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    12 novembre 2018 | International, C4ISR


    SUE GORDON, THE principal deputy director of national intelligence, wakes up every day at 3 am, jumps on a Peloton, and reads up on all the ways the world is trying to destroy the United States. By the afternoon, she has usually visited the Oval Office and met with the heads of the 17 intelligence agencies to get threat reports. The self-described “chief operating officer of the intelligence community” has a lot to worry about, but the nearly-30-year veteran is generally optimistic about America's future. Now, she says, she just needs Silicon Valley to realize that tech and government don't have to be opposed. On a recent trip to Silicon Valley, Gordon sat down with WIRED to talk about how much government needs Silicon Valley to join the fight to keep the US safe. She was in town to speak at conference at Stanford, but also to convince tech industry leaders industry that despite increasing employee concerns, the government and tech have a lot of shared goals. “I had a meeting with Google where my opening bid was: ‘We're in the same business'. And they're like ‘What?' And I said: ‘Using information for good,'” Gordon says. That's a hard sell in Silicon Valley, especially in the post-Snowden years. After Snowden's leaks, tech companies and tech workers didn't want to be seen as complicit with a government that spied on its own people—a fact Gordon disputes, saying that any collection of citizen's information was incidental and purged by their systems. This led to a much-publicized disconnect between the two power centers, one that has only grown more entrenched and public in 2018, as Silicon Valley has undergone something of an ethical awakening. Gordon agrees with and supports a broader awareness that technology can be abused, but came to Silicon Valley to explain why government and tech should solve those problems hand in hand. Pairing Up Gordon knows from public-private partnerships. The CIA's venture capital accelerator In-Q-Tel—which for nearly 20 years has invested in everything from malware-detection software to biochemical sensors to micro-batteries—was Gordon's idea. Groundbreaking at its conception, In-Q-Tel directly funds startups that could be of interest to national security, without limits on how that money can be used, and without owning the intellectual property. Among other successful investments, In-Q-Tel backed a company called Keyhole, which Google would go on to acquire and turn into Google Earth. Full article:

  • Italy signals slowdown on F-35 orders

    12 novembre 2018 | International, Aérospatial

    Italy signals slowdown on F-35 orders

    By: Tom Kington ROME — Italy will stretch out the order of F-35 fighter jets, buying six or seven of the aircraft in the next five years instead of the previously planned 10 jets, a government source told Defense News. The decision follows a review of the program by Italy's populist government, which took office in June and is mulling defense spending cuts to pay for social welfare programs and cover tax cuts. The source said the plan did not envisage a reduction in orders, merely a slowdown of intake, which would leave the decision of the total F-35 purchase to a future government. Previous governments planned to buy 60 F-35As and 30 F-35Bs for a total of 90 aircraft. The new government will focus on spending plans over its five-year mandate and not beyond, the source said, adding that discussions are underway with the U.S. about the change in schedule. The decision on the slowdown keeps with Italian policy on the F-35 set out by Defence Minister Elisabetta Trenta after she took office in June. “What I would like to do is lighten the load, since we have other spending commitments in Europe. We will try to stretch out deliveries instead of cutting the order, which would reduce offsets and mean penalties,” she told Defense News at the time. Italy has taken delivery of 10 F-35As and one F-35B. Two of the "A" models as well as the "B" model are being used for training in the U.S., while eight "A" models are now based at the Italian Air Force's base in Amendola, southern Italy. Trenta was tapped for office by the Five Star party, one of two political parties in Italy's current coalition government. Five Star politicians took a hostile line toward the F-35 program before taking office, at one point promising to scrap it. However, a defense spending document released last month suggests the government will maintain spending on the program in the next two years, with €766 million (U.S. $874 million) due to be spent in 2019 and €783 million in 2020. Those figures should be treated as provisional until the overall budget is signed in Parliament in the coming weeks. Five Star politicians have also shown hostility toward another U.S. defense program — the ground station planned in Sicily to support the Mobile User Objective System, or MUOS, network, a U.S. Navy-run satellite network providing voice and data communications to U.S. military personnel and platforms around the world, even when they are under thick forest canopies. Long held up by legal challenges in Sicily amid health fears, sources have said the MUOS antenna in Sicily could soon see final approval from the Italian government.

