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  • Dassault, Airbus, Safran et MTU joueront les premiers rôles dans le futur avion de combat franco-allemand

    23 novembre 2018 | International, Aérospatial

    Dassault, Airbus, Safran et MTU joueront les premiers rôles dans le futur avion de combat franco-allemand

    HASSAN MEDDAH La ministre des armées Florence Parly et son homologue allemande Ursula Von der Leyen attribueront l'an prochain aux industriels européens les premiers contrats d'études pour affiner l'architecture du système aérien de combat du futur et préparer les premiers démonstrateurs. Elles ont déjà confirmé les noms des heureux élus. Quid de Thales? Les avionneurs Dassault Aviation et Airbus ainsi que les motoristes français et allemand Safran et MTU vont enfin pouvoir faire plancher leurs équipes sur le programme SCAF, le système de combat aérien du futur. Il s'agit du principal programme de coopération franco-allemand dans le domaine de la Défense avec le programme de char de combat du futur. Le futur chasseur devra remplacer à l'horizon 2035-2040 le Rafale français et l'Eurofighter déployé dans les armées allemandes. Se mettre au travail En marge de la réunion des ministres des affaires étrangères et de la Défense qui a démarré à Bruxelles le 20 novembre, la ministre française des armées Florence Parly et son homologue allemande ont fait un point sur leurs grands programmes militaires en coopération. Le délégué général de l'armement Joël Barre et son vis-à-vis allemand étaient également présents. Les partenaires ont décidé d'attribuer les premiers contrats d'études aux industriels dans le courant de l'année 2019 pour éviter de prendre tout retard. "La réunion avait pour but de clarifier l'architecture industrielle des programmes en coopération. Ces études lancent réellement le programme SCAF. Les industriels vont pouvoir se mettre au travail", souligne une source proche de la ministre française des Armées. Un premier contrat d'études générales sera confié début 2019 à Dassault Aviation et Airbus qui se partageront le leadership. Il s'agit de définir l'architecture et le concept du système de combat aérien du futur, qualifié de système de systèmes, avec en son cœur une flotte d'avions de chasse en communication avec des avions de renseignement, des satellites, des drones, des infrastructures terrestres.... Il faudra répondre notamment au type et au nombre de drones qui intégreraient un tel dispositif. Cette étude devrait durer environ deux ans. L'objectif est de présenter les grands choix d'architecture du SCAF en 2021. Quid de Thales Deux autres contrats d'études ont été également décidés en vue de préparer des démonstrateurs, étape majeure en vue de dérisquer un programme d'une telle envergure. Il est prévu qu'elles soient lancées au plus tard au moment du Bourget en juin 2019. La première étude concerne le démonstrateur lié à l'appareil lui-même. Dassault Aviation, désigné leader de cette étude, est ainsi confirmé dans son rôle de chef de file industriel du programme SCAF. Il travaillera avec Airbus comme sous-traitant. La seconde étude concerne le démonstrateur pour le moteur. Safran, fabricant du moteur M88 du Rafale est désigné comme maître d'œuvre leader. Il retrouvera une vielle connaissance, le motoriste allemand MTU avec lequel il a déjà collaboré sur le moteur de l'A400M, l'avion de transport militaire d'Airbus Military. En avril dernier, au salon aéronautique de Berlin, Dassault Aviation et Airbus avaient confirmé leur volonté de collaborer sur le programme SCAF. "Nos deux entreprises s'engagent à travailler ensemble de façon pragmatique et efficace. Notre feuille de route commune pour le programme SCAF comprendra des propositions pour le développement de démonstrateurs à partir de 2025", avait alors précisé Eric Trappier, PDG de l'avionneur français. Thales, qui produit l'électronique du Rafale mais n'est pas mentionné en premier rang dans l'attribution des études, fait figure de grand perdant. "Il sera sur la photo finale" souligne toutefois une source proche de la ministre française de la Défense soulignant le caractère crucial de son expertise dans le domaine dit de système de systèmes. Aucun montant n'a été précisé pour le coût des études. Le programme d'un avion de combat de nouvelle génération se chiffre toutefois en dizaines de milliards d'euros. La France et l'Allemagneont déjà rappelé qu'ils comptaient ouvrir leur collaboration a d'autres pays européen et notamment l'Espagne. Quant au Royaume-Uni, il s'est engagé sur un projet d'avion alternatif avec le soutien de l'Italie.

