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  • Presagis Unveils Three New Products at I/ITSEC

    27 novembre 2017 | Local, Aérospatial, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Presagis Unveils Three New Products at I/ITSEC

    Orlando, USA – November 27, 2017 – Presagis is introducing three new products to the training and simulation market at the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) taking place November 27 to December 1 in Orlando, Florida. A leader in modeling and simulation software, Presagis is bolstering its line of sensor simulators with the introduction of ONDULUS NVG, Panorama -- an image generation platform, and VELOCITY, a next-generation solution for the production of large synthetic training environments. “By supplying simulation software to most of the top 100 defense and aerospace companies in the world, Presagis is extremely well positioned to capture the needs of our customers by innovating and developing solutions that respond directly to their needs,” explains Jean-Michel Brière, Presagis' President. “These three products – Ondulus NVG, Panorama, and VELOCITY -- not only provide our customers with more accuracy, realism, and cost-savings, but mark significant technological achievements in the evolution of our company.” Panorama is a competitively-priced image generation system that gives organizations the ability to add high-fidelity, scalable imaging to their simulation solutions. Leveraging Vega Prime, Ondulus and other Presagis software solutions, Panorama is capable of providing Out-of-the-Window (OTW), Electro-Optical (EO), night-vision goggles (NVG) and infrared (IR) views for ground, air, and marine domains. VELOCITY is a new, revolutionary way of building synthetic environments that will permit agencies and organizations to analyze and use the unmanageable amounts of data they have to automate the creation of rich, immersive 3D virtual environments. Building on the success of the Ondulus family of sensor products, Ondulus NVG gives users the ability to add realistic physics-based night-vision sensor simulation to their research, training or mission planning environments. Ondulus NVG supports both passive and active illumination. In addition to these new products, Presagis is also launching the newest version of its M&S Suite – version 17. Comprising industry-standard software such as STAGE, Creator, Terra Vista, and Vega Prime, M&S Suite 17 is set to release in early 2018 with an arsenal of new features. “The M&S Suite is a pillar in the Presagis portfolio. We continue to respond to our customers' needs by providing new features and tools for content creators, as well as wider access and more scripting functionality for developers. Every product in the suite has been improved – from Creator and Terra Vista, to the simulators and Vega Prime. The Ondulus family in particular received many improvements in the form of new detectors for Ondulus IR, and several new radar modes for Ondulus Radar,” said Stéphane Blondin, Presagis' Vice President of Product Management and Marketing. Presagis will also be showcasing its series of customizable simulators, HELI CRAFT and UAV CRAFT. In response to the increasing demand for open architecture simulators and training devices, Presagis offers virtual unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) station and a helicopter simulator. These reference platforms integrate nearly all Presagis commercial off-the-shelf simulation products and technology, and can be used as advanced start points for customers interested in building their own simulators. Presagis will be demonstrating its full range of simulation software and solutions at the upcoming Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) from November 27 to December 1 in Orlando, FL. (Presagis booth: #1762). About Presagis Presagis is a global leader providing commercial modeling, simulation and embedded software solutions to the aerospace, defense and security, and critical infrastructure markets. Presagis combines an open simulation development framework with expert professional services to help customers streamline development workflows, reduce project risks, and deliver game-quality immersive simulations. Presagis is also at the forefront of avionics software design for certifiable cockpit displays. The company serves hundreds of customers worldwide, including many of the world's most respected organizations such as Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Airbus, BAE Systems, and CAE. For more information, visit For further information: Stéphane Blondin, Vice President of Product Management and Marketing, Tel: +1 514 341.3874, E-Mail:

  • Innovation requires experience: AIAC panel

    23 novembre 2017 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Innovation requires experience: AIAC panel

