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  • Czech defense minister pledges purchase of new jet trainers from local company

    21 octobre 2018 | International, Aérospatial

    Czech defense minister pledges purchase of new jet trainers from local company

    By: Jaroslaw Adamowski WARSAW, Poland — Czech Defence Minister Lubomir Metnar has announced the country's military could acquire up to six new L-39NG jet trainers from local manufacturer Aero Vodochody to replace its outdated L-39 Albatros aircraft. "The Ministry of Defence and the military are interested in these aircraft, negotiations are, of course, already taking place and we will acquire these aircraft," Metnar said, as reported by local broadcaster Ceska Televize. In addition to the Czech Air Force, Aero Vodochody hopes to supply its new jet trainer to a number of foreign markets. Earlier this year, Giuseppe Giordo, the company's president, said the firm estimates that in the next 10 to 15 years there will be a need to replace up to 3,000 training aircraft worldwide. The manufacturer aims to supply more than 100 L-39NGs in the next 10 years. Four jet trainers have already been ordered by Senegal, and deliveries are expected to begin in early 2020, according to Aero Vodochody. The L-39NG is fitted with the FJ44-4M turbofan engine made by Williams International. Aero Vodochody says it is the Czech Republic's largest aerospace company, with some 1,900 employees.

  • Le choix du remplaçant des F-16 belges va tomber

    21 octobre 2018 | International, Aérospatial

    Le choix du remplaçant des F-16 belges va tomber

    Le gouvernement fédéral est désormais en mesure de formaliser sa décision sur le choix du prochain avion de combat de l'aviation belge. Un appareil qui devrait voler à partir de 2023 et durant au moins quatre décennies sous les cocardes tricolores rouges, jaunes et noires, qu'il soit américain ou européen. Les principaux ministres de l'équipe Michel ont été «briefés» mercredi par des experts sur le «retour sociétal» (les retombées économiques et les autres formes de coopération offertes à la Belgique) proposé par les promoteurs des deux candidats officiellement en lice pour le remplacement des F-16 vieillissants: le F-35 Lightning II du groupe américain Lockheed Martin et l'Eurofighter – alias Typhoon – du consortium européen éponyme promu par le Royaume-Uni, dans le cadre d'un marché d'État à État. Le 4 octobre, le conseil ministériel restreint (»kern») avait déjà entendu le rapport des militaires qui ont conduit l'évaluation exhaustive des deux candidats, sous l'égide d'une cellule de l'état-major de la Défense, l' «Air Combat Capability Program» (ACCaP), dirigée par le colonel Harold Van Pee. Un troisième candidat potentiel est le Rafale de l'avionneur français Dassault Aviation, pour lequel peu de données chiffrées sont disponibles. Car Paris n'a pas répondu à l'appel d'offres officiel, préférant proposer à la Belgique un «partenariat approfondi et structurant» fondé sur le Rafale et une implication belge dans le développement d'un avion de combat de nouvelle génération, envisagé par la France et l'Allemagne à l'horizon 2040 dans le contexte d'une relance de la défense européenne. Avant le départ de Vandeput? Le gouvernement dispose de toutes les informations pour faire son choix, dans un climat de lobbying intense et alors que les États-Unis ont accepté de prolonger pour une courte période – apparemment jusqu'à la fin du mois – leur offre pour le F-35 qui expirait formellement le 14 octobre, date des élections communales et provinciales. Le ministre de la Défense, Steven Vandeput (N-VA), qui quittera cette fonction d'ici le 1er janvier pour devenir bourgmestre de Hasselt, a dit lundi espérer encore pouvoir boucler cet épineux dossier avant son départ. «Ce serait beau si je pouvais conclure les gros investissements. Nous avons mis beaucoup de choses sur les rails qui sont aujourd'hui mûres pour être tranchées», a-t-il déclaré. Le Premier ministre Charles Michel (MR) a lui aussi cité, dans sa déclaration de politique générale à la Chambre le 8 octobre, les chantiers à boucler par le gouvernement – dont les décisions à prendre pour plusieurs programmes militaires, comme le remplacement des F-16 – mais en se montrant plus prudent sur l'échéance. «Nous prendrons très vite, et en tout cas avant la fin de la législature (en mai prochain, NDLR), les décisions qui s'imposent pour chacun de ces programmes», a assuré M. Michel. Car, comme souvent en Belgique, le dossier ACCaP s'est retrouvé mêlé à au moins deux autres programmes militaires: l'achat de nouveaux drones, potentiellement armés, et de nouveaux blindés pour la composante Terre, un programme baptisé «CaMo» portant sur 477 engins et à mener en coopération avec la France. L'approche de la dernière ligne droite avant une décision sur le nouveau chasseur-bombardier a accentué les efforts de lobbying dans ce marché d'un montant initial de 3,6 milliards d'euros – et une quinzaine de milliards sur la durée de vie attendue de l'appareil, soit une quarantaine d'années – même si les offres américaine et britanniques semblent «en dessous» de ce cadre financier, selon des sources concordantes. Les Britanniques, qui promeuvent le Typhoon au nom du consortium Eurofighter (rassemblant également l'Allemagne, l'Espagne et l'Italie), craignent une décision (trop) h'tive en faveur du F-35 prise en dépit de nombreuses incertitudes sur le coût du chasseur furtif américain, tant à l'achat – la version proposée à la Belgique est le Block 4, dont le développement n'a pas encore été financé – qu'à l'utilisation. Plusieurs ministres britanniques, dont ceux des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce international, Jeremy Hunt et Liam Fox, viennent ainsi d'écrire à leurs homologues belges pour, selon une source informée, leur rappeler l'intérêt pour la Belgique d'une solution européenne, l'Eurofighter étant produit à 75% sur le continent.

