléments modulaires. Revoir le concept des battlegroups : une nécessité Développer l'autonomie industrielle Malgré des efforts certains, la plupart des pays européens n'ont pas le réflexe d'acheter chez leur voisin quand ils ne peuvent s'équiper en national. Et ils préfèrent acheter américain. L'achat d'un équipement militaire ne peut se résoudre à une question technique, il y a tout un accompagnement politique, logistique à prévoir que seuls les États-Unis aujourd'hui fournissent. Pourquoi les Européens n'arrivent pas à convaincre lors de l'achat d'équipements militaires ? (article publié jeudi) A suivre... (Nicolas Gros-Verheyde)

  • NATO secretary general: Alliance’s 70th a time for celebration, but not for complacency

    December 2, 2019 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    NATO secretary general: Alliance’s 70th a time for celebration, but not for complacency

    By: Jens Stoltenberg On June 6, 2019, we marked the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings. This was a major turning point in the Second World War, leading to the liberation of Europe. And it was a colossal feat for the tens of thousands of Allied troops, many of whom paid the ultimate price for our freedom. Less than 5 years later, NATO was born. An extraordinary idea, driven by the visionary leadership of our 12 founding nations and by the deep desire of our citizens to live in peace and freedom. NATO leaders will gather Dec. 3-4 in London, the very first home of NATO's headquarters, at a critical time for our trans-Atlantic security. This is an opportunity to reflect on everything we have achieved over seven decades. In that time, allies in Europe and North America have built an unprecedented area of peace and prosperity. Our ironclad commitment to protect and defend one another guarantees freedom and democracy for our almost 1 billion citizens, making NATO the most successful alliance in history. But beyond marking those 70 years, leaders will look to the challenges that still lie ahead. Today we face the greatest security threats in a generation — from a more assertive Russia to instability across the Middle East and North Africa, and from cyber and hybrid attacks to the ever-present terrorist threat. At the same time, the global balance of power is shifting around us. And the rapid development of new technology promises to transform our societies — and security — as radically as the first industrial revolution. So we must be ready to respond to any threat from any direction. And that is exactly what NATO is doing. Since Russia's illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014, NATO allies have implemented the largest reinforcement of our collective defense since the Cold War. We have strengthened our presence in the east of our alliance, from the Baltic to the Black Sea regions. And we have increased the size and readiness of our forces. This year we declared two new NATO commands operational: one in Ulm in Germany to improve military mobility in Europe, and one in Norfolk in the United States to ensure trans-Atlantic lines of communication. And we are delivering on our new NATO Readiness Initiative to field 30 air squadrons, 30 combat vessels and 30 land battalions within 30 days. As well as guaranteeing our security today, NATO is preparing for the challenges of tomorrow on land, at sea, in the air, in cyberspace and in space. NATO recently updated the core standards for civilian telecommunications, including 5G, in order to improve the resilience of our networks. And this year allies adopted NATO's first-ever overarching space policy. Finally, all allies are stepping up their investment in our security, not only in cash but also with new capabilities and contributions to NATO missions and operations. European allies and Canada have increased defense spending for five years in a row. By the end of next year they will have added an extra $100 billion to their defense budgets since 2016. More allies are on track to meet their pledge to spend 2 percent of gross domestic product on defense by 2024. But we have to do more because our freedom does not come for free. And in a more unpredictable world, we need to continue to keep our citizens safe. In London, NATO leaders will continue to strengthen our collective defense, modernize our alliance and invest in our shared security. And while NATO's 70th anniversary gives us cause for celebration, this is not the time for complacency. We must never take the trans-Atlantic bond for granted. We must never take freedom and democracy for granted. We must defend them every day.

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