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  • Northrop Grumman Formally Unveils Firebird UAS

    17 décembre 2018 | International, Aérospatial

    Northrop Grumman Formally Unveils Firebird UAS

    Steve Trimble | Aviation Week & Space Technology Northrop Grumman has confirmed plans to launch a new product for an intelligence-gathering aircraft or service based on a newly unveiled, mature configuration of the Firebird, the optionally piloted, single-engine aircraft that first emerged as a Scaled Composites-designed demonstrator in 2011. The twin-boomed Firebird's formal launch, expected in early 2019, will reveal a new entrepreneurial strategy for the San Diego-based Autonomous Systems division of Northrop. Instead of designing the Firebird to compete directly for a share of a market already dominated by another manned or unmanned aircraft, Northrop hopes to stimulate demand for a product that offers a new set of capabilities. Full article:

  • Audit finds cyber vulnerabilities in US missile defense system

    17 décembre 2018 | International, C4ISR

    Audit finds cyber vulnerabilities in US missile defense system

    By: Geoff Ziezulewicz The Army, Navy and Missile Defense Agency are failing to take basic cybersecurity steps to ensure that information on America's ballistic missile defense system won't fall into nefarious hands, according to a Defense Department Inspector General audit released Friday. Investigators visited five sites that manage ballistic missile defense elements and technical information, but the names of the commands were redacted in the publicly released report. “The Army, Navy and MDA did not protect networks and systems that process, store, and transmit (missile defense) technical information from unauthorized access and use,” the declassified report states. Such inadequacies “may allow U.S. adversaries to circumvent (missile defense) capabilities, leaving the United States vulnerable to missile attacks,” the report states. They found officials failed to employ safeguards familiar to most people online in 2018, the latest development to raise questions about the U.S. military's cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Among the shortcomings: Administrators for classified networks had no intrusion detection and prevention systems in place to watch for cyberattacks, much less stop them, according to the report. At one site, officials said they had requested to purchase those cyber safeguards in December 2017 but nine months later it still hadn't been approved. “Without intrusion detection and prevention capabilities, (the site) cannot detect malicious attempts to access its networks and prevent cyberattacks designed to obtain unauthorized access and exfiltrate sensitive (missile defense) technical information,” the report states. Officials also failed to patch system flaws after receiving vulnerability alerts, one of which had first been identified in 1990 and had still not been fixed by April. Another vulnerability that could be exploited by an attacker was first identified in 2013 but also was never pathced, according to the report. “Countless cyber incident reports show that the overwhelming majority of incidents are preventable by implementing basic cyber hygiene and data safeguards, which include regularly patching known vulnerabilities,” the IG report states. “(Missile defense) technical information that is critical to national security could be compromised through cyberattacks that are designed to exploit these weaknesses.” Some facilities failed to force employees to use common access cards, or CAC, when accessing the classified system, a basic cybersecurity practice known as multi-factor identification. Instead, officials were able to access the sensitive information using just a username and password, the report states. Hackers use phishing and other tactics to exploit passwords and gain access to such systems. New hires are supposed to be allowed network access without a card for only their first two weeks on the job. But IG investigators found users on the systems without CAC cards for up to seven years. At one site, a domain administrator never configured the network to allow only CAC holder access. “Allowing users to access networks using single factor authentication increases the potential that cyber attackers could exploit passwords and gain access to sensitive (missile defense) technical information,” the report states. Investigators also found unlocked server racks at some locations, another key vulnerability to insider snoopers. “The insider threat risk necessitates that organizations implement reduce the risk of malicious personnel manipulating a server's ability to function as intended and compromising sensitive and classified data,” the report states. External storage devices held unencrypted data and some sites failed to track who was accessing data, and why. Other administrators told investigators that they lacked the ability to record or monitor data downloaded from the network onto these devices. Unless these officials enforce the encryption of such removed data and monitor its downloading and transferring, “they will be at increased risk of not protecting sensitive and classified (missile defense) technical information from malicious users,” the report states. Investigators also found that some supposedly secure sites were failing to even lock their doors. One location had a security door that hadn't worked for years. “Although security officials were aware of the problem, they did not take appropriate actions to prevent unauthorized personnel from gaining unauthorized access to the facility,” the report states. Other sites featured no security cameras to monitor personnel movement and security officers failed to conduct badge checks. While the report makes recommendations to fix the documented problems, officials for the inspected agencies offered no comments on the non-classified draft report of the audit. Friday's scathing IG audit marked the latest in a string of reports detailing shoddy cybersecurity throughout the armed forces and defense contractors. During the same week, the Wall St. Journal reported that Chinese hackers are targeting military systems and those of defense contractors working on Navy projects. Beijing-linked cyber raids have attempted to steal everything from missile plans to ship-maintenance data in a series of hacks over the past 18 months, the Journal reports. As a result, Navy Secretary Richard Spencer has ordered a “comprehensive cybersecurity review” to assess if the Navy's cyber efforts “are optimally focused, organized, and resourced to prevent serious breaches,” spokesman Capt. Greg Hicks said. The review will also look at authorities, accountability and if the efforts reflect and incorporate government and industry best practices, he said. “Secretary Spencer's decision to direct a review reflects the serious to which the DoN prioritizes cybersecurity in this era of renewed great power competition,” Hicks said.