  • New DoD cyber strategies set clear priorities for the department

    12 novembre 2018 | International, C4ISR

    New DoD cyber strategies set clear priorities for the department

    New DoD cyber strategies sets clear priorities for the department

  • Stratégie fédérale pour l'innovation et la croissance des régions du Québec : près de 3 M$ pour les PME aérospatiales

    9 novembre 2018 | Local, Aérospatial

    Stratégie fédérale pour l'innovation et la croissance des régions du Québec : près de 3 M$ pour les PME aérospatiales

    GASPÉ, QC, le 9 nov. 2018 /CNW Telbec/ - Aéro Montréal, la grappe québécoise de l'aérospatiale, a reçu aujourd'hui un financement de 2,977 millions de dollars afin de soutenir le développement de l'Initiative StartAero360°, lors du lancement de la Stratégie fédérale pour l'innovation et la croissance des régions du Québec. L'honorable Navdeep Bains, ministre de l'Innovation, des Sciences et du Développement économique et responsable de Développement économique Canada pour les régions du Québec (DEC), en a fait l'annonce ce matin, à Gaspé. Cette initiative vise à accompagner les PME technologiques aérospatiales du Québec dans la phase de pré-commercialisation de leurs produits innovants. Les PME de l'initiative seront accompagnées selon un processus structuré, dans le but de répondre de façon collaborative à une occasion d'affaires qui nécessite le développement d'une preuve de concept industriel. Cette Initiative permettra de : Favoriser et accélérer l'adoption des innovations de ruptures sur le marché ; Soutenir l'entrepreneuriat et la création d'emplois au Canada en permettant à des PME de croître à travers la commercialisation de nouveaux produits ; Accroître le rayonnement de l'industrie canadienne à l'échelle internationale gr'ce à l'adoption et à l'exportation de nouvelles technologies de niches avant-gardistes. Pour se développer, les PME aérospatiales doivent de plus en plus composer avec les technologies de ruptures, que sont les technologies numériques, les métadonnées, l'intelligence artificielle, la fabrication additive, etc. Notre rôle est de mettre à leur disposition des outils efficaces, en collaboration avec les deux paliers de gouvernement, pour encourager le virage des PME vers l'adoption des technologies de rupture. « Nos PME technologiques éprouvent encore beaucoup de difficultés à traverser la phase de pré-commercialisation, nécessaire pour assurer leur réussite commerciale. L'Initiative StartAéro360° a été développée pour permettre à nos PME de trouver le soutien nécessaire en vue de la pré-commercialisation de leurs produits les plus innovants », explique Suzanne M. Benoît, présidente-directrice générale d'Aéro Montréal. L'Initiative StartAéro360° vise l'accompagnement de 30 PME sur 3 ans. Ce programme sera doté d'un budget total de 4,385 millions de dollars, dont 1,4 million seront assumés par le secteur privé. À propos d'Aéro Montréal Créée en 2006, Aéro Montréal est un forum stratégique de concertation qui réunit l'ensemble des premiers dirigeants du secteur aérospatial québécois issus de l'industrie, des institutions d'enseignement, des centres de recherche et incluant les associations et les syndicats. Les activités d'Aéro Montréal sont rendues possibles gr'ce à la participation des gouvernements du Canada, du Québec et de la Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal, ainsi que des entreprises membres de la grappe. SOURCE Aéro Montréal Renseignements : Gwenaël Brisé, Responsable des communications et des relations médias, Aéro Montréal, 438 497-3857,

  • Updated - Dassault makes it official – Rafale is out of Canadian fighter jet competition

    9 novembre 2018 | Local, Aérospatial

    Updated - Dassault makes it official – Rafale is out of Canadian fighter jet competition

    DAVID PUGLIESE, OTTAWA CITIZEN Dassault Aviation has officially confirmed to Agence France-Presse that the firm has pulled out of Canada's future fighter program. The company had planned to offer the Rafale but decided against competing the aircraft because of the extensive Canadian requirements for interoperability with U.S. forces, according to a number of news reports, citing sources. The Canadian government confirmed the withdrawal after the news report became public. “On November 8, the French government officially notified Canada of its withdrawal from the competitive process to replace Canada's fighter jet fleet,” said Public Services and Procurement Canada spokesperson Rania Haddad. “We will continue to work closely with the remaining eligible suppliers to ensure they are well positioned to participate in the ongoing competition.”