    Posted on November 23, 2017 by Chris Thatcher When the federal government delivered its 2017 budget last spring, innovation was mentioned 262 times and served as the focal point for numerous new initiatives. The centrepiece was the Innovation and Skills Plan, a series of proposals that included additional venture capital funding, new support for innovation in key growth areas and superclusters, and Innovation Canada, an initiative to bring siloed projects and funding programs for innovators under one roof. More recently, the government in its 2017 defence policy introduced IDEaS (Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security), a program currently seeking Treasury Board approval that will invest $1.6 billion over the next 20 years to generate solutions to complex challenges across the Canadian Armed Forces. It will also speed up the development of new technologies through contests, sandbox trials, research networks and other programs. The devil is always in the details of such initiatives, and all are in the early stages. Still, they have been widely welcomed by the aerospace sector. However, innovation is not for the inexperienced, four seasoned small business executives cautioned during the annual Canadian Aerospace Summit on Nov. 7. While government programs often appear to be tailored to recent graduates with youthful enthusiasm, true innovation doesn't succeed without business acumen. “It takes experience; it takes patience,” said Gabe Batstone, a self-described serial entrepreneur with over two decades in the tech sector, who recently launched Ottawa-based Contextere, an artificial intelligence firm focused on applications for blue collar workers that has secured funding from BMW, Lockheed Martin and Samsung. Aerospace and defence programs can take years to mature and regulations invariably play a big part in the introduction of any new technology, he said. “To bring emergent technology into complex organizations, it's about procurement [expertise], about sales, about relationships, about [understanding] regulations. The technology is the least difficult part.” In fact, tried and true business practices focused on customer relations are essential to entrepreneurial success. “I was never worried about the technology,” said John Mannarino, president of Montreal-based Mannarino Systems and Software, a company that has grown from a one-man consultancy to over 60 employees specializing in engineering services and airborne software. Rather, innovation has come from listening to customers and suppliers, and that takes time. “I had to learn.” In an address to the Summit, hosted by the Aerospace Industries Association of Canada, Michael Anderson, president of Saab North America, observed that innovation does not happen without an element of risk. “The organization that has the best ability to effectively mitigate risk while providing an environment that promotes risk-taking will eventually be a successful innovator and, of course, a successful business.” But there is a point at which small companies cannot take on more risk, said Dave Muir, president and CEO of Ottawa-based Gastops, a health monitoring firm that has developed sensor and analysis tools for complex aircraft and engines. “The larger companies are pushing risk way more down into the supply chain than they were. As a small fish there is only so far out from the shore you can swim before bad things happen.” The pace of change is also creating challenges for small business, and it's not limited to technology. Development cycles, production schedules, and time to market have all been compressed in recent years. For Patrick Thera, president of SED, a division of Calian that has been developing commercial satellite and ground systems solutions for over 50 years, that means being shrewd about where and with whom to invest. “Key collaborations are very important,” he said, noting that “coopetition” has sometimes made for unexpected partners. “One day you're competing against a fellow company and the next you're partnering with that company.” Gastops, too, has invested far more than previously in establishing collaborative networks to further its innovation. “I strongly believe, especially for a small company, that you cannot do innovation in the aerospace industry by yourself alone in the back room,” said Muir. Adapting to the pace of change can be especially difficult if you don't have the necessary specialized skills in your company. All four executives acknowledged the challenge of finding top software and engineering talent when much larger companies in every sector are pursuing the same people. But they also argued that as products become more sophisticated, expertise in procurement, project management, intellectual property and marketing is critical to innovation and a company's growth. When you are competing against cool start-ups with world-changing visions, “you have to go a long way to show people that you do offer a lot of things that they can take pride in, that you save lives every day with the technologies you create,” said Thera.