  • Davie and Irving shipyards are in the midst of a lobbying blitz in Ottawa

    18 octobre 2018 | Local, Naval

    Davie and Irving shipyards are in the midst of a lobbying blitz in Ottawa

    BY TIM BOUSQUET In recent days, Unifor Marine Workers Federation Local 1, which represents Irving Shipyard workers, has been conducting a “Ships Stay Here” campaign that included getting Halifax council to support its efforts. The union fears that some of the shipbuilding work contracted to Irving will be shifted to Davie Shipyard in Quebec. Alex Cooke of the Canadian Press contacted the federal government to ask about that fear: In an emailed statement to The Canadian Press last week, the Department of National Defence spokeswoman Ashley Lemire said the government intends to announce any changes to planned maintenance on Halifax-class frigates in the coming weeks. “Given the planned work for the Royal Canadian Navy, an option with two maintenance and repair facilities to conduct this work beginning in the 2020 timeframe is being considered,” Lemire said. “Keeping these frigates operational is a priority for us, and being able to ensure all the maintenance is done when required is essential.” Lemire added that Irving is the prime contractor for the Canadian Surface Combatant project, which she said will result in an estimated $30 billion in build contracts for Irving Shipbuilding into the 2040s. However, “a spokesperson for Davie Shipbuilding strongly takes issue with comments that the Quebec company is stealing work from Halifax,” reports Jacob Boon for The Coast: “It's being portrayed as if Quebec will steal jobs, contracts from Irving,” says Fred Boisvert, vice-president of public affairs for Davie. “Where if you look properly, closely, there's nothing like it happening at all.” ... Boisvert says that's all a bit rich. No one in their right mind could believe there are production gaps at Irving, he says, given the sum total of $65 billion in federal contracts the shipyard has secured. “Guys, guys, you got $65 billion,” he says. “I mean, please, you won't get a tear from me. You're flush with contracts. You've got 20 years stability in terms of that shipyard.” Davie has laid off some 1,000 workers itself over the past year due to dwindling federal contracts. “We're bleeding people here,” says Boisvert. Both companies have been on a lobbying blitz in Ottawa. Davie has hired consultant Naresh Raghubeer of Elmvale Strategies Inc. to lobby the federal government with regard to “shipbuilding work for National Defence, Canadian Coast Guard, Transport Canada, as well as exports.” Raghubeer has made 32 reportable lobbying contacts this year, 11 of them in September alone (October reports are not yet published). The September contacts include conversations with multiple lobbyist targets at once (the reports don't say if they were in-person or conference calls), including with MPs Joel Lightbound, Steve MacKinnon, Remi Masse, Michel Picard, Luc Berthold, Steven Blaney, Gerard Deltell, Bernard Genereux, Jacques Gourde, Richard Marte, Alain Rayes, Jean-Yves Duclos (the minister of Employment and Social Development), Marc Garneau (the minister of Transport Canada), and François-Philippe Champagne (the minister of Infrastructure Canada). As well, in September Raghubeer talked with Senators Pierre-Hugues Boisvenu, Claude Carignan, Jean-Guy Dagenais, Larry Smith, Pierre Dalphond, Denis Dawson, Eric Forest, Rosa Galvez, and Andre Pratte. Raghubeer's September lobbyist efforts also including conversations with a range of political functionaries, including (twice with) Martin Belanger, the Policy Advisor to the Office of the Leader of the Official Opposition; Taras Zalusky, the Policy Advisor to Carla Qualtrough, the minister of Public Services and Procurement Canada; Mathieu Bouchard, a Senior Advisor at the Prime Minister's Office (PMO); Dominic Cormier, a Policy Advisor to the PMO; John Ma, a Policy Advisor to Harjit Singh Sajjan, the minister of DND; (twice with) Shane McCloskey, a Policy Advisor to Marc Garneau, the minister of Transport Canada; Christina Rettig, a Policy Advisor at the PMO; George Young, the Chief of Staff to Jonathan Wilkinson, the minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO); Marc-Andre Leclerc, the Chief of Staff of the Leader of the Official Opposition; Sriram Raman, a Policy Advisor to François-Philippe Champagne, the minister of Infrastructure Canada; Marc Roy, the Chief of Staff to to Marc Garneau, the minister of Transport Canada; Jenny Demers, a Policy Advisor to Jean-Yves Duclos, the minister at ESDC; and Olivier Duchesneau, Chief of Staff to minister Duclos. For its part, lobbying efforts on behalf of Irving Shipyard are conducted by James Irving, the co-CEO of the shipyard. Irving reported 70 lobbying contacts in 2018, but just six of those were in September. Unlike Raghubeer, who speaks with multiple people at once, Irving tends to speak to one or two people at a time. James Irving's September contacts were with Taras Zalusky, the director of Policy, Procurement and Parliamentary Affairs Public Services and Procurement Canada; John Ma, a Policy Advisor to Harjit Singh Sajjan at DND; Eric Dagenais, the Assistant Deputy Minister at Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada; John Knubley, the Deputy Minister at Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada; Elliott Hughes, the Director of Policy at DND; Christina Rettig, a Policy Advisor at the PMO; and Justin To, the Director of Policy at the PMO.