  • Italian firm Leonardo merges 3 divisions, names Brit to head them

    17 décembre 2018 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR

    Italian firm Leonardo merges 3 divisions, names Brit to head them

    By: Tom Kington ROME — Italy's Leonardo has announced a major shakeup of its management structure, which will see three of its seven divisions merged and entrusted to one of the firm's top British managers, Norman Bone. Reporting to CEO Alessandro Profumo, Bone will oversee a new Electronics Division, into which its Land & Naval Defence Electronics, Airborne & Space Systems, and Defence Systems divisions will be merged. Bone was previously the head of the Airborne & Space Systems division as well as chairman and managing director of Leonardo's U.K. operation. The Defense Systems division includes Leonardo's torpedo business, formerly known as WASS, and its cannon business, formerly known as Oto Melara. In a statement, Leonardo said the merging of the divisions was designed to “achieve suitable critical mass” in its electronics-related businesses. “This evolution will result in the organizational model being aligned with that of the main players in the market, ensuring an even more integrated development,” the firm said. Additionally, the firm's Air Traffic Control and Automation Systems businesses will be moved from the firm's Security & Information Systems Division to the new Electronics Division. The remainder of the Security & Information Systems division has been renamed the Cyber Security Division, and will be taken over on Jan. 21 by Barbara Poggiali, the firm said. Leonardo's three other divisions are Helicopters, Aircraft and Aerostructures. The shakeup is the latest stage in the consolidation of Leonardo's activities, which formerly existed as separate companies including AgustaWestland and Alenia. They were first transformed into divisions of the firm in 2016 as the company changed its name to Leonardo from Finmeccanica.

