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  • EU to beef up cybersecurity

    20 novembre 2017 | International, C4ISR, Sécurité

    EU to beef up cybersecurity

    The General Affairs Council today adopted conclusions calling for the strengthening of European cybersecurity and enhancing cyber resilience across the EU, in line with the tasking from the European Council in October 2017. The conclusions stress the need for all EU countries to make the necessary resources and investment available to address cybersecurity. They welcome the intention of increasing EU efforts in cybersecurity research and development by setting up a network of cybersecurity competence centres across the Union. The Council also backs the plan to set up a world-class European cybersecurity certification framework to increase trust in digital solutions. The conclusions highlight the important connection between trust in digital Europe and achieving cyber resilience across the EU. Significant attention is paid to the strength of cryptography used in products and services within the digital single market. Other measures highlighted by the Council include providing the necessary law enforcement tools to tackle cybercrime, developing a coordinated EU-level response to large-scale cyber incidents and crises, and conducting pan-European cybersecurity exercises on a regular basis. Regarding the global and diplomatic aspects of cybersecurity, the Council recognises the importance of international cooperation and welcomes the creation of a clear framework for using the political, diplomatic and economic tools available to the EU as a response to malicious cyber activities. "Cybercrime and state-sponsored malicious cyber activities are one of the largest global threats to our societies and economies. We already lose around €400 billion globally every year due to cyber-attacks. This clearly underlines the need for the EU to use the available tools to increase stability in cyberspace and respond to large-scale cyber incidents. The EU simply has to stay ahead of the game,” said Matti Maasikas, Estonia's Deputy Minister for European Affairs and chair of today's Council meeting. “Increasing our efforts and investment in cybersecurity is a pre-condition for building a strong and trusted digital single market for our citizens,” Maasikas added.

  • Remote GeoSystems and North Shore Rescue Announce Successful Deployment of geoDVR and FLIR gimbal for SAR Missions with Talon Helicopters, LineVision Software Donation

    20 novembre 2017 | Local, Aérospatial, C4ISR

    Remote GeoSystems and North Shore Rescue Announce Successful Deployment of geoDVR and FLIR gimbal for SAR Missions with Talon Helicopters, LineVision Software Donation

    FORT COLLINS, Colorado/VANCOUVER, British Columbia – Remote GeoSystems, North Shore Rescue and Talon Helicopters are pleased to announce the successful deployment of a geoDVR™ Gen2 with a FLIR daylight EO/IR gyro-stabilized video camera on an Airbus TwinStar (AS355) for Search and Rescue (SAR) missions. The geoDVR Gen2 is an advanced mil-spec DVR for recording multiple channels of HD & Standard-Definition geospatial full motion video in airborne and rugged vehicle environments. The geoDVR's ability to reliably record HD color and IR, along with continuous GPS data and Live Moving Maps, makes it ideally suited for professional airborne search & rescue, law enforcement and infrastructure inspection applications that utilize multi-sensor gimbal video cameras. “Remote Geo has a reputation for building one of the industry's most dependable and user-friendly airborne geospatial video recorders, complete with flexible post-flight mapping tools. So the geoDVR Gen2 was an obvious choice when we were asked to fly the FLIR on the TwinStar for mountain search and rescue,” says Peter Murray, Founder/Operations Manager at Talon Helicopters. North Shore Rescue and Talon Helicopters team operate the geoDVR and FLIR during ground training in October 2017 “Adding the FLIR camera to North Shore Rescue's toolbox has been a great enhancement to NSR's capabilities. Having the ability to record and geo-track the location of the video seemed essential to maximizing the full potential of the FLIR camera. The geoDVR allows searchers to review recorded video for clues that may or may not have been observed during the flight,” says Jim Loree, North Shore Rescue SAR Manager and Air Operations Coordinator. According to Loree, “This feature could also be highly valuable in a large-scale disaster such as an earthquake where widespread areas are surveyed for damage. Emergency Operation Centers would be able to use the data to help them make decisions on where and how to deploy resources based on the exact location and extent of damages provided by the video recording.” North Shore Rescue and Talon Helicopters will use the geoDVR with a FLIR generously donated by Port of Vancouver to perform helicopter-based SAR operations with color and infrared. Then, using LineVision™ software post-flight, North Shore Rescue will review the geoDVR videos and flight tracks overlaid on Google Earth and Esri maps for training mission planning and recovery operations. Since North Shore Rescue is an all volunteer organization, Remote GeoSystems donated 18 LineVision Esri Maps and LineVision Google Earth licenses as part of the implementation. ### About North Shore Rescue North Shore Rescue (North Shore Search and Rescue) is a volunteer community-based Mountain Search and Rescue Team based in Vancouver, BC and performs approximately 130 rescue calls a year. The team consists of approximately 45 volunteers skilled in search and rescue operations in mountain, canyon and urban settings. The team has existed for 50 years, making it one of the oldest SAR teams in Canada. During this time the number of calls each year has gradually increased. Over the past 50 years the team has been involved in more than 2500 search and rescue operations volunteering over 200,000 hours of effort. These calls have involved over 2000 subjects, and approximately 25% of the calls have involved subject injuries or death. Learn more by visiting About Talon Helicopters Talon is Vancouver's number one supplier of helicopter services, and the region's largest supplier of intermediate helicopters. Talon is locally owned and operated, and provides exceptional customer service with 20 years of incident and accident free operations. Specialized mission services include search & rescue, broadcast and film, wildfire suppression and utility patrols/operations. Learn more by visiting

