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April 9, 2024 | Local, Aerospace

AEW, next-gen helicopters among defence policy commitments for the RCAF - Skies Mag

New airborne early warning (AEW) aircraft and funding for tactical helicopters to replace multi-role CH-146 Griffons, are among the key aerospace elements of an updated defence policy.

On the same subject

  • Industry, government, and law enforcement have a responsibility to work together to protect aircraft and airports from drones

    January 30, 2019 | Local, Aerospace

    Industry, government, and law enforcement have a responsibility to work together to protect aircraft and airports from drones

    New Advisory Bulletin on drone-related disruption to aircraft operations published Montreal, 28 January 2019 – Airports Council International (ACI) World has today published an Advisory Bulletin to help airports address the risks posed by drone-related disruption to aircraft operations. ACI World believes that, while regulators and police will likely be the authority in addressing both enforcement and the preparation of anti-drone measures, all industry stakeholders must work with the relevant agencies to take action to protect the safety of aircraft operations. The recent disruption caused by the reported drone sightings at London Gatwick Airport – and recent temporary cessation of some operations at London Heathrow Airport and Newark Liberty International Airport following reported sightings of a drone – are the most widely-publicised of a series of incidents which have created debate about the best approach to preparing for – and dealing with – drone-related issues. ACI's latest Advisory Bulletin proposes that airports lead the discussion and work closely with national authorities and local law enforcement agencies to develop a risk-based approach to dealing with the risks of drone incursions. This approach should take into account the impact on aircraft operations and available mitigation measures including anti-drone actions. “The recent drone-related disruption at airports in Europe, and their potential impact on airport safety and operations, have raised significant questions for airport operators around the world on their preparedness to handle situations like this,” ACI World Director General Angela Gittens said. “The highest authority for enforcement activities and initiating anti-drone measures will clearly be the relevant national authority, such as the Civil Aviation Authority in the case of the UK, and local law enforcement agencies. “It is incumbent on all industry stakeholders, however, to take action to protect the safety of aircraft operations in coordination with these agencies. Airport operators should be aware of national laws and regulations pertaining to drones, with an understanding that these may reside outside of civil aviation.” The Advisory Bulletin lays out actions that an airport could take to lead the discussion with governments, regulators and law enforcement agencies to strengthen anti-drone measures and mitigations; they include: Coordinating with national authorities on the creation of bylaws governing the operation of drones in the vicinity of the airport Identifying geographic boundaries of “No Drone Zones” (no fly zones for drones) on and in the vicinity of the airport, especially approach and take-off flight paths Coordinating with authorities on regulations and obtaining guidance on the requirements for airports to implement anti-drone technologies Reviewing its assessment of the security risks associated with the malicious use of drones as part of the airport Security Risk Assessment Establishing means to suppress/neutralize unauthorized drones within the airport boundary especially adjacent to runways and flight paths, and agreeing which agency is responsible for areas outside the airport boundary or not on the airport operator Ensuring that any new anti-drone measures do not create unintended safety hazards and unmitigated risks to other manned aircraft, authorized drones and aviation infrastructures, and Establishing a Concept of Operations and Standard Operating Procedure for anti-drone measures based on advice from the national authorities. ACI World has requested that members share their experience and lessons learnt on anti-drone measures and drone related incidents so that relevant practices can be adopted across the industry. Notes for editors Airports Council International (ACI), the trade association of the world's airports, was founded in 1991 with the objective of fostering cooperation among its member airports and other partners in world aviation, including the International Civil Aviation Organization, the International Air Transport Association and the Civil Air Navigation Services Organization. In representing the best interests of airports during key phases of policy development, ACI makes a significant contribution toward ensuring a global air transport system that is safe, secure, efficient and environmentally sustainable. As of January 2019, ACI serves 646 members, operating 1,960 airports in 176 countries. ACI World's Advisory Bulletin – Airport preparedness – Drone related disruption to aircraft operations – has now been published. ACI has issued an Advisory Bulletin in July 2016 and a Policy Paper on Drones in July 2018.