  • US Air Force set to launch 1st next-generation GPS satellite

    17 décembre 2018 | International, C4ISR

    US Air Force set to launch 1st next-generation GPS satellite

    By: Dan Elliott, The Associated Press DENVER — After months of delays, the U.S. Air Force is about to launch the first of a new generation of GPS satellites, designed to be more accurate, secure and versatile. But some of their most highly touted features will not be fully available until 2022 or later because of problems in a companion program to develop a new ground control system for the satellites, government auditors said. The satellite is scheduled to lift off Tuesday from Cape Canaveral, Florida, aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. It's the first of 32 planned GPS III satellites that will replace older ones now in orbit. Lockheed Martin is building the new satellites outside Denver. GPS is best-known for its widespread civilian applications, from navigation to time-stamping bank transactions. The Air Force estimates that 4 billion people worldwide use the system. But it was developed by the U.S. military, which still designs, launches and operates the system. The Air Force controls a constellation of 31 GPS satellites from a high-security complex at Schriever Air Force Base outside Colorado Springs. Compared with their predecessors, GPS III satellites will have a stronger military signal that's harder to jam — an improvement that became more urgent after Norway accused Russia of disrupting GPS signals during a NATO military exercise this fall. GPS III also will provide a new civilian signal compatible with other countries' navigation satellites, such as the European Union's Galileo system. That means civilian receivers capable of receiving the new signal will have more satellites to lock in on, improving accuracy. "If your phone is looking for satellites, the more it can see, the more it can know where it is," said Chip Eschenfelder, a Lockheed Martin spokesman. The new satellites are expected to provide location information that's three times more accurate than the current satellites. Current civilian GPS receivers are accurate to within 10 to 33 feet (3 to 10 meters), depending on conditions, said Glen Gibbons, the founder and former editor of Inside GNSS, a website and magazine that tracks global navigation satellite systems. With the new satellites, civilian receivers could be accurate to within 3 to 10 feet (1 to 3 meters) under good conditions, and military receivers could be a little closer, he said. Only some aspects of the stronger, jamming-resistant military signal will be available until a new and complex ground control system is available, and that is not expected until 2022 or 2023, said Cristina Chaplain, who tracks GPS and other programs for the Government Accountability Office. Chaplain said the new civilian frequency won't be available at all until the new control system is ready. The price of the first 10 satellites is estimated at $577 million each, up about 6 percent from the original 2008 estimate when adjusted for inflation, Chaplain said. The Air Force said in September it expects the remaining 22 satellites to cost $7.2 billion, but the GAO estimated the cost at $12 billion. The first GPS III satellite was declared ready nearly 2½ years behind schedule. The problems included delays in the delivery of key components, retesting of other components and a decision by the Air Force to use a Falcon 9 rocket for the first time for a GPS launch, Chaplain said. That required extra time to certify the Falcon 9 for a GPS mission. The new ground control system, called OCX, is in worse shape. OCX, which is being developed by Raytheon, is at least four years behind schedule and is expected to cost $2.5 billion more than the original $3.7 billion, Chaplain said. The Defense Department has struggled with making sure OCX meets cybersecurity standards, she said. A Pentagon review said both the government and Raytheon performed poorly on the program. Raytheon has overcome the cybersecurity problems, and the program has been on budget and on schedule for more than a year, said Bill Sullivan, a Raytheon vice president in the OCX system. Sullivan said the company is on track to deliver the system to the Air Force in June 2021, ahead of GAO's estimates. The Air Force has developed work-arounds so it can launch and use GPS III satellites until OCX is ready to go. While the first GPS III waits for liftoff in Florida, the second is complete and ready to be transported to Cape Canaveral. It sits in a cavernous "clean room" at a Lockheed Martin complex in the Rocky Mountain foothills south of Denver. It's expected to launch next summer, although the exact date hasn't been announced, said Jonathon Caldwell, vice president of Lockheed Martin's GPS program. Six other GPS satellites are under construction in the clean room, which is carefully protected against dust and other foreign particles. "It's the highest-volume production line in space," Caldwell said. For the first time, the Air Force is assigning nicknames to the GPS III satellites. The first one is Vespucci, after Amerigo Vespucci, the Italian navigator whose name was adopted by early mapmakers for the continents of the Western Hemisphere.