  • Contract Awards by US Department of Defense - November 20, 2018

    23 novembre 2018 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Contract Awards by US Department of Defense - November 20, 2018

    ARMY DDB Chicago Inc., Chicago, Illinois, was awarded a $4,000,000,000 hybrid (cost, cost-plus-award-fee, cost-plus-fixed-fee, and firm-fixed-price) contract for services in support of the U.S. Army Marketing and Advertising Program. Bids were solicited via the internet with five received. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of Nov. 18, 2028. U.S. Army Mission and Installation Contracting Command, Fort Knox, Kentucky, is the contracting activity (W9124D-19-D-0001). Tetra Tech-Maytag Aircraft Corp., Pasadena, California, was awarded a $10,252,498 modification (0007 03) to contract W912DY-13-G-0010 for maintenance and minor emergency repair of equipment and appurtenances. Work will be performed in Jacksonville, Florida; Fort Worth, Texas; Tallahassee, Florida; Mayport, Florida; Panama City, Florida; New Orleans, Louisiana; Parris Island, South Carolina; Pensacola, Florida; Quantico, Virginia; Albany, Georgia; Milton, Florida; Andros Island, the Bahamas; and Guantanamo, Cuba, with an estimated completion date of Dec. 15, 2019. Fiscal 2019 defense working capital funds in the amount of $10,252,498 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Huntsville, Alabama, is the contracting activity. Threat Tec LLC,* Hampton, Virginia, was awarded an $8,215,050 modification (P00003) to contract W9124E-18-D-0002 for training support services. Bids were solicited via the internet with seven received. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of Nov. 24, 2019. U.S. Army Mission and Installation Contracting Command, Fort Polk, Louisiana, is the contracting activity. DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY Pacific Unlimited Inc., Barrigada, Guam, has been awarded a maximum $288,000,000 firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for full food-line distribution. This is a 90-month contract with no option years, but three tier periods. This was a small business set-aside with two responses received. The maximum dollar amount is for the life of the contract. Location of performance is Guam, with a May 20, 2026, performance completion date. Using customers are Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps and the Guam Department of Education. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2019 defense working capital funds. The contracting agency is the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (SPE300-19-D-4045). WGL Energy Services Inc., Vienna, Virginia (SPE604-19-D-7503; $68,917,749); Direct Energy Business Marketing LLC, Iselin, New Jersey (SPE604-19-D-7500; $28,236,905); UGI Energy Services Inc., Reading, Pennsylvania (SPE604-19-D-7501, $9,110,525) and Enspire Energy LLC, Chesapeake, Virginia (SPE604-19-D-7504, $8,626,448), have been awarded a fixed‐price with economic‐price-adjustment contract under solicitation SPE604-18-R-0405 for natural gas. These were competitive acquisitions with eight offers received. These are two-year base contracts with six‐month option periods. Locations of performance are Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Washington, District of Columbia, and Virginia, with a March 31, 2021, performance completion date. Using customers are Army, National Guard, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard and federal civilian agencies. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2019 through 2021 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Energy, Fort Belvoir, Virginia. NAVY Vista Outdoor Sales LLC – Federal Cartridge Co., Anoka, Minnesota, is awarded a $41,181,315 firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for 5.56mm ball, carbine, barrier ammunition. This ammunition is designed to defeat intermediate barriers such as auto windshields and doors while providing sufficient terminal performance. Work will be performed in Anoka, Minnesota, and is expected to be completed by November 2023. Fiscal 2019 procurement of ammunition (Navy and Marine Corps) funding in the amount of $219,981 will be obligated at time of award and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured via the Federal Business Opportunities website, with one offer received. The Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division, Crane, Indiana, is the contracting activity (N00164-19-D-JN58). IMSAR LLC,* Springfield, Utah, is awarded a $9,952,769 cost-plus-fixed-fee, firm-fixed-price delivery order (N6833519F0016) against a previously issued basic ordering agreement (N6833518G0015). This order provides for the procurement of Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase III work that derives from, extends, or completes an effort performed under SBIR Topic AF112-144 entitled “Advanced Radar Concepts for Small (Tier I/II) Remotely Piloted Aircrafts.” Research and development will be performed in Springfield, Utah, and is expected to be completed in November 2019. Fiscal 2018 research, development, test and evaluation (Navy); and fiscal 2018 procurement (Marine Corps) funds in the amount of $9,952,769 are being obligated on this award, $5,332,588 of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division, Lakehurst, New Jersey, is the contracting activity. Iridium Satellite LLC, Tempe, Arizona, is awarded a $9,141,484 cost-plus-fixed-fee option modification to previously-awarded contract N00178-17-C-0001 to continue to support commercial satellite-based network services for the Department of Defense in the areas of satellite, ground node, user equipment/terminal software and hardware development, integration and testing. This award is a follow-on requirement to procure continued communication support services that may be implemented for use in tactical, operational and strategic-level activities. Work will be performed McLean, Virginia (50 percent); and Tempe, Arizona (50 percent), and is expected to be completed by November 2019. Fiscal 2018 research, development, test and evaluation (Navy) funding in the amount of $300,000 will be obligated at time of award and will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was not competitively awarded, in accordance with 10 U.S. Code 2304(c)(1) - only one responsible source and no other supplies or services will satisfy agency requirements. The Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division, Dahlgren, Virginia, is the contracting activity. *Small business