  • Boeing Launches New Organization to Unleash the Power of Advanced Computing and Networks in Aerospace

    18 octobre 2018 | International, Aérospatial

    Boeing Launches New Organization to Unleash the Power of Advanced Computing and Networks in Aerospace

    New Disruptive Computing & Networks organization will operate as part of Boeing Engineering, Test & Technology Charles Toups to lead new organization Naveed Hussain to become new leader of Boeing Research & Technology CHICAGO, Oct. 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] today announced a new Disruptive Computing and Networks (DC&N) organization to develop computing and communications solutions for advanced commercial and government aerospace applications. By leveraging core technologies in quantum communications and computing, neuromorphic processing and advanced sensing, the new organization will enable Boeing to develop breakthrough solutions in secure communications, artificial intelligence and complex system optimization. In addition to building internal capabilities, DC&N will also work closely with Boeing HorizonX, the company's innovation cell, to identify external partners for collaboration to accelerate growth. "Advanced computing and communications technologies are increasingly at the core of all aerospace innovation," said Greg Hyslop, Boeing's chief technology officer and senior vice president of Engineering, Test & Technology. "We're excited to stand up the Disruptive Computing and Networks organization because it will help us develop new businesses and partnerships in this rapidly-expanding field, delivering more value to our customers and helping further define our second century of aerospace leadership" DC&N will be based in Southern California and operate as a part of Boeing Engineering, Test & Technology. Charles Toups, formerly the vice president and general manager of Boeing Research & Technology (BR&T), will lead the organization as vice president and general manager. Prior to leading BR&T, Toups served in a number of senior engineering management and business positions at Boeing, including vice president and general manager of the Network and Tactical Systems division at Boeing Defense, Space & Security, vice president of engineering for Boeing Defense, Space & Security, and vice president of Boeing Satellite Systems, where he led multiple commercial and government communication satellite businesses. Toups earned a bachelor's degree in engineering from the University of California at Irvine, master's degree in mechanical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and master's degree in business management from the Stanford University Graduate School of Business. Naveed Hussain will serve as the new leader of BR&T, the company's advanced central research and development organization. BR&T is comprised of nearly 4,000 engineers, scientists, technicians and technologists who create and collaborate with research and development partners around the world to provide innovative systems and solutions to the aerospace industry's toughest challenges. Hussain will have oversight of five facilities in the U.S. and six international research centers. Hussain is currently vice president of Aeromechanics Technology and leads the BR&T facility in Southern California. He has held a number of key leadership roles at Boeing since joining the company as a Howard Hughes Doctoral Fellow nearly 30 years ago. His accomplishments include leading Platform & Networked Systems Technology for BR&T, launching the BR&T-India research center in Bangalore and directing BDS Flight Engineering. Hussain earned his undergraduate degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, as well as a master's degree and PhD in mechanical engineering from Stanford University. He also completed his MBA at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Contact: Sandy Angers Boeing Communications Mobile: +1-206-851-7974 SOURCE Boeing