  • Sentient Vision aims to expand Cormorant search radar

    14 décembre 2018 | Local, Aérospatial

    Sentient Vision aims to expand Cormorant search radar

    by Chris Thatcher When the Department of National Defence (DND) finalizes the statement of work for the CH-149 Cormorant Mid-Life Upgrade (CMLU), Sentient Vision is hoping a visual detection and ranging (ViDAR) optical radar will be among the requirements. The Australian company has partnered with Heli-One, a Vancouver-based subsidiary of CHC Helicopter, to offer a Canadian manufactured version of what it says is a transformational search and rescue technology. “We've coined a phrase: lost at sea, found in seconds. The system we have developed is able to autonomously find people lost at sea in seconds,” Simon Olsen, director of business development, strategy and partnerships, told Skies. “It is truly transformational. It has the unique ability to detect very small things that virtually no other system in the world has.” Where traditional radar struggles to differentiate small objects such as a person or a rubber raft from the waves in most sea states, ViDAR has successfully demonstrated the ability to find almost all objects or persons. “A radar works on being able to have a response back from the object, so the object needs to stand out from the ocean environment,” explained Olsen. “If the object is very small, and especially if it doesn't have a radar cross-section, it can't get a response back. Hence, in most search and rescue environments, when you are looking for people at sea, a rubber raft or even a small canoe . . . we currently use beacons or transponders to get a rough location, and then rely on the Mark 1 eyeball.” That often involves a spotter in an aircraft monitoring about 0.1 nautical miles at a time. “With ViDAR, we can look out two to 2.5 nautical miles from that aircraft and have an almost 100 per cent certainty of finding every person lost at sea immediately,” he said. The Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) has been analyzing options for a life-extension program that would see the CH-149 fleet of 14 search and rescue helicopters remain in service until around 2040. The project secured long-term funding with the release of the Liberal government defence policy in June 2017. And a year later, in April 2018, Public Services and Procurement Canada posted a letter of notification (LoN) outlining its intent to conduct a sole-source negotiation with Leonardo, formerly AgustaWestland, to replace, modify or upgrade current and projected obsolete systems based on the Norwegian AW101-612 All-Weather Search and Rescue Helicopter (NAWSARH) model, which began entering service in December 2017. The LoN also indicated that the government would proceed with a plan to “augment” the current fleet by upgrading as many as seven of nine VH-71 aircraft, variants of the AW101, acquired from the U.S. government in 2011 ostensibly for spare parts. Olsen said the Canadian program presents an opportunity to not only work with a highly regarded Canadian partner, but also to develop and prove a solution that could then be exported to other military and civilian search and rescue programs. “If we have the opportunity to partner with [Team Cormorant] to supply this technology to the Canadian government, we see tremendous export appeal to other markets in which these helicopters operate,” he said of the team led by manufacturer Leonardo Helicopters and in-service support provider, IMP Aerospace & Defence. “We are configuring this to be able to retrofit it to existing aircraft of a similar kind.” The ViDAR hardware consists of a small, lightweight pod that can be mounted to multiple points on an aircraft and is then integrated with the onboard mission system. “We don't want to add any risk or complex technical integration, so we've focused on making it easy to integrate and use,” said Olsen. “Operationally, there is no new mission system, there's no new mapping system. All we do is send a location on a map and a thumbnail image of the object we find in the water. The operator can click that image and it slews the existing sensors they have on the aircraft to investigate that object.” It was still being developed when the Canadian government released the statement of requirements for the fixed-wing search and rescue project, but Olsen said ViDAR could be readily added to the Airbus CC295 when it enters service with the RCAF. Air Force members have seen the system in action and are well aware of the capability, he added. The U.S. Coast Guard conducted a “fairly exhaustive” trial in 2016 at which, of the various radars evaluated, “we were the only one that found 100 per cent search and rescue targets in a range of sea states,” he said. The Coast Guard subsequently incorporated it into its Insitu ScanEagle unmanned aerial platforms for counter-narcotics operations in the Caribbean and off the southern coast. ViDAR is also being employed by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority's Bombardier Challenger 604 jets in a search and rescue capacity. By partnering with Heli-One and CHC Helicopter, which operates an extensive global search and rescue network, Olsen said there is an opportunity to develop a solution with a Canadian stamp on it that the government can take ownership of and help to export. “With the unique relationship between Heli-One and CHC, we clearly see an opportunity to extend this, not just along the path of where the Cormorant goes with Leonardo, but to work with CHC on a range of search and rescue operations they have all around the world.”