  • EUAM Ukraine: mission extended, budget approved

    20 novembre 2017 | International, Sécurité

    EUAM Ukraine: mission extended, budget approved

    On 20 November, the Council extended the mandate of the European Union Advisory Mission (EUAM) in Ukraine until 31 May 2019 and approved a budget of € 32 million for the next 18 months. The European Union Advisory Mission for Civilian Security Sector Reform Ukraine, EUAM Ukraine, has been deployed since December 2014, with a mandate to support Ukrainian state agencies in the reform of the civilian security sector. The mission is one of the central elements of the EU's enhanced support to the Ukrainian authorities in recent years. EUAM aims to strengthen and support reform in state agencies such as the police, other law enforcement agencies and the judicial sector, particularly the prosecutor's office. The mission provides strategic advice to the Ukrainian authorities, supported by operational activity, including training, to develop sustainable, accountable and efficient security services that strengthen the rule of law. This process is ultimately designed to restore the trust of the Ukrainian people in their civilian security services, which have been beset by allegations of corruption and malpractice. EUAM is an unarmed, non-executive civilian mission with its headquarters in Kyiv and regional presences in Lviv and Kharkiv, as well as soon in Odessa.

  • EU to beef up cybersecurity

    20 novembre 2017 | International, C4ISR, Sécurité

    EU to beef up cybersecurity

    The General Affairs Council today adopted conclusions calling for the strengthening of European cybersecurity and enhancing cyber resilience across the EU, in line with the tasking from the European Council in October 2017. The conclusions stress the need for all EU countries to make the necessary resources and investment available to address cybersecurity. They welcome the intention of increasing EU efforts in cybersecurity research and development by setting up a network of cybersecurity competence centres across the Union. The Council also backs the plan to set up a world-class European cybersecurity certification framework to increase trust in digital solutions. The conclusions highlight the important connection between trust in digital Europe and achieving cyber resilience across the EU. Significant attention is paid to the strength of cryptography used in products and services within the digital single market. Other measures highlighted by the Council include providing the necessary law enforcement tools to tackle cybercrime, developing a coordinated EU-level response to large-scale cyber incidents and crises, and conducting pan-European cybersecurity exercises on a regular basis. Regarding the global and diplomatic aspects of cybersecurity, the Council recognises the importance of international cooperation and welcomes the creation of a clear framework for using the political, diplomatic and economic tools available to the EU as a response to malicious cyber activities. "Cybercrime and state-sponsored malicious cyber activities are one of the largest global threats to our societies and economies. We already lose around €400 billion globally every year due to cyber-attacks. This clearly underlines the need for the EU to use the available tools to increase stability in cyberspace and respond to large-scale cyber incidents. The EU simply has to stay ahead of the game,” said Matti Maasikas, Estonia's Deputy Minister for European Affairs and chair of today's Council meeting. “Increasing our efforts and investment in cybersecurity is a pre-condition for building a strong and trusted digital single market for our citizens,” Maasikas added.

  • Cyber consequences: Attacks are hitting the C-suite

    16 novembre 2017 | International, Aérospatial, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Cyber consequences: Attacks are hitting the C-suite