  • Cyber consequences: Attacks are hitting the C-suite

    16 novembre 2017 | International, Aérospatial, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Cyber consequences: Attacks are hitting the C-suite

    Ask Charles Bouchard what keeps him awake at night and the chief executive officer of Lockheed Martin Canada won't hesitate: “Our ability to protect our cyber systems.” At a time when access to intellectual property (IP) is raising debate among aerospace OEMs, suppliers, in-service support and MRO (maintenance, repair and overhaul) companies, and governments and militaries, protecting data is a hot topic. Lockheed Martin has seen enough of its IP stolen in recent years to take the problem seriously. But Bouchard believes many industry executives don't truly understand the challenge or the cost. “It's one thing to say, we want the IP. The next question is, can you defend it? Can you protect it? That is a problem today,” he told Skies. “Subcontractors . . . need to protect their data because they are connecting to our systems, especially if IP will be passed to them. How are we going to do that? We have gone beyond putting a guard at the front gate and a lock on the door. [And] for some, it's a significant investment.” Cyber defence is a national imperative, said retired Major-General Robert Wheeler, a 32-year veteran of the United States Air Force and a senior advisor to Avascent Global Advisors. Whether the threat comes from nations or non-state actors such as terrorist or criminal organizations, cyber experts are seeing an increase in frequency and capability “in this particular type of warfare.” “They are going after companies that are not prepared to deal with it, to take their IP and create havoc...,” the former deputy chief information officer in the Office of the Secretary of Defense told executives at the Canadian Aerospace Summit in Ottawa Nov. 7. Modern aircraft, with their vast supply chains and increasingly networked systems, present an attractive “avenue for bad guys to get in.” In a presentation that highlighted recent attacks in Canada, the U.S. and elsewhere, Wheeler showed how the relentless pursuit of corporate and government data has jeopardized military, commercial and critical infrastructure systems and programs. The 2011 attack on Defence Research and Development Canada, for example, was not only a costly systems problem to fix, it also raised questions about what government, industry and research data was exfiltrated. Likewise, the 2015 hack of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management was alarming because the benign-sounding agency houses the security clearances, including digital photo and biometric identification, for government, intelligence and military personnel. “Data is the commodity of the 21st century,” said Wheeler. While the sheer volume of new data might be a sign that more intellectual property is being created and the economy is growing, corporate breaches are keeping pace, and “the cost of each breach is accelerating” in terms of dollars and lost IP. Cyber attacks are also starting to impact the C-suite, he noted. The 2013 breach of Target's payment card system cost chief executive officer Gregg Steinhafel his job, and executives with credit reporting agency Equifax have been “publicly flogged” in the wake of the hack of millions of client records in October. ere may be greater consequences for companies that don't do due diligence, Wheeler suggested, pointing to changes taking shape in the legal regime following the Target attack. While greater investment in cyber defence is important, “this is not a technology issue,” he said. “This is a leadership issue” that requires a change in organizational culture and executives who understand the challenge and can “walk the talk.” It also requires more employee training, not only in best cyber hygiene practices, but also in how to use networking and cyber tools to be more resilient, agile and quick to respond. The payoff is a more effective, efficient and competitive company. “[So] many solutions to problems of this world today are in the data,” he said. “If you do this correctly . . . there is an opportunity to be more competitive, more collaborative, to come up with faster ideas in an environment and age when we have to come up with faster ideas.”