  • UK - MOD sets out vision to diversify supply base

    9 novembre 2018 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    UK - MOD sets out vision to diversify supply base

    The Ministry of Defence has today announced plans for modernising its estate and establishing a broader and more diverse supply base. The Defence Infrastructure Organisation's (DIO) new procurement plan outlines a programme of major projects and contacts for the next five financial years. This includes work to construct new buildings, such as housing and accommodation, the refurbishment of current facilities; as well as services such as catering, waste management and cleaning. The plan also sets out ambitions to establish a broader and more diverse supply base, including doing more business with small and medium size enterprises (SMEs). Currently, around 75% of spending on maintenance at defence sites goes directly or indirectly to SMEs, and further diversifying the supply base will help build resilience into projects and provide more opportunities for smaller companies to work on key defence projects. By listing all the major projects and contracts, the procurement plan will make it easier for existing and potential suppliers to plan ahead, by offering advice on bidding for this work and greater transparency on working with the MOD. These measures will help in particular small businesses, who don't always have the skills and prior experience of working with the MOD in such areas. Minister for Defence People and Veterans Tobias Ellwood said: The defence estate is where our brave armed forces live, work and train and so it's crucial we give them the best supplies and facilities possible. Working with industry is critical to delivering this, and our new Procurement Plan ensures the private sector has a head start in bidding for this crucial work. Opportunities outlined in the Procurement Plan include the £4billion Defence Estate Optimisation Programme, the Future Defence Infrastructure Services contracts - which will provide facilities management across the UK's military bases- and the £1.3bn Clyde Infrastructure Programme. The plan also details several prominent works that demonstrate DIO's key role in supporting defence throughout the UK. These include essential maintenance work worth £568 million to support nuclear infrastructure capability at HMNB Clyde, as well as a £58m investment in a modern submarine training facility at the base. Alongside this, there are plans for an £8m investment in Bovington Camp to support the AJAX armoured vehicles which will enter service in 2020. Jacqui Rock, DIO Commercial Director, said: As DIO we recognise that our current and future suppliers are key to our success. We have worked with industry to produce the Procurement Plan and we are committed to building a broader, more diverse supplier base. We believe in being as transparent as possible in our procurements and through this new approach we are encouraging new entrants, including small and medium sized enterprises, to consider the benefits and opportunities that working with DIO can deliver. The Procurement Plan will help achieve the goals set out in our first ever Commercial Strategy. This set out our vision for how we do business and how we will work effectively with our suppliers. The Procurement Plan also sets out how DIO can deliver social and economic benefits throughout its supply chain by working to contribute to the government's aim of recruiting 20,000 apprentices through construction procurement and promoting sustainability through its supply chain. By 2020, DIO has committed to a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 30%, a 30% reduction in domestic business flights, a 50% reduction in paper usage and reducing waste going to the landfill to less than 10%. The full DIO Procurement Plan can be found here The DIO Commercial Strategy sets the direction for future DIO Procurement Plans. The full DIO Commercial Strategy can be found here

  • US defense industry pushes back on White House’s proposed $33B budget cut

    9 novembre 2018 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    US defense industry pushes back on White House’s proposed $33B budget cut

