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Conference, Naval

Mari-Tech 2018


April 18 - 20, 2018 2018-04-18 2018-04-20 America/Toronto Mari-Tech 2018


Mari Tech 2018 offers a rich agenda of relevant technical presentations, a bustling exhibition hall, nourishing activities, and ample opportunities for networking.


Canadian Naval, Government, and commercial fleets, are in the advance stages of a massive fleet revitalization, presenting challenges and opportunities for Marine Professionals.


Marine Professionals involved in the design, building, maintenance and operation of large ships, and other marine vessels, will benefit from this important annual gathering of expertise.

Conference Theme : Mari-Tech 2018; honing the leading edge

Hone: to make more acute, intense, or effective

Emerging Technologies are becoming mature, with operators learning from varied experience. Manufacturers and regulators are receiving feedback from end-users. It is the effect operational experience is having on emerging technology that we wish to explore.