  • One new commander — 3 changes of command

    June 10, 2019 | Local, Aerospace

    One new commander — 3 changes of command

    by Bill McLeod MGen Alain Pelletier assumed command of 1 Canadian Air Division (1 CAD), Canadian NORAD Region (CANR), and the Joint Force Air Component (JFAC) from MGen Christian Drouin at a parade and ceremony held in front of the Air Division Headquarters Building in Winnipeg, Man., on May 16, 2019. The triple commands meant that the parade had three separate signing ceremonies with three lieutenant-generals in attendance. LGen Al Meinzinger, commander of the Royal Canadian Air Force, presided over the change of command for 1 CAD and was also the reviewing officer for the parade. LGen Christopher Coates, deputy commander of NORAD, signed the change of command for CANR and LGen Mike Rouleau, commander of Canadian Joint Operations Command, signed the change of command for the JFAC. After the parade was formed up on the sunny but gusty morning, but before the ceremony began, a low and slow flypast in front of the seated VIP guests and dais by a pair of noisy Canada geese drew a laugh from everyone. After the review of the parade, MGen Drouin addressed the crowd at the ceremony and reflected on his experiences. “I will repeat here what I said at my change of command in 2016,” he said. “Aren't we living in a great country? I came from a modest upbringing and barely spoke any words of English. I got the opportunity to fly helicopters and they paid me to have that much fun — pretty cool. To eventually end up commanding our country's operational air force is simply incredible.” MGen Drouin went on to thank the province of Manitoba and the city of Winnipeg for their support for various programs, such as the relocation program that the province's special envoy for military affairs, Jon Reyes, has been championing. He also said that, despite growing up a “Habs fan by birth”, he was now a Jets fan. Following the signing of certificates for the three commands, LGen Rouleau related a story about his experience with the RCAF. “I took the Challenger [aircraft] here with the Air Force commander. He gave me a lift and it was awesome, and I got off the plane with my suitcase and my briefcase,” said Rouleau. “It was raining sideways. I slipped on one of the stairs and, before I knew it, I was on my behind at the bottom of the stairs and LCol Dave Snow, who was flying the Challenger, was there to grab me. It dawned on me that it was like the story of my career with the Air Force. When I was down and needed help, someone from the Air Force was there to get me out of there.” LGen Coates' remarks focused on the NORAD mission. “Our success at NORAD hinges on our inter-operability, which is especially complex because of our unique bi-national structure,” he said. “We rely on cohesive actions by our regions for mission success.” “NORAD headquarters has been taking a serious look at our ability to deter adversarial aggression in today's dynamic security climate, especially with the increase in the scale and complexity of our adversary's military activity. The close coordination that you drove with [the Alaska NORAD Region] to respond to activities in our Arctic helped NORAD stretch our resources to deliver a harmonized strategic message to our adversaries.” “This is clearly an emotional day as we bid farewell to an experienced dedicated commander within the RCAF and we welcome another,” said LGen Meinzinger. “I think it's even more poignant as it's MGen Drouin's last week in uniform and I know today is certainly more precious, poignant, and meaningful to him and his family.” LGen Meinzinger then spoke of the successes that 1 CAD experienced under MGen Drouin's leadership and congratulated MGen Pelletier on his new command role. “I know firsthand the capabilities and the outstanding qualities you bring to the post, your tremendous skill, your professionalism, your leadership, and your class,” LGen Meinzinger told MGen Pelletier. “You have commanded at all levels and I believe you are perfectly suited to move the operational Air Force forward. “You are the right leader at the right time to tackle the challenge ahead.” MGen Pelletier expressed his pleasure at being asked to take command. “I'm thrilled and honoured to be amongst you today on a traditional Winnipeg cool and windy day, to take command of the famous 1 CAD, a division that stems back to 1957, if my history is right, the operational arm of the Air Force,” he said. “It is my intent to continue advancing the yardstick well set by MGen Drouin, in the improvement of the command and control of RCAF activities in order to better support the whole spectrum of Canadian Armed Forces operations at home and abroad.” At the end of the ceremony there was a real flypast by a CH-146 Griffon helicopter — not Canada geese — from 408 Tactical Helicopter Squadron, followed by a reception.

  • No title found

    April 29, 2021 | Local, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

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    The Canadian government is allocating funding for the next five years to overhaul NORAD amid new-generation threats such as low-flying cruise missiles and hypersonic weapons.

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