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  • A Bourges, la DGA se prépare aux nouvelles formes de combat

    11 juin 2018 | International, Aérospatial, Terrestre

    A Bourges, la DGA se prépare aux nouvelles formes de combat

    Mini-drones, véhicules blindés collaboratifs, neutralisation des engins explosifs... La Direction générale de l'armement prépare les matériels aux nouvelles formes de combat. Des mini-drones et des robots attendent, posés sur les tables et sur le sol dans un grand hangar. Au centre technique d'armement terrestre de Bourges (Cher), les experts de la Direction générale de l'armement (DGA) disposent d'une habitation avec ses pièces, ses cloisons, ses meubles, son escalier... De quoi tester en grandeur nature la maniabilité de ces équipements et surtout leur capacité à dénicher un individu dans un local inconnu. Discrets ou volumineux, sur roues ou sur chenilles, destinés au grand public ou directement conçus pour un usage militaire, les produits testés sont très variés. "Leurs caméras embarquées agissent comme des yeux déportés. Cela évite de mettre les vies des soldats en danger", explique le chef du laboratoire robotique de la DGA, à la tête d'une équipe de 16 experts. Avant de les mettre dans les mains des militaires, ils s'assurent que ces robots ont les capacités prévues, notamment en termes d'autonomie, de résolution et de transmission[...]

  • South Korea to reboot training helicopter acquisition

    11 juin 2018 | International, Aérospatial

    South Korea to reboot training helicopter acquisition

    By: Jeff Jeong SEOUL, South Korea ― The South Korean military's long-sought purchase of training helicopters has been ruptured due to price issues, prompting the arms procurement agency to prepare a rebidding process for the aircraft acquisition project code-named TH-X. Bell (formerly Bell Helicopter) and Leonardo Helicopters were competing for the $155 million project to procure 41 training helicopters both for the South Korean Army and the Navy, according to the Defense Acquisition Program Administration, or DAPA. “The TH-X selection, originally due late last year, has been delayed, and a bidder failed to meet some of the TH-X requirements,” DAPA spokesman Kang Hwan-seok said. “As the TH-X acquisition is a competition basis, we're scheduled to proceed with a rebidding soon.” Multiple industry sources said the TH-X negotiations broke down mainly because of cost concerns. “Bidding price was an issue, but there are some other reasons, too,” Kang said, adding his agency would issue a request for proposals again between June and July. He declined to elaborate further. The South Korean military has sought to introduce new training helicopters to replace the older fleet of MD 500s, which have been operational for more than 30 years. The DAPA issued an RFP for the TH-X in November 2015. Bell offered its new 505 Jet Ranger light helicopter, which successfully completed its first flight in November 2014, while Leonardo suggested its SW-4 light single-engine multirole helicopter produced its Polish subsidiary PZL Swidnik. Both companies are expected to participate in the TH-X retender, according to DAPA officials.

  • L3 MAS s'associe à Israel Aerospace Industries dans le cadre du projet de systèmes d’aéronefs télépilotés de l'Aviation royale canadienne

    11 juin 2018 | Local, Aérospatial

    L3 MAS s'associe à Israel Aerospace Industries dans le cadre du projet de systèmes d’aéronefs télépilotés de l'Aviation royale canadienne

    MIRABEL, Québec, 31 mai 2018 – L3 MAS a annoncé aujourd'hui qu'elle s'est associée à Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) pour former l'équipe Artemis, qui offrira dans le cadre du projet de systèmes d'aéronefs télépilotés (projet SATP) de l'Aviation royale canadienne (ARC) le système aérien sans pilote (UAS) Artemis, un système de pointe inspiré du drone Heron TP d'IAI. L'UAS Artemis est une plateforme mature et extrêmement performante dont la capacité opérationnelle a été démontrée. Cet UAS de moyenne altitude et longue endurance (MALE) sera doté d'un large éventail de capteurs et autres charges utiles qui visent expressément à répondre aux besoins du Canada. Il est exceptionnellement bien placé pour permettre au Canada de préserver sa sécurité nationale, ainsi que sa souveraineté, en sol canadien comme à l'étranger. L3 MAS sera l'entrepreneur principal de l'équipe et misera sur sa vaste expérience en matière de soutien en service (SES), de navigabilité, de soutien logistique intégré et de gestion de programmes. Elle chapeautera également l'équipe industrielle canadienne Artemis, qui compte dans ses rangs Pratt & Whitney Canada, laquelle fournira le groupe motopropulseur du véhicule aérien, ainsi que d'autres partenaires canadiens de renom qui seront nommés à une date ultérieure. La solution Artemis apportera des avantages économiques substantiels au Canada, notamment par la création d'emplois locaux à forte valeur. « Le projet SATP offre une occasion en or de doter l'ARC d'une capacité UAS de calibre mondial, a affirmé Jacques Comtois, vice-président et directeur général de L3 MAS. À titre d'entrepreneur principal, d'intégrateur de systèmes de mission et de fournisseur de soutien en service, L3 MAS est impatiente d'ouvrir de nouveaux horizons au sein des secteurs canadiens de la défense et de l'aviation gr'ce à l'UAS Artemis d'IAI. » « IAI est emballée de proposer la solution Artemis, une solution souple et évoluée dont la capacité opérationnelle a été éprouvée, au profit du projet SATP du Canada, a déclaré Shaul Shahar, vice-président directeur d'IAI. Nous sommes heureux d'avoir L3 MAS comme partenaire pour travailler de concert afin de doter l'Aviation royale canadienne de cette capacité impressionnante. Nos solutions uniques procurent de formidables avantages au Canada et nous sommes impatients de pouvoir participer à l'appel d'offres pour le projet SATP. » Dans le cadre du projet SATP, le ministère de la Défense nationale (MDN) acquerra un certain nombre d'UAS MALE, ainsi que les postes de contrôle au sol (PCS), les ensembles de capteurs et le matériel de soutien connexes. Le contrat correspondant devrait être attribué en 2021-2022 et englobera l'acquisition de l'équipement et l'ensemble du soutien en service pour une durée de 20 ans.