  • Maxar's Radiant Solutions Awarded $92 Million Small Business Innovation Research Phase III contract by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

    18 octobre 2018 | Local, Aérospatial

    Maxar's Radiant Solutions Awarded $92 Million Small Business Innovation Research Phase III contract by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

    Expands development of machine learning and crowdsourcing capabilities to augment global GEOINT missions HERNDON, VA, Oct. 18, 2018 /CNW/ - Radiant Solutions, a Maxar Technologies company (NYSE: MAXR) (TSX: MAXR), today announced a $92 million contract award on a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase III contract with the National Geospatial- Intelligence Agency (NGA) to rapidly develop, prototype, and deploy machine learning and crowdsourcing capabilities to augment a wide variety of NGA missions. NGA exercised the 2019 contract option year and expanded the value over a three year period of performance. The SBIR Phase III program incents commercial firms to apply innovative solutions to pressing national security problems. As outlined in NGA's recently updated commercial GEOINT strategy, the agency is employing a variety of contracting methods to leverage commercial automation capabilities to augment conventional analysis, giving analysts more time to focus on more challenging, mission-critical problems. Through SBIR Phase III awards, the U.S. government can fund logical extensions of SBIR Data and receive a royalty-free license to that technology while protecting commercial industry's ability to make these offerings available to the global marketplace. Radiant Solutions participates in the SBIR Phase III program through its ongoing investment in Signature Analyst™, a predictive modeling engine that applies machine learning to massive amounts of geospatial data to help analysts quickly search broad geographic areas. Since 2006, Radiant Solutions and its subsidiary companies have been awarded eight SBIR Phase III contracts across multiple agencies. Radiant Solutions will advance development of machine learning capabilities, such as its DeepCore Computer Vision SDK and crowdsourcing capabilities, such as Tomnod, to help analysts quickly process large volumes of remote sensing data, understand global patterns of life and enable broad area search. The award also expands support for the NSG Open Mapping Enclave (NOME), a volunteered geographic information operational prototype that enables trusted users on multiple domains to easily create or modify foundation GEOINT to create living maps and enable timely analysis. These capabilities will be available for broad use across the U.S. Government and its global mission partners. "We are excited to expand our SBIR Phase III partnership with NGA and apply commercial innovation in machine learning and crowdsourcing to difficult national security problems," said Tony Frazier, President of Radiant Solutions. "We are fully committed to helping the NGA harness the massive potential of Commercial GEOINT to reveal insights where and when it matters to build a better world." Radiant Solutions has made several recent announcements that reveal how the company is applying Machine Learning and Crowdsourcing to Global GEOINT Missions: Maxar Technologies' Radiant Solutions Awarded Janus Geography Prime Contract by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Maxar Technologies' Radiant Solutions Partners with NGA to Accelerate Innovation in Machine Learning Technologies Applied to Satellite Imagery SpaceNet™ Team Earns the 2018 USGIF Industry Achievement Award The company will be showcasing a number of these capabilities at the NVIDIA GTC DC event Oct. 22-24. About Radiant Solutions Radiant Solutions provides highly specialized, innovative geospatial multisource data, analytics, software, and services to deliver critical insights and intelligence where and when it matters. Poised to transform how customers support global mapping and intelligence missions at scale, Radiant Solutions harnesses the proliferation of pervasive information-gathering sensors, open-source software, cloud computing, machine learning, and big data analytics. Our combined team of over 1,000 sensor and spacecraft engineers, geospatial analysts, developers, data scientists, and DevOps engineers delivers innovative geospatial solutions that keep our nation safe, protect critical infrastructure, and preserve scarce natural resources. Building on the legacy of MDA Information Systems, RadiantBlue, DigitalGlobe Intelligence Solutions, and HumanGeo, the newly combined Radiant Solutions has a strong track record with its advanced capabilities, open approach, and experience supporting missions that helps customers in the GEOINT community reach critical decisions faster and with greater accuracy. Radiant Solutions is based in Herndon, VA with major offices across Virginia, Maryland, Florida, Michigan, and Colorado. Radiant Solutions is a Maxar Technologies company (NYSE: MAXR; TSX: MAXR). For more information visit: About Maxar As a global leader of advanced space technology solutions, Maxar Technologies (formerly MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates) is at the nexus of the new space economy, developing and sustaining the infrastructure and delivering the information, services, systems that unlock the promise of space for commercial and government markets. As a trusted partner, Maxar Technologies provides vertically-integrated capabilities and expertise including satellites, Earth imagery, robotics, geospatial data and analytics to help customers anticipate and address their most complex mission-critical challenges with confidence. With more than 6,500 employees in over 30 global locations, the Maxar Technologies portfolio of commercial space brands includes MDA, SSL, DigitalGlobe and Radiant Solutions. Every day, billions of people rely on Maxar to communicate, share information and data, and deliver insights that Build a Better World. Maxar trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange and New York Stock Exchange as MAXR. For more information, visit Forward-Looking Statements Certain statements and other information included in this release constitute "forward-looking information" or "forward-looking statements" (collectively, "forward-looking statements") under applicable securities laws. Statements including words such as "may", "will", "could", "should", "would", "plan", "potential", "intend", "anticipate", "believe", "estimate" or "expect" and other words, terms and phrases of similar meaning are often intended to identify forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Forward-looking statements involve estimates, expectations, projections, goals, forecasts, assumptions, risks and uncertainties, as well as other statements referring to or including forward-looking information included in this release. Forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from the anticipated results or expectations expressed in this release. As a result, although management of the Company believes that the expectations and assumptions on which such forward-looking statements are based are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward-looking statements because the Company can give no assurance that they will prove to be correct. The risks that could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations include, but are not limited to, the risk factors and other disclosures about the Company and its business included in the Company's continuous disclosure materials filed from time to time with Canadian and U.S. securities regulatory authorities, which are available online under the Company's SEDAR profile at, under the Company's EDGAR profile at or on the Company's website at The forward-looking statements contained in this release are expressly qualified in their entirety by the foregoing cautionary statements. All such forward-looking statements are based upon data available as of the date of this release or other specified date and speak only as of such date. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements in this release as a result of new information or future events, except as may be required under applicable securities legislation. Investor Relations Contact Jason Gursky Maxar Technologies 1-303-684-2207 Media Contact Andre Kearns Radiant Solutions 1-703-480-6290 SOURCE Maxar Technologies Ltd.