  • Le Royaume-Uni, premier budget de défense en Europe ? Vrai ou Faux

    23 novembre 2018 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Le Royaume-Uni, premier budget de défense en Europe ? Vrai ou Faux

    (B2) Le Royaume-Uni qui est depuis de nombreuses années le pays dépensant le plus pour sa défense en Europe serait-il en passe de perdre sa première place... La réponse est : oui si on se fie aux derniers Une question très symbolique mais aussi très politique. Toute l'argumentation britannique en effet, notamment lors du Brexit, a été de donner le premier rôle en matière de sécurité européenne au Royaume-Uni... Avec un argument sonnant et trébuchant : le budget britannique de défense est le premier de la classe européenne. Un propos qui n'est plus exact. Au fil du taux de changes En fait, tout dépend du taux de change Livre Sterling/Euro. Ainsi avec un taux de 1,15 (comme la semaine dernière), le Royaume-Uni demeure à la première place dans le classement européen des budgets de défense, que l'on prenne les budgets prévus pour 2018/20 19 (37,8 milliards £) ou pour 2019/2020 (38,8 milliards £). A un taux de 1,12 — comme au début de cette semaine avec la chute de la livre et les errements de la politique locale sur le Brexit —, le budget britannique passe derrière le budget allemand. L'Allemagne devrait en effet sacrément augmenter son budget défense pour 2019 (fruits de la croissance oblige) et passer à 43,2 milliards d'euros, selon la dernière mouture du projet de loi de finances votée par le Bundestag (1). Si le taux de change remonte, le budget britannique repassera devant. Mais ce temps de premier de la classe est compté. Un rattrapage progressif Quel que soit le taux de change ou les évolutions annuelles, il existe en effet une tendance de fond. L'Allemagne est en passer d'effectuer un rattrapage, au moins en termes budgétaires, de son effort de défense. Le budget allemand est déjà passé à la seconde place, reléguant la France à la troisième place (35,8 milliards pour 2019). En 2020 ou 2021, soit dans un faible laps de temps à l'échelon stratégique — le budget allemand devrait passer à la première place, reléguant le Royaume-Uni à la seconde place... Ce pour certaines années. Une évolution stratégique à très court terme Au niveau de la croissance, et de la bonne santé budgétaire allemande, et des engagements de ses responsables politiques, on peut prévoir que la progression du budget allemand va perdurer. C'est un changement stratégique notable... au moins en termes financiers, de capacités d'équipements, d'industries ou de recherche (2). Au jour du Brexit, le 29 mars, même si les deux évènements ne sont pas liés, ce sera pour le Royaume-Uni une certaine ‘claque' à ce qui est (à juste titre) une fierté nationale. (Nicolas Gros-Verheyde) La période budgétaire britannique très spécifique, court d'avril à mars, contrairement aux périodes budgétaires annuelles en cours sur le continent. Ce qui complique les classements. Pour pouvoir comparer équitablement les deux budgets, nous avons opéré une petite règle de trois, avec une péréquation lissant le budget britannique sur une période annuelle. Ce qui donne 38,55 milliards £ pour 2019. L'efficacité des armées obéit à d'autres données que celles de la mathématique. Et les contraintes historiques et constitutionnelles allemandes feront toujours que l'armée ne sera pas le premier instrument politique de l'Allemagne, à la différence de qui se passe en France et en Grande-Bretagne. Les armées françaises et britanniques, resteront donc en termes de dynamique opérationnelle et expéditionnaires toujours en tête. Nicolas Gros-Verheyde