  • IMP Aerospace Awarded Royal Norwegian Air Force P-3 Orion Maintenance Contract

    11 juin 2018 | Local, Aérospatial

    IMP Aerospace Awarded Royal Norwegian Air Force P-3 Orion Maintenance Contract

    IMP Aerospace announced that it has been awarded a contract by the Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisation (NDLO) following an international competitive bidding process for the maintenance of the P-3 Orion Maritime Patrol Aircraft fleet operated by the Royal Norwegian Air Force (RNoAF). This multi-year contract includes additional In-Service Support (ISS) work beyond maintenance inspections and will be performed at IMP's operations in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The P-3 Orion aircraft perform strategic patrol missions for the RNoAF in the detection of submarine threats, search and rescue support, littoral surveillance, as well as economic zone and shipping lane protection off the coast of Norway. Tom Galley, IMP Aerospace Executive VP, stated “We are very pleased to be awarded this long-term contract for the Royal Norwegian Air Force for the heavy maintenance of their P-3 Orion fleet. IMP Aerospace has developed a close relationship with the RNoAF over the past decade and has a solid working knowledge of their P-3 aircraft maintenance requirements. IMP provides innovative, high value solutions to a variety of domestic and international operators of maritime patrol and ISR capable aircraft, such as the P-3. This award further demonstrates our competitiveness in the marketplace and our reputation as a world class provider of a broad range of in-depth aircraft ISS services.” About IMP Aerospace IMP Aerospace, one of Canada's largest Canadian-owned aerospace and defence contractors, provides a full range of technical services including aircraft In-Service Support, engineering, aircraft repair, overhaul and modification services to domestic and international military and commercial customers. IMP Aerospace is one of six independent operating units of IMP Aerospace & Defence which is a business unit of IMP Group Limited, a Halifax-based company focused on global sustainable growth with over 3,500 experienced people delivering service, quality and value to customers across diverse sectors, such as aerospace, aviation, healthcare, information technology, hospitality, and property development. Carl Kumpic Vice President International Marketing IMP Aerospace & Defence Direct: (902) 873-2250 e-mail: Website:

  • Is a light attack aircraft coming to the Corps?

    11 juin 2018 | International, Aérospatial

    Is a light attack aircraft coming to the Corps?

    By: Shawn Snow The Senate Armed Services Committee plans to dish out millions for a Marine light attack aircraft and the Corps' futuristic sea drone, known as the MUX. The committee voted 25-2 on May 24 to give $100 million for a Marine light attack aircraft and $100 million for the MUX sea drone in its markup of the fiscal year 2019 annual defense legislation. The Air Force is still in pursuit of a light attack aircraft. Two aircraft, Textron Aviation's AT-6 Wolverine and the A-29 Super Tucano, are currently undergoing three months of demonstrations, which kicked off in May at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico. So, what will the Corps choose? “The Marine Corps is monitoring the Air Force-led Light Attack Experiment to procure a cost-effective, observation and attack (OA-X) air platform for employment in permissive environments, with the intent to employ such an asset as a joint force capability,” Marine spokesman Capt. Christopher Harrison told Marine Corps Times in an email. “The SASC's decision to authorize $100 million for a light attack platform is only reflected in a policy bill ― nothing has been appropriated to this program yet.” Light attack aircraft are seen as a cost-effective means to deliver close-air support in more permissive environments like Iraq and Afghanistan. The A-29 Super Tucano is already fielded by the Afghan air force. Military officials in the past have come under criticism for using expensive aircraft to destroy low key targets. For instance, on Nov. 20, 2017, an F-22 Raptor was used for the first time in Afghanistan, to destroy a narcotics lab. Gen. John Nicholson, the commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, said the F-22 was selected because of its ability to carry the small diameter bomb. As for the MUX, the Corps submitted a request for information in March that spelled out some details the Marine Corps wants in its new futuristic drone. The Corps is looking for a drone to compliment the long distances of some of its other aircraft like the MV-22. According to the March RFI, the Marines want the MUX to be able to fly 700 nautical miles and carry a 9,500-pound payload. The Corps wants its future sea drone to have strike capabilities, surveillance and electronic warfare. first reported that the Senate Armed Services Committee voted to give $100 million for a Marine light attack aircraft.