    By: Joe Gould and Aaron Mehta WASHINGTON — The American defense industry is warning that defense cuts proposed by the Trump administration could undermine the Pentagon's efforts to modernize the military and address threats from Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and transnational terrorism. The Aerospace Industries Association, with the weight of the country's large and small defense firms behind it, issued a statement Thursday warning President Donald Trump and Congress “to provide steady and stable growth in defense spending in the fiscal year 2020 budget request and beyond” if they want to be able to meet those threats. The message comes as Democrats — expected to prioritize domestic spending and question record defense increases — won the House this week, and after White House budget director Mick Mulvaney ordered the Pentagon to prepare for a $700 billion national defense budget proposal for fiscal 2020. (For comparison's sake, the Pentagon is also continuing to prep the $733 billion budget it was expecting.) AIA argued in its statement that the last two years of budget growth have helped the Department of Defense and industry turn things around after years of war and budget instability, but not entirely. “As a result, military readiness is improving, and our industry is responding with more innovation and advanced capabilities,” the statement reads. “But the shortfalls of the last decade cannot be erased in the space of two years, and now the Administration has announced potential reductions in defense investment that could undermine the improvements that are just now materializing.” Last year, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis testified that the Pentagon needed 3 to 5 percent annual growth above inflation through 2023 to stay ahead of near-peer adversaries Russia and China. Congress responded with a $700 billion national defense budget for 2018 and $716 billion for 2019 — but also a $1 trillion tax cut that's grown the national deficit. National security adviser John Bolton said publicly, days before Tuesday's election, that the national debt is “an existential threat to society” and that Pentagon spending will have to “flatten out” in the near term. Deputy Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan had signaled in recent weeks that modernization programs like hypersonic weapons systems would take a hit if the budget falls. “It comes down to a judgment call, how fast do we modernize? And that's probably the biggest knob that we have to turn,” he said. Along similar lines, AIA argued that to achieve the Pentagon's National Defense Strategy — which "requires armed forces that are large and capable enough to meet multiple threats in multiple environments” — “we must continue to invest in the most effective technology and weapons we can provide.” “America's competitors and adversaries have made huge strides in their offensive and defensive capabilities, from submarines to cyberspace, and continue to develop advanced technology and sophisticated operational concepts,” the statement warns. Though it's unclear how sensitive the administration will be to this call, it has been vocal about its focus on the defense-industrial base in concert with Trump's emphasis on the American economy. A Trump-ordered study found roughly 300 gaps and vulnerabilities across America's network of defense suppliers; Pentagon officials are hopeful a third of those issues will be addressed in the next year. Whatever the administration does with its budget submission, it will be up to the new Congress to tweak it. Following the midterm elections, analysts have predictedlawmakers in next year's divided government will overcome gridlock to reach a budget deal that maintains flat defense spending.

  • Armement : les coopérations européennes se multiplient

    9 novembre 2018 | International, Aérospatial, Naval

    Armement : les coopérations européennes se multiplient

    ANNE BAUER Pour le patron de la DGA Joël Barre, l'un des principaux défis de 2019 est de donner corps aux multiples programmes en partenariat avec d'autres pays européens. Le dialogue avec l'Allemagne est compliqué. Les restrictions budgétaires présentées mercredi par la loi de finances rectificative 2018 n'auront pas de conséquences significatives sur les livraisons d'équipements aux armées, a promis jeudi le directeur général de l'armement (DGA) Joël Barre. Son administration, chargée de l'équipement des forces, avait anticipé ce gel par une gestion prudente, a-t-il expliqué, en soulignant que les 319 millions d'euros d'annulations de crédits annoncés mercredi ne représentent que 3 % du budget d'équipement de 2018. 12,7 milliards de commandes Cette année, la DGA peut engager 12,7 milliards d'euros contre 11,2 milliards l'an dernier, tandis que le montant prévu en 2019, première année d'application de la nouvelle loi de programmation militaire, atteindra 14,3 milliards d'euros. Parmi les investissements importants, la marine commandera en 2018 et 2019 ses cinquième et sixième sous-marins Barracuda, 4 navires pétroliers ravitailleurs et plusieurs patrouilleurs. L'armée de l'air bénéficiera de la rénovation des avions Rafale au nouveau standard 3, avec notamment le nouveau missile air-air, MICA NG, dont 567 exemplaires seront commandés. Quant à l'armée de terre, elle recevra enfin ses premiers « Griffon », les blindés légers de nouvelle génération. Une année sans panache pour les exportations A l'exportation, l'industrie française de défense enregistre « une année normale », résume Joël Barre, en déclarant s'attendre en 2018 à quelque 7 milliards d'euros d'exportations, comme en 2017 - après 16 milliards en 2016 et 14 milliards en 2015, années de la vente de 12 sous-marins en Australie et de 96 Rafale à l'Egypte, le Qatar et l'Inde. Joël Barre a d'ailleurs confirmé que les négociations avec l'Australie se poursuivaient pour définir l'accord de partenariat stratégique et débloquer une nouvelle tranche de contrats de 1,5 milliard d'euros. Il a par ailleurs confirmé que la DGA avait estimé que « les conditions n'étaient pas réunies » pour que Dassault Aviation participe au futur appel d'offres que souhaite lancer le Canada en 2019 pour acquérir 88 avions de combat. Notamment parce que la France n'appartient pas à l'alliance dite des « Five Eyes » formée par les services de renseignement du monde anglo-saxon (Royaume-Uni, Australie, Canada et Nouvelle-Zélande). Ce qui aurait compliqué l'échange de renseignements avec les Américains. Multiples coopérations européennes Pour la DGA, les principaux défis de 2019 sont toutefois de donner vie à la coopération européenne. Avec le Royaume-Uni, la DGA cherche comment maintenir un courant d'échanges dans l'aviation de chasse « pour garder le contact », tandis que se poursuit le programme commun sur un nouveau missile, capable de remplacer les actuels missiles anti-navires Harpoon et Exocet, ainsi que les missiles de croisière Scalp et Storm Shadow. Deux nouveaux partenariats viennent d'être conclus, avec l'Italie via l'alliance entre Naval Group et Fincantieri, et avec la Belgique, qui vient de signer un accord intergouvernemental avec la France pour s'équiper comme l'armée de terre française en blindés. Reste le partenariat le plus ambitieux mais le plus compliqué à mettre en place : celui pour concevoir avec l'Allemagne le char du futur et le système de combat aérien du futur (Scaf). « Notre espoir est de pouvoir lancer les premières études sur le Scaf en janvier 2019 », a précisé Joël Barre, sans cacher que cet enjeu essentiel en développements technologiques et industriels faisait l'objet de discussions musclées. Alors que l'industrie aéronautique française est en avance sur l'allemande, les industriels français s'inquiètent des ambitions de leurs voisins. Anne Bauer