  • Le Canada manque d'avions de chasse et de pilotes, constate le vérificateur général

    21 novembre 2018 | Local, Aérospatial

    Le Canada manque d'avions de chasse et de pilotes, constate le vérificateur général

    Le Canada dispose d'un nombre insuffisant d'avions de chasse pour répondre au niveau d'alerte le plus élevé et honorer ses engagements à l'endroit de l'OTAN. C'est la conclusion inquiétante du vérificateur général du Canada, Michael Ferguson, qui déplore du même coup l'absence de plan pour mettre fin notamment à l'importante pénurie de pilotes et de techniciens. Un texte de Marc Godbout Des appareils qui ne sont pas à jour et un sérieux manque de pilotes et de techniciens : les conclusions du vérificateur général sont loin d'être rassurantes. En fait, même si la Défense nationale disposait d'un nombre suffisant d'appareils, les problèmes ne seraient pas réglés pour autant, confirme Michael Ferguson. Elle n'a aucun plan pour surmonter les plus grands obstacles au respect de la nouvelle exigence opérationnelle, à savoir la pénurie de pilotes et le déclin de la capacité de combat de ses aéronefs. Extrait du rapport Il faudra donc plus que les 3 milliards de dollars déjà prévus pour prolonger la durée de vie de la flotte actuelle et pour acheter, exploiter et entretenir des avions de chasse d'occasion de l'Australie. « Les investissements décidés ne suffiront pas pour lui permettre d'avoir chaque jour un nombre suffisant d'appareils disponibles afin de répondre au niveau d'alerte le plus élevé du NORAD (Commandement de la défense aérospatiale de l'Amérique du Nord) et honorer dans le même temps l'engagement du Canada envers l'OTAN (Organisation du traité de l'Atlantique Nord) », précise Michael Ferguson. Y a-t-il un pilote dans l'avion? Le rapport confirme que la Défense nationale disposait de seulement 64 % des pilotes de CF-18 qualifiés pour satisfaire aux exigences opérationnelles. Entre avril 2016 et mars 2018, l'Aviation royale canadienne a perdu 40 pilotes de chasse qualifiés et en a formé seulement 30 nouveaux. Extrait du rapport Michael Ferguson va même plus loin : « Si les pilotes continuent de quitter à ce rythme, il n'y aura pas assez de pilotes expérimentés pour former la prochaine génération de pilotes de chasse. » Le problème est confirmé par le ministre des Transports fédéral, Marc Garneau. « C'est un défi qu'on a au Canada de recruter plus de pilotes, non seulement du côté militaire, mais aussi du côté commercial. C'est un dossier sur lequel je me penche en ce moment pour essayer de trouver des solutions pour recruter plus de gens », a indiqué le ministre aux journalistes mardi. M. Garneau souligne que le coût d'une formation de pilote est très élevé, et que c'est la raison principale pour laquelle pas assez de gens sont attirés vers le domaine. « Pour devenir un pilote commercial, ça coûte 80 000 $ », dit-il. Par ailleurs, Marc Garneau ne voit pas de contradiction entre le fait d'acheter des avions usagés australiens et l'absence de pilotes pour les conduire. « Nos forces armées sont en train de travailler très fort pour recruter des pilotes, et quand les pilotes vont être là, il faut que les avions soient là. Alors il faut s'occuper des deux en parallèle », pense-t-il. Manque de techniciens pour préparer les avions De plus, les techniciens avaient été en mesure de préparer à peine 83 % des aéronefs nécessaires pour satisfaire aux engagements en matière de défense auprès du NORAD et de l'OTAN. Or, si le nombre de techniciens expérimentés n'augmente pas, prévient Michael Ferguson, les vols que pourra effectuer chaque pilote de CF-18 diminueront. Le rapport précise que, l'an dernier, les pilotes avaient enregistré moins d'heures de vol que le nombre minimal requis de 140 heures. La Défense nationale n'a pas pu faire le nécessaire, constate le vérificateur général, « vu l'incertitude entourant la date de remplacement de la flotte d'avions de chasse ». Sécurité des ambassades, graves lacunes Près de 8000 employés travaillent dans les missions canadiennes à l'étranger, dont la moitié se trouvent dans des endroits où leur sécurité était menacée en raison de l'imprévisibilité politique ou de troubles civils. Or, le vérificateur général en arrive à un autre constat inquiétant : « Affaires mondiales n'avait pas pris toutes les mesures de sécurité dans ses missions à l'étranger en fonction de l'évolution des menaces. » Le ministère avait pourtant relevé des lacunes qui devaient immédiatement être corrigées, dont de nombreuses failles majeures dans plusieurs de ses 175 missions diplomatiques et consulaires. Les délais pour remédier aux lacunes entraînent « des retards pour assurer efficacement la protection du personnel et des biens à l'étranger », conclut Michael Ferguson. Vidéosurveillance inadéquate, absence de barrière pour restreindre l'accès des véhicules aux entrées des missions et mécanismes d'alarme défaillants sont cités en exemple par le vérificateur général. Une mission située dans un endroit où la menace était élevée ne disposait pas d'appareil de radiographie pour contrôler les visiteurs, alors que l'on en trouvait dans des endroits où la menace était plus faible. Extrait du rapport De plus, de nombreux employés qui travaillaient dans des endroits dangereux n'avaient toujours pas suivi la formation obligatoire. Michael Ferguson souligne que les retards sont attribuables « à une mauvaise gestion et à une surveillance inadéquate des projets » par Affaires mondiales.