  • US Navy officially inducts Triton UAV into service

    11 juin 2018 | International, Aérospatial

    US Navy officially inducts Triton UAV into service

    Gareth Jennings, London - Jane's Navy International The US Navy (USN) has officially commenced operations of its Northrop Grumman MQ-4C Triton Broad Area Maritime System (BAMS) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), it was announced on 1 June. A ceremony to formally induct the high-altitude long-endurance (HALE) UAV into service with Unmanned Patrol Squadron (VUP)-19 – the navy's first unmanned patrol squadron – was held the previous day at Naval Base Ventura County in Point Mugu, California. VP-19 now has two Triton UAVs, which are housed in specially constructed to facilities designed to accommodate their nearly 40 m wingspans. With this milestone, VP-19 will undertake training and trials ahead of the platform's inaugural overseas deployment, which will be to the Pacific island of Guam later this year. For this and later deployments, the Triton will operate in concert with the manned Boeing P-8A Poseidon maritime multimission aircraft. The MQ-4C Triton has been developed from the Block 30 RQ-4N naval variant of the RQ-4 Global Hawk HALE UAV to provide the USN with a persistent maritime intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) capability in support of a full range of military operations. Designed for high-altitude, long-endurance ISR tasks, the Triton has a range of about 2,000 n miles and, with an endurance of 24 hours, will be able to cover more than 2.7 million sq miles in a single mission. Its payload primarily comprises the AN/ZPY-3 multifunction active-sensor radar. The USN has established the infrastructure to train its Triton operators at Naval Air Station (NAS) Jacksonville in Florida. Operators undergo training under the supervision of Patrol Squadron (VP) 30 at the 11,600 m2 Integrated Test Center (ITC), which is also used for the training of P-8A Poseidon and P-3 Orion crews.

  • Army Wants Manned-Aircraft Airworthiness Levels From Future UAS

    11 juin 2018 | International, Aérospatial, Terrestre

    Army Wants Manned-Aircraft Airworthiness Levels From Future UAS

    Graham Warwick | Aviation Week & Space Technology Its appetite Fueled by the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the U.S. Army is a big user of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), from thousands of hand-launched RQ-11 Ravens to hundreds of tactical RQ-7 Shadows and medium-altitude MQ-1C Gray Eagles. And the service has made progress in how it uses UAS, including manned-unmanned teaming between Shadows and AH-64 Apache helicopters in the reconnaissance role. But as it looks to the future, the Army is less than happy with some aspects of its UAS ...

  • NASA’s new administrator says he’s talking to companies to take over the International Space Station

    5 juin 2018 | International, Aérospatial

    NASA’s new administrator says he’s talking to companies to take over the International Space Station