  • Coopération en matière de défense: signature par 23 États membres d'une notification conjointe sur la coopération structurée permanente (CSP)

    13 novembre 2017 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Coopération en matière de défense: signature par 23 États membres d'une notification conjointe sur la coopération structurée permanente (CSP)

    Le 13 novembre 2017, les ministres de 23 États membres ont signé une notification conjointe sur la coopération structurée permanente (CSP) et l'ont remise à la haute représentante et au Conseil. La possibilité de mettre en place une coopération structurée permanente dans le domaine de la politique de sécurité et de défense a été introduite par le traité de Lisbonne. Il s'agit de la possibilité pour un certain nombre d'États membres de l'UE de renforcer leur coopération dans le domaine de la sécurité et de la défense. Ce cadre permanent de coopération en matière de défense permettra aux États membres qui le souhaitent et qui le peuvent de développer conjointement des capacités de défense, d'investir dans des projets communs ou de renforcer l'état de préparation opérationnelle et la contribution de leurs forces armées. Les États membres qui ont signé cette notification conjointe sont les suivants: l'Allemagne, l'Autriche, la Belgique, la Bulgarie, Chypre, la Croatie, l'Espagne, l'Estonie, la Finlande, la France, la Grèce, la Hongrie, l'Italie, la Lettonie, la Lituanie, le Luxembourg, les Pays-Bas, la Pologne, la République tchèque, la Roumanie, la Slovaquie, la Slovénie et la Suède. D'autres États membres peuvent s'y associer ultérieurement. La notification conjointe est la première étape formelle de la mise en place de la CSP. Y figurent: les principes de la CSP, qui soulignent notamment que la "CSP est un cadre juridique européen ambitieux, contraignant et inclusif pour les investissements dans la sécurité et la défense du territoire de l'UE et de ses citoyens" la liste des "engagements communs ambitieux et plus contraignants" pris par les États membres, y compris "l'augmentation régulière, en termes réels, des budgets consacrés à la défense afin d'atteindre les objectifs convenus" des propositions concernant la gouvernance de la CSP, avec un niveau global permettant de maintenir la cohérence et l'ambition de la CSP, complétées par des procédures de gouvernance spécifiques au niveau des projets. Notification conjointe adressée par les États membres à la haute représentante et au Conseil concernant la CSP Prochaines étapes Le Conseil doit désormais adopter à la majorité qualifiée renforcée une décision établissant la CSP, ce qui pourrait être le cas lors de la prochaine session du Conseil des affaires étrangères (le 11 décembre). Une première liste de projets à mener dans le cadre de la CSP devrait être arrêtée par les États membres participants une fois que la CSP aura été établie. Ces projets pourraient porter sur des domaines tels que la formation, le développement des capacités et l'état de préparation opérationnelle en matière de défense. Factsheet:

  • PAL Aerospace and CarteNav with partner Thales Unveil Force Multiplier at Dubai Airshow

    13 novembre 2017 | Local, Aérospatial, C4ISR

    PAL Aerospace and CarteNav with partner Thales Unveil Force Multiplier at Dubai Airshow