  • Airbus, Dassault, Leonardo : le drone MALE européen sur la piste de décollage

    14 décembre 2018 | International, Aérospatial

    Airbus, Dassault, Leonardo : le drone MALE européen sur la piste de décollage

    Par Michel Cabirol L'Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en matière d'Armement a lancé le 31 octobre un appel d'offres portant sur le développement, la production et la phase initiale de maintien en condition opérationnelle du drone MALE européen. Le drone MALE européen est sur la piste de décollage. Le système européen de drone de moyenne altitude et longue endurance MALE RPAS (Medium Altitude Long Endurance Remotely Piloted Aerial System) a franchi le 22 novembre dernier une nouvelle étape importante avec la réalisation de la revue de conception préliminaire, ont annoncé jeudi les trois industriels Airbus, Dassault Aviation et Leonardo. D'ici le milieu de la prochaine décennie, le MALE RPAS, conçu pour opérer dans l'espace aérien non ségrégué, pourra être déployé dans le monde entier pour des missions de renseignement, surveillance, acquisition de cible et reconnaissance (ISTAR). "Ce succès majeur intervient après le lancement par l'Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en matière d'Armement (OCCAR) le 31 octobre d'un appel d'offres portant sur le développement, la production et la phase initiale de maintien en condition opérationnelle du programme", ont précisé les trois industriels dans le communiqué. Cette nouvelle étape permettra aux nations et aux industriels partenaires de commencer le développement du système avec des spécifications harmonisées et une vision claire de sa conception globale. Surtout, la question du prix va être importante mais pas déterminante pour le lancement du programme s'il y a bien sûr toujours une volonté politique. D'autant que l'Allemagne se serait engagée à prendre à son compte les surcoûts liés à la motorisation du MALE. Mi-2017, les pays partenaires avaient conclu un accord sur la configuration du drone, optant in fine pour un système biturbopropulseur. Résultat, la facture pourrait s'élever à plus de 2 milliards d'euros, soit plus du double de l'estimation d'un projet précédent (1 milliard d'euros). Airbus, maître d'oeuvre Désigné comme futur maître d'œuvre, Airbus Defence and Space coordonnera la réponse industrielle à l'appel d'offres avec les principaux sous-traitants : Airbus Defence and Space, Dassault Aviation SA et Leonardo. Airbus va passer un test grandeur nature, le groupe n'a jusqu'ici pas particulièrement brillé dans la conduite de certains grands programmes militaires, dont il a eu la maîtrise d'oeuvre (A400M, drone SIDM, hélicoptère NH90...). Et plus spécifiquement quand le groupe européen a lui-même dû développer des missions de défense dans ces programmes. Selon le communiqué, cet appel d'offres témoigne de la volonté des nations partenaires (France, Allemagne, Italie et Espagne) de poursuivre le programme "à l'issue d'une phase extrêmement fructueuse d'alignement des exigences et d'une démonstration convaincante de la qualité et de l'adéquation de la conception proposée à l'usage prévu". La revue de conception préliminaire du système conclut avec succèsl'étude de définition de deux ans lancée en septembre 2016 par les nations partenaires. Trois d'entre elles avaient signé en mai 2015 une déclaration d'intention en vue du développement commun d'un système de drone européen MALE, puis l'Espagne a rejoint le programme en 2016.