  • One company wants to help herd US Army robots

    21 novembre 2018 | International, Terrestre

    One company wants to help herd US Army robots

    By: Jen Judson WASHINGTON — Endeavor Robotics has provided quick, off-the-shelf solutions to the U.S. Army for many years, but the Boston-based company is now gaining significant traction at a time when the service is looking to streamline its petting zoo of ground robots. By necessity, during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Army scrambled to buy unmanned ground vehicles that could provide a level of standoff between soldiers and the dangers faced on the battlefield. This resulted in the procurement of roughly 7,000 UGVs from Talons to PackBots to Dragon Runners. Endeavor, which launched as a private company in 2016 but previously existed as iRobot's defense and security business, supplied PackBots to the service as well as a few other small UGVs. It gained more traction in October 2017, when the company secured a to provide the service a platform it calls Centaur: a medium-sized robot (less than 164 pounds) to provide standoff capability to identify and neutralize explosive hazards. That served as the groundwork for what the company hopes will be major expansion in the Army, not only delivering an array of systems but supporting a strategy of interoperability. Future bots Now Endeavor is setting its sights on two other efforts underway that would transition the Army from its hodgepodge procurement strategy used during the wars in the Middle East to a common chassis for a small, medium and large UGV, all managed by one common controller. Each system is meant to have a high level of interoperability and plug-and-play capability as missions expand for ground robots and technology improves. The Army already whittled down the competition in April to provide a Common Robot System-Individual, or CRS-I — a man-packable robot that is less than 25 pounds and highly mobile, equipped with advanced sensors and mission modules for dismounted forces. The design will allow operators to quickly reconfigure for various missions in the field. Endeavor will compete against QinetiQ for a contract expected to be worth up to $400 million to build more than 3,000 robots. The contract award is anticipated in the first quarter of calendar year 2019. Endeavor's offering has been kept under wraps, literally and figuratively, with its CRS-I platform covered in a shroud inside of a case at the Association of the U.S. Army's annual conference. The Army's other major program — the Common Robotic System-Heavy or CRS-H — is a larger platform expected to weigh 500 to 1,000 pounds. The system will be expected to perform highly dexterous manipulation procedures to disarm vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices from a safe distance. Endeavor survived a first downselect in the CRS-H competition with plans to use its Kobra platform as the base, Tom Frost, Endeavor's president, told Defense News in a recent interview. There are now three competitors in the mix as of this summer. The program will have a series of demonstrations that will assist the Army in choosing a winner. The first demonstration is underway at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, and the second is expected to take place in the first quarter of 2019. Beyond the Army's current programs, Endeavor has been working to refine its technology through programs like the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's effort to build a system-of-systems solution that can operate in subterranean environments. It's the only company among a list of participants in academia to secure a $1.5 million contract to participate in the DARPA challenge. The company's solution consists of the Kobra robot that will enter subterranean environments carrying radio repeaters — based on the company's small, throwable FirstLook robots — and drop them off along the way to continue connectivity as it travels deeper underground, according to Frost. The system will also carry a four-legged robot supplied from Ghost Robotics. The robot would deploy from Kobra to explore more difficult and rugged terrain, and a quadcopter will investigate vertical shafts and other hard to reach places, Frost described. “All robots will be linked by the same radio technology and all the data they gather will be assembled into one picture,” Frost said. The final winner of the challenge will win $2 million in 2021. An era of autonomy While robots have been around for years and “are really fantastic,” Frost said, “the way you really recognize the full potential of the ground robots is to make them autonomous.” The company has been working on capability for its robots to self-build maps of an area, travel autonomously, and report or tag noteworthy information along the way. All of Endeavor's systems have built-in algorithms, for instance, to detect a human or an explosive. “They don't require an operator to have their hand on the joystick the entire time,” Frost said. “Our systems have eliminated the joystick altogether” in favor of a touchpad with self-explanatory icons. Looking deeper into the future, Endeavor is positioning itself to participate in the Army's newest, and potentially largest ever, ground robotics modernization effort, the Robotic Combat Vehicle program, which is just beginning to take shape under Army Futures Command.

