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Conference, Naval

CCGS Laurier Refit and VLE (F7049-180027/A) - Bidders' Conference and Site Visit

Base de la Garde Côtière Canadienne, 25 Rue Huron, Victoria, Colombie-Britannique
See on Google Maps


June 26, 2018 10:00 2018-06-26 10:00:00 2018-06-26 America/Toronto CCGS Laurier Refit and VLE (F7049-180027/A) - Bidders' Conference and Site Visit Base de la Garde Côtière Canadienne, 25 Rue Huron, Victoria, Colombie-Britannique

Optional Bidders' Conference

A bidders' conference will be held at the Canadian Coast Guard Base at 25 Huron St. Victoria BC on June 26, 2018 at 0900 hours Pacific Time.
The scope of the requirement outlined in the bid solicitation will be reviewed during the conference and questions will be answered. It is recommended that bidders who intend to submit a bid attend or send a representative.
Bidders are requested to communicate with the Contracting Authority before the conference to confirm attendance. Bidders should provide, in writing, to the Contracting Authority, the name(s) of the person(s) who will be attending and a list of issues they wish to table no later than 2:00 pm (Pacific Time) on June 22, 2018.
Conference participants are asked to meet the Contracting Authority at 9:00 am (Pacific Time) on June 26, 2018 alongside the CCGS Sir Wilfrid Laurier at the Canadian Coast Guard Base; participants will then be escorted to the conference location. If all registered conference participants arrive early, then the bidders' conference may commence before 9:00 am.
Bidders' conference participants must not board the vessel without the consent of the Contracting Authority.
Conference participants may be required to present valid government-issued photo identification and sign attendance sheets. Conference participants must comply with all regulations, instructions and directives in force on the site and vessel.
Any clarifications or changes to the bid solicitation resulting from the bidders' conference will be included as an amendment to the bid solicitation. Bidders who do not attend will not be precluded from submitting a bid.

Mandatory Site Visit
It is mandatory that the Bidder or a representative of the Bidder visit the work site. Arrangements have been made for the site visit to be held at the Canadian Coast Guard Base at 25 Huron St. Victoria BC on _June 26, 2018. The site visit will begin at 1000 hours Pacific Time.
Bidders must communicate with the Contracting Authority no later than 2:00 pm (Pacific Time) on June 22, 2018 to confirm attendance and provide the name(s) of the person(s) who will attend. Bidders will be required to sign an attendance sheet. Bidders should confirm in their bid that they have attended the site visit. Bidders who do not attend the mandatory site visit or do not send a representative will not be given an alternative appointment and their bid will be declared non-responsive. Any clarifications or changes to the bid solicitation resulting from the site visit will be included as an amendment to the bid solicitation