    Ask Charles Bouchard what keeps him awake at night and the chief executive officer of Lockheed Martin Canada won't hesitate: “Our ability to protect our cyber systems.” At a time when access to intellectual property (IP) is raising debate among aerospace OEMs, suppliers, in-service support and MRO (maintenance, repair and overhaul) companies, and governments and militaries, protecting data is a hot topic. Lockheed Martin has seen enough of its IP stolen in recent years to take the problem seriously. But Bouchard believes many industry executives don't truly understand the challenge or the cost. “It's one thing to say, we want the IP. The next question is, can you defend it? Can you protect it? That is a problem today,” he told Skies. “Subcontractors . . . need to protect their data because they are connecting to our systems, especially if IP will be passed to them. How are we going to do that? We have gone beyond putting a guard at the front gate and a lock on the door. [And] for some, it's a significant investment.” Cyber defence is a national imperative, said retired Major-General Robert Wheeler, a 32-year veteran of the United States Air Force and a senior advisor to Avascent Global Advisors. Whether the threat comes from nations or non-state actors such as terrorist or criminal organizations, cyber experts are seeing an increase in frequency and capability “in this particular type of warfare.” “They are going after companies that are not prepared to deal with it, to take their IP and create havoc...,” the former deputy chief information officer in the Office of the Secretary of Defense told executives at the Canadian Aerospace Summit in Ottawa Nov. 7. Modern aircraft, with their vast supply chains and increasingly networked systems, present an attractive “avenue for bad guys to get in.” In a presentation that highlighted recent attacks in Canada, the U.S. and elsewhere, Wheeler showed how the relentless pursuit of corporate and government data has jeopardized military, commercial and critical infrastructure systems and programs. The 2011 attack on Defence Research and Development Canada, for example, was not only a costly systems problem to fix, it also raised questions about what government, industry and research data was exfiltrated. Likewise, the 2015 hack of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management was alarming because the benign-sounding agency houses the security clearances, including digital photo and biometric identification, for government, intelligence and military personnel. “Data is the commodity of the 21st century,” said Wheeler. While the sheer volume of new data might be a sign that more intellectual property is being created and the economy is growing, corporate breaches are keeping pace, and “the cost of each breach is accelerating” in terms of dollars and lost IP. Cyber attacks are also starting to impact the C-suite, he noted. The 2013 breach of Target's payment card system cost chief executive officer Gregg Steinhafel his job, and executives with credit reporting agency Equifax have been “publicly flogged” in the wake of the hack of millions of client records in October. ere may be greater consequences for companies that don't do due diligence, Wheeler suggested, pointing to changes taking shape in the legal regime following the Target attack. While greater investment in cyber defence is important, “this is not a technology issue,” he said. “This is a leadership issue” that requires a change in organizational culture and executives who understand the challenge and can “walk the talk.” It also requires more employee training, not only in best cyber hygiene practices, but also in how to use networking and cyber tools to be more resilient, agile and quick to respond. The payoff is a more effective, efficient and competitive company. “[So] many solutions to problems of this world today are in the data,” he said. “If you do this correctly . . . there is an opportunity to be more competitive, more collaborative, to come up with faster ideas in an environment and age when we have to come up with faster ideas.”

  • ICAO Council endorses new Global Aviation Security Plan

    15 novembre 2017 | International, Aérospatial, Sécurité

    ICAO Council endorses new Global Aviation Security Plan

    ​The 36-State ICAO Council. In endorsing the very first Global Aviation Security Plan today to improve international coordination, reponse, and planning relating to threats to civil aviation passengers, aircraft and facilities, the Council encouraged the ICAO Secretariat to continue refining and improving it on the basis of close continued cooperation with States and security stakeholders globally, and with due attention to all applicable implementation assistance and capacity building requirements in ICAO's Regions. ​ Montréal, 15 November 2017 – The ICAO Council took an historic step in endorsing the very first Global Aviation Security Plan to improve international coordination, response, and planning to counter threats to civil aviation passengers, cargo, aircraft and facilities. “This new strategic document will assist ICAO Member States in their aviation security coordination with other States and applicable security agencies, as well as helping to nurture security cultures and capabilities, place greater focus on the role of new technologies and innovations, and refine related frameworks for oversight and quality assurance,” affirmed ICAO Council President Dr. Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu. A set of indicators and target dates have also been established, and all associated targets and outcomes will be regularly reviewed and adjusted, taking into account all new and emerging aviation security threats. “The Council has encouraged the ICAO Secretariat to continue refining and improving this critical living document, on the basis of close continued cooperation with States and security stakeholders globally, and with due attention to all applicable implementation assistance and capacity building requirements in ICAO's Regions,” Dr. Aliu further commented. Subsequent to its first review of the new Global Aviation Security Plan in June 2017, the Council authorized its transmission to ICAO Member States and international organizations for comment. Ninety-six percent of those replies indicated agreement with its scope and purpose, as well as the related strategies and global targets, which will continue to be refined. “The ICAO Secretariat has developed this strategic document on an accelerated basis to answer the call of ICAO's Council and Member States and the respective commitments and actions of national governments will now be essential to its overall impact and value,” commented ICAO Secretary General Dr. Fang Liu. “This new Global Aviation Security Plan will now take its place alongside ICAO's existing Global Plans for aviation safety and system-wide capacity and efficiency, and importantly it directly responds to various resolutions and expectations regarding aviation security and terrorism which have been expressed to ICAO by the United Nations Security Council.” The ICAO Global Aviation Security Plan calls for action at the global, regional and national levels by States, industry and other stakeholders in raising the level of implementation of Annex 17 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation – Security. Secretary General Liu further confirmed that a roadmap outlining 94 tasks, accompanying 32 actions under five key priority outcomes, will be central to the new Global Plan's roll out. These lay the groundwork for objectives over the next three years until the 40th Session of the ICAO Assembly in 2019. In line with its contribution to the Global Counter-terrorism Strategy of the United Nations, ICAO will continue to coordinate with the Security Council and its various committees on all priorities relevant to aviation and border security, and bring together the private and public sector partners who help ensure our network remains at the dependable service of societies and economies.