  • Auditor general trashes Liberal plan to keep CF-18s flying until 2032

    21 novembre 2018 | Local, Aérospatial

    Auditor general trashes Liberal plan to keep CF-18s flying until 2032

    Murray Brewster · CBC News Fighter pilots, technicians are in short supply for Canada's fighter jets Canada's auditor general has shot down the Liberal government's handling of the air force's aging CF-18s in a blistering report that raises questions about national security, and even long-term safety, regarding the viability of the country's frontline fighter jets. Auditor General Michael Ferguson's fall report, tabled Tuesday, methodically picks apart the recent policy change at the Department of National Defence, which requires the military to have enough warplanes to meet Canada's commitments to both NORAD and NATO at the same time. From the get-go the policy was a non-starter, and the federal government knew it, said Ferguson. "The fighter force could not meet the requirement because National Defence was already experiencing a shortage in personnel, and the CF-18 was old and increasingly hard to maintain," said the audit. As of April 2018, the air force's CF-18 squadrons faced a 22 per cent shortage in technical positions — and a startling number of technicians were not fully qualified to do maintenance. Fighter pilots are also in short supply. The air force is losing more of them than it is training each year; among those who do remain, almost one third do not get the required 140 hours of flying time per year. At a news conference following the release of the report, Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan conceded that personnel shortages were identified "early on" after the Liberals took over in 2015. "This is a problem we knew we had," he said, pointing the finger at budget cuts made by the previous Conservative government. "This is what happens when you don't put enough resources into the military." The extent of Liberals' own efforts to boost recruiting and retention of pilots and technicians in the three years since the election was the subject of some confusion Tuesday. A written statement from Sajjan said the government "will launch new efforts to recruit and retain pilots and technicians." During the news conference, the minister said the military's top commander had been directed to deal with the problem and that recruiting pilots is "a priority." Pressed for specifics on recruitment, Sajjan said he's "going to leave it to the experts to figure out." Proposed solution 'will not help solve' issues The auditor's report took issue with the Liberal government's strategy to fill the so-called capability gap by buying additional interim aircraft. The current proposal is to buy used Australian F-18s — of approximately the same vintage as Canada's CF-18s — and convert them for further use until the federal government completes the purchase of brand-new aircraft. This plan, the auditor's report said, "will not help solve either the personnel shortage or the aging fleet." Ferguson said an earlier, $6.3 billion plan to buy 18 brand new Super Hornet fighter jets on an interim basis would have been even worse — and the government was told so in no uncertain terms by the air force. "National Defence's analysis showed that buying the Super Hornet alone would not allow the department to meet the new operational requirement," said the audit. "The department stated that the Super Hornet would initially decrease, not increase, the daily number of aircraft available because technicians and pilots would have to be pulled away from the CF-18s to train on the new aircraft." The proposal to buy Super Hornets was scrapped last spring after the manufacturer, Chicago-based Boeing, angered the Trudeau government in a separate trade dispute involving the sale of Bombardier passenger jets. The Opposition Conservatives have long claimed the 'capability gap' was concocted by the Liberals as a way to push off a decision on a permanent replacement for the CF-18s. In the last election, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pledged not to buy the F-35 stealth fighter, the preferred option of the Harper government. Sparring in the House The report led to sparring in the House of Commons, with the Conservatives seeing the auditor general's assessment as vindication. "Today's report confirms what we have been saying all along," said James Bezan, the defence critic. "Justin Trudeau deliberately misled Canadians by manufacturing a 'capability gap' to fulfil a misguided campaign promise, and in the process has put the safety and security of Canadians at risk." Sajjan, however, believed the report supported the government's position. "The report confirms what we have always known: The Harper Conservatives mismanaged the fighter jet files and misled Canadians for over a decade," he said. "The report confirms a capability gap exists, and started under the Conservatives." In fact, what the report said was that "Canada's fighter force could not meet the government's new operational requirement." It contained objective analysis of how many aircraft would be required to meet various contingencies. Fleet 'will become more vulnerable' Meanwhile, the auditor is warning that the Liberal government has no plan to upgrade the combat capabilities of the CF-18s to keep them current over the next decade while the air force waits for replacements. The last major refurbishment of the war-fighting equipment on the jets happened in 2008, and Department of National Defence planners have done little since because they had been expecting new planes by 2020. National Defence did not have a plan to upgrade the combat capability of the CF-18 even though it will now have to fly until 2032," said the audit. "Without these upgrades, according to the department, the CF-18 will become more vulnerable as advanced combat aircraft and air defence systems continue to be developed and used by other nations." The fact that the CF-18s are not up to date means they will not be able to operate in certain environments where the risk of surface-to-air missiles or advanced enemy planes is great. That, in turn, "would limit Canada's contribution to NORAD and NATO operations," Ferguson said. Sajjan said the department is looking at an upgrade to the combat systems. "We would love to be able to solve this problem immediately," he said.