  • Feds aiming to select preferred design for $60B warships by end of month

    18 octobre 2018 | Local, Naval

    Feds aiming to select preferred design for $60B warships by end of month

    OTTAWA — Canada's most expensive military project is entering a critical new phase as the government is on the verge of picking its top design for the country's $60-billion fleet of new warships. Defence insiders say the government wants to select a design by the end of the month from among three options submitted by several of the largest defence and shipbuilding companies in the world. After that the government and Halifax-based Irving Shipbuilding, which will actually build the 15 new warships, will sit down with the selected bidder to hammer out the final cost and other details. The stakes will be high for both sides, with hundreds of millions of dollars in play. There will also be pressure to make up for lost time on a project already running behind schedule even though whatever decisions are taken could have ramifications on the navy — and taxpayers — for decades to come. "That's part of the tension between moving quickly and making the right choice," said defence analyst David Perry of the Canadian Global Affairs Institute. The new warships will replace the navy's 12 frigates and three destroyers, the latter of which have already been retired. They will be used for most of this century. Launched in late 2016, the design competition has been the subject of rampant lobbying and complaints by defence industry players, with numerous revisions to the original request for bids and several deadline extensions. That was despite defence officials and Irving having previously warned that time is of the essence when it comes to starting construction, and that they want to shave 18 to 24 months off the project. There have also been questions about Irving's role in the competition, and anger from some companies that British firm BAE was allowed to enter its Type 26 vessel despite the ship having never been built. BAE and U.S.-based defence giant Lockheed Martin partnered together to propose the Type 26 for the design competition, which is up against separate proposals from Dutch firm Alion and Spanish shipbuilder Navantia. A joint French-Italian design was disqualified because Paris-based Naval Group and Italian firm Fincantieri, who promised to build the warships faster and for less than anyone else, did not follow the established process for submitting proposals. One of the big questions heading into the negotiations will be how much the selected design needs to be changed to reflect the navy's needs and how much the navy will have to shift its requirements because changing the design will take more time and money. Irving has warned that it could be forced to lay off hundreds of employees because of a production gap if work on the warships isn't ready to start by the time it finishes building the navy's new Arctic patrol ships in 2021 or 2022. Government negotiators are also facing a battle over the amount of intellectual property that the top bidder will be required to hand over, which Ottawa wants so it can operate and maintain the vessels on its own after they are built. Companies had originally been told that the winner would be required to turn over the full blueprints, but after significant resistance, the two sides agreed that the matter would be negotiated before a contract is awarded. The government however warned that if the winning ship designer drives too hard a bargain on the intellectual property front they face the risk of officials pulling the plug on talks and moving on to the next company. Perry said that while there are many challenges ahead before a deal for a design is signed — and before any of the new warships actually get into the water — this is a critical step forward. "You can't dance until you pick a dance partner," he said. — Follow @leeberthiaume on Twitter. Lee Berthiaume, The Canadian Press

  • Contract Awards by US Department of Defense - October 17, 2018

    18 octobre 2018 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Contract Awards by US Department of Defense - October 17, 2018

    NAVY Northrop Grumman Systems Corp., doing business as Northrop Grumman Mission Systems Sector, Bethpage, New York, is awarded a $697,029,788 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for system upgrades for the EA-18G system configuration sets, Airborne Electronic Attack and Electronic Warfare systems and final upgrades for the EA-6B system for the Navy and the government of Australia under the Foreign Military Sales program. Work will be performed in Pt. Mugu, California (50 percent); Baltimore, Maryland (29 percent); Bethpage, New York (20 percent); and Rolling Meadows, Illinois (1 percent), and is expected to be completed in October 2023. Fiscal 2019 operations and maintenance (Navy) funds in amount of $996,902 are being obligated at time of award, all of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was not competitively procured pursuant to Federal Acquisition Regulation 6.302-1. The Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division, Point Mugu, California, is the contracting activity (N68936-19-D-0007). LGS Innovations LLC, Westminster, Colorado, is awarded a $15,528,008 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity, cost-plus-fixed-fee, firm-fixed-price contract for engineering services, materials, training, and testing to support integration and operation of information operations payloads into unmanned aerial vehicles used by the U.S. Special Operations Command and the Navy. This two-year contract includes a three-year option which, if exercised, would bring the cumulative value of this contract to an estimated $34,996,905. Work will be performed across three geographic zones in the areas of Westminster, Colorado (40 percent); Florham Park, New Jersey (40 percent); and Jessup, Maryland (20 percent). The work is expected to be completed Oct. 16, 2020. If the option is exercised, the period of performance would extend through Oct. 16, 2023. No funds will be obligated at the time of award. Funding will be obligated via task/delivery orders using anticipated types of funding to include: operations and maintenance (Navy); other procurement (Navy); and research, development, test and evaluation (Navy). Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This sole-source procurement is issued using other than full and open competition in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation Subpart 6.302-1 and 10 U.S. Code 2304(c)(1) - only one responsible source. The Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific, San Diego, California, is the contracting activity (N66001-19-D-3401). Wiley Wilson Burns and McDonnell JV, Alexandria, Virginia, is awarded $15,000,000 firm-fixed-price modification under a previously awarded indefinite-quantity architect-engineering contract (N40080-15-D-0452) to exercise option four for engineering and design services for general and administrative facilities within the Naval Facilities Engineering Command. The total contract amount after exercise of this option will be is $75,000,000. No task orders are being issued at this time. Work will be performed at various administrative facilities within the Naval Facilities Engineering Command Washington area of responsibility, including but not limited to, Maryland (45 percent); Washington, District of Columbia (30 percent); and Virginia (20 percent). Work may also be performed in the remainder of the U.S. (5 percent), and is expected to be completed in October 2019. No funds will be obligated at time of award; funds will be obligated on individual task orders as they are issued. Task orders will be primarily funded by fiscal 2019 operations and maintenance (Navy and Marine Corps); and fiscal 2019 Navy working capital funds. The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Washington, Washington, District of Columbia, is the contracting activity. Rockwell Collins Inc. Government Systems Division, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is awarded a $7,062,238 five-year long-term contract for repair of 22 various navigation and communication items that are a part of the KC-130J, H-1, E-2C, P-3, common systems and other aircraft. Work will be performed at contractor facilities in Atlanta, Georgia; Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Calexico, California; and Wichita, Kansas. The percentage of work at each of those locations cannot be determined at this time, and work is expected to be completed by October 2023. Working capital (Navy) funds will be obligated as individual task orders are issued and funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. One firm was solicited for this non-competitive requirement under authority 10 U.S. Code 2304 (c)(1) and Federal Acquisition Regulation 6.302-1. The requirement was posted to the Federal Business Opportunities website and the Navy Electronic Commerce Online website, with one offer received. Naval Supply Systems Command Weapon Systems Support, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is the contracting activity (N00383-19-D-PS01). General Electric Co., Lynn, Massachusetts, was awarded $7,041,528 for modification P00012 to a previously awarded firm-fixed-price contract (N00019-17-C-0047) for the procurement of 24 F414-GE-400 engine devices for Lot 42 F/A-18 aircraft. Work will be performed in Evendale, Ohio, and is expected to be completed in February 2019. Fiscal 2018 aircraft procurement (Navy) funds in the amount $7,041,528 will be obligated at time of award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity. (Awarded Oct. 15, 2018) AIR FORCE The Boeing Co., Layton, Utah, has been awarded a $55,567,613 undefinitized, firm-price incentive-fee contract, for Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Cryptography Upgrade Increment II production. This contract provides for the government's minimum requirement of the production of 75 message processor drawers; 8 digital components; and program management support. Work will be performed in Huntsville, Alabama; and Huntington Beach, California, and is expected to be completed by Feb. 11, 2019. This award is the result of a sole-source acquisition and one offer was received. Fiscal 2018 missile procurement funds in the amount of $17,864,050 are being obligated at the time of award. Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Contracting Division, Hill Air Force Base, Utah, is the contracting activity (FA8204-19-C-0001). ARMY TGS USA,* McLean, Virginia, was awarded a $39,543,009 firm-fixed-price Foreign Military Sales (Iraq) contract for Toyota Land Cruisers and spare parts. Bids were solicited via the internet with three received. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of Oct. 16, 2018. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Warren, Michigan, is the contracting activity (W56HZV-19-D-0010). DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY UPDATE: US Eco Products Corp., Haverhill, Massachusetts (SPE8EC-19-D-0030), has been added as an awardee to the multiple-award contract for commercial snow removal equipment, issued against solicitation SPE8EC-17-R-0009, announced May 5, 2017. *Small Business