    PAL Aerospace and CarteNav Solutions Announce launch of Force Multiplier An Industry leading “On Demand” Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance special mission platform On the occasion of the Dubai Air Dhow, DAS, PAL Aerospace announced the first public appearance of an On-Demand, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Special Mission Platform named the Force Multiplier. Force Multiplier is an Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance platform for special missions operations. Ownership, operation, and maintenance are all responsibilities of PAL Aerospace and clients simply acquire the actionable data and experience that they require on this industry leading platform. The Special Mission platform is equipped with two full mission system suites, AMASCOS®, from Thales, and AIMS-ISR® from CarteNav – both mission system software suites which will accommodate a diverse range of ISR applications. Both mission systems will integrate to the Thales SEARCHMASTER® radar which is the highest performance-to-weight radar on the market. The solution fits interim and immediate requirements for surveillance and/or training missions under an on-demand contracting model. PAL Aerospace has operated over 250,000 flight hours of Special Missions and has over 40 Years of Fixed Wing Operations and Surveillance Experience. Our experience as an operator of surveillance missions leaves us uniquely qualified to bring this new platform to market with a view towards client needs and future innovation. Brian Chafe, Chief Executive Officer of PAL Aerospace, stated, “The announcement of this ISR asset is transformational for our organization. We are committed to delivering this platform so our customers can react when they need it most. We are confident that our clients will appreciate the approach that we have taken to provide a flexible, proven, reliable and low-risk solution.” Rick Hillier, General (retired – Former Chief of the Canadian Defense Staff), Chairman - PAL Aerospace, LLC stated “We are pleased to announce this significant investment at the Dubai Air Show to reinforce our commitment to this region and our over 10 year commitment to the people of the UAE.” "The entire CarteNav team is excited by the launch of Force Multiplier and are pleased to be a partner on this initiative. We are looking forward to delivering advanced ISR mission system and information management capabilities for a diversity of end customer's mission requirements. In addition, Force Multiplier is a platform that is ideal for ongoing innovation and advanced product development.” said Paul Evans, President of CarteNav Solutions. Speaking of the partnership, Philippe Duhamel, EVP Defence Mission Systems activities at Thales said, “We have a longstanding cooperation with PAL Aerospace where we have commonly addressed the UAE's and other clients' needs and delivered maritime patrol aircraft with a comprehensive suite of ISR solutions in past. Through the Force Multiplier and the collaboration with PAL Aerospace, Thales will be able to further extend its service offering and demonstrate our capabilities to our entire global customer base.”

  • Esterline CMC Electronics and NovAtel® partner on new aviation certified GNSS Receiver

    7 novembre 2017 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR

    Esterline CMC Electronics and NovAtel® partner on new aviation certified GNSS Receiver

    (Montreal, QC and Calgary, AB, Canada, November 7, 2017) - Esterline CMC Electronics and NovAtel Inc. (NovAtel) are pleased to announce a new strategic partnership, extending their collaboration in Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) positioning technology that started in the late 1990s. The partnership will see NovAtel's industry-leading GNSS measurement technology integrated into a new Esterline CMC-designed multi-constellation, multi-frequency (MCMF) chipset for certified aviation use. The DO-254 Level A certified chipset will allow both companies to develop new GNSS receiver solutions for use in a variety of safety critical applications, including DO-178C Level A certified products designed for commercial aviation, military and unmanned aerial systems (UAS). Combining the world-class capabilities of NovAtel's GNSS expertise with Esterline CMC's aviation and certification experience will allow the companies to bring innovative solutions to the market, meeting the requirements of new and evolving industry standards as the modern age of MCMF GNSS positioning in aviation is ushered in. As two industry-leading technology companies, NovAtel and Esterline CMC will combine their complementary resources to deliver competitive solutions that will establish a new standard for excellence in this exciting application space. John Studenny, Director Aviation GPS Products at Esterline CMC Electronics, said: Esterline CMC and NovAtel have a highly successful and growing relationship built on the strengths of both companies often described as “1+1 yields 3!”. While Esterline CMC Electronics is an acknowledged industry leader with its reliable, dependable, DAL-A certified CMA-5024 and CMA-6024 landing system receivers, our company will usher in a new generation of high-performance Multi-Constellation-Multi-Frequency (MCMF) GNSS products certified to the highest levels, supporting current and new aircraft GNSS precision approach.” Jonathan Auld, Vice President of Engineering and Safety Critical Systems at NovAtel said “We are proud to extend our long-standing and successful collaboration with Esterline CMC Electronics. We believe that this partnership will strengthen the technology portfolio of both companies. NovAtel is a major supplier of precise GNSS technology to mission-critical military and civilian UAS, for example, and with this new, certified chipset we will extend our solution portfolio with assured positioning solutions to meet the emerging industry standards.”