  • DARPA: CODE Demonstrates Autonomy and Collaboration with Minimal Human Commands

    21 novembre 2018 | International, Aérospatial, C4ISR

    DARPA: CODE Demonstrates Autonomy and Collaboration with Minimal Human Commands

    Ground and flight tests highlight CODE-equipped UASs' ability to collaboratively sense and adapt to locate and respond to unexpected threats and new targets In a recent test series at Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona, DARPA's Collaborative Operations in Denied Environment (CODE) program demonstrated the ability of CODE-equipped Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) to adapt and respond to unexpected threats in an anti-access area denial (A2AD) environment. The UASs efficiently shared information, cooperatively planned and allocated mission objectives, made coordinated tactical decisions, and collaboratively reacted to a dynamic, high-threat environment with minimal communication. The air vehicles initially operated with supervisory mission commander interaction. When communications were degraded or denied, CODE vehicles retained mission plan intent to accomplish mission objectives without live human direction. The ability for CODE-enabled vehicles to interact when communications are degraded is an important step toward the program goal to conduct dynamic, long-distance engagements of highly mobile ground and maritime targets in contested or denied battlespace. “The test series expanded on previously demonstrated approaches to low bandwidth collaborative sensing and on-board planning. It demonstrated the ability to operate in more challenging scenarios, where both communications and GPS navigation were denied for extended periods,” said Scott Wierzbanowski, DARPA program manager for CODE. During the three-week ground and flight test series in a live/virtual/constructive (LVC) environment, up to six live and 24 virtual UASs served as surrogate strike assets, receiving mission objectives from a human mission commander. The systems then autonomously collaborated to navigate, search, localize, and engage both pre-planned and pop-up targets protected by a simulated Integrated Air Defense System (IADS) in communications- and GPS-denied scenarios. “The demonstrated behaviors are the building blocks for an autonomous team that can collaborate and adjust to mission requirements and a changing environment,” said Wierzbanowski. The DARPA team also has advanced the infrastructure necessary to support further development, integration, and testing of CODE as it transitions to future autonomous systems. Achievements include incorporation of third-party autonomy algorithms into the current software build, the creation of a government repository and lab test environment for the CODE algorithms, and the successful demonstration of the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory White Force Network capability to provide constructive threats and effects in an LVC test environment. CODE's scalable capabilities could greatly enhance the survivability, flexibility, and effectiveness of existing air platforms, as well as reduce the development times and costs of future systems. Further development of CODE and associated infrastructure will continue under DARPA until the conclusion of the program in spring 2019, followed by full transition of the CODE software repository to Naval Air Systems Command.