  • The Government of Canada reaffirms its commitment to Davie and its workers

    14 décembre 2018 | Local, Naval

    The Government of Canada reaffirms its commitment to Davie and its workers

    Canadian Coast Guard adds to its icebreaker fleet for first time in twenty five years LÉVIS, QC, Dec. 14, 2018 /CNW/ - Our Canadian waterways play a crucial role in our culture, history, and economy. Keeping these waterways safe and open for business is a priority for the Government of Canada. This is why we are ensuring that the Canadian Coast Guard is properly equipped for the important work it carries out on a daily basis in keeping Canadians and our Canadian waters safe. Today, the Minister of Public Services and Procurement and Accessibility, the Honourable Carla Qualtrough, and the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, the Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, on behalf of the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, and the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Finance and Member of Parliament for Louis-Hébert, Joël Lightbound, announced that the first of the three medium icebreakers recently built by Chantier Davie for the Canadian Coast Guard will be named CCGS CaptainMolly Kool. The expertise and the talent of Chantier Davie workers were in the limelight during that event, which highlighted the first floating of a Coast Guard icebreaker in twenty-five years. The Ministers and the Parliamentary Secretary have seized the opportunity to visit the shipyard and to meet the workers, in order to reiterate the importance of Chantier Davie for the Canadian shipbuilding industry. All three medium icebreakers, recently acquired by the Coast Guard, will undergo refit and conversion work at Chantier Davie in Lévis, Québec, to ensure they comply with Canadian regulatory and Coast Guard operational standards before entering the fleet. The first ship will allow the Coast Guard to provide essential services during the upcoming winter season, while the other two undergo refit projects. The namesake of the icebreaker, Captain Myrtle 'Molly' Kool, was the first woman in North America to become a master mariner. Myrtle Kool, known by everyone as Molly, was born in 1916 in Alma, New Brunswick. In 1937, she was the first woman in North America to become a licensed ship captain, and in 1939, was awarded her coastal master's certificate. CCGS Captain Molly Kool is part of the national Coast Guard fleet which carries out icebreaking duties in Atlantic Canada, the St. Lawrence and the Great Lakes, and Arctic regions. This icebreaker is the latest Coast Guard asset deployed to help ensure the safety of Canadian waterways and those who rely on them, both for recreational and commercial purposes. Quotes "Today, we are pleased to welcome CCGS Captain Molly Kool into the Canadian Coast Guard fleet. This icebreaker will provide essential support to the shipping industry, while keeping Canadians safe along our waterways. Canadians can be proud of the men and women of our Coast Guard, and the important work they carry out from coast, to coast, to coast." The Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans, and the Canadian Coast Guard "CCGS Captain Molly Kool is a welcome and much needed addition into the Canadian Coast Guard fleet. Congratulations to the skilled workers of Chantier Davie for their excellent work in bringing this ship into service for the upcoming icebreaking season. This project is yet another example of how the National Shipbuilding Strategy is supporting jobs and prosperity in communities across Canada, including here in Quebec." The Honourable Carla Qualtrough, Minister of Public Services and Procurement and Accessibility "I am proud to be here with my colleague the Minister of Public Services and Procurement and Accessibility, and my colleague the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Finance and Member of Parliament for Louis-Hébert, in order to highlight the excellent work achieved by the Chantier Davie workers on CCGS Captain Molly Kool. The importance of the Chantier Davie for the Canadian shipbuilding industry and for our region's economy is undeniable. The high quality of the refit and conversion work conducted on CCGS Captain Molly Kool is another example of our workers' exceptional know-how. Together, we can consider the future with confidence.." The Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development Quick Facts CCGS Captain Molly Kool measures 93.7 metres in length, and has a beam of 18 metres. It is classified as a medium icebreaker, and can maintain a speed of 3 knots through ice up to 1 metre thick. In addition to icebreaking, the ship will support other Coast Guard programs, such as Search and Rescue and Environmental Response Icebreakers are crucial to Coast Guard services, the safety of mariners, protection of coastal waters, and efficient transport of people and goods through Canada's waterways.