  • OEMs will invest in Canadian content if they have procurement program stability

    3 novembre 2017 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR

    OEMs will invest in Canadian content if they have procurement program stability

    If the Canadian government is to inject billions of dollars into military procurement over the next decade and successfully deliver on dozens of major capital projects, the defence industry must play a critical role. When the new defence policy was released in June 2017, the Liberal government committed to increase the Department of National Defence (DND) budget from $18.9 billion to $32.7 billion by 2026-27 and provide up to $62 billion for the military over the next 20 years. Experience has shown, however, that increased spending can strain government and industry capacity to meet the requirements and schedules for multiple projects. Industry is up for the challenge providing it has predictability in the programs and the process, said Mike Greenley, president of Burlington, Ont.-based L3 WESCAM and a former chair of the board for the Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries (CADSI). “Industry capacity to respond and surge is obviously greater the more horizon you can give it,” Greenley said at a recent Ottawa conference, hosted by the Canadian Global Affairs Institute, examining the implications of Canada's Defence Policy: Strong, Secure, Engaged. Greenley–a former executive with General Dynamics and CAE and a veteran of many procurement programs–said large foreign and Canadian manufacturers would make the necessary investments in smaller Canadian companies and production capacity if they have confidence in the opportunity. “If we talk about these things far enough ahead of time, I think people will invest and have Canadian content ready,” he added. MGen Jean-Marc Lanthier, chief of program, said the new policy had generated almost four dozen projects, but he cautioned that the government and military could not succeed if “we don't tap into innovation.” One way to encourage early industry engagement might be to run competitions at the research and development (R&D) phase of certain projects, rather than waiting until after the statement of requirements (SOR) has been fully defined. “If [you wait] for the SOR and everyone fights to the death for that thing, then your ability to respond and scale up is obviously diminished because you are not going to believe in it until, for sure, you absolutely have [it],” Greenley stated. “Industry can do a lot more if they are engaged earlier.” As an example, he pointed to the process to replace the current fleet of CP-140 Aurora aircraft, which is undergoing a series of block upgrades to extend service life into the 2030s. If, as the commander of the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) has suggested, the goal is a Canadian-built maritime patrol platform with Canadian-developed anti-submarine warfare and other capabilities, “while we modernize the CP-140s today, we could run a competition tomorrow [to get] an industrial team together for next generation maritime patrol.” That would “allow things to happen easier and quicker, engage the whole base sooner, in addition to giving them stability” to survive a change in government or government priorities, he said. “We wouldn't normally do that in Canada. But to [earlier] points about how do you connect industrial capacity with innovation, with trying to get more done with less people with more money, we could [do it].” Defence policies rarely survive as economic blueprints beyond their first few years. In a panel on framing the government's challenge, several former senior public executives noted how quickly a shift in the domestic financial picture or international circumstances forced previous governments to change course. Still, current government officials were optimistic about the policy, noting it is still early days. Andre Fillion–chief of staff, Materiel, and a former RCAF officer who led the acquisition programs for the CC-177 Globemaster, CC-130J Hercules, CH-147F Chinook and CH-148 Cyclone–acknowledged that more certified project managers are needed, as are improvements to streamline the procurement process. An increase in contracting authority to $5 million would allow the Army, Navy, Air Force and special operations forces to directly manage about 80 per cent of DND's procurement projects, freeing up resources and staff for the larger, more challenging and riskier programs. The department will look more holistically at projects, factoring in infrastructure requirements, like hangars, when it acquires an aircraft, and it will place greater reliance on analytics using data to drive decisions on complex programs, said Jody Thomas, deputy minister of National Defence. The department also added two new associate deputy ministers with extensive experience in government and procurement. “We are restructuring the department to deliver,” concluded Thomas.