  • Deal awarded for first permanent US F-35 jet facilities in Europe

    21 novembre 2018 | International, Aérospatial

    Deal awarded for first permanent US F-35 jet facilities in Europe

    By WILLIAM HOWARD | STARS AND STRIPES RAF LAKENHEATH, England — The British government has awarded a 160-million pound ($205 million) contract for construction work at RAF Lakenheath to prepare the base for the arrival of U.S. F-35A Lightning II stealth jets. The deal is the first in a much bigger program to support Air Force operations in the U.K., with a further $1 billion expected to be in invested in the U.K. over the next seven to 10 years, according to the British Defence Infrastructure Organisation. It signed the contract with the Kier-VolkerFitzpatrick joint venture on Monday. Work on the base, the first permanent facility for U.S. Air Force F-35s in Europe, will start in summer. The first F-35s are scheduled to arrive in 2021. “For more than one hundred years now our armed forces have fought in defence of our common values and interests. Our two countries have developed the deepest, broadest and most advanced relationship of any two nations,” Defense Minister Tobias Ellwood said in a statement. Full article:

  • To maintain tech edge, US seeks export controls on AI

    21 novembre 2018 | International, C4ISR

    To maintain tech edge, US seeks export controls on AI

    By: Kelsey D. Atherton In just two words, the phrase “artificial intelligence” captures a deep techno-utopian promise, the notion that through craftsmanship humans can create learning and thinking machines outside the processes of organic life. AI is typically the realm of technologists and science fiction writers. Now it is also in the world of export controls prohibitions and restrictions on technologies as overseen by the Department of Commerce. In a proposed rule announced Nov. 19, the Bureau of Industry and Security wants to set out guidelines establishing “criteria for identifying emerging technologies that are essential to U.S. national security.” The stated goals of such controls are tied to both security and protectionism for existing American industry, especially the science, technology, engineering and manufacturing sectors. The proposed rules encompass 14 technologies, covering brain-computer interfaces to advanced surveillance technology. Nestled in that list of technologies is “artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technology,” which is further broken into 11 related tools. Here is a list of all the kinds of AI that the new rules seek to put under Commerce export controls: Neural networks and deep learning (e.g., brain modelling, time series prediction, classification) Evolution and genetic computation (e.g., genetic algorithms, genetic programming) Reinforcement learning Computer vision (e.g., object recognition, image understanding) Expert systems (e.g., decision support systems, teaching systems) Speech and audio processing (e.g., speech recognition and production) Natural language processing ( e.g., machine translation) Planning (e.g., scheduling, game playing) Audio and video manipulation technologies (e.g., voice cloning, deepfakes) AI cloud technologies AI chipsets Several of these are as much mathematical concepts, or processes, as they are distinct, controllable technologies. Others, like AI cloud technologies, suggest always-online servers, which by the very nature of the internet, are difficult to control within borders. Tackling an entire technological field, especially one with as low a barrier to entry as coding, is a tricky proposition, even in the instances where the technology is clearly defined. Why might the White House go through all this trouble? “These revisions could compose an important element of a strategy of targeted countermeasures against the near-term threat posed by China's tactics for tech transfer and the long-term challenge of China's emergence as a powerhouse in innovation,” said Elsa B. Kania, adjunct fellow at the Center for New American Security. “However, the revision of this traditional mechanism for today's challenges is inherently challenging, particularly when development is driven by commercial technologies.” Unlike, say, controlling the components and designs of missiles in the Cold War, many of the technologies covered under these proposed rules have both commercial and military applications. We need not look abroad to find this. Project Maven, the tool Google created to process images collected from drones, was built on top of an open-source library. Identifying objects in images is hardly a military-specific task. Should companies within the United States be restricted in how they create, sell and share those same tools with researchers and commercial companies outside American borders? “China's national strategy of military-civil fusion, which seeks to create and leverage synergies among defense, academic, and commercial technological developments in dual-use technologies, increases the ambiguity and uncertainty of tech transfer and collaboration,” Kania said. “That is, the boundaries between defense and commercial technologies can become quite blurred as a result of the nature of these technologies and the Chinese government's strategy for their integrated development.” Putting in place controls to hinder the free flow of AI between American companies and businesses abroad may mitigate that risk somewhat, but countries set on acquiring the tools can pursue research by other means, including technology transfers, espionage, theft through hacking, or even straightforward investment and acquisition. Staying ahead in artificial intelligence likely cannot be done through commerce restrictions alone. “The U.S. must recognize that such controls may slow and hinder China's advances in these emerging technologies, but China's emergence as a powerhouse and would-be superpower in such emerging technologies will remain a critical long-term challenge,” Kania said. “We must not only pursue such defensive countermeasures, but also undertake a more offensive approach to ensuring future American competitiveness through investing in our own innovation ecosystem.”

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