  • Northrop Grumman and Airbus Finalize Agreement on “Wing of Tomorrow” Program

    18 octobre 2018 | International, Aérospatial

    Northrop Grumman and Airbus Finalize Agreement on “Wing of Tomorrow” Program

    Agreement positions company for work on next generation composite manufacturing technology DULLES, Va. – Oct. 16, 2018 – Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE: NOC) announced today it has finalized a Cooperation and Research Agreement to work closely with Airbus on the Wing of Tomorrow program. The three-year agreement expands the current Northrop Grumman relationship with Airbus and explores complex composite wing stiffener forming automation with out-of-autoclave material systems through an investment in equipment, test articles and engineering support. This relationship positions Northrop Grumman for future potential high-rate production opportunities. “This agreement builds on Northrop Grumman's valuable working relationship with Airbus and its partners. Our work with Airbus is an important component of growth in the commercial aerospace structures business,” said Wendy Williams, vice president and general manager, aerospace structures, Northrop Grumman. “We are excited about the advanced composite manufacturing technology being developed to support the Wing of Tomorrow concept, and our team is eager to continue our long-term relationship with Airbus on their future endeavors.” Northrop Grumman is currently producing composite fuselage stringers and frames for the Airbus A350 XWB -900 and -1000 variants at its state-of-the-art Aircraft Commercial Center of Excellence facility in Clearfield, Utah. The company has successfully delivered more than 200,000 Airbus A350 parts since the inception of the program. Northrop Grumman's proprietary automated stiffener forming process has been instrumental in the development and manufacture of high-rate production composite stringers and frames that are extremely high quality, affordable and dimensionally precise. This technology will be evolved to the new material systems, geometries and processing needs of the future while maintaining the superior benefits of a highly automated production process. The Airbus Wing of Tomorrow program will address future aggressive aircraft production rates and the requirement for wings to be made faster and more affordably. The program will explore the best materials, manufacturing and assembly techniques, as well as new technologies in aerodynamics and wing architecture. New material experimentation represents a major part of the program, and lower-cost composite technologies currently being pursued could enable wing components to be produced with significantly reduced equipment and tooling costs, along with enabling a faster production cycle. Increased use of composite materials also opens up new possibilities in terms of wing configuration and construction. Northrop Grumman is a leading global security company providing innovative systems, products and solutions in autonomous systems, cyber, C4ISR, space, strike, and logistics and modernization to customers worldwide. Please visit and follow us on Twitter, @NGCNews, for more information.