  • Coopération en matière de défense: signature par 23 États membres d'une notification conjointe sur la coopération structurée permanente (CSP)

    13 novembre 2017 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Coopération en matière de défense: signature par 23 États membres d'une notification conjointe sur la coopération structurée permanente (CSP)

    Le 13 novembre 2017, les ministres de 23 États membres ont signé une notification conjointe sur la coopération structurée permanente (CSP) et l'ont remise à la haute représentante et au Conseil. La possibilité de mettre en place une coopération structurée permanente dans le domaine de la politique de sécurité et de défense a été introduite par le traité de Lisbonne. Il s'agit de la possibilité pour un certain nombre d'États membres de l'UE de renforcer leur coopération dans le domaine de la sécurité et de la défense. Ce cadre permanent de coopération en matière de défense permettra aux États membres qui le souhaitent et qui le peuvent de développer conjointement des capacités de défense, d'investir dans des projets communs ou de renforcer l'état de préparation opérationnelle et la contribution de leurs forces armées. Les États membres qui ont signé cette notification conjointe sont les suivants: l'Allemagne, l'Autriche, la Belgique, la Bulgarie, Chypre, la Croatie, l'Espagne, l'Estonie, la Finlande, la France, la Grèce, la Hongrie, l'Italie, la Lettonie, la Lituanie, le Luxembourg, les Pays-Bas, la Pologne, la République tchèque, la Roumanie, la Slovaquie, la Slovénie et la Suède. D'autres États membres peuvent s'y associer ultérieurement. La notification conjointe est la première étape formelle de la mise en place de la CSP. Y figurent: les principes de la CSP, qui soulignent notamment que la "CSP est un cadre juridique européen ambitieux, contraignant et inclusif pour les investissements dans la sécurité et la défense du territoire de l'UE et de ses citoyens" la liste des "engagements communs ambitieux et plus contraignants" pris par les États membres, y compris "l'augmentation régulière, en termes réels, des budgets consacrés à la défense afin d'atteindre les objectifs convenus" des propositions concernant la gouvernance de la CSP, avec un niveau global permettant de maintenir la cohérence et l'ambition de la CSP, complétées par des procédures de gouvernance spécifiques au niveau des projets. Notification conjointe adressée par les États membres à la haute représentante et au Conseil concernant la CSP Prochaines étapes Le Conseil doit désormais adopter à la majorité qualifiée renforcée une décision établissant la CSP, ce qui pourrait être le cas lors de la prochaine session du Conseil des affaires étrangères (le 11 décembre). Une première liste de projets à mener dans le cadre de la CSP devrait être arrêtée par les États membres participants une fois que la CSP aura été établie. Ces projets pourraient porter sur des domaines tels que la formation, le développement des capacités et l'état de préparation opérationnelle en matière de défense. Factsheet:

  • U.S.-Canada to Test Cross-border Communication for Disaster Response

    1 novembre 2017 | International, Sécurité

    U.S.-Canada to Test Cross-border Communication for Disaster Response

    Newswise — WASHINGTON—Emergency management officials and first responder agencies on both sides of the border between the United States and Canada will work together for an experiment in disaster response. The U. S. Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate and Canada Department of National Defence's Centre for Security Science will be conducting the fifth Canada-U.S. Enhanced Resiliency Experiment (CAUSE V) on November 15-16, 2017. This year's exercise scenario will be based on a volcanic eruption and crater collapse at Mt. Baker. Mt. Baker is an active volcano and closely monitored by the USGS. It is visible to local residents on both sides of the border. CAUSE V will take place along the border between the Canadian province of British Columbia (B.C.) and the state of Washington (WA). The scenario involving a (simulated) Mt. Baker volcanic eruption and subsequent mudflow was developed with help from the U.S. Geological Survey and will provide a realistic opportunity to test cross-border communications and interoperability between U.S. and Canadian first responder and emergency management agencies. Participants will include local first responders, emergency management agencies from Whatcom County, Washington in the U.S., the City of Abbotsford, City of Langley and the Township of Langley in B.C., U.S. Customs and Border Protection and Canada Border Services Agency. This experiment will use emerging tools for enhanced situational awareness and communications to plan for, respond and recover from this disaster. Wednesday, November 16 12:00 PM PDT U.S. Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate and Canada Minister of Defence's Center for Security Science will hold a joint press conference on the conclusion of the fifth Canada-U.S. Enhanced Resiliency Experiment (CAUSE V). Whatcom County Unified Emergency Coordination Center 311 Grand Ave, Bellingham, WA 98225 Credentialed media planning to attend are required to RSVP no later than November 13 by contacting Evrim Bunn at or 1 (202) 768-5554.

  • Le Symposium OACI sur l’identification des voyageurs souligne le rôle clé de l’aviation dans la lutte contre le terrorisme et la criminalité transfrontalière

    26 octobre 2017 | International, Aérospatial, Sécurité

    Le Symposium OACI sur l’identification des voyageurs souligne le rôle clé de l’aviation dans la lutte contre le terrorisme et la criminalité transfrontalière