    NASA is talking to several international companies about forming a consortium that would take over operation of the International Space Station and run it as a commercial space lab, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said in an interview. “We're in a position now where there are people out there that can do commercial management of the International Space Station,” Bridenstine said in his first extensive interview since being sworn in as NASA administrator in April. “I've talked to many large corporations that are interested in getting involved in that through a consortium, if you will.” The White House touched off a heated discussion about the future of the orbiting laboratory earlier this year when it said it planned to end direct government funding of the station by 2025, while working on a transition plan to turn the station over to the private sector. Some members of Congress said they would vigorously oppose any plan that ends the station's life prematurely. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) said the decision to end funding for it was the result of “numskulls” at the Office of Management and Budget. And it was unclear, who, if anyone, would want to take over operations of the station, which costs NASA about $3 billion to $4 billion a year and is run by an international partnership that includes the United States, Russia, Japan, Canada and the European Space Agency. An orbiting laboratory that flies some 250 miles above the Earth's surface, it has been continuously inhabited by astronauts since 2000. In unveiling its plan to commercialize the station earlier this year, the White House offered few details of how exactly it would work. As it prepares a transition plan, the White House said it “will request market analysis and business plans from the commercial sector and solicit plans from commercial industry.” The international nature of the station could make it tricky, though perhaps there could be an international commercial partnership with some sort of a government role, said Frank Slazer, the vice president of space systems for the Aerospace Industries Association. “It will be very hard to turn ISS into a truly commercial outpost because of the international agreements that the United States is involved in,” he said. “It's inherently always going to be an international construct that requires U.S. government involvement and multinational cooperation.” Bridenstine declined to name the companies that have expressed interest in managing the station, and said he was aware that companies may find it “hard to close the business case.” But he said there was still seven years to plan for the future of the station, and with the White House's budget request “we have forced the conversation.” A former congressman from Oklahoma, Bridenstine, was confirmed by the Senate by a narrow 50-to-49 votethis spring, after the post had remained vacant for 15 months. Democrats had rallied against his nomination, saying he lacked the managerial and scientific background for the job. Many had labeled him a climate-change denier over controversial comments Bridenstine, a conservative Republican, had made in the past. But during a Senate hearing last month, he said his views had evolved, and that he believes human activity is the leading cause of climate change. That earned him plaudits from Democrats, such as Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) who had opposed his nomination. “I have come to the conclusion that this is a true evolution,” Schatz said. “That you respect people with whom you work, you respect the science, you want their respect.” In the interview, Bridenstine said there was no single event that cause him to change his thinking. As chairman of the Environment subcommittee, he said he “listened to a lot of testimony. I heard a lot of experts, and I read a lot. I came to the conclusion myself that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that we've put a lot of it into the atmosphere and therefore we have contributed to the global warming that we've seen. And we've done it in really significant ways.” In the wide-ranging interview, Bridenstine also listed a return to the moon and the restoration of human spaceflight from United States soil as two of his top priorities. NASA has proposed building an outpost in the vicinity of the moon that could be inhabited by humans from time to time, with landers that could ferry supplies to the lunar surface. Known as the Lunar Orbiting Platform Gateway, the system would be built by NASA in partnership with industry and its international partners, he said. “I've met with a lot of leaders of space agencies from around the world,” he said. “There is a lot of interest in the Gateway in the lunar outpost because a lot of countries want to have access to the surface of the moon. And this can help them as well and they can help us. It helps expand the partnership that we've seen in low Earth orbit with the International Space Station.” But the first element of the system wouldn't be launched until 2021 or 2022, he said. Perhaps as early as this year, Boeing and SpaceX, the companies hired by NASA to fly its astronauts to the space station, could see their first test flights with people on board, though it's possible they could be delayed to next year. Since the space shuttle was retired in 2011, Russia has flown NASA's astronauts to the station, charging hundreds of millions of dollars over that time. Bridenstine said that it is “a big objective is to once again launch American astronauts on American rockets from American soil.” Both Boeing and SpaceX have had delays and setbacks in their programs. Government watchdogs have said they were concerned about an issue with Boeing's abort system that may cause its spacecraft to “tumble,” posing a threat to the crew's safety. Boeing has said it has fixed that problem, as well as a concern with the heat shield that the Government Accountability Office said last year could disconnect “and damage the parachute system.” John Mulholland, Boeing's commercial crew program manager, told Congress earlier this year that the company's "analyses show that we exceed our requirements for crew safety." As administrator, Bridenstine and his staff will also have to sign off on SpaceX's decision to fuel its Falcon 9 rocket after the crews are on board -- which some have said could put astronauts at risk. But during a recent NASA safety advisory panel, some members said they thought the procedure could be a “viable option” if adequate safety controls are in place. SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk told reporters last month that he did not think the fueling process "presents a safety issue for astronauts. But we can adjust our operational procedures to load propellant before the astronauts board. But I really think this is an overblown issue.” In the interview, Bridenstine said no decision had been made yet about the fueling procedures. “I haven't signed off on anything at this point,” he said. “We're going to make sure we test it every which way you can possibly imagine. And that's underway right now. We're not going to put anybody in any undue risk.”

  • État de l'industrie canadienne de la défense 2018

    25 mai 2018 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    État de l'industrie canadienne de la défense 2018

    Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada (ISDE) s'est associé à l'Association des industries canadiennes de défense et de sécurité (AICDS) pour diffuser publiquement un nouveau rapport sur l'industrie canadienne de la défense à l'intention des décideurs. Le rapport aborde notamment le renforcement de la capacité d'analyse par la recherche collaborative, les retombées économiques, l'innovation, les exportations et l'analyse des chaînes d'approvisionnement.

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