  • Air Force looks for help on new, hard-to-jam, satellite waveform

    18 octobre 2018 | International, Aérospatial, C4ISR

    Air Force looks for help on new, hard-to-jam, satellite waveform

    By: Adam Stone In the face of a rising near-peer threat to electronic communications, the Air Force is pressing forward with efforts to develop a new, more resilient, harder-to-jam waveform that soldiers could use on the battlefield. The service expects to receive responses from industry soon on a recent request for information around protected satellite communications. The request sought industry guidance on how best to implement a new, more resilient protected tactical waveform (PTW), which enables anti-jamming capabilities within protected tactical SATCOM. “The Air Force is looking to protect our warfighter's satellite communications against adversarial electronic jamming,” the Air Force's Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC) said in a written statement to C4ISRNet. The threat comes from “adversarial electronic jammers that are intended to disrupt and interfere with U.S. satellite communications,” leaders at SMC said. Protected tactical SATCOM is envisioned to provide worldwide, anti-jam communications to tactical warfighters in benign and contested environments. The quest to solidify satellite communication links has taken on increasing urgency in recent years. As satellite communications has emerged as an integral component in the military's command and control infrastructure, potential adversaries have stepped up their ability to disrupt such links. “Tactical satellite communications are vital to worldwide military operations,” the agency noted. “Our adversaries know this and desire to disrupt U.S. satellite communications. The Air Force is fielding Protected Tactical SATCOM capabilities to ... ensure warfighters around the globe have access to secure and reliable communications.” Industry is expected to play a key role in the development and deployment of any new waveform. Officials at SMC said that early prototyping efforts will be conducted through the Space Enterprise Consortium (SpEC), which is managed by Advanced Technology International. SpEC acts as a vehicle to facilitate federally-funded space-related prototype projects with an eye toward increasing flexibility, decreasing cost and shortening the development lifecycle. The organization claims 16 prototype awards to date, with some $26 million in funding awarded. Understanding the protected tactical waveform Government documents describe PTW as the centerpiece of the broader protected tactical SATCOM effort, noting that it provides “cost-effective, protected communications over both military and commercial satellites in multiple frequency bands as well as broader protection, more resiliency, more throughput and more efficient utilization of satellite bandwidth.” A flight test last year at Hansom Air Force Base suggested the emerging tool may soon be ready to deliver on such promises. While SMC leads the PTW effort, Hanscom is working in collaboration with MIT Lincoln Laboratory and the MITRE Corp. to conduct ground and airborne terminal work. Researchers from MIT's Lincoln Laboratory flew a Boeing 707 test aircraft for two and a half hours in order to use the waveform in flight. With a commercial satellite, officials gathered data on the PTW's ability to operate under realistic flight conditions. “We know this capability is something that would help our warfighters tremendously, as it will not only provide anti-jam communications, but also a low probability of detection and intercept,” Bill Lyons, Advanced Development program manager and PTW lead at Hanscom, said in an Air Force news release. The test scenario called for the waveform to perform in an aircraft-mounted terminal. Evaluators were looking to see whether its systems and algorithms would function as expected in a highly mobile environment. “Everything worked and we got the objectives accomplished successfully,” Ken Hetling, Advanced Satcom Systems and Operations associate group leader at Lincoln Laboratory, said in an Air Force press release. “The waveform worked.” Asking for industry input should help the service to chart its next steps in the development of more protections. While the request does not specify when or how the Air Force intends to move forward, it is clearly a matter not of whetherthe military will go down this road, but rather when and how.

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