  • Navy Creating Attack Sub Aggressor Unit to Train to Fight Against Russia, China

    9 novembre 2018 | International, Naval

    Navy Creating Attack Sub Aggressor Unit to Train to Fight Against Russia, China

    By: Megan Eckstein ARLINGTON, Va. — The U.S. Navy submarine force is creating an aggressor squadron as one initiative to ensure all subs are combat-ready as the service trains to take on China and Russia, the commander of Naval Submarine Forces said on Wednesday. Vice Adm. Charles Richard, who took command in August, drew attention during the change of command ceremony by telling the force to “prepare for battle.” He has backed up those words with actions in the months since, moving ahead with a plan – updated in March to reflect the National Defense Strategy – that includes refocusing training and certification on combat and developing new tools and concepts to support high-end warfighting. The plan – called the Commander's Intent for the United States Submarine Force and Supporting Organizations – led to an overhaul of training for the attack submarine force, Richard said today while addressing the Naval Submarine League at its annual conference. “We have restructured and retuned the fast attack training period to ensure that we're ready for that high-end fight, including restructuring what we used to call the Tactical Readiness Evaluation, and it is now a Combat Readiness Evaluation to ensure we're focused on warfighting,” he said. “We've updated the deployment certification process to eliminate duplication, put the right focus in the right place. I'll tell you that I am driving to put competition in everything we do inside the submarine force. I want to produce winners and losers just like we do in battle; it does you no good to be at standards if your opponent is more at standards than you are. You still lose, and in this competition, you may not come home.” The new aggressor squadron fits in with the desire to create more high-end sub-on-sub competitions and ensure the Navy is ready to win. Richard said the plan mimics what the naval aviation community has at “Top Gun.” Navy spokeswoman Cmdr. Sarah Self-Kyler told USNI News at the event that, unlike Top Gun, the squadron won't have its own submarines dedicated to training the squadron and fighting other submarines in training events. Instead, the squadron will include a yet-to-be-determined number of personnel – which Richard said would include active and reserve sailors and civilians – and that personnel would get to work with submarines and sub crews as allowed by operational and training schedules. Richard, calling the new group “a cadre that does nothing but emulate red in all of our training and certification exercises, said “we're taking a page from naval aviation and we're establishing an aggressor squadron with a team that will become experts in employing our adversaries' potential capabilities and then set them up to be able to go head-to-head with our units so that we're always training against what we think is the highest fidelity simulation I can give them in terms of what they might be able to expect when they go into combat.” The Commander's Intent plan also outlines an Undersea Rapid Capability Initiatives (URCI) program that Richard said not only delivers “stuff” but also concepts of operations, tactics, maintenance strategies and more. “I can't go into a lot of detail given the nature of the work – it is classified – but I am able to tell you that we are working on 26 major future projects, including the Navy's number-one priority of strategic deterrence; 13 URCIs; 11 operational initiatives; and a series of advanced workshops and military exercises designed to expand our capabilities in the undersea domain. We are pursuing next-generation weapons, multi-domain sensors, comms systems, navigation aids, and unmanned and autonomous technologies. In some cases, these capabilities are revolutionary and will inform future programs of record.” Full article:

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