  • Le gouvernement du Canada annonce les propositions retenues dans le cadre du Programme de science et technologie pour la connaissance de la situation dans tous les domaines

    20 octobre 2017 | Local, Aérospatial, C4ISR

    Le gouvernement du Canada annonce les propositions retenues dans le cadre du Programme de science et technologie pour la connaissance de la situation dans tous les domaines

    Le 20 octobre 2017 – Ottawa Le Programme de science et technologie pour la connaissance de la situation dans tous les domaines (CSTD) appuiera l'élaboration d'options, sur une période de cinq ans, pour améliorer la connaissance de la situation des voies d'approche aériennes, maritimes de surface et sous-marines du territoire canadien, particulièrement dans l'Arctique. Les solutions de surveillance examinées et retenues dans le cadre du Programme de science et technologie pour la CSTD renforceront la capacité du gouvernement du Canada à exercer sa souveraineté dans le Nord et offriront une meilleure connaissance des questions de sûreté et de sécurité ainsi que des activités commerciales et de transport dans l'Arctique canadien. Les contributions du Canada à la sécurité de la région arctique font également partie des relations canado-américaines en matière de défense. Ce n'est nulle part aussi apparent que dans les efforts concertés pour renouveler le Système d'alerte du Nord (SAN) et moderniser des éléments du Commandement de la défense aérospatiale de l'Amérique du Nord (NORAD). À mesure qu'évoluent les questions de sécurité dans l'Arctique, le Canada et les États-Unis continuent de travailler côte à côte pour sécuriser nos voies d'approche aériennes et maritimes communes. Le Système d'alerte du Nord (SAN) est une chaîne de stations radars sans personnel dans l'Arctique canadien, qui assure une surveillance aérospatiale des voies d'approche nordiques au Canada et aux États-Unis. Alors que le SAN actuel arrive à la fin de sa durée de vie utile du point de vue technologique et fonctionnel, l'ensemble des menaces potentielles pour le continent, comme celles que posent les missiles de croisière, est devenu de plus en plus complexe et difficile à détecter. C'est pourquoi le Canada et les États-Unis ont mis en place une collaboration bilatérale dans la recherche de solutions technologiques novatrices aux défis à la sécurité du continent, y compris l'alerte lointaine. Des études sont en cours pour déterminer la meilleure façon de remplacer cette importante capacité dans le cadre de la modernisation générale du NORAD. Le Programme de science et technologie pour la CSTD fait partie de cette collaboration bilatérale. Voici les propositions retenues à la suite du premier appel de propositions : Titre : Acoustic Source for Ocean Propagation Experimentation Fournisseur : GeoSpectrum Technologies Inc. Lieu : Dartmouth (Nouvelle-Écosse) Domaine : Surveillance sous-marine Type de projet : Démonstration technologique Financement : 4 953 038 $ (jusqu'au 31 mars 2020) GeoSpectrum Technologies Inc. s'est vu attribuer un contrat pour concevoir, élaborer, construire et tester une source acoustique qui servira à des expériences scientifiques sur la propagation sonore sous-marine. Un tel mécanisme pourrait faire partie de futurs systèmes capables d'assurer des communications sous-marines sur de longues distances; par exemple, dans un véhicule sous-marin sans pilote engagé dans des travaux d'arpentage en pleine mer ou sous la glace. Titre : Acoustic Array for Persistent Under-Ice Vehicles Fournisseur : GeoSpectrum Technologies Inc. Lieu : Dartmouth (Nouvelle-Écosse) Domaine : Surveillance sous-marine Type de projet : Recherche et développement Financement : 1 944 175 $ (jusqu'au 20 septembre 2019) Le but de ce projet est de concevoir et construire un réseau de capteurs adapté au tractage par véhicule sous-marin autonome. La conception innovante, qui utilise un c'ble semblable à une ligne de pêche avec des capteurs acoustiques, peut convenir à des opérations sous l'eau ou sous la glace à longueur d'année, dans l'environnement hostile des eaux arctiques. Titre : Development of the Canadian High Arctic Ionospheric Models (CHAIM) Fournisseur : Université du Nouveau-Brunswick Lieu : Fredericton (Nouveau-Brunswick) Domaine : Surveillance aérienne Type de projet : Recherche et développement Financement : 1 165 143 $ (jusqu'au 31 mars 2020) Les modèles ionosphériques actuels utilisés dans la prévision de la propagation des ondes radio pour les communications et d'autres applications, présentent des lacunes importantes dans les régions arctiques. Cela est dû à des inexactitudes et au manque d'observations ionosphériques locales. Ce projet vise à améliorer la situation en produisant des modèles de densité électronique à latitude élevée et à des altitudes variant de 100 à 3000 kilomètres. Titre : Bistatic High Elevation Long Endurance (HALE) Unmanned Air System (UAS) Scenario Study Fournisseur : C-CORE Lieu : Ottawa (Ontario) Domaine : Surveillance de surface Type de projet : Étude Financement : 221 000 $ (jusqu'au 31 juillet 2018) Ce projet consiste en l'étude des capacités potentielles de l'utilisation d'un système aérien sans pilote à haute altitude et longue endurance (HALE) comme récepteur dans une configuration bistatique pour les missions actuelles et futures avec radar à synthèse d'ouverture (RSO) commercial. L'étude examinera comment diverses configurations d'émetteurs et les récepteurs montés sur un système aérien sans pilote HALE peuvent augmenter les capacités présentes de détection et discrimination, tout en fournissant un moyen de surveillance en tout temps, à grande mobilité et persistant, qui n'existe pas actuellement.