  • Trade tribunal puts frigate program back on track

    14 décembre 2018 | Local, Naval

    Trade tribunal puts frigate program back on track

    Murray Brewster · CBC News The federal government's plan to award to a group of companies led by Lockheed Martin Canada the contract to design and support the construction of the navy's new frigates has been — nominally — put back on track. The Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) has rescinded an order, issued late last month, that prevented the signing of the deal. The decision to reverse course was made Monday after Public Services and Procurement Canada "certified in writing that the ... procurement is urgent and that a delay in awarding the contract would be contrary to the public interest," according to a copy of the ruling. The decision opens the way for the government to finalize the contract, which is still under negotiation. The Lockheed Martin Canada-led team was selected in October as the preferred bidder after a nearly two-year-long competition to select an off-the-shelf design for the 15 new warships that eventually will replace the navy's frigates. One of the competitors, Alion, asked the CITT to investigate the procurement deal, saying the preferred warship design will need substantial changes and doesn't meet the navy's requirements as spelled out in the government tender. The company also has asked the Federal Court in a separate filing for a judicial review of the long-awaited decision. That case is still pending. The federal government hopes to be able to sign a contract this winter. The order to postpone implementing a deal could have had a devastating impact on the $60 billion program, which already has suffered a series of delays. One of the biggest concerns involved an anticipated production slowdown at the go-to shipyard for warship construction, Irving Shipbuilding in Halifax. The federal government is expecting gap of, possibly, 18 months between the completion of the Arctic Offshore Patrol Ships and the beginning of construction on the new frigates, known as Canadian Surface Combatants. The Liberal government has attempted to mitigate the slowdown by confirming the construction of six Arctic patrol ships. Further delays to the new frigates would have made that worse.

  • DARPA: Bringing Advanced Microelectronics to Revolutionary Defense Applications

    14 décembre 2018 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    DARPA: Bringing Advanced Microelectronics to Revolutionary Defense Applications

    Today's critical Department of Defense (DOD) systems and platforms rely on advanced electronics to address national security objectives. To help tackle obstacles facing a half-century of electronics advancement, DARPA launched the Electronics Resurgence Initiative (ERI) – a five-year, upwards of $1.5 billion investment in the future of domestic electronic systems. In November, DARPA expanded ERI with the announcement of ERI Phase II, which seeks to further enmesh the technology needs and capabilities of the defense enterprise with the commercial and manufacturing realities of the electronics industry. One key focus of ERI Phase II is on developing connections between the various ERI programs and their potential defense applications. On Wednesday, December 19, DARPA therefore plans to host a Proposers Day to convene leaders within the defense industry base (DIB) to discuss opportunities to further develop and demonstrate ERI's technological advances for DOD needs. During the event, DARPA program managers will share their ideas for potential ERI defense applications, which include but are not limited to autonomy and artificial intelligence, large-scale emulation, cybersecurity, space applications, cognitive electronic warfare, and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR). To foster further dialogue and collaboration, attendees will have a chance to provide input on how best to support the transition of electronics innovations into national defense hardware. The Proposers Day will also support the development of a potential broad agency announcement (BAA) focused on defense transitions. Tentatively titled “Electronics Resurgence Initiative: Defense Applications (ERI:DA)”, the BAA would solicit innovative proposals to develop, demonstrate, and apply emerging ERI electronic technologies to deliver significant impact on DOD capabilities. “The success of ERI relies on cooperation with the commercial sector to address shared problems. However, as a DARPA effort, ERI must also demonstrate that its research findings bolster our nation's defenses and help create strategic surprise,” said Dr. William Chappell, director of DARPA's Microsystems Technology Office (MTO). “Through the ERI:DA Proposers Day and potential BAA, DARPA seeks to procure the expertise and transition support of industry and the defense community to help accelerate the delivery of ERI-derived innovations for national security needs.” The Electronic Resurgence Initiative: Defense Applications Proposers Day will take place on Wednesday, December 19, 2018 from 9:00am to 4:00pm EST, at the Hilton Arlington, 950 N Stafford St, Arlington, Virginia. Advanced registration is required. For those unable to attend in person, registered attendees may access the event via a livestream link available on the registration page. For more information, please visit:

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