    ​Mme Liu, Secrétaire générale de l'OACI, a prononcé l'allocution d'ouverture du 13e Symposium sur la stratégie du Programme d'identification des voyageurs (TRIP) de l'OACI, qui se tient au siège de l'institution onusienne à Montréal. Rendez-vous mondial portant sur la gestion des documents de voyage et de l'identité, ce tout dernier Symposium TRIP est considéré comme une étape importante pour maintenir l'élan mondial à l'égard des priorités de lutte anti-terroriste qu'a récemment suscité le Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies. Montréal, le 26 octobre 2017 – La lutte contre les mouvements terroristes et criminels internationaux a franchi une étape cette semaine, alors que des experts et des hauts fonctionnaires se sont réunis à l'occasion du 13eSymposium sur la stratégie du Programme d'identification des voyageurs (TRIP) de l'OACI. « La stratégie TRIP de l'OACI renforce la ligne de défense mondiale contre les mouvements terroristes internationaux, la criminalité transfrontalière et les nombreuses autres menaces qui pèsent sur la sécurité et la sûreté de la société civile et de l'aviation internationale », a fait valoir Mme Liu, Secrétaire générale de l'OACI, dans son allocution d'ouverture. « La majorité de nos travaux dans ce domaine sont principalement réalisés conformément à l'Annexe 9 à la Convention de Chicago – Facilitation. Les activités de facilitation appuient résolument les Objectifs de développement durable (ODD) des Nations Unies et la Stratégie TRIP de l'OACI contribue de manière importante aux Résolutions 2178 et 2309 du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies. » Rendez-vous mondial portant sur la gestion des documents de voyage et de l'identité, ce tout dernier Symposium TRIP est considéré comme une étape importante pour maintenir l'élan mondial à l'égard des priorités de lutte anti-terroriste qu'a récemment suscité le Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies. Mme Liu avait présenté un exposé général de la sûreté de l'aviation au Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies en septembre, après avoir été invitée à la réunion du Comité contre le terrorisme (CTC) en juillet 2017. Outre le renforcement des inspections/filtrages et des contrôles de sûreté, le CTC a souligné l'importance du rôle des compagnies aériennes dans le suivi des déplacements dans le monde des passagers présentant un risque plus élevé. « Le CTC a expressément reconnu l'importance du partage des renseignements préalables concernant les voyageurs (RPCV) par les autorités nationales », a noté Mme Liu. « Bien que de nombreux États n'aient toujours pas mis en place des programmes relatifs aux RPCV, je tiens à leur rappeler que le partage des RPCV est obligatoire depuis le 23 octobre dernier, en vertu de l'Annexe 9 de l'OACI ». Les séances tenues dans le cadre du Symposium TRIP 2017 ont permis aux participants de s'informer sur les dernières mesures d'inspection/filtrage et de sûreté fondées sur les risques, tout en soulignant l'importance des partenariats et du renforcement des capacités alors que les États œuvrent à renforcer leurs lignes de défense respectives. « La mise en œuvre par les États de la stratégie TRIP nécessite une action coordonnée entre de nombreux États et entités de l'industrie, mais nous sommes aussi conscients que les divers gouvernements ne disposent pas des mêmes capacités à mettre en œuvre le Programme TRIP. L'OACI et les États s'emploient à résorber cet écart en favorisant la coopération entre les États et l'industrie, en renforçant la coordination régionale et locale, et en obtenant la contribution de donateurs », a indiqué Mme Liu. La question des orientations approfondies dont ont besoin les États pour la planification et la mise en œuvre du programme TRIP a été abordée plus en détail dans le cadre du lancement du Recueil TRIP de l'OACI. Ce nouveau document de référence exhaustif présente les initiatives connexes de partenaires tels que l'Office des Nations Unies contre la drogue et le crime (ONUDC), INTERPOL, l'Union européenne, l'Organisation pour la sécurité et la coopération en Europe (OSCE) et l'Organisation mondiale pour les migrations (OIM), et rassemble divers éléments indicatifs de l'OACI supplémentaires. Le Symposium TRIP 2017 a coïncidé avec deux ateliers OACI importants sur le Répertoire de clés publiques (RCP) et l'adoption de nouvelles approches en matière de RPCV, tenus en parallèle et en partenariat avec la Direction exécutive du Comité contre le terrorisme (DECT) des Nations Unies et d'autres organisations internationales. Si le Panama est récemment devenu le 59e État à tirer profit de la validation encryptée du RCP, qui maximise les avantages de la sûreté des passeports électroniques, Mme Liu a souligné que l'OACI s'attend à ce que davantage d'États adhèrent au RCP dans les mois à venir. « S'il est vrai que plus de 80 % des passeports électroniques en circulation dans le monde sont délivrés par des États qui participent déjà au RCP, de nombreux États ne s'en prévalent toujours pas pour authentifier les données contenues dans la puce », a-t-elle réitéré. Le Symposium TRIP 2017 était centré sur le thème « Renforcer la sûreté et l'efficacité du transport aérien », pour refléter le fait que des technologies de sûreté bien conçues contribuent aussi à l'amélioration de l'expérience des passagers et, de manière plus générale, de l'efficacité des processus de facilitation. « C'est uniquement en nous assurant d'équilibrer ces deux priorités que les solutions que nous proposons seront véritablement durables », a conclu Mme Liu. Outre le Symposium et ses ateliers, les participants à l'édition 2017 ont pu visiter une exposition éclectique présentant les dernières innovations de l'industrie en matière de technologies et de processus. Le Symposium a rassemblé près de 600 fonctionnaires venant de 82 États et de 14 organisations internationales et prendra fin aujourd'hui à l'OACI.

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