    10 octobre 2017 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité


    Thales annonce la création du Centre de Recherche et Technologie spécialisé en intelligence artificielle (IA), nommé cortAIx. Conduit par Thales, en collaboration avec l'Institut Québécois d'Intelligence Artificielle (MILA), l'IVADO (Institute of Data Valorization), l'Institut d'Intelligence Artificielle du Québec et l'Institut Vector de Toronto, le centre cortAIx sera situé à Montréal, au cœur de l'un des principaux écosystèmes d'intelligence artificielle au monde. Points clés cortAIx est une nouvelle brique de la stratégie numérique de Thales qui constitue une des initiatives clés de la croissance 50 nouveaux experts en intelligence artificielle travailleront ensemble pour développer l'utilisation de l'IA dans les systèmes Thales. Ce centre permettra la mise au point des meilleurs outils de prise de décision au service de nos clients. cortAIx prévoit la création d'une cinquantaine d'emplois de chercheurs et de développeurs experts en IA. Leur mission est de promouvoir des applications sûres et éthiques d'intelligence artificielle pour le vaste portefeuille de produits Thales. Ce centre de Recherche et Technologie se concentre sur la création de solutions pour aider les compagnies aériennes, les opérateurs de satellites, les contrôleurs aériens, les opérateurs de transport, les forces armées et les gestionnaires d'infrastructures, à prendre les meilleures décisions dans des moments décisifs, du fond des océans aux confins de l'espace et du cyberespace. Le centre cortAIx renforce l'ambition de Thales de devenir un leader mondial de l'IA, tout en apportant au Canada des bénéfices économiques. La proximité de l'expertise combinée de MILA (Institut Québécois d'Intelligence Artificielle), d'IVADO (Institut de valorisation des données) et du riche écosystème des universités et laboratoires d'IA, font de Montréal et du Canada un environnement idéal pour développer cortAIx. Gr'ce au leadership de Thales et au soutien de nos partenaires, nous mettrons à profit l'écosystème unique de Montréal qui rassemble des talents et une créativité de classe mondiale afin de promouvoir les applications d'intelligence artificielle éthiques dans le monde entier. Patrice Caine, Président-directeur général de Thales Le plus grand défi rencontré par les experts d'IA aujourd'hui est d'améliorer la compréhension des mécanismes au-delà des développements de l'IA, en évaluant les comportements humains au fur et à mesure que les personnes interagissent avec ces nouveaux systèmes. La mission clé du centre cortAIx est de construire des solutions fondées sur l'IA, qui soient sûres et éthiques, tout en garantissant que le pouvoir de décision demeure sous le contrôle de l'homme. Après les acquisitions récentes de Guavus et de Vormetric, la création de cortAIx illustre la façon dont Thales renforce son positionnement dans l'une des technologies clés de sa transformation numérique. Au cours des trois dernières années, Thales a investi plus d'un milliard d'euros dans les technologies numériques clés et a récemment annoncé le lancement de sa Digital Factory à Paris. Cette activité regroupe des experts en technologie de pointe qui soutiennent l'apport de données massives et d'intelligence artificielle dans les solutions de Thales, tout en assurant la sécurité des données - une exigence fondamentale de l'économie numérique